Re: The Emergence of Algorithmic Solidarity

2022-03-14 Thread Andre Rangel
Thank you!!

> On 14 Mar 2022, at 18:29, Donatella Della Ratta  wrote:
> sorry thought was clear from the poster!
> it's on Zoom
> cheers
> Donatella Della Ratta
> twitter @donatelladr
> Il giorno lun 14 mar 2022 alle ore 19:27 Andre Rangel  <>> ha scritto:
> Hello Donatella,
> Wild this event be online or presential?
> Best,
> André
>> On 14 Mar 2022, at 18:22, Donatella Della Ratta > <>> wrote:
>> Hi nettimers
>> we are hosting a great panel on algorithmic solidarity for our next Digital 
>> Delights and Disturbances talk on 16 March 6.30pm Rome time 
>> info and RSVP below 
>> Pls join us!
>> best, donatella 
>> Hello
>>  You are invited to the next Digital Delights and Disturbances event 
>> presented by the Communications Department. “The Emergence of Algorithmic 
>> Solidarity” will take place on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, at 6:30 PM CET. 
>> Registration will close an hour before the event. Pls email 
>> <> 
>> Algorithms increasingly shape our lives across a variety of social domains, 
>> including politics, culture, financial systems, and labour. In this talk, 
>> based on a forthcoming book with MIT Press, the authors zoom in on how 
>> algorithmic systems govern the work of gig workers - and particularly riders 
>> - in different countries around the world. The lecture shows how riders are 
>> able to adapt, resist and react to these systems and develop new forms of 
>> resistance through algorithms, as well as solidarity around algorithms.
>> Panelists include Tiziano Bonini, University of Siena and Emiliano Treré, 
>> Cardiff University.
>> Best,
>> John Cabot University <>
>> Piazza Giuseppe Gioachino Belli, 11
>> 00153 Rome, Italy
>> c.f. 01476880586
>> Email: <>  
>> John Cabot University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on 
>> Higher Education ( 
>> <>).
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>> confidential, or privileged for the sole use of the intended recipient. If 
>> you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, please do not read this 
>> e-mail, notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete this message 
>> and any file attached from your system. You should not copy or use it for 
>> any purpose, disclose the contents of the same to any other person, or 
>> forward it without express permission. Considering the means of 
>> transmission, John Cabot University does not assume any liability with 
>> respect to the secrecy and confidentiality of the information contained in 
>> the e-mail and its attachment.
>> #  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
>> #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
>> #  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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>> <>
>> #  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:
> <3D5 (BoniniTrere).png>

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Re: The Emergence of Algorithmic Solidarity

2022-03-14 Thread Andre Rangel
Hello Donatella,

Wild this event be online or presential?



> On 14 Mar 2022, at 18:22, Donatella Della Ratta  wrote:
> Hi nettimers
> we are hosting a great panel on algorithmic solidarity for our next Digital 
> Delights and Disturbances talk on 16 March 6.30pm Rome time 
> info and RSVP below 
> Pls join us!
> best, donatella 
> Hello
>  You are invited to the next Digital Delights and Disturbances event 
> presented by the Communications Department. “The Emergence of Algorithmic 
> Solidarity” will take place on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, at 6:30 PM CET. 
> Registration will close an hour before the event. Pls email 
> Algorithms increasingly shape our lives across a variety of social domains, 
> including politics, culture, financial systems, and labour. In this talk, 
> based on a forthcoming book with MIT Press, the authors zoom in on how 
> algorithmic systems govern the work of gig workers - and particularly riders 
> - in different countries around the world. The lecture shows how riders are 
> able to adapt, resist and react to these systems and develop new forms of 
> resistance through algorithms, as well as solidarity around algorithms.
> Panelists include Tiziano Bonini, University of Siena and Emiliano Treré, 
> Cardiff University.
> Best,
> John Cabot University 
> Piazza Giuseppe Gioachino Belli, 11
> 00153 Rome, Italy
> c.f. 01476880586
> Email:   
> John Cabot University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher 
> Education ( 
> ).
> This e-mail and any file transmitted with it may contain material that is 
> confidential, or privileged for the sole use of the intended recipient. If 
> you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, please do not read this 
> e-mail, notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete this message 
> and any file attached from your system. You should not copy or use it for any 
> purpose, disclose the contents of the same to any other person, or forward it 
> without express permission. Considering the means of transmission, John Cabot 
> University does not assume any liability with respect to the secrecy and 
> confidentiality of the information contained in the e-mail and its attachment.
> #  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
> #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
> #  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
> #  more info:
> #  archive: contact:
> #  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:

#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
#  archive: contact:
#  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:

Re: science wars replace culture wars as new divider in contemp politics

2022-02-03 Thread Andre Rangel
Hi Alex,

Thank you for your text. Just a minor correction.

Unfortunately. In Portugal, the extreme right “Chega” was the third most voted 
in the last election (7.15% of the votes). In Spain Vox is the political 
umbrela for Francoism/Nazi/Nationalist movements. Vox is connected with Chega. 



> On 3 Feb 2022, at 08:22, Alex Foti  wrote:
>  by the nationalist and racist right is a constant all across Continental 
> Europe (iberia excepted)

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#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
#  archive: contact:
#  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:

Final Call xCoAx 2022: International Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X

2022-01-21 Thread Andre Rangel
xCoAx 2022: International Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics 
and X — Final Call
(6-8 July 2022)

Dates: 6-8 July 2022

Location: Coimbra, Portugal and online

Extended submission deadline: 15 February 2022

xCoAx is an exploration of the intersection where computational tools and media 
meet art and culture, in the form of a multi-disciplinary enquiry on 
aesthetics, computation, communication and the elusive X factor that connects 
and characterises them all.

The focus of xCoAx is on the unpredictable overlaps between creative freedom 
and algorithmic rules, between human nature and machine technology, aimed 
towards new directions in aesthetics.

xCoAx has been an occasion for international audiences to exchange ideas in 
search for interdisciplinary synergies between computer scientists, artists, 
media practitioners, and theoreticians at the thresholds between digital arts 
and culture. 

Starting in 2013 in Bergamo, xCoAx has so far taken place also in Porto, 
Glasgow, Lisbon, Madrid, Milan, and Graz.
xCoAx 2022 will take place in Coimbra, Portugal. 
However, building on our experience of the CoViD-19 pandemic, part of the event 
will be made available online. We will closely monitor the evolving situation 
and more details will follow. 

xCoAx 2022’s keynote speakers are Winnie Soon and Andreas Broeckmann.

Call for papers, artworks, performances

xCoAx 2022 calls for papers, artworks, performances and research 
works-in-progress by scholars, artists, performers and students, working on any 
of the multi-disciplinary facets of xCoAx.


You are invited to submit theoretical, practical or experimental research work 
in the form of papers, artworks, and performances, on a range of topics that 
includes but is not limited to the following:

Algorithms / Systems / Models
Artificial Aesthetics
Artificial Intelligence / Creativity
Audiovisuals / Multimodality
Generative Art / Design
Mechatronics / Physical Computing
Music / Sound Art
Philosophy of Art / of Computation
Technology / Ethics / Epistemology

Important dates

Extended submission deadline: February 15
Notifications to authors: March 27
Registration deadline for authors: April 17
Delivery of final versions of papers and artwork/performances/symposium 
abstracts for the proceedings: April 17
Delivery of final versions of multimedia files and video presentations for the 
website: May 8
Welcome, opening of the exhibition, performance: July 6
Doctoral symposium: July 6
Discussions of papers, artworks and performances: July 7-8
Performance evening: July 7
Closing party: July 8
Exhibition take-down: July 9

Submission categories

Please submit a paper (3.000 to 6.000 words, excluding references) following 
the formatting in the Word template at 
Revision of papers will be double-blind. Please make sure that the PDF file is 
completely anonymised (i.e. omits author-related information in the body of 
text or as explicit self-citations, notes and bibliography). Accepted papers 
will be published in the conference proceedings and authors will hold a 
15-minute presentation at xCoAx 2022.
Doctoral Symposium Abstracts
PhD students can apply to present their work-in-progress and receive feedback 
from established researchers. Submit a document, following the formatting in 
the Word template at 
, comprised of a 
research paper and a letter of support from your advisor (700 to 2.000 words, 
excluding references) that should include the following: 1) Purpose of the 
research and its importance to the field; 2) Brief survey of background and 
related work; 3) Description of the proposed approach; 4) Expected 
contributions; 5) Progress towards goals. 
Revision of proposals will be single-blind. A revised version will be requested 
for inclusion in the proceedings after the symposium. Previous xCoAx Doctoral 
Symposia were chaired by Frieder Nake, Mario Klingemann, Philip Galanter, 
Angela Ferraiolo, Simona Chiodo, Marko Ciciliani. The Doctoral Symposium will 
be a closed event.
Proposals should provide a clear description of the work (in case of online 
artworks possibly a link to the artwork itself) in the form of a document 
including the following:
An abstract of maximum 200 words
A main text of 700 to 2.000 words (excluding references)
An appendix with technical rider and setup details of the artwork for either an 
online or on-site exhibition or performance setting
Another appendix with references to multimedia material on the artwork 
The document must follow the formatting in the Word template at 

Join xCoAx 2021, July 12 to 16. Program now online.

2021-06-29 Thread Andre Rangel
xCoAx 2021
Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X
12–16 July 2021, (Graz) online
Program now online at 

Opening and content unveiling: Monday, 12th July, 6:00 PM CEST
Keynote speakers: Yuk Hui and Špela Petrič

xCoAx is an international conference that explores the frontiers of digital art 
with a multidisciplinary investigation on aesthetics, computing, communication 
and the elusive X factor that connects them all. After visiting Milan, Madrid, 
Lisbon, Bergamo, Glasgow, Porto and Cyberspace, in 2021 xCoAx goes hybrid in 
Graz, Austria under the auspices of IEM 
the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics at the University of Music and 
Performing Arts Graz, and online. 
xCoAx 2021 is a totally open event where everyone can attend and join the 

Opening event:
The opening of xCoAx 2021 will take place on Zoom on July 12th at 6PM CEST. The 
Organising Committee will be extremely happy to welcome you there to meet, 
greet, network, and exchange impressions and opinions. This will also be the 
moment when all content is made available online.
Papers have been organised as follows:
There are 6 different sessions, where papers with stimulating connections and 
overlaps were put together. The authors were invited to record a 15-minute 
presentation of their work. There will be Q panels with the audience at times 
and in Zoom sessions as indicated in the Program (available soon). You can 
access all the material: abstracts, papers in PDF format and video 
presentations by accessing xCoAx’s website at 
 and clicking on “Paper Sessions” in the navigation 
menu (available July 12). You can join the discussion on Twitter by replying to 
the tweet at the end of each session page.
Artworks have been organised as follows:
The xCoAx 2021 website features a page for each artwork that was selected for 
the exhibition, where the artists present their work with visual documentation, 
an abstract, a prerecorded artist talk and other media assets. All of the 
artwork presentations will be streamed on YouTube, and there will be two 
roundtables in Zoom with the artists and audience. You can access each 
artwork’s page by accessing xCoAx’s website at 
 and clicking on “Exhibition” in the navigation menu 
(available July 12). You can join the discussion on Twitter by replying to the 
tweet at the end of each artwork’s page.

Performances have been organised as follows:
The xCoAx 2021 website includes a page for each selected performance, where the 
performers illustrate their work with a video, an abstract, a prerecorded 
artist talk and other media assets. There will be roundtables in Zoom with 
performers and audience. You can access each work’s page by accessing xCoAx’s 
website at  and clicking on 
“Performances” in the navigation menu (available July 12). You can join the 
discussion on Twitter by replying to the tweet at the end of each performance’s 

The Doctoral Symposium has been organised as follows:
Doctoral students whose research proposals were accepted were invited to a 
discussion and feedback session with our chairs Angela Ferraiolo and Marko 
Ciciliani. The symposium has usually taken place in a more secluded part of 
xCoAx, and we kept with this tradition by not recording the online session to 
allow for a more relaxed environment where to exchange opinions and give 
advice. However, the xCoAx 2021 website features a page with all the research 
proposals discussed during the symposium, which you can access by going to 
xCoAx’s website at  and clicking on 
“Doctoral Symposium” in the navigation menu (available July 12).
See you at 
Instagram @xcoaxorg
Twitter @xcoaxorg
Hashtag #xcoax2021

For further information on the conference and press materials, please contact 
the xCoAx team at  

Organizing committee:
André Rangel, David Pirrò, Hanns Holger Rutz, Jason Reizner, Luís Pinto Nunes, 
Luísa Ribas, Mario Verdicchio, Miguel Carvalhais.
Authors, papers:
Alberto Novello, Alex Heilmair, Alex McLean, Alexia Achilleos, Ana Matilde 
Sousa, André Santos, André Silva, Andrew Sidsworth, Bjarni Gunnarsson, Corneel 
Cannaerts, Daniel Bisig, Dejan Grba, Elizabeth Wilson, Fabrizio Augusto 
Poltronieri, Gaspar Cohen, Hanns Holger Rutz, Iannis Zannos, João Correia, João 
Pedro Ribeiro, Jorge Forero, Julia Uhr, Kit Kuksenok, Ludwig Zeller, Luísa 
Ribas, Marc Bohlen, Marilia Lyra Bergamo, Marinos Koutsomichalis, Marisa 
Satsia, Martin Rumori, Michiel Helbig, Miguel Carvalhais, Nayarí Castillo, 
Nicola Privato, Pedro Cardoso, Pedro Ferreira, Pedro Martins, Pedro Silva, 
Penousal Machado, Robin