Re: The Communist Manifesto 2015 WTF

2020-03-28 Thread Keith Sanborn
Either Morlock was pranking or it's a case the greatest skeptics being the most 

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Drones in Porto

2020-03-28 Thread miguel leal

Hi to all

Since this morning the town police from Porto Portugal, started using drones to 
control the population and issue messages in public spaces:



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The Communist Manifesto 2015 WTF

2020-03-28 Thread Allan Siegel

OH MY, looks like the Morlock Ellis is taking its cues from Donald Trump 
or on a lazy day Boris Johnson. The knucklehead analysis still perseveres.

stay well all

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Re: The Communist Manifesto 2015, written in RNA

2020-03-28 Thread Alice Yang
I didn’t know nettime is a place for going off on racially fueled conspiracy 

Westerners love to blame China and play with the idea of punishing China for 
Chinese suffering.

The pandemic got bad because none of our societies are communities of care.

Morlock is tripping.

> On Mar 28, 2020, at 6:22 AM, Jean-Noël Montagné  wrote:
>> Le 27/03/2020 à 19:50, Morlock Elloi a écrit :
>> In short, the Chinese designed this thing in the process of destroying the 
>> neoliberal
>> capitalism around the world.
> never heard something so stupid. China is the first beneficiary of capitalism.
> JN
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Support public health workers and videomakers in the front line of Covid-19 in Brazil

2020-03-28 Thread tacira

The fight in Brazil concerns health but also information!


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Re: The Communist Manifesto 2015, written in RNA

2020-03-28 Thread Jean-Noël Montagné

Le 27/03/2020 à 19:50, Morlock Elloi a écrit :

In short, the Chinese designed this thing in the process of destroying the 
capitalism around the world.

never heard something so stupid. China is the first beneficiary of 


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Re: No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. (The Communist Manifesto 2015, written in RNA)

2020-03-28 Thread Felix Stalder

I wouldn't take a three year old Italian TV segment as a particularly
authoritative source. Rather more substantial studies acknowledge
that while it is possible to that a Virus escapes a lab, the genetic
make-up of this particular virus makes it very unlikely to be
fabricated in a lab.

OK, this is science, so they speak of "unlikely" rather then
"impossible" but latching on to this difference in terminological
conventions is the cheapest trick in the book. Felix


No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows
it’s from nature

Scientists took conspiracy theories about SARS-CoV-2’s origins
seriously, and debunked them

By Tina Hesman Saey

MARCH 26, 2020 AT 6:00 AM

The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural
virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a
mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made.
And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in
scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from
nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature

When Andersen, an infectious disease researcher at the Scripps
Research Institute in La Jolla, Calif., first heard about the
coronavirus causing an outbreak in China, he wondered where the virus
came from. Initially, researchers thought the virus was being spread
by repeated infections jumping from animals in a seafood market in
Wuhan, China, into humans and then being passed person to person.
Analysis from other researchers has since suggested that the virus
probably jumped only once from an animal into a person and has been
spread human to human since about mid-November (SN: 3/4/20).

But shortly after the virus’s genetic makeup was revealed in early
January, rumors began bubbling up that maybe the virus was engineered
in a lab and either intentionally or accidentally released.

An unfortunate coincidence fueled conspiracy theorists, says Robert
Garry, a virologist at Tulane University in New Orleans. The Wuhan
Institute of Virology is “in very close proximity to” the
seafood market, and has conducted research on viruses, including
coronaviruses, found in bats that have potential to cause disease in
people. “That led people to think that, oh, it escaped and went down
the sewers, or somebody walked out of their lab and went over to the
market or something,” Garry says.

Accidental releases of viruses, including SARS, have happened from
other labs in the past. So “this is not something you can just
dismiss out of hand,” Andersen says. “That would be foolish.”

__Looking for clues

Andersen assembled a team of evolutionary biologists and virologists,
including Garry, from several countries to analyze the virus for clues
that it could have been human-made, or grown in and accidentally
released from a lab.

“We said, ‘Let’s take this theory — of which there are
multiple different versions — that the virus has a non-natural
origin … as a serious potential hypothesis,’ ” Andersen says.

Meeting via Slack and other virtual portals, the researchers analyzed
the virus’s genetic makeup, or RNA sequence, for clues about its

It was clear “almost overnight” that the virus wasn’t
human-made, Andersen says. Anyone hoping to create a virus would need
to work with already known viruses and engineer them to have desired

But the SARS-CoV-2 virus has components that differ from those of
previously known viruses, so they had to come from an unknown virus or
viruses in nature. “Genetic data irrefutably show that SARS-CoV-2 is
not derived from any previously used virus backbone,” Andersen and
colleagues write in the study.

“This is not a virus somebody would have conceived of and cobbled
together. It has too many distinct features, some of which are
counterintuitive,” Garry says. “You wouldn’t do this if you were
trying to make a more deadly virus.”

See all our coverage of the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak Other
scientists agree. “We see absolutely no evidence that the virus
has been engineered or purposely released,” says Emma Hodcroft, a
molecular epidemiologist at the University of Basel in Switzerland.
She was not part of Andersen’s group, but is a member of a team of
scientists with that is tracking small genetic changes
in the coronavirus to learn more about how it is spreading around the

That finding debunks a widely disputed analysis, posted at
before peer review, that claimed to find bits of HIV in the
coronavirus, Hodcroft says. Other scientists quickly pointed out flaws
in the study and the authors retracted the report, but not before it
fueled the notion that the virus was engineered.

Some stretches of the virus’s genetic material are similar to HIV,
but that’s something that stems fro

Michael Sorkin (RIP): two hundred fifty things an architect should

2020-03-28 Thread tbyfield
Michael Sorkin, an all-around critical urbanist and familiar face in NYC 
and beyond, died "from complications brought on by COVID-19." We'll see 
a rising tide of notices like this in the coming months; and since we 
can see it coming, we might also think about ways to respond or, I 
guess, how to 'process' them. I've written several obituaries for 
nettime and I don't want to write any more, so instead I'm going to 
forward a short thing Sorkin wrote that encapsulates some of his 
thinking. It appeared his his book _What Goes Up_ (Verso, 2018), but it 
may be much older, I'm not sure.


- - - - - - - - - - - - 8< SNIP! 8< - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. The feel of cool marble under bare feet.
2. How to live in a small room with five strangers for six months.
3. With the same strangers in a lifeboat for one week.
4. The modulus of rupture.
5. The distance a shout carries in the city.
6. The distance of a whisper.
7. Everything possible about Hatshepsut’s temple (try not to see it as   
‘modernist’ avant la lettre).
8. The number of people with rent subsidies in New York City.
9. In your town (include the rich).
10.The flowering season for azaleas.
11.The insulating properties of glass.
12.The history of its production and use.
13.And of its meaning.
14.How to lay bricks.
15.What Victor Hugo really meant by ‘this will kill that.’
16.The rate at which the seas are rising.
17.Building information modeling (BIM).
18.How to unclog a Rapidograph.
19.The Gini coefficient.
20.A comfortable tread-to-riser ratio for a six-year-old.
21.In a wheelchair.
22.The energy embodied in aluminum.
23.How to turn a corner.
24.How to design a corner.
25.How to sit in a corner.
26.How Antoni Gaudí modeled the Sagrada Família and calculated its 
27.The proportioning system for the Villa Rotonda.
28.The rate at which that carpet you specified off-gasses.
29.The relevant sections of the Code of Hammurabi.
30.The migratory patterns of warblers and other seasonal travellers.
31.The basics of mud construction.
32.The direction of prevailing winds.
33.Hydrology is destiny.
34.Jane Jacobs in and out.
35.Something about feng shui.
36.Something about Vastu Shilpa.
37.Elementary ergonomics.
38.The color wheel.
39.What the client wants.
40.What the client thinks it wants.
41.What the client needs.
42.What the client can afford.
43.What the planet can afford.
44.The theoretical bases for modernity and a great deal about its factions 
and inflections.
45.What post-Fordism means for the mode of production of building.
46.Another language.
47.What the brick really wants.
48.The difference between Winchester Cathedral and a bicycle shed.
49.What went wrong in Fatehpur Sikri.
50.What went wrong in Pruitt-Igoe.
51.What went wrong with the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
52.Where the CCTV cameras are.
53.Why Mies really left Germany.
54.How people lived in Çatal Hüyük.
55.The structural properties of tufa.
56.How to calculate the dimensions of brise-soleil.
57.The kilowatt costs of photovoltaic cells.
59.Walter Benjamin.
60.Marshall Berman.
61.The secrets of the success of Robert Moses.
62.How the dome on the Duomo in Florence was built.
63.The reciprocal influences of Chinese and Japanese building.
64.The cycle of the Ise Shrine.
66.The history of Soweto.
67.What it’s like to walk down the Ramblas.
69.The proper proportions of a gin martini.
70.Shear and moment.
71.Shakespeare, et cetera.
72.How the crow flies.
73.The difference between a ghetto and a neighborhood.
74.How the pyramids were built.
76.The pleasures of the suburbs.
77.The horrors.
78.The quality of light passing through ice.
79.The meaninglessness of borders.
80.The reasons for their tenacity.
81.The creativity of the ecotone.
82.The need for freaks.
83.Accidents must happen.
84.It is possible to begin designing anywhere.
85.The smell of concrete after rain.
86.The angle of the sun at the equinox.
87.How to ride a bicycle.
88.The depth of the aquifer beneath you.
89.The slope of a handicapped ramp.
90.The wages of construction workers.
91.Perspective by hand.
92.Sentence structure.
93.The pleasure of a spritz at sunset at a table by the Grand Canal.
94.The thrill of the ride.
95.Where materials come from.
96.How to get lost.
97.The pattern of artificial light at night, seen from space.
98.What human differences are defensible in practice.
99.Creation is a patient search.
100.The debate between Otto Wagner and Camillo Sitte.
101.The reasons for the split between architecture and engineering.
102.Many ideas about what constitutes utopi

The Communist Manifesto 2015, written in RNA

2020-03-28 Thread Morlock Elloi

This was hard to believe, but I checked with Italians, this video was
actually aired in 2015:

In short, the Chinese designed this thing, it escaped (or was
released), and is in the process of destroying the neoliberal
capitalism around the world.

Was it intentional (Chinese handled it the way neoliberal societies
can't) or accidental, it really doesn't matter. It works.

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