nettime Future of Copyright - foresight

2015-01-10 Thread jaroslaw lipszyc
Hi all,
i read this list for many years, but never posted. I want to share with
you a foresight report on the future of copyright we finally published
after a two years of work. Below is my introduction, but there is much,
much more here:
I hope you will like it. I will be more than happy to get your feedback.
Jaroslaw Lipszyc

The above report of the meetings of experts does not start with a
methodological introduction, but a fairy tale written by Aymeric Mansoux
to the literary contest Future of Copyright (2012), organized by the
Modern Poland Foundation. Using a matrix of Vladimir Propp's classic
work on the structure of fairy tales, Mansoux is looking for answers to
the question of the author, and participation in culture. Therefore, he
leads his female character through the twists and turns of copyright and
communications technologies, where she collides with symbolic
protagonists and is looking constantly for ways out from the situation
with no way out.

In the abundand with meanings fairy tale by Mansoux one thing is
striking: the total lack of belief that the response to the crisis
caused by a collision of intellectual monopolies with the practice of
communication through electronic media can be a free culture project
based on voluntary licenses and the resulting business models. Ten years
ago the success of free software, which has created real and existing
alternatives to proprietary software, gave hope that a similar effect
can be achieved in other areas of the circulation of information. We
believed that, by using and promoting licensing mechanisms, we can hack
the system and create an alternative to the system within the system.
Today, we know well that this is not true. It is true that in some areas
free licenses are an effective tool for the recovery of subjectivity by
authors and users of informaton (and a good example here is probably the
movement of free educational resources), but in a broader cultural
practice this tactics is simply ineffective.

Culture is always built on existing narratives. You can not participate
in the processes of social communication in isolation from pre-existing
myths, memes, songs; you need to use them in constructing your own
messages. Culture is not a tool that - like software - we use to achieve
pragmatic goals. Culture is our identity.

Therefore the only solution Mansoux sees is the total abolition of the
system of exclusive rights. Does this literary diagnosis go too far?
Probably so. But not without a reason the recently announced draft of
the European Commission's work on copyright is entitled In the pursuit
of new consensus  The copyright law is currently the most discussed
element of the European and global legal order. From the protests
against ACTA (the most mass demonstrations in Poland since 1989) to this
year's public consultation of copyright by the European Commission, in
which a record of 9.5 thousand citizens and companies participated
sending in over 11 thousand comments, the copyright law awakens emotions.

But although the reform of the system now seems inevitable, the
direction of change is still uncertain. Copyright law is a lens focusing
a lot of different and complex problems - from issues related to
fundamental rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of communication
and right to privacy, through constitutional models of political life,
to tectonic changes in the markets caused by technological changes. The
status of this legislation determines not only the work of many business
sectors, but also the basic issues related to communication of hundreds
of millions of people, a lot of citizens treating copyright law as a way
of earning a living, level of education, or the operation of high
culture. Therefore, sets of political values are strictly associated
with the copyright regulations.

Presenting to you the results of workshops devoted to reflection on the
future of communication by the media and cultures in the era of the
information society, we need to point out the difficulties associated
with the speculative and somewhat abstract nature of the work done by
us. We have adopted the form of work inspired by the methodology of
foresight. Exploratory workshops, to which we invited experts from many
different fields, were meant to indicate possible directions of change
in Europe in the perspective of 2040.

It soon turned out that the key to outline the future of copyright and
operating models of culture are two axes: position of intermediaries in
the process of social communication and direction of public policies in
the field of communication. The construction method, and the scope and
stringency of intellectual monopolies are mainly due to the latter, but
legal solutions are derived from the game of many different actors, the
authorities being only one of them. For example, international treaties
taking precedence over the local legal system are even in democratic
countries proceeded beyond

Re: nettime F(r)ee, Open (?) and Digital Culture(s) - slogans for selling on the databases age ?

2012-12-16 Thread jaroslaw lipszyc

W dniu 15.12.2012 18:46, Eduardo Valle pisze:

Jaroslaw, do you really think this is freedom?

This is set of rights needed to be able to use information. They
may be granted by license, but also we can get them by abolishing

Privacy and internet are mutually exclusive.


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nettime Future of Copyright

2012-03-07 Thread Jaroslaw Lipszyc

Hi all,

Modern Poland Foundation has launched the Future of Copyright Contest,
in which we want to collect best international works on this topic.

The prize is set by people supporting the project, by means of
IndieGoGo (a crowdfunding platform).

We would like to invite You to share and promote this initiative, in
order to gain maximum exposure to potential supporters and

The main website of the contest is

For more information about Modern Poland Foundation please visit

All the best,
Jarosław Lipszyc

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