Re: Nouriel Roubini: Conditions are ripe for repeat of 1970s stagflation and 2008 debt crisis (Guardian)

2021-07-03 Thread Vincent Gaulin
Thanks, Patrice,

I am not as familiar with the utility of isolating money within smaller
communities and limiting transactions. I mean, similar to the Medicare for
all argument, it definitely doesn’t make sense for intermediaries like
insurance companies and banks to siphon off large margins in the form of
transactions and administrative fees. I’m not sure the amount of
transacting is the problem.

Also, there is a tendency to “localize, localize, localize” which can be
very troubling in a place like the Southeastern US where I live, where
localities are dominated by very bad ideas like racist scapegoating and
“good ole boy” self-dealing.

In my opinion, our mobilization strategy is in worse shape even than
financial graft and economic domination. There is a tension between “hard”
and “soft” mobilization. If a centralized government has a good idea like
climate change mitigation or reparations for colonialism/slavery, it has a
choice to conscript citizens (under threat of punishment) or persuade them
to reorder the status quo (using marketing). The “hardest” mobilization
combines the two in the form of a totalitarian state, with putative
authoritarian conscription and propaganda machine, while the “softest”
mobilization looks like neoliberal think tank statements and Public Service
Announcements mixed with commercial advertisements—no real reordering of
institutions and only speech acts/symbolic gesturing. Obviously a better
solution lies somewhere in between. New institutions, active and sustained
persuasion (especially face to face through public programming of
fellowship/conferences/symposia), and fiscal policy to support material
work on the ground.

Incentives on the individual level, like a “minimalist” tax break that
rewards energy conservation and climate-sensitive reordering of personal
and family habits has to avoid perpetuating alienation by promoting
membership in regional conferences, informal colleges, and skill banks.
Conferences of better habits have to be oriented to public projects, also,
breaking down the barrier between private effort and community impact.

On Sat, Jul 3, 2021 at 4:48 AM patrice riemens  wrote:

> H Vincenti, assuming you're a 'francophone', here what I send to Brian,
> which might also interest you. (if no French  
> ;-)
> Re: yr post, worth mentionning too that there are two types of inflation -
> the price inflation reflected in the consumer index; and assets inflation,
> directly caused by the financial 'parasite'. Price inflation is what the
> general public is aware of, and which may set (or not) most incomes, assets
> inflation the general public suddenly discovers in the ever rising price of
> housing, which is becoming unaffordable for the many ... Politicians
> studiously avoid talking about the later when discussing 'inflation', that
> is, the former.
> Ciao Ciao, p+7D!
> -- Original Message --
> From: patrice riemens 
> To:
> Date: 07/03/2021 10:38 AM
> Subject: Re:  Nouriel Roubini: Conditions are ripe for repeat of
> 1970s stagflation and 2008 debt crisis (Guardian)
> BonDi Brian,
> Tout a fait d'accord avec toi, et ton approche concentree sur (focussed
> on) la catastrophe climatique et le desastre eco-industrielo-energetique.
> Le clusterfuck exige toute une serie de solutions interconnectees et
> interdependantes - et maleheureusement les predictions penchent plutot
> vers, comme tu dis, 'notre dinde est cuite'.
> Ayant une empreinte ecologique au dessous de la moyenne (bien qu'encore
> probablement trop forte), sans voiture, petite maison, recyclant et
> recuperant a toute pompe, je suis surtout interesse ('focusse') sur
> l'aspect monetaire de la multicrise. La aussi il faudra une refonte totale,
> la monnaie dans ton portefeuille, sur ton compte courrant, ayant ette
> totalement parasitee par la finance - imagine un parasite 10x, voire 100x
> plus granbd que son hote ... et la premiere chose a faire serait de tuer ce
> monstre ... well, good luck!
> Apres il faudrait amha 'recadrer' la monnaie vers le bas, limiter son
> usage autant que possible (vive la cooperation et l'echange), retourner son
> emission a un organe democratique, et ralantir considerablement son
> mouvement (lequel devrait etre taxe, selon une theorie qui a fait tres
> brievement flores a Multitudes - te souviens-tu?).
> Ca se fera, mais apres notre 'nakba' ...
> Abbracci, p+7D!
> On 07/02/2021 7:50 PM Brian Holmes  wrote:
> Saluts Brian,
> If the new "global gamble" of low interest rates and debt-financed public
> spending does not open up an alternative development pathway including mass
> employment through decarbonization, then our goose is cooked. The
> stagflation that Nouriel Roubini predicts will lead to fascism and civil/
> international war under the pressure of climate change. The struggle is on
> already. The US is explicitly and consciously polarized between t

concerning .pl

2021-07-03 Thread János Sugár
Title: concerning .pl

Pupils in Polish schools will be 
taught that the European Union is an "unlawful entity", says
the education minister, Przemyslaw Czarnek. He also wants history
classes to focus more on teaching "pride" in Poland's past
rather than, than as before, "shame" about it.

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Re: futurlab hungary

2021-07-03 Thread János Sugár
Title: Re:futurlab hungary

dear zeljko, patrice et al,

for the late reaction, and another sorry for the lots of urls, but the
illiberal reality produces every day something new and

Orban's dirty little trick: Conflating pedophilia with

Hungary Adopts Child Sex Abuse Law That Also Targets L.G.B.T.

and concerning the Fudan university a brave act:
the mayor of Budapest names streets at planned Chinese university
after Uyghurs, Hong Kong


Orbán: government will appoint people
with "national worldview" to lead Hungarian

Hungary Transfers 11 Universities to
Foundations Led by Orban Allies. The transfer, accompanied by billions
of euros in state assets, will enable the prime minister and his
supporters to exert long-term influence.

"They have essentially seized every major institution in
society"-Hungary's university takeover

Orbán has begun taking steps to preserve
his power

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Re: Nettime list appears in American federal arts document

2021-07-03 Thread carl guderian
The 90s were only 10 years ago, and the ‘80s only 15 years ago. Those other 
years are best forgotten.


> On 3 jul. 2021, at 17:18, Jon Lebkowsky  wrote:
> Now I really feel old...
> On Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 11:11 AM Bruce Sterling  > wrote:
> *Oh, to have lived to see the day.
> Bruce S.
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