FYI [presentation video] The Citizen Network - X Party is grooving

2013-10-27 Thread Simona Levi
   We  are a group of Spanish activists and citizens involved in a new
   political initiative called 'Red Ciudadana Partido X' (Citizen Network
   -  X Party). You might have read some of the articles published about
 us in English-speaking media [1] [2] [3] or some of the references
   appeared in academic or activist sites [4] [5]. Anyway, you can find
   more information about this project at our webpage [6]. Many of us have
   been involved in the M15 Indignados movement in Spain, which has deeply
   transformed  the Spanish political scene.

   We have spent more than one year developing a 'prototype' of a citizen
   network that could be able to pose a threat to the duopoly of Spanish
   main parties. For the last several months we have been building that
   network, which now includes thousands of people and active nodes in
   many of the main Spanish cities.

   Last October 8 we organized a public presentation of the project in
   Madrid and six other Spanish cities that was attended by around 1000
   people and was watched by more than 10 000 viewers over the Internet.
   You can watch a video summary of the event in Youtube [7] (English
   subtitles available):




   [4] [5]

   [5] [6]

   [7] [8]

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Re: John Naughton: Edward Snowden: public indifference

2013-10-27 Thread John Hopkins

Hallo August -

The current challenge, however, is first cultural, economic and
political, then technical. Unless we can set aside some institutional
support to build public electronic infrastructures that cater to users
without the data surveillance and without major pressure from industry
(again, like the internet), then we won't even get a chance to meet
the technical challenge. Under current cultural momentum, this is
unlikely to happen at the government or the University level (like it
did with the Internet). Nor is it likely in the so-called free-market.

I think this is now the core problem -- that constructing 'another' 
infrastructure (either from scratch or piggy-backing on existing (tottering!) 
systems) is simply not going to happen. No matter what social entity desires it. 
Even replacing the (aging) existing one is not possible. I read somewhere that 
for the US Interstate Highway system to be rebuilt (as it is in desperate need 
of after much of it exceeding its engineered life already) would have a direct 
energy cost of the equivalent of all Saudi oil reserves. This emphasizes that 
any wide-scaled infrastructure depends on the availability of significant 
(hydrocarbon) energy resources (a fact that, for example completely ignored by 
the 'hydrogen' economy people!).  In a world where the US (or anybody else) was 
dominant and could gather the necessary energy resources, this was possible 
(i.e., 1960 USA). But now it is not. There is too much competition for shrinking 
resources. Even in an optimistic scenario with wide international cooperation 
(hah!), constructing any social infrastructure of a standardized scale that 
reaches a majority of the planet's population is not really possible, given 
basic energy resource restraints.

This energy/resource question is a necessary precursor to cultural, economic, 
and political considerations and is the primary constraint on the technical 
challenge. (The issue of, for example, overall energy consumption of 'The Cloud' 
is going to hit the wall at some point in the (nearer future), an issue that 
will change that diffuse paradigm into a wet rag, or simply more dramatic global 
climate shifting...)

As for the indifference, I think Allan touches on some sources. And perhaps 
indifference isn't quite the right expression. Stunned silence, as individuals 
in the US are beginning to understand that the juggernaut they have been riding 
in is not under their ideological control (as land of the free, home of the 
brave), perhaps never was -- something like Kennedy's riding on the tiger's 
back... That the platitudes of Amurikan exceptionalism that have bolstered many 
a citizens self-image are empty of any moral substance.

And we all fall down...

Not with a bang but with a whimper...



Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
ensconced, unarmed and dangerous, in an
ultra-conservative stronghold

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Re: John Naughton: Edward Snowden: public indifference

2013-10-27 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Very good question. And why is the NSA bad? I read their budged and I
liked it.

Am 26.10.2013 20:44, schrieb

> Why is surveillance bad? How does it affect one's life in unambiguous
> terms? What really happens to the victims of surveillance?

They dont have to write CVs anymore.

A bigger problem are personalised news and oversimplification. Computers
and human dignity. We are all unique, arent we?


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