Re: nettime Reframing the Creative Question

2015-03-17 Thread allan siegel

Thank you Brian for your latest post.

The issues you raise are certainly relevant these days; as they were in the 
past. An unfortunate problem is that the ‘organised Left’, or its 
half-organised versions, have used ‘culture’ and the voices of the ‘creative 
class’ in mostly opportunistic ways. One might also say that many voices of the 
creative class have used the Left opportunistically also. Perhaps these are 
only my simple-minded observations and that more to the point is the way we 
understand or envision “cultures of resistance”. On the one hand there is a 
tendency to mystify forms of social consciousness that propel change and on the 
other to place such consciousness in to the most dogmatic archaic categories… 
What propels capitalism in all its variants, what seems to neutralise revolt, 
is the propagation of various forms of false consciousness - the endless spam 
of counter-intuitive logic that litters consumer societies. Ultimately, and via 
various forms of negation, the pervasiveness of false consciousness seems to be 
upended by a kind of re-awakening of a collective memory that shouts: “wait a 
minute, there is another way.” We’ve seen that in the various movements that 
have arisen since the most recent financial crisis but find countless examples 
of this re-awakening throughout history. Now, to the point, what is disastrous 
is to see processes of change simply in economic terms - as a revolt against 
neoliberal values, social conditions - the shallow rhetoric of the Labour Party 
in the UK is a great, pathetic, example of this. Cultures of resistance, voices 
of change, a more expansive social horizon, do not appear, come into being, as 
a product of some creative class but emanate from a more nuanced, 
multi-dimensional social reality. 

Just some brief comments on your post.


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nettime A special mascot/character costume for the park

2015-03-17 Thread nettime's_spam_kr!k!t
Dear nettime

Thanks very much for your time.this is David,the customer manger of __
 which design and make mascot/character costume,inflatable,cosplay

Our work can help you to improve the effect of publicity and image of
your can be used in your park.

We can do custom according to your logo,artwork,concept sketch and your
detail request any you like style.

Would you want spend a llittle time to understand our service?

Looking forward to your response

Best regards


skype: [__]
Design site:
TEL: US 01-315--___  HK 0852-- CN 086-400--___

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