Re: The secret financial market only robots can see

2013-09-28 Thread David Mandl
To restate what Brian wrote, in five times as many words:

I think it's easy (and *usually* reasonable) to say, "This thing that's 
happening now, and the backlash against it, is just like such-and-such a thing 
that happened 100 years ago, and all that fuss turned out to be very silly."

So, whenever someone says, "Everything used to be so wonderful (especially when 
I was young). The whole world's going down the toilet now!" it's a good idea to 
point out that people in Chaucer's and Plautus's times were saying the exact 
same thing. People in the Old Testament got all teary-eyed for the good old 

One contemporary example is the ever-popular "buggy-whip manufacturer," an 
analogy loved by Libertarian types. "Science matches on! There will always be 
people clinging to a useless, outdated past. We've seen this again and again. 
Deal with it--and learn HTML5."

Another is GMOs, where some people make the argument that, when you get right 
down to it, inserting pig genes into a tomato is really not all that different 
from transplanting a bean plant with a pair of household scissors. (This is a 
deliberately extreme example. No need to point that out.)

Another might be the sexualization of children. If I note that explicit videos, 
sexting, and all the rest are bad for kids you could make the argument that 
this is no different from the fuss about Elvis or women wearing dresses above 
the knee, and we all know how ridiculous those controversies turned out to be.

But is it possible that the thing happening now might really be qualitatively 
different from the "identical" thing that happened 100 years ago? I think it's 
important to leave that possibility open, though we know that being "objective" 
about the world we're immersed in is basically impossible. Maybe 999,999 times 
out of a million you're just being old and crabby. But there can be that one 
time where things really did take a permanent turn for the worse, and being 
able to spot that, or at least try to, is crucial. Did all the supposed horrors 
of Reaganism turn out to be a big nothing in light of Bushism? ("Reagan would 
be considered a liberal Democrat today!") Is what's happening now with 
financial markets, income inequality, and the rest of it the same old thing we 
saw in the late 19th century and the 1920s--both of which we "recovered" from?

I'd at least entertain the possibility that what's going on with financial 
markets now is qualitatively different and in some ways irreversible *given the 
corporate and government structures in place today*. And btw, I also think 
sexualization of kids in the early 21st c. is a very real and frightening 
problem (and I'm allegedly a Reichian).

So getting back to the subject at hand, I think algorithmic trading was 
destined to "fail" in the long term, the same way interest-rate arbitrage and 
early program-trading in the '80s eventually "failed." By definition, the way 
these things work is: (1) I come up with a formula that takes advantage of some 
"inefficiency" in the financial markets; (2) I and a few other early adopters 
print money for a few years trading on that; (3) everyone else catches on, and 
an arms race begins; (4) that inefficiency disappears because everyone's doing 
the same thing; (5) a bunch of people take a bath--perhaps taking the economy 
down with them, but that's another story; and (6) we dump this losers' 
strategy, go back to (1), and start again.

I think a lot of what's happened in the markets recently really is 
qualitatively different, and algorithmic trading is an example of that. 
Super-complex derivative products are another. Whether traders eventually 
abandon those things and move on doesn't matter much, IMO. The way markets work 
now is rigged in various extreme ways, such that only a small group of people 
with very esoteric technology or human capital can make money at all, and most 
other people will get shafted as never before. I'm not talking about a Golden 
Age of capitalism--I'm saying any microscopic cracks or safe havens that might 
have existed before are now gone. Think of the way that so many workers in the 
US have had unions, welfare, etc. to at least protect them from starving. Those 
things will be gone soon if a certain of group of people has its way. And no, 
I'm definitely not saying things are hopeless, just hopeless under the system 
we have now, whatever you want to call it.

BTW, I've worked with complex derivatives and high-speed trading systems. The 
people behind them would say (publicly) that they're simply "providing 
liquidity to the market." They think what they're doing is essentially the same 
as what happened under the Buttonwood Tree in the late 18th century:

...which, of course, is bullshit.



On Sep 26, 2013, at 6:21 PM, Brian Holmes  

> Hi Chad -
> First off, not to worry, I recall good interactions with you and I 
> respect y

Re: The secret financial market only robots can see

2013-09-28 Thread Keith Hart
Dave, I am with you and Brian on this one, so I hope this doesn't come
across as merely scholastic. It is not about same vs different, but about
difference-in-sameness or the other way round.

There was a rather sterile episode in economic anthropology along these
lines known as the formalist-substantivist debate. But it's ancestor was
the Methodenstreit (battle over methods) in late the 19th century
German-speaking world. The issue was whether the ancient Greek economy was
the same as or different from contemporary German capitalism (Schmoller in
Berlin vs Menger in Vienna). Max Weber entered the fray saying "We wouldn't
be interested in the Greeks unless they were different and we couldn't
understand them unless they were in some sense the same".

I share your irritation with the same-old people, but we have to place our
times in history and that means dialectic.


On Saturday, 28 September 2013, David Mandl wrote:

> To restate what Brian wrote, in five times as many words:
> I think it's easy (and *usually* reasonable) to say, "This thing that's
> happening now, and the backlash against it, is just like such-and-such a
> thing that happened 100 years ago, and all that fuss turned out to be very
> silly".

Prof. Keith Hart
135 rue du Faubourg Poissonniere
75009 Paris, France
Cell: +33684797365

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