nettime bio-products trade

2011-08-03 Thread
Police in Istanbul have 'taken into custody' several people thought to be
involved in the illegal trade in body parts in Turkey. They organisers of
the trades are alleged to have used facebook as the means of marketing for
sellers and maybe buyers. The page was still up last night on facebook.

Here's a link to an English version news article

As a visual artist just starting a project on the intersections between the
historic means and manner of trade and the contemporary for stuff like
bio-products, its almost hard to believe that a story like this is not too
good to be true or is it a giant hoax, hard to tell.  

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Re: nettime Emblem for the International Criminal Court: Iustitiae Languor

2011-08-03 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Am 02.08.2011 15:08, schrieb Tjebbe van Tijen:

Indictment for Gaddafi but not (yet) for Assad makes one wonder

It is NOT the business of the ICC to protect human rights but to punish 
certain crimes and those crimes are in the same sphere of 
international politics as the UNSC and Assad. International penal law 
may have played a good role in the case of former Yougoslavia but in 
general it is political kitsch. Artist should not contribute to this.

One does not need the example of Assad to laugh about the indictment 
against Gaddafi, the case of Bashir is enough.

Some years ago everybody was talking of Empire. Who is more to blame for 
the massacres in Sudan, Bashir or those who gave weapons to the people 
in the South?

There are terrible things happening everywhere but international penal 
law is not the answer. We have to compare cases, as you did with Gaddafi 
and Assad, and do what is doable on an equal basis.

As the Romans said of the law: Est autem a iustitia appelatum: nam, ut 
eleganter Celsus definit, ius est ars boni et aequi (D. 1, 1, 1, pr.),


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