Robots vs. Humans...Hi

2013-04-21 Thread nettime's_spam_kr!k!t
  [Orig From: "Vo Dang Tung" 

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MicrosoftInternetExplorer4  Robots vs. Humans...

[2:57:24 AM] Brian Price: It's no stretch of the imagination to think that

could replace humans.

It's already happening in a lot of industries. People are

Getting laid off left and right from factory jobs, where a

Robot will do certain things faster, better, and with less

Fussing than a man would...

Machines [http://XXX.XX.XX.XXX:6077/link.php?M=5072519&N=919&L=501&F=T]
don't "question" instructions and direction

That they're given. You tell them what to do, and they

Just get it done.

Fear and doubt doesn't affect a machine from getting

Started. You enter in the command and off it goes to

Do its j.o.b.

Now when things DO go wrong, and they always do,

That???s where the power of being a human comes into


You can actually think, analyze the situation, and

Change course or direction at will. You can think on

Your toes and adapt to your environment as needed.

And that's power. The truth is, that we're far superior

to any robot or machine, and we always will be.

When you think about moving the right direction in

Your life though, I think sometimes, you need to

Think more like a robot...

When you're given a proven system
[http://XXX.XX.XX.XXX:6077/link.php?M=5072519&N=919&L=501&F=T], you then

question yourself or the process. You just do it.

You don't let fear of the unknown, or the fear of

Failure creeps in and stops you. You just implement.

You're simply a lean mean action taking machine!

Today, I challenge you to start a system, and like

A robot, doesn???t doubt, don't fear, don't over analyze.

Just... get... started.

Here's a "proven plan" that if you will follow step

by step, I'm 210% confident that you will be


Click the link below and get at it:

Robots vs Human...


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Illuminati (New World Order)

2013-04-21 Thread nettime's_spam_kr!k!t

Orig From: "Illuminati" 

Good day

Do you have financial problem? If yes, your problem has ended. Are
you interested in being a member of a fraternity that offers you MONEY
POWER RESPECT and FAME and more.. Do you want to be a member of the

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#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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the HASTAC docx file as rtf - this might be easier

2013-04-21 Thread Alan Sondheim

Hi - some people couldn't open the 
file; please try - this might be easier. 
Both will probably download the file to your download directory; it should be 
easy to open from there. Feedback welcomed.

Thanks, Alan

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FCC chairman personally grants exemption from obscenity rules to patriots

2013-04-21 Thread David Mandl
...or maybe all people who "speak from the heart."



Boston Red Sox slugger David Ortiz got the Federal Communications =
Commission's seal of approval after he dropped an F-bomb in a pre-game =
speech that was broadcast on live television. Ortiz's R-rated remarks =
were delivered on the field at Fenway Park before the first Red Sox home =
game since Monday's bombing at the Boston Marathon.=20

"This is our fucking city," Ortiz said. "And nobody gonna dictate our =
freedom. Stay strong. Thank you."

The FCC regulates "obscenity, indecency and profanity" on radio and =
television and often issues fines for on-air swearing. However, FCC =
Chairman Julius Genachowski issued a statement of support for Ortiz on =
the agency's official Twitter account after the game.

"David Ortiz spoke from the heart at today's Red Sox game. I stand with =
Big Papi and the people of Boston," Genachowski wrote.

Dave Mandl
Twitter: @dmandl
Instagram: dmandl

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Reply: nettime-l Digest, Vol 67, Issue 15+ - Still UncleScrooge Coins?

2013-04-21 Thread CG
It's time to recover lessons from useful past and don't follows 
Snowhite's and other Mirrors funnies.
Since Feuerbach, we understand exactly what is "subject" and 
"predicate", even if periodically neoidealism, bergsonism, proudhonism, 
heideggerism and other irrational-isms (fully analytics but zero 
substances) try to cook the same old smog. I understand that now is 
impossible to read, tweeting or tubing, papers like "Das Kap" and, with 
the risk to "keep it too much simple", maybe useful for Jasnaja Poljana 
or J.Dewey "kommunist" last-survived school only, here some suggestions 
from strange humans.
"Salary ("handcraft, even with the pen !") and capital ("slot machines' 
watermelons") ARE in opposition" (Saint Simon).
"In response to Philosophy of misery, here is a book, my justfriend Joe: 
"The misery of philosophy", so you can easily  apply leftwing hegelian 
method (by a such socratic type, but with heavy beard, husband of an 
unknown Jenny von Westphalen).
"Don't make the old mistake to exchange the products of drunkless mind 
with the symbolic ones coming from the hungedhumans tree (an entity 
that  use to play "big bangs", talking to a neocon named Adam ... Smith, 

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#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
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Yanis Varoufakis: Greek Banksters in Action

2013-04-21 Thread nettime's_roving_reporter

Greek Banksters in Action: On the latest twist in the story of
mafia-style terror spreading through the Greek polity

   19 Apr

   Last November I posted a piece entitled A Small Victory for Press
   Freedom in Greece's Struggle against Cleptocracy. That story concerned
   the courageous decision of Kostas Vaxevanis, one of Greece's few,
   valiant investigative reporters, to publish the so-called Lagarde List;
   the list of Swiss bank account holders that Greece's political class
   did its utmost to keep hidden, to pretend that either it never existed
   or that it had been `misplaced'. Since then, Vaxevanis has been
   arrested by Special Branch officers, was tried in the Greek Courts, was
   acquitted triumphantly, and, more recently, awarded one of
   international journalism's top awards.

   In an earlier piece, last July, (entitled Bankruptocracy in the
   Greek Sector of Bailoutistan) I had drawn my readers' attention to the
   remarkable revelations of Reuters' Stephen Grey regarding the ponzi
   scheme put together by Greek bankers for the purposes of usurping
   Europe's bank recapitalisation rules, pretending that they managed to
   draw private capital into their insolvent banks which never really
   existed. My piece castigated the Greek media for maintaining a veil of
   silence on these corrupt and criminal practices, while highlighting the
   troika's curious lack of interest in the shenanigans of bankers who are
   receiving billions of European taxpayers' money (in the process of the
   so-called `recapitalisation' process).

   Today's post links these two stories together in a manner that you,
   dear reader, will find startling, worrying, enraging, disconcerting. It
   comprises, mainly, the summary of a letter that Kostas Vaxevanis sent
   to a London based journalist last week (the translation and summarising
   from the Greek original is mine). With this letter Vaxevanis sought
   support, advice and an opportunity of spreading the news of the dire
   situation faced by Greeks (citizens and journalists) who refuse to keep
   silent in the face of deep seated, criminal corruption. I urge you to
   read on.

   "In May 2012, I investigated the functioning of Greek banks, with
   special emphasis on a certain Greek Bank (The Bank henceforth) and its
   Chairman (The Chairman). I found that The Chairman's family members
   were the secret owners of a number of offshore companies that would
   receive loans from the bank without any real collateral. These loans
   would then: (a) be written off as unserviceable, or (b) be used to buy
   office space that would immediately be resold to other parties which
   would then lease them to The Bank or sell them to The Bank at inflated
   prices. In addition, other offshore companies were used by The Chairman
   to borrow substantial amounts from two other Greek banks, again with no
   collateral, for the purposes of buying shares The Bank (thus helping
   the bank demonstrate its capacity to draw in private capital). Since
   then the owner of one of these two other banks has been imprisoned (on
   different charges) while the second bank involved has played a central
   role in bringing down the Cypriot banking system (after its merger with
   one of the island's now collapsed banks and the transfer of its
   headquarters from Greece to Cyprus).

   After the publication of these two investigative pieces, photographs of
   Stephen Grey (the Reuters investigative reporter who broke a part of
   this story to an international audience), were published in various
   websites with the caption: "The man who came to destroy Greece". Worse
   still, the same blogs circulated a `document' which `showed' that I was
   on the payroll of the Greek state's intelligence services. I managed to
   defuse this campaign of defamation by writing extensively about it in
   the press.

   On 11^th September 2012, late at night, a group of 4 or 5 people staked
   out my home. It was only accidentally that I avoided being ambushed (my
   motorcycle had a flat tire and I thus returned home in a friend's car).
   Upon noticing the stalkers I called the police and asked them to come
   quietly. The police arrived noisily and went to a nearby house first,
   thus giving the men plenty of time to make their escape. For days, the
   police refused to investigate properly or to call eyewitnesses to make
   a statement (later, after I published the story, they did). Since then,
   I have been denied police protection (unlike most other journalists)
   and have had to resort to private security.

   Soon after the failed ambush, a woman visited my office insisting that
   I should see her to discuss "the bankers' designs" on me. I decided to
   meet with her. She was a frightened woman who claimed to be in grave