Re: No evidence of digital wrong-doing...

2019-01-29 Thread André Rebentisch

Whenever you have a deliberative assembly the outcome it predefined by
the process. A sausage machine may grant you a right to select meat but
the outcome is always sausage, regardless of your selection. Or you get
something like a social democratic committee paper, where each sentence
has to be vague and is agreed upon by all, or has been previously agreed
upon, thus the outcome is mostly baseless or manipulative, e.g. by
shifting a principle on one level (all persons should be equal/free) to
another level (all net traffic should be equal/all men should be free to
shoot their machine guns) etc.

Deliberative committees are paper interventions against rocks that are
ultimately serving the ones governing the process. Indeed, your process,
dear representative tokens, produced a nice agenda plan, but we are the
officials and we pick what we want. A deliberative assembly has never
the power to command the execution of their consented plan but still
expects all participants to take ownership of the mediocre result.

What works however well is disjunct scenario planning, e.g. with four
scenarios. Then we usually get four "radical" plans. None of them would
be executed in a pure form either but we avoid the consent without power
and keep the tension, we develop the disjunct ideas to a more
sophisticated level.

Just as an example:
- Hard Brexit on WTO rules. Ordered custom Brexit. Brexit reversal.
- Hardborder, Soft border, Irish Union, NI stays in the EU.
Wouldn't it be great to have detailed plans for all scenarios?

Am 28.01.19 um 21:53 schrieb Brian Holmes:
> So the question is: What kinds of social forms can be used to re-mediate
> the formation of public opinion? In the recent past we tried forums, not
> just online ones, but big online/offline experiments like the global
> social forum process. These actually gave tremendous results for the
> relatively small number of people who plugged into them, and that's why
> we're still able to carry on significant discussions here and in many
> other places. But all those micropolitical fora have been too small and
> too disconnected from decision-making power. In the present,
> nation-states and supra-national formations are threatened with
> political breakdown, leaving no replacement strategies except
> authoritarianism or Hobbesian civil war. Televised, streaming and
> web-archived Citizens Assemblies sound like a great option under these
> circumstances.
> OK, the keep-hope-alive department is signing off for the moment,
> Brian
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André RebentischDipl. Kfm. & M.A.
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Re: notes from Brexania in limbo...

2019-01-29 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
I loved Tempelhof. As a piece of art, a sacrifice. However useless.
Luxury for all.

Am 28/01/19 um 17:27 schrieb André Rebentisch:

> - The notion of sovereignty recently became subject to delusional right
> wing state concepts which are ultimately ahistorical. Framed as a
> unrestrained right of the people to govern their own affairs we also
> find it in left wing discourse and populist criticism of the financial
> markets. Ultimately democracy also finds its limits in the laws of
> physics when a democratic majority might suggest icarus deserves his
> right to fly.

Old Iran is very good in this. And there were times when you could sell
and buy countries. Sovereignty means that you are allowed to change your

Best, H.

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Re: No evidence of digital wrong-doing...

2019-01-29 Thread Robynne Redgrave

Perhaps I can contribute or side-route with an example of (local scale? - or 
micro scale?) intervention I perform daily on the Helsinki public metro. 

I leave anonymous notes for strangers to find on the metro cars. I guess in 
hopes of nudging the finder to ask them self (and others) big questions  about 
#*platform attention economy and the act of tuning out (or in?) to 
realities...(*techno*-mediated-spaces?) Power. Anyways, I believe this 
intervention is, in some way, making an impact (micro scale?) that in my mind, 
can also eventually become, say macro scale? Maybe. 

Consider this action (art?) communication, as the kind that intervenes 
unexpectedly into people’s lives and - hereby through chance encounter - opens 
one’s worldview to pause and consider the unknown. In this case a local 
stranger (me?) is among us, alien, reaching out, caring for, anonymously asking 
questions, seemingly underground, somewhat emerging? 

Consider if this art work is poetic rubbish (at least recycling), 
micro-nothing-at-all, or if it is like a stray seed of a meaningful weed, soon 
to multiply exponentially and fully transform a whole field. 

The project is documented here:

-all is full of love 

> On Jan 29, 2019, at 11:17, Allan Siegel  wrote:
>> On 28 January 2019 at 22:02:50, 
>> ( wrote:
>> Brian asked the following question?
>> So the question is: What kinds of social forms can be used to re-mediate 
>> the formation of public opinion? In the recent past we tried forums, not 
>> just online ones, but big online/offline experiments like the global social 
>> forum process.
> If there are no 'social forms’ at the local level: social forms that address 
> local AS WELL AS broader political issues; social forms that include social 
> spaces of vibrant discourse and processes that address social issues and 
> institutional transformations and development WELL IT WOULD BE SAFE TO SAY 
> that any attempts to re-mediate the formation of public opinion would be 
> negated by the ongoing avalanche of misinformation, disinformation, lies and 
> the swarm of propaganda churned out daily by the oligarchs, plutocrats, and 
> intelligence agencies (etc.) that are committed to maintaining a stranglehold 
> on public opinion…
> political change via social media has a short shelf life…
> cheers
> allan
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A. Bogdanov was the founder of 'Critical' 'Cultural' 'Western' 'Marxism'

2019-01-29 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Bogdanov was the founder of 'Critical' 'Cultural' 'Western' 'Marxism'
as opposed to Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant versions of religious
and scolastic Marxism(s).

The below is the list of Alexander Bogdanov's main works in book format.

And here is the Russian language list compiled by one of the editors
of the Alexander Bogdanov library, Evgeni V. Pavlov:

Bogdanov's books in Russian:

Bogdanov A. Short Course of Economic Science. Moscow, 1897; St.
Petersburg, 1899; 1905; Moscow, 1920; 1922; 1923; 1924; Petrograd,
1922; 1923; Kharkov, 1922; 1923; Kursk, 1922; Novgorod, 1922; [15

Bogdanov A. Key Elements of Natural Studies. St. Petersburg, 1899

Bogdanov A. Cognition from Historical Point of View. St. Petersburg, 1901

Bogdanov A. On Psychology of Society (Articles of 1901-1904). St.
Petersburg, 1904; 1906

Bogdanov A. (as Ryadovoy). Olminsky M. Our Misunderstandings. Geneva, 1904

Bogdanov A. Empiriomonısm: Articles on Philosophy. Vol. 1. Moscow,
1904; Vol. 2. Moscow, 1905; Vol. 3. Moscow, 1906

Bogdanov A. Red Star: Roman-Utopia. St. Petersburg, 1908; Moscow —
Leningrad, 1924; 1929; [6 editions]

Bogdanov A. Destruction of a Great Fetishism. Faith and Science. St.
Petersburg, 1910

Bogdanov A., Stepanov N. Course of Political Economy. Vol. 1. St.
Petersburg, 1910; Vol. 2. Moscow-Prague, 1919-1920; 1925; [3 editions]

Bogdanov A. Cultural Aims of the Present. St. Petersburg, 1911

Bogdanov A. Engineer Manny. Fantastic Novel. St. Petersburg, 1912; Moscow, 1918

Bogdanov A. General Science. Tektology. Vol. 1, 2. St. Petersburg,
1913; Berlin — Petrograd, 1922; 1927; Vol. 3. Berlin — Petrograd,
1922; 1925; 1929; [3 editions]

Bogdanov A. Philosophy of Alive Experience: Essays. St. Petersburg,
1913; Moscow, 1920; 1923

Bogdanov A. Introduction in Political Economy (in Questions and
Answers). St. Petersburg, 1914; Moscow, 1917

Bogdanov A. Science about Common Consciousness. Moscow, 1914; 1918; 1923

Bogdanov A. Question of Socialism. Moscow, 1918

Bogdanov A. (as Werner N.) For What does Society Develop? Vyatka, 1918

Bogdanov A. Introductory Course of Political Economy. Moscow, 1918;
1920; 1924; Kazan, 1918; Tashkent, 1918; Tyumen, 1920; Kharkov, 1921;
Yekaterinoslav, 1921; Ryazan, 1923; Saratov, 1923; [11 editions]

Bogdanov A. The Elements of Proletarian Culture in Development of
Working Class. Moscow, 1920

Bogdanov A. Essays on General Science. Tektology. Samara, 1921

Bogdanov A. On Proletarian Culture: 1904 — 1924. Leningrad — Moscow, 1924

Bogdanov's books in English:

Bogdanov A. A Short Course of Economic Science. Ed. by S. M.
Dvolaitsky. London: Communist Party of Gr. Britain, 1923; 1927

Bogdanov A. Essays in Tektology. The General Science of Organization.
Transl. by George Gorelik. Seaside California, 1980

Bogdanov A. Tektology: The General Science of Organization. Transl. by
George Gorelik, 1989

Bogdanov A. BOGDANOV'S TEKTOLOGY Book 1 Ed. by Peter Dudley, 1996

Bogdanov A. Red Star: The First Bolshevik Utopia. Ed. by Richard
Stites, Ann Arbor: Ardis Publishers, 1982; Bloomington: Indiana UP,
1984; 2006

Bogdanov A. The Struggle for Viability: Collectivism Through Blood
Exchange, 2002

Bogdanov A. The Philosophy of Living Experience, 2016

Bogdanov's books in German:

Bogdanow A. Die Kunst das Proletariat. Leipzig Wolgast, 1918

Bogdanow A. Uber der Kunstnachloss; Die Kritik des Prolet. Kunst. Leipzig, 1919

Bogdanow A. Was ist proletarische Dichtung. Berlin: Seenol, 1920

Bogdanow A. Die Wissenschaft und die arbeiter Klasse. Berlin—
Wilmersdorf: Dia Diaktica, 1920

Bogdanow A. Algemeine Organisationslehre (Tektologie). Bd. I. Berlin,
1926; Bd. II. Berlin: Hirzel, 1928

Bogdanow A. Ruga Stelo. Fantasia romano. Leipzig, 1929

Bogdanow A. Sowjetphilosophie. Darmstadt: Hrsg. W. Goerdt, 1980

From the above list itself, it becomes crystal clear that it was not
Ernst Bloch, Karl Korsch, Gregory Lukács nor Antonio Gramsci, nor the
early Frankfurt school philosophers, nor Althusser who did produce the
first systematic Marxist work on ideology, consciousness, cognition,
and culture. It was Bogdanov who opened the path, starting from 1897
and developing his ideas in more than 6 books focusing on cognition,
culture, and ideology both in an integral way to the critique of
political economy and as an autonomous field of inquiry.

This fact alone makes Bogdanov the most important Russian follower of
Marx, Engels, and Dietzgen, who upgraded historical materialism for
the 20th century and shattering the myth of 'critical' 'cultural'
'Western' Marxism. This makes Bogdanov the precursor of all the
others, who were aware of Bogdanov and his work, as Gramsci who
secretly translated Bogdanov's Red Star (see Ghetti, 2016) during his
time in Moscow in a collaboration with his wife Iulia.

To remember, and put in perspective, Bogdanov's major contributions are:
1. Production of first vernacular study book on Marxian political economy.
2. Production of the stan

No evidence of digital wrong-doing...

2019-01-29 Thread Allan Siegel

On 28 January 2019 at 22:02:50, 
( wrote:

Brian asked the following question?

So the question is: What kinds of social forms can be used to re-mediate 
the formation of public opinion? In the recent past we tried forums, not 
just online ones, but big online/offline experiments like the global social 
forum process.
If there are no 'social forms’ at the local level: social forms that address 
local AS WELL AS broader political issues; social forms that include social 
spaces of vibrant discourse and processes that address social issues and 
institutional transformations and development WELL IT WOULD BE SAFE TO SAY that 
any attempts to re-mediate the formation of public opinion would be negated by 
the ongoing avalanche of misinformation, disinformation, lies and the swarm of 
propaganda churned out daily by the oligarchs, plutocrats, and intelligence 
agencies (etc.) that are committed to maintaining a stranglehold on public 

political change via social media has a short shelf life…


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