Re: #jakegate explained ... by a Dummy

2016-10-15 Thread Morlock Elloi

This is a good overview, there is an obvious need for more dummies.

The 'poor and sexy' is one product of fractional distillation of 
precarity, with low boiling point (the less sexy ones have to serve as 
drivers or taskrabbits.)

As the article states, there is no involvement from the base structure 
of the society in active opposition to surveillance and related 
manipulations. The flamboyant sexy and poor are officially designated to 
be tending the light of the resistance, it seems to everyone's 
convenience, to the point where they are being funded by their nominal 
adversaries. But the lack of structural penetration makes them more or 
less placebo-like, not just in symbolic sense, but also in the deep 
technical sense. It's all a spectacle.

Possibly the real core of Appelbaum's transgression is just that: 
realizing and uncovering the spectacle, being a traitor. The rest follows.

The monopoly of the resistance to the surveillance state has to be taken 
from the sexy and poor - those have already peaked. Ugly, unfucked and 
moderately rich need to take part, as they are also affected, or soon 
will be. The fraction of society that actually benefits from the 
surveillance is getting tinier and tinier with technological advances - 
it's very unlikely that you are in that fraction even if you own few 
houses and a stable of V8s.

Resistance may be the answer to what has probably become the essential
constitutional issue of our times, but I am afraid not to see a
positive outcome evolving unless it mutates into a real law and order
problem for the powers that be. And this is in my view exactly the
point where the above mentioned organisations and their associates,
supporters, and techie-activists fail to enact the effective mix of
political strategy, street-level tactics, and technological fixes,
usually by prioritizing the last option at the expense of the two

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Re: Hackaton exploring the digital landscape

2016-10-15 Thread Andreas Broeckmann
Is it perhaps part of the political problem of our time

... that some people actually believe that it is possible to change and 
repair social and political structures that have evolved over decades, 
within just a brief period of time, -- if only the collaborating 
"developers, hackers, artists, designers, psychologists, marketeers" 
have the right ideas and enough Club Mate to, for instance, "Redesign 
the Netherlands in 48 hours"?

... and that the loud-mouthed can then publically demand such changes, 
even against all democratic structures and their, at times, healthy 
latency, and against political reason...

... and that, as can be observed for instance in Hungary and Poland, a 
whole country and its carefully constructed post-dictatorship structures 
can actually be "redesigned", if not in 48 hours, but then in 48 months. 
(And the "designers" here are not the happy precariate, but right-wing 
populists and thugs with their own "psychologists and marketeers".)

ruminating on a saturday morning,

ps: are the new designers of submission, Orban, Kaczyński, and their 
ilk, accelerationists?

Am 13.10.16 um 15:42 schrieb renepare:

> "Redesign the Netherlands in 48 hours "

> Develop new applications to achieve and maintain a safe, healthy and social 
> environment.
> Technology, data, IT and media can help to realize much of the goals of the 
> new Dutch "Environmental Planning Act" (one law for the total physical 
> environment):
> ● Residents gain more influence over their own environment
> ● Governments, businesses and citizens work together for a (better) 
> design of the surroundings
> Will you join forces with other developers, hackers, artists, designers, 
> psychologists, marketeers to make a leap forward with new technology? 

> To work on a Netherlands more pleasant and livable all together? 

> Join the Hackathon by reading the program and register via:
> You will be able to work with experts and data from the Province of North 
> Brabant, Municipality of Eindhoven and DataLand. With ICT you can explore 
> the specific challenges or develop your own concept.
> The event is part of Dutch Design Week, and will draw attention from press 
> and government innovators. A follow up with partners involved in this 
> program is encouraged.
> ___
> nettime-ann mailing list

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The crushing of independent press in Hungary

2016-10-15 Thread János Sugár

Hungary's Left-Wing Paper Suspended Days After Breaking News

Protests in Hungary at closure of main leftwing opposition newspaper

Newspaper Closes in Hungary, and Hungarians See Government's Hand

The crushing of independent press in Hungary


the ex journalists of _népszabadság_ will edit 
the next edition of the budapest street paper:

Protestaktion: Obdachlose Redaktion gestaltet 
Sonderausgabe der Budapester Obdachlosenzeitung


The latest attacks on journalists and news 
organizations by corrupt populists are 
contributing to a global rollback of fundamental 

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