Re: Fwd: the European manifesto of Varoufakis and Piketty

2015-09-14 Thread Louise Desrenards
Dear Patrice, chers tous,

Thank you for your report. But what a sadness...

Just to remind that everywhere when the radical left line was missing
in  the realization of the left wing at power, when the elected power
was only acted by social-democracy, instead of winning in a moderate
solution, it lost the way. When the social-democracy--the radical
execution missing--lost its concrete program (concrete projects always
linked with their symbolic  social signification of exchange), thus
they quit the State power leaving it waste away, but to be replaced by
any sort of fascisms, always in the History. This comes from the
disillusionment, this comes from disorganisation. This comes from
disappearance of the alternative democratic solution (can be
ideological as can be practical). Such is the paradox of Democracy
that Tspiras having been a social-democrat till the end has made
loosing the policy.

But if not, he would have been a dictator. May be that the anarchist
time is coming.

You can not restore democracy when she disappeared,  you can just
overthrow the power that occupies it either by violence or by cunning,
then create a new democracy with new rules.

About Varoufakis.

 I think that the plan of virtual money conceived by Varoufakis (and
Galbraith among others) which failed due to the impeachment to realise
it, was very appropriate to the situation to hold the time facing the

If Varoufakis would not be this  seductive personality to the media
calling and this player even this sort of epic poet, and if he had not
this sort of visual and comportmental gimmick that does not appear
serious--even fetishist of technique--he would not the able person to
imagine and conceive this sort of challenge--this plan surfing in
between socio-materialist objective and virtual reality. That appears
exactly a hacking from the scriptural money process, not the target to
own the world but just a local precarious solution for waiting. A
scriptural mode in other way. But a warm heart and a happy energy for
the common despite the despair situation.

But he was never at executive power because Tspiras has not given him
the means of this innovative dialectical practice.  Why exactly ? I do
not care. But he missed the contribution of imagination to really try
to help the Greek people. The risk was minor facing the threat.

When Tspiras has accepted from the EU their rule to exclude
Varoufakis  from the negotiation, thus Tspiras has killed Varoufakis
as executive member of his government, but he killed his proper
authority and already by this symbolic sacrifice he has killed the
hope of a winning deal. He lost.

I know that Tspiras had not succeed to get the absolute majority, I
know that he was obliged to accept some inconvenient persons to his
policy into his government. Anyway he did not assume the symbolic.
Having betrayed  Varoufakis at the view of the EU executives and
Troïka: this situation  has predicted that he was at the point to
betray the people (the referendum result which faked the show was a
event/not event). And that he was already defeated and that obviously
he would make in sort that the Greeks will lost through the fact that
being a looser himself.

Toward the issue

When EU executives and Troïka refused to talk with Varoufakis,  the
duty of Tspiras  was to put his resignation in the balance. That could
be the good moment to conceive his resignation if he would have to be
supported from a powerful reaction by the European left.

Instead of that he trained all the European left to fail by
solidarity. Look what happened to Iglesias and Podemos just after...
Enough people ceased to trust them.

The one having make loosing the common is not Varoufakis (as he was
called to resign -- not because he wore special shirts or riding a
titanesk  moto) but Tspiras. Of course that is not the style nor the
moto of Varoufakis which created a problem without solution inside the
xenophobic EU but American consulting from dollarzone contributing to
eurozone through Varoufakis work-- the trojan horse they thought). Not
the dollar from Wall street but the dollar from the flexible rule of
the Federal Bank of America (which stays linked to the Department of
State) -- Stiglitz having directed this institution from which their
chauvinist nightmare consists.

Why Tspiras asked Varoufakis as economy minister? he absolutely knew
his gimmick and his style. But he wanted to be conforted by the
Nobelized American progressive liberal economists to support him
thanks to the Vatroufakis relationships. From Tspiras a calling sign,
not a real thought. Varoufakis has the thought of his practices --
organic practice from the virtuality into the social reality (not a
growing reality from virtual reality, but the reversibility of the
virtual reality outside the growing reality). From here there are a
lot of hacking possibilities. That is strategy (exactly what
macro-economy is).

Tspiras emerges under a soft personage, but a pity for 

Re: Fwd: the European manifesto of Varoufakis and Piketty

2015-09-12 Thread Louise Desrenards
   oh I forgot that Varoufakis has spoken about "bitcoin" (with a smile as
   eye blink)  to evoke the virtual money in the  plan B owhich members
   of Tspiras government have prevented him from achieving ;-)

   On 12 September 2015 at 20:33, Louise Desrenards <> 

   Hi Geert, Hi! Alex,

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Re: Corbyn as a medium is the message

2015-09-10 Thread Louise Desrenards
   Of course I think Richard tells the true situation. And often I agree
   with  Alex but this time I disagree with him.
   Of Precarity: precarious is no more a relevant concept substituted to
   the low social classes in the new critical political economy because
   now it is a global  materialist reality under different statements
   (can be due to the capitalist neoliberal rules, can be the new wars,
   The time of empiric practice as a laboratory equal a fund of experience
   from which  to learn and rethinking from it is come. If you persist in
   the meta-postmodern theory you miss the democracy while fascism --
   included financial capital as facism -- will definitly emerge as
   radical dominant power of the west (without any rule of equivalence of
   the value with the people) on this earth that we know mortal -- not
   only the people. If you fear reactive nationalism you are true but it
   is a view far from to be enough wide.
   But not sure that Corbyn will be the winner on saturday even if as
   European I warmly hope that he will.
   as European
   Â I hope that he will.
   Â (sorry for my leaden english. speaking)
   1. Because the UK is not eurozone.
   2. Because the time of virtual theory applied to the society of
   meta-democracy is prescribed. Even outside the TV The revolution will
   not happen but a killing revolution -- this one that the financial and
   military power are doing.
   Now it is the time to come to the practice included the practice of
   power in a democracy and/or in a meta-democracy.  Probably UK is the
   last one or the more exemplary among the surviving democracies.
   Because the UK is not eurozone.
   Corbyn as event is a first step for european citizen. After the failure
   of Greece it is important to understand if out from the eurozone (even
   before the claim of whether it is wise to establish a State out of it)
   if such a program like Corbyn presents  is able to be elected to
   It is not a revolutionary program but socially acceptable by the active
   left; the UK is currently the alone power among the States that may
   affect the authority in the Schengen area without being linked to the
   eurozone. So it is the only program that could stem the austerity by
   partly turning back and partly by novating out of it for restoring some
   acceptable welfare for all and a certain solidarity... The program
   emerges from a traditional power but paradoxally is the european alone
   after the most advanced  democratic performance (plus financial
   recovery and  economic recovery) of Islandic. Can you or not, outside
   the eurozone, but in a democratic--can be  meta-democratic-- country
   of financial capitalism, make for restoring a sharing state for the
   people (as well citizens and as immigrated people) up without a coup by
   the banks through their reaction under a brutal form against the
   population or other indirect recourse from  the legal system?
   Then the  eurozone countries can think about the avaibility of their
   own first step -- leaving the eurozone but staying European (with the
   understanding that eurozone will not change due to the Lisboa treaty).
   It is vital that sovereignist must not  be confused with nationalist.
   From this it depends the possible future of a democratic federal Europe
   having different regime of euro parity as supra-value, or UE
   centralized but fascist. Because the current UE rule is firstly to
   catch money to contribute to the financial euro stability and ensure
   the banks.
   Hurry up the UK! We are waiting for you.
   On 9 September 2015 at 23:18, Richard Barbrook

   > great to hear from an insider and know there's life for labour after
   > blair and the millibands.

   The Labour Left has been stubbornly defending its arsenal waiting until
   the correct moment came for its counter-attack to be launched!


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Re: Corbyn as a medium is the message

2015-09-10 Thread Louise Desrenards
   Ari, of course you are completely true. I think the same. But European
   fascism of rule is growing and it is exactly the point for discussing
   why a Corbyn is not the way of loose but a sort of constructivist
   experience hacked from the disappearance of the code of the value..
   Plus at a certain point we do not discern only reformism and the
   revolutionary but we discern also between the revolutionary and the
   corporatist or (from now) tech-corporatist - could it be emergent.
   Anyway Corbyn is not a corporatist what constitutes a sort of lesson
   from an old man to the productive generations from secret to power.
   my respect

   On 10 September 2015 at 18:36, ari <[1]> wrote:

 Â Alex, I'm afraid you are right on all counts. Corbyn's left is
 Â conservative.
 Â The pioneers don't seem to be looking to institutional politics:
 Â return on investment is nil, unless you really need a hug.
 Â Social informal economies and alternative designs, on the other
 Â seem to be thriving and multiplying.


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Re: nettime EU proposes worlds largest ever cultural funding programme

2012-01-11 Thread Louise Desrenards
As French I approve Dante-Gabryell Monson. The enrichment of a virtual
State at the expense of the lives of people in increasing suffering in
their countries is a scandal (EU does not exist as a State elected by the
European public order but as supra-organization of oligarchy of the

On 11 January 2012 14:15, Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.mon...@gmail.comwrote:

 imho / hypothesis,

 looks like a defacto transfer of competencies,
 moving from national to supra-national institutional funding for culture,
 as national cultural budgets have been cut in a number of european
 countries... ?


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