Re: nettime Adam Curtis: BUGGER

2013-08-12 Thread Sean Cubitt
The history of the British secret state's incompetence is a rich field. Ezra 
Pound and WB Yeats were arrested as foreign agents while out walking during the 
time they spent at Stone Cottage near the Sussex coast. The incident is 
memorable because of Yeats' involvement in the renewal of interest in the 
Romantic poet William Blake, who was arrested on spying charges while on a 
sketching trip on the Medway in Kent, and again in Sussex on a charge of 
sedition. When Pound was arrested again for his sympathies with Mussolini 
(though not for his virulent anti-semitism) he noted that free speech without 
free radio speech is as nothing'. Lessons everywhere

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Re: nettime Adam Curtis: BUGGER

2013-08-12 Thread John Jordan
The more recent history of spies in the revolutionary ecology movements and 
antifascist, animal rights  groups in the UK is somewhat less of a farce - for 
those interested in contemporary history of spying a must read is UNDEERCOVER: 
THE TRUE STORY OF BRITAINS SECRET POLICE.. by paul lewis and rob evans who have 
worked with us activist who had the pleasure of being comrades with the spies, 
some for 7 years,  whose moto turned out to be - remember they are your 
targets not your friends.


On 12 Aug 2013, at 10:27, Sean Cubitt wrote:

 The history of the British secret state's incompetence is a rich field.
 Ezra Pound and WB Yeats were arrested as foreign agents while out walking
 during the time they spent at Stone Cottage near the Sussex coast. The
 incident is memorable because of Yeats' involvement in the renewal of
 interest in the Romantic poet William Blake, who was arrested on spying
 charges while on a sketching trip on the Medway in Kent, and again in
 Sussex on a charge of sedition. When Pound was arrested again for his
 sympathies with Mussolini (though not for his virulent anti-semitism) he
 noted that free speech without free radio speech is as nothing'. Lessons


Notre livre-film Les Sentiers de L'utopie (Editions Zones/La D?couverte 2011)
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