>    Hello Michael
>    Hi Don, How are things? M
>    Great!
>    How are you?
>    I'm well had a bit of a bout last year but over that now. How are
>    things in Chicago?
>    Great!
>    Hope you also heard the good news
>    No, what is that?
>    Just wondering if you have heard about the International Monetary Fund
>    (IMF) giving out grants?
>    No! Tell me more.
>    Really? The International Monetary Fund commission organization set up
>    to help people financially with money all over the world for the
>    old,Retired,disable, citizen, hard hearing, youth and Workers too. Do
>    you get yours?
>    Not yet what do I need to do?
>    Oh my goodness! I even thought you have been contacted already because
>    I saw your name among the winners list when the IMF agent brought cash
>    to me at home
>    Wow need to get it quick as I heard Trump was taking US money out of
>    things like that.
>    You need to contact the online claim agent now to know if you are still
>    eligible to claim your winning grant prize, do you know how to contact
>    them?
>    No, how do I do that?
>    Should i share you the agent contact number?
>    Sure
>    5023787___. Text them your name and tell them that you are willing to
>    know if your name is still on the winners list too. Am sure the agent
>    will help you out okay.
>    Make sure you do that now and keep me posted
>    Tks and good if surprising to hear from you like this. I heard that you
>    died a couple of years ago. Saw the obit and everything.
>    Never
>    I am not dead am alive
>    Really. So what is our mutual friend Richard's last name.
>    xxxxxxxxxxx   
>    Ok so why are you sending around well known scams?
>    It's not a scam
>    It's real and i got mine already
>    am serious
>    Really, the IMF only deals with governments and has no "retail" staff.
>    This is 100 percent real and not a scam
>    I got mine already\

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