Commonspoly, hacking the monopoly

2018-12-14 Thread info
Hi all!

We was made a board game to promote the commons and the cooperation, it's
called Commonspoly. Commonspoly was launched as a proposal for a working
group during the 17th ZEMOS98 festival hackcamp. Participants had to
develop a brand new set of rules for an alternative, contrast to the
Monopoly board game in just three days. Later on, in May 2015, an
exhibition of the game was hosted by the Commons Fest in Athens, presented
by Vassilis Chryssos and Carmen Lozano.

This prototype game was played a few times, resulting in a notable
improvement in its rules.Commonspoly is a free licensed board game, with
which to reflect and playfully experiment with the possibilities and limits
of the commons as a critical discourse towards relevant changes in our
societies. This board game is an ideal device to introduce commons theories
and cooperative ways of living together, in a fun and instructive way. It’s
especially great for boring, rainy afternoons!

Commonspoly is also an attempt to correct a common misconception that has
lasted for more than a century. Back in 1904, Elizabeth Magie patented The
Landlord’s Game, a board game designed to highlight the dangerous effects
of monopolies. Years later, she sold the patent to Parker Brothers company,
who turned the game into the Monopoly we know today: a board game that
celebrates the pursuit of the accumulation of huge personal wealth and the
bankruptcy of anyone but yourself.

Commonspoly turns modern Monopoly on its head and returns to the basic
principle of the traditional game; to imagine a viable world based on
cooperation instead of competition. However, not everything is perfect. You
will have to fight against The Speculators. In this game, we are running
against time! And the help of every player is needed and welcomed, because
there is only one way to win: helping each other. Let’s get down to
business. We have urban, health, environmental and intangible common goods
to preserve!

You can order delivery of your Commonspoly game on this website However, the open source philosophy of the project is
to also provide the possibility to print it at home for free. You can
download all the printable files from
If you are interested in the editable files, please write us on

All the best!
ZEMOS98 | Mediating for social change
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"Deep Dish had not met the challenge of transitioning from public access TV to newer technologies."

2018-12-14 Thread Geert Lovink

Archives Preserved for Generations to Come
New York, NY, December, 2018 — The Board of Trustees of Deep Dish TV voted 
unanimously last May to dissolve the organization. The process is underway and 
should be completed by the end of the year.  
After much consideration and years of conversations with community members and 
producers, as well as board meetings that addressed the sustainability and 
viability of the organization, it was concluded that Deep Dish had not met the 
challenge of transitioning from public access TV to newer technologies.
Archival material in the print, film, and digital mediums have found permanent 
homes where it will be available to the public. The entire physical archive 
will be housed at Fales Library and Special Collections at NYU. The digital 
catalog and video hosting sites (Vimeo, YouTube, and Kanopy) will be inherited 
and maintained by Paper Tiger TV.
Thanks to the contributions of former staff members, producers, videographers, 
web designers, donors and others, the legacy of Deep Dish will continue to 
benefit present and future generations of community activists, journalists, 
media makers, students, and scholars.

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ACT 5: THIS TIME IT’S INTERGALACTIC | A call out from the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests)

2018-12-14 Thread Örsan Şenalp
ACT 5: THIS TIME IT’S INTERGALACTIC | A call out from the Gilets
Jaunes (Yellow Vests), for solidarity actions everywhere!

On Saturday the 15th of December 2018.

It began as anger against neoliberal climate policies, a revolt
against unfair petrol taxes that pass on the cost to working people
rather than the rich and the very multinationals most responsible for
polluting our planet. Now four weeks later, it has become a popular
uprising for dignity, a rebellion against the elite and their world, a
cry for equality. It has evolved into a powerful refusal of
representation, of spokespeople, political parties and unions. We have
all been overtaken by what has been happening, everyone has become
more than themselves; because we are impossible to define, the only
code we have is a color code, all the other codes are broken. We are
too diverse and decentralized to be called a movement, too different
to be categorized, let’s simply say we are an uprising! Some in Europe
have tried to turn this into an emblem of ideas from the extreme
right, attempting to instrumentalize our heterogeneity..The yellow
vests were at first a piece of road safety equipment, now it becomes
an unprecedented event which opens up the fault line that charts our
future, a chasm we must bridge, between social and environmental
justice. It invites us all to make a choice between the political
classes and the people, between closing borders and opening
possibilities, between despair and hope.
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