Re: nettime tensions within the bay area elites

2014-05-15 Thread Suzanne Treister
It's a quote...for further information on the use of the term 'evil' in 
connection with google who initiated the use of the term themselves in 
relation to themselves, please see: (point 6.)
etc. etc.

Art McGee wrote:

And btw, y'all could still dump your overpriced Mac OS for a nice Linux
distro anytime!

Hilarious. You are quite the comedian. Unfortunately, on the desktop, OS X
is what Linux wants to be when it grows up.

Now, getting back to the main issue, what is going on here? Facebook is
evil? Google is evil? Seriously?

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nettime Networks in Reverse - From the Interplanetary Internet via the ARPANET

2014-04-03 Thread Suzanne Treister
; The WELL was abandoned by Stewart Brand 
and Larry Brilliant, and the so called 'new media' festivals and 
conferences which had sought, encouraged and represented the engagement 
of artists, writers and theorists in new technologies and the politics 
of the Net, became redundant. Evangelical Net communities living in 
disparate and often marginalised parts of the globe, who had come 
together through listservs and euphoric fantasies for the potential of 
an Internet based global change for the better, for empowerment and 
border free communication for the politically disenfranchised and the 
war torn, became disillusioned.

Pretty soon Vint Cerf closed down the Internet Society, and the US 
National Science Foundation closed the Internet to commercial use. 
Months later the text based virtual space 'Lambdamoo' finally went 
offline and The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), a 
U.S. Department of Defense funded project which had pioneered the early 
Internet, resumed its operations.

At CERN in Geneva Tim Berners Lee disabled communications between all 
HTTP clients and servers via the Internet and dismantled the World Wide Web.

At around the same time Jon Postel, Paul Mockapetris and Craig Partridge 
redesigned the Domain Name System (DNS), removing all domain names 
ending in .edu .gov .com .mil .org .net and .int.

The DCA combined MILNET with ARPANET where at the time there were 68 
nodes on ARPANET, and 45 on MILNET, the military network and Vint Cerf 
replaced Barry Leiner at DARPA managing the Internet.

Leonard Kleinrock held the key mathematical background to packet 
switching and an ARPANET network was re-established between KleinrockÕs 
lab at UCLA and Douglas EngelbartÕs lab at SRI and the initial 4-node 
network was reconnected with UC Santa Barbara and the University of Utah.

Vinton G. Cerf went on to work in Kleinrock's data packet networking 
group at UCLA that connected the first 2 nodes of ARPANET, then went 
back to work at IBM before returning to Stanford.

Robert Elliot Kahn, who had invented Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 
and Internet Protocol (IP) with Vint Cerf and written, 'Host to IMP 
Spec. 1822' at BBN which detailed the interface between ARPANET host 
computers and the Interface Message Processors, returned via MIT to his 
position at the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, ATT.

Lawrence Roberts, the first Information Processing Technologies Office 
(IPTO) chief scientist, began design of ARPANET, upon becoming Director 
of IPTO.

Robert W. Taylor who had conceived of and directed funding for ARPANET 
and who with J. C. R. Licklider had written, 'The Computer as a 
Communication Device', the paper which led to the creation of ARPANET, 
returned from his new role as Director of IPTO at ARPA to work for NASA. 
Taylor decided to leave ARPA after congress pushed for it to focus its 
work towards advancing military missions during the Vietnam War, because 
his mission was for the technology to be available to all.

Ivan Sutherland took over as head of IPTO at ARPA and was shortly 
replaced by J. C. R. Licklider. Licklider, known for his work in 
Artificial Intelligence and cybernetics, dissuaded Sutherland, Taylor 
and Roberts from developing the Internet.

Suzanne Treister 2013
Published in: 'Networks', Edited by Lars Bang Larsen, Whitechapel 
Documents of Contemporary Art, published by MIT Press 2014

Suzanne Treister

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