Re: rage against the machine

2019-03-22 Thread Keith Hart
"There is no excuse for such criminal product packaging. Anyone doing it or
defending it should be burned at stake in any civilized country. The fact
that it will not happen is the best statement about the times we live in."

 I agree. Thank you for the clarity of your writing in this thread, much
the best that I have seen on this subject.

It is hard to decide which is more criminal and disgusting, the corporate
plutocracy, the political stooges who cover up for them or the narcissism
of the western media.

After the "too big to fail" banks, the whole contemporary transport system,
starting with cars, planes and the energy industry.

My second home is in South Africa where the power monopoly, Eskom, whose
origins lie in Afrikaner state capitalism, is fighting to prevent a total
blackout in the country which would shut it down for at least three weeks
(remember New York?). Weakened by Zuma's kleptocracy, operating antiquated
plant and now thrown into crisis by the disastrous Cyclone Idai (the
Southern hemisphere's worst ever, coming hard on two consecutive years of
drought) disrupting electricity supplies from Northern neighbours, Eskom is
inflicting ever more frequent and erratic power cuts on us all.

Johannesburg workers have to be sent home early before they are locked in
for the night by electric gates that won't open. When they get out, the
traffic is grid locked anyway. The ANC government faces a general election
in May.

Mass drowning has started in Beira, unsurprisingly not yet on the
Northeastern seaboard.

Apocalypse now and a new twist to the Heart of Darkness story. Do you think
it will get any media space with the Mueller report coming out and the
denouement of Brexit?


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Re: rage against the machine

2019-03-22 Thread Morlock Elloi
It looks like Boeing hired car salesman. These are the options that you 
may choose to add (and pay extra, like heated seats) with your brand new 
737 MAX purchase:

Option #32: "Angle of attack disagree light": informs pilots about 
discrepancy between nose direction and airflow, in pre-stall condition. 
May mean faulty sensors.

Option #47: "AOA indicator" similar but different. Provides continual 
visualization of airflow vs. nose.

Neither Ethiopian Airlines nor Lion Air chose to pay for these ... options.

There is no excuse for such criminal product packaging. Anyone doing it 
or defending it should be burned at stake in any civilized country. The 
fact that it will not happen is the best statement about the times we 
live in.

ps. I made up option numbers. In reality they are likely 3-digit.
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