Fwd: Le Monde Diplomatique (november ) (for Catalonia, and new economy possibilities)

2017-10-30 Thread Johnatan Petterson
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From: Johnatan Petterson 
Date: 2017-10-31 3:00 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re:  Le Monde Diplomatique (november ) (for Catalonia,
and new economy possibilities)
To: nettime - public list

extract from Monde Diplo, see published article = this nov.
[[Dans ce contexte, le défi catalan, qui se présente comme un mouvement de
sécession, tire son énergie motrice du fossé creusé entre les Espagnols et
leurs institutions, d’un rejet de la corruption (pourtant aussi présente en
Catalogne qu’ailleurs), sans oublier une hostilité particulière aux
vestiges de l’absolutisme, encore nombreux en Espagne, où le roi, l’Église
et les « grands » demeurent les principaux propriétaires terriens du pays,
et à ce titre bénéficient des aides européennes au développement des
régions (1,85 million d’euros de subventions en 2003 pour feu la duchesse

don't you find this crazy ?? so is EU actually (it seems secretely)
supporting feodality !!

actually the EU lack of enthousiasm is organized, (or at the least) the
accusation of 'liberalism' and 'finance', and 'austerity' by some
philosophers, is actually convenient to feodality, and
organized. does this seem paradoxical a claim? no. it helps keep unchanged
the secret philosophy of this organization.
the 'order' described by Machiavelli.

philosophy has this capacity to 'see' the 'order(s)'. this is how , only
the philosophic mind is in the capacity to be called by (self) ' a
producer', only 'philosophers= those spirits seeing the order(s)' can
become productive. the workers only follow the move of society. and the
king stands transe-fixed at the center of EU. the pillar.

hence the decrease in value of the attribution of status to the 'producers',
because of a change 1) feodal, as been described on this list, a return to
feodality allowed by the attenuation of war time memory in our societies,
and, with. 2) molecularisation of the 'tools' of production.

the consequence sketched from it (in Le Monde Diplomatique this November ),
that we have to get a status of 'producers' everyone, after the right
declaration of 1789 copied/translated from the right to 'property', is
pertaining to the same movement of alzheimer in we, us, the collective

it belongs to the same 'social' function of politics (entertained by the
king of EU)  when they stand up against transcendental, the ideals or void
ghosts, such as finance.

instead than abolish monarchy, we learn that we subvention this ghastly
phantasmatic horror !

please stop this !
no more subvention, everything public !


2017-10-29 18:32 GMT+01:00 Morlock Elloi :

> Solemn Declaration on European Union
> ...
> 1. Objectives
> ...
> 1.2 The Heads of State or Government reaffirm the Declaration on Democracy
> adopted by the European Council on 8 April 1978 which stated that respect
> for and maintenance of representative democracy and human rights in each
> Member State are essential elements of membership of the European
> Communities.
> ...
> One down, three to go.
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Re: Algorithmic / Biometric Governmentality

2017-10-30 Thread Morlock Elloi
To throw in two items, one presently real, and one somewhat speculative. 
Both are contingent on high speed network-to-brain (N2B) interface, 
namely a handset, which has victim's attention many hours every day.

1. Social networks (ie. FB) likely know your IQ with margin of error of 
5 points or less.

IQ is hard to mask, unnoticeable tests can be easily implemented, 
probably focusing on the speed of actions, ie. figuring out where the 
button is in a slightly changed interface, etc., which can be done over 
long time, not in one sitting. This information did not exist before 
(national IQ dataset), has nothing to do with your habits, and is highly 
valuable: once FB separates sharpies from dims (exactly half of us are 
below average), it can use different strategies to influence each. More 
importantly, this data is valuable to the law enforcement: if you are 
looking to frame someone, you go for dims. If you are looking for 
leaders, you narrow your attention to sharpies.

2. Ubiquitous N2B interfaces may enable effective brain hacking.

We are not talking advertizing and nudging here, but straightforward 
hacking that bypasses voluntary/consciousness layers. After all, the 
brain is just a computer, and it's a matter of time before buffer 
overflow zero days are figured out (note that they will stay zero days, 
as there is no one to send you the patch.) To illustrate the principle, 
this could be similar to the way that flashing patterns induce epileptic 
attacks in those prone to them. I don't expect a good brain overflow 
hack to have crude flashing patterns, it may have something far more 
discreet, a combination of outputs and feedbacks (something comes up on 
the screen, you click on X, then something else comes up, you ... etc.) 
that causes ... something. I'm pretty sure that self-respecting TLAs are 
already investing billions in the research (they did spend $90M on LSD 
research in 1950s.) The presence of the N2B interface is just too 
important to ignore.

But if the people in power are using these algorithms to quietly watch
us, to judge us and to nudge us, to predict and identify the
troublemakers and the rebels, to deploy persuasion architectures at
scale and to manipulate individuals one by one using their personal,
individual weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and if they're doing it at
scale through our private screens so that we don't even know what our
fellow citizens and neighbors are seeing, that authoritarianism will
envelop us like a spider's web and we may not even know we're in it.

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Newsletter & LancelMaat at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam - November 3, 2017

2017-10-30 Thread Lancel & Maat

Dear all,

We are very happy to invite you at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam for our show 
E.E.G. KISS - II, part of the performance night Stedelijk Statements 
 , curated by Patricia Pisters (November 3, 2017).

Furthermore, we are proud to announce that Public Art Lab Berlin 
 will represent our work and future projects. Curator Susa Pop previously 
showed our work at Venice Biennial 2015, 
 BCAC Beijing 2016 
 and Connecting Cities Network 
 . Among other artists represented by PAL Berlin are Paul Sermon, Jeremy Bailey 
and Aram Bartholl.

>From July till October, our work Digital Synaesthetic E.E.G. KISS was in the
Ars Electronica Export Berlin 2017 
 show at DRIVE Volkswagen Group Forum, Berlin; with among others Katharina 
Kubisch, Maja Smrekar, Studio Roosegaarde and Memo Akten. Curator Manuela 
Naveau connected our work to the theme of 'Trust'.
Last week, at 'the Virtualities and Realities - Open Fields' conference by
RIXC Center 
 , Riga for Art and new media Culture, we presented our lecture Kissing the 
Uncanny. It took place at the Latvian National Museum of Art and Art Academy, 
with among others keynote speakers Chris Salter and Monica Fleischmann & 
Wolfgang Strauss.

Upcoming shows:
Future Love at Haus der elektronischen Künsten (HeK) Basel 
 , by curator Boris Magrini. This group show examines the impact of new 
technologies and social media on our affective relationships and sexuality.
This week on November 2, we lecture about our research at the Worlding the 
Brain Conference 
 ) with among other artists and researchers RAAAF, Maartje Nevejan. To deepen 
relations between artistic research, science, technology and society, we 
conduct a PhD trajectory 
 about our work at the Technical University of Delft Participatory Systems 
 with promotor Frances Brazier.
November 24 this research is presented in an interview with Patricia Pisters at 
the Rode Hoed Amsterdam at the NWO (The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific 
Research) Exploring Integrated Arts & Culture Research - Smart Culture 
Conference 2017 
 . University of Twente invited our research for ThingsCon Salon: Intimate 
 with an upcoming follow-up at ThingsCon 
 conference Amsterdam.
At Pier K / De Meerse in Hoofddorp Saving Face is presented during 

This summer, we gave a lecture at Science Gallery Dublin 
 , Hack the Brain, along with other speaker Marco Donnarumma. At Hack the Brain 
 Blankertz (T.U. Berlin)) we started to develop E.E.G. KISS - II (2017) as an 
Artistic Artificial Intelligent system, for which we collaborate with Alexander 
von Lühmann, University Berlin 
 , working with his EEG-NIRS-Based Hybrid BCI; and in collaboration with 
curator Lucas Evers at Waag Society 
For Digital Synaesthetic E.E.G. KISS (2016) soundscape we collaborated with 
sound artist Tijs Ham at STEIM Amsterdam. 
 Curator Jorinde Seijdel showed E.E.G. KIS