Re: Hackaton exploring the digital landscape

2016-10-16 Thread Florian Cramer
   Since about half a decade, these types of events have become typical
   for the Netherlands and its particular flavor of creative industries.
   Initially, "hackathons" had little to do with hacker culture since they
   adopted (or even hijacked) the term hacking in a broadly metaphorical
   sense. Today, the lines have become blurred as Dutch hacker spaces have
   become involved in hackathon culture. Conversely, new kinds of hacker
   spaces have sprung up that are rooted in hackathon culture, design and
   creative industries rather than in hacktivism or old school hacker

   This needs to be seen from the larger background of the Dutch creative
   sector struggling to be noticed as socially, politically and
   economically relevant ever since the greater visions of Dutch Design
   collapsed with the financial crisis in 2008 and subsequent arts funding
   budget cuts (which indirectly also affected commercial design, since
   many design bureaus got their most prestigious assignments from arts
   institutions). The rise of technology universities as competitors to
   established arts and design schools, and increasingly claiming the
   terrain of "design" and creative industries for themselves, did the

   If you live in the Netherlands, these kind of events have become so
   commonplace that you need a medium like Nettime to remind you of their

   On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 1:50 PM, Andreas Broeckmann 
<[1]> wrote:

 Is it perhaps part of the political problem of our time
 ... that some people actually believe that it is possible to change
 and repair social and political structures that have evolved over
 decades, within just a brief period of time, -- if only the collaborating
 "developers, hackers, artists, designers, psychologists, marketeers"
 have the right ideas and enough Club Mate to, for instance, "Redesign
 the Netherlands in 48 hours"?"

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Re: Hackaton exploring the digital landscape

2016-10-16 Thread seb olma
Patrice, Andreas,

It’s painful to see these charades continuing but in a way, it also
isn’t very surprising. There is tho, without any doubt, a strong
connection between the celebration of digitally enhanced changeless
change and the authoritarian ‘acceleration’ in the name of the people. I
found this image a few days ago. The sentence right in the middle could
have been taken out of a Clay Shirkey book circa 2005. Or, if you
replace ‘Twitter’ with ‘Blockchain’ it could even jump right out of a
recent nettime discussion. Just saying….  


- -
Sebastian Olma
Professor for Autonomy in Art, Design & Technology 
Centre for Art & Design
Avans Hogeschool | Avans University of Applied Sciences 
4800 RA Breda |
tel. +31 657334184 | skype. sebolma | twitter. @sebastianolma

Out in November: In Defence of Serendipity 
a preface by Mark Fisher 

> On Oct 15, 2016, at 1:50 PM, Andreas Broeckmann  
> wrote:
> Is it perhaps part of the political problem of our time
> ... that some people actually believe that it is possible to change and 
> repair social and political structures that have evolved over decades, 
> within just a brief period of time, -- if only the collaborating 
> "developers, hackers, artists, designers, psychologists, marketeers" 
> have the right ideas and enough Club Mate to, for instance, "Redesign 
> the Netherlands in 48 hours"?
> ... and that the loud-mouthed can then publically demand such changes, 
> even against all democratic structures and their, at times, healthy 
> latency, and against political reason...
> ... and that, as can be observed for instance in Hungary and Poland, a 
> whole country and its carefully constructed post-dictatorship structures 
> can actually be "redesigned", if not in 48 hours, but then in 48 months. 
> (And the "designers" here are not the happy precariate, but right-wing 
> populists and thugs with their own "psychologists and marketeers".)
> ruminating on a saturday morning,
> -a
> ps: are the new designers of submission, Orban, Kaczyński, and their 
> ilk, accelerationists?
> Am 13.10.16 um 15:42 schrieb renepare:
>> "Redesign the Netherlands in 48 hours "
>> Develop new applications to achieve and maintain a safe, healthy and social 
>> environment.
>> Technology, data, IT and media can help to realize much of the goals of the 
>> new Dutch "Environmental Planning Act" (one law for the total physical 
>> environment):
>> ● Residents gain more influence over their own environment
>> ● Governments, businesses and citizens work together for a (better) 
>> design of the surroundings
>> Will you join forces with other developers, hackers, artists, designers, 
>> psychologists, marketeers to make a leap forward with new technology? 
>> To work on a Netherlands more pleasant and livable all together? 
>> Join the Hackathon by reading the program and register via:
>> You will be able to work with experts and data from the Province of North 
>> Brabant, Municipality of Eindhoven and DataLand. With ICT you can explore 
>> the specific challenges or develop your own concept.
>> The event is part of Dutch Design Week, and will draw attention from press 
>> and government innovators. A follow up with partners involved in this 
>> program is encouraged.
>> ___
>> nettime-ann mailing list

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Re: RIP Nathalie Magnan

2016-10-16 Thread Andreas Broeckmann
... what a sad piece of news... Nathalie was an amazing, cheerful, 
unrelenting activist, a great teacher and friend.

Here on nettime, she should also be remembered for editing, together 
with Annick Bureaud, a French language publication of a number of texts 
and theories that have informed and shaped discourses here:

Connexions - art, réseaux, media. Paris, ENSBA, 2002.
ISBN: 2-84056-079-8

May she rest in peace, and may her legacy live and kick ass.


Am 16.10.16 um 17:31 schrieb t byfield:

Many reports on Facebook confirm that Nathalie Magnan passed
away yesterday, Sat 15 October 2016.

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RIP Nathalie Magnan

2016-10-16 Thread t byfield
Many reports on Facebook confirm that Nathalie Magnan passed
away yesterday, Sat 15 October 2016.

Some nettimers knew her, a few more probably know of her, but
most may have at most seen her name. What follows is a brief
effort to cobble together a short memorial, partly in the
hope that others who know Nathalie well will add more 
or correct any errors.

Nathalie was an early and energetic participant in many of
the milieus that gave rise to the nettime project, and she
generously brought perspectives and connections that this
project has never done very well with -- feminism and France,
to name two. Along with a loose network that included Nicolas
Maleve, Aris Papatheodorou, Benoit Cristou, Boris Beaude, and
Philippe Riviere she moderated the nettime-fr list:

Much more significantly, she was deeply involved in a range
of efforts surrounding cyberfeminism. A few traces include
the FACES mailing list, the OBN (Old Boys Network), the Very
Cyberfeminist International, and Zelig:

Like many people involved in nettime early on, Nathalie was
someone who, as the cultural arbiters like to say now,
'worked at the intersection of.' You can supply whatever
mad-libs-style list you want to specify what was
intersecting, but they're often accidents of history: it was
the 'intersecting' itself that mattered more, the sense of
possibility and imperative where different worlds permeate
each other, or collide, or however you want to put it. But
those geometrical metaphors never quite capture the valences
of the work of someone like Nathalie. For example, philosophy
and theory are haunted by the ghosts of translation,
especially in the Anglophone world: learned footnotes about
obscure distinctions are almost obligatory. Nathalie's
translation of the very American thinker Donna Haraway into
French (Manifeste cyborg et autres essais: sciences,
fictions, féminismes) goes against that grain on many levels.
This brilliant interview by Cornelia Sollfrank, "France is
waking up," from 14 December 2003, gives a simple and dense
sense of the many people and practices that Nathalie wove

Some of the reports of Nathalie's death on Facebook are
public, some private; I'll attribute the ones that are public
by name, the others by initials. If someone wants to 'own'
their words, a quick reply to the list is all that's needed.

Catherine Lord:

   Nathalie Magnan died early this morning in Marseille of
   metastasized breast cancer. She was accompanied by two women
   who loved her, Reine Prat and Catherine Lord. it was, in the
   end, a peaceful crossing for a magnificent rebel--cyber
   feminist, new media artist, sailor, fighter, hacker,
   seductress in all manner of disciplines, dyke pioneer,
   activist. The world is smaller without her.


   Nathalie Magnan left this plane yesterday. The year is 1987
   or so. A group of students convened to carve out new ground
   with some amazing maverick professors in a program with that
   went by the name of History of Consciousness. The brain child
   of Norman O. Brown and Herbert Marcuse. Huey Newton was in
   one of the early cohorts. Hayden White came to UCSC and he
   hired a couple of young intellectuals, Jim Clifford and Donna
   Haraway. Around 1987 Nathalie brought Dee Dee Halleck and
   some other intrepid feminist guerrilla TV women to UC Santa
   Cruz to put on tape the wild wisdom of a young new professor
   named Donna Haraway. Thank you for it all, Nathalie.

Ewen Chardronnet [FB translation]

   Nathalie Magnan died this morning very early at his home in
   Marseille, a quiet end at the end of palliative care and with
   women who have loved, queen prat and Catherine Lord. I wanted
   to visit him in early November, I post here these photos, in
   memory of this happy moment, our sailing towards tanger at
   fadaiat in 2005, this immigration reversed towards North
   Africa that she had me convinced Organize with her and many
   of our friends sailing enthusiasts. Remember sailing for
   geeks Jacques Servin, Nicola Triscott, Claire Pentecost,
   Pablo De Soto, Andy Bichlbaum, Marie Lechner, Marko Peljhan,
   Brian Holmes, Rob La Frenais, Valentin Lacambre...


   RIP dear one. This morning in Marseille the great Nathalie
   Magnan died. Impossible to fathom. She will never be
   forgotten. Ernest Larsen said it more eloquently than I
   could: "Nathalie embodied such a rare, radically individual
   spirit, it's a shock that it should ever be allowed to escape
   this world.

   "Fiercely loving, explosive fighter, filled with humor, irony
   & razor-sharp intellect. She struck sparks everywhere she

Thyrza Good

India’s Aadhaar project: An Assault on Welfare, Pr

2016-10-16 Thread Harsh Kapoor - 16 October 2016

India’s Aadhaar project: An Assault on Welfare, Privacy and Democracy,
Need for an Urgent debate

compiled by Aashish Gupta, Praavita Kashyap and Reetika Khera

The aadhaar project, to provide a unique number to all residents in
India, was packaged as a welfare-enabling programme. It was sold as an
initiative for greater inclusiveness in welfare, a tool against
corruption, greater efficiency and so on. Six years down the line,
there is mounting evidence of the destruction of welfare programmes
due to aadhaar-linkage. Moreover, the aadhaar project has a sinister
side to it – it is a surveillance-enabling programme, which threatens
privacy and democratic practice.

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Re: Hackaton exploring the digital landscape

2016-10-16 Thread Patrice Riemens
On 2016-10-15 13:50, Andreas Broeckmann wrote:

> Is it perhaps part of the political problem of our time
> ... that some people actually believe that it is possible to change and
> repair social and political structures that have evolved over decades,
> within just a brief period of time, -- if only the collaborating
> "developers, hackers, artists, designers, psychologists, marketeers"
> have the right ideas and enough Club Mate to, for instance, "Redesign
> the Netherlands in 48 hours"?


Frightening indeed. Thanks to Andreas for uncovering this (how many 
people on nettiume are subs to/ are following its '-ann' site?)
It all reminded me my 'Hack the State' residency in Sheffield's Access 

(with apologies for the self-plug ;-)

Orban, Kaczyński are indeed accelerationist, but unaware of it, 
exercising power in accelerationist times. Many have called them not 
traditionalists, but hyper-modernists - and so 'the Donald' and 'la 
Marine' 5or even our own -NL- 'hydrogen-peroxided' one ...)

recurgitating on a Sunday morning ...

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guha and the algorithm of hegemeny

2016-10-16 Thread Alex Foti
   i just read the latest perry anderson on gramsci's legacy in hall,
   laclau, guha, arrighi
   didn't know about domination without hegemony - however what struck me
   incredibly is its domination/subordination bifurcation tree so i'm
   gonna share it with you in shorthand (otherwise it's three devalued
   Power = D/S Domination over Subordination
   D in turns depends on the balance between Coercion and Persuasion
   S in turns depens on the balance between Collaboration and Resistance
   there is Hegemony when P>C and Domination otherwise
   Perry (my favorite English stylist and essayist) doesn't go into the
   case when Resistance is higher than Collaboration, which i guess would
   mean the overthrow of dominant elites and the establishment of a
   counterhegemony by the ruled laclau-style.
   Let me consider the scheme in conjunction with continental
   neoliberalism. Let's say that Coercion is increasing vs Persuasion, so
   that Euroliberalism is no longer hegemonic. However collaboration is
   much stronger than resistance. Why? Because there is no
   counterhegemonic project out here. What should Europopulism look like?
   Sunday toffees and coffees,

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