Re: Ten Theses on the Panama Papers

2016-04-06 Thread Imaginary Museum projects Tjebbe van Tijen via UPC
§I like these points (yours I guess? As you could have got them form 
someone-else by a simple cut & paste)

On 5 Apr 2016, at 15:17, Patrice Riemens wrote:

7. Leaks have become unquestionable.

With earlier disclosures, the authenticity of documents leaked could 
always be credibly disputed. Nowadays the authenticity of materials 
obtained thru electronic leaks, due to its sheer magnitude and the one 
to one nature of a digital reproduction, is much more difficult to 

Hence my disagreement with point 7.

There are - in my view - as many options to fake, as there are to scrutinise 
the origin of digital data...

The old adagios of 'theft' of ideas or identity hold.

When I was reading awhile ago 

Valentin Groebner. Who Are You? Identification, Deception, and Surveillance in 
Early Modern Europe. New York: Zone Books, 2007. 349 pp.

the pleasure of it was of course how well situations from a far away past could 
be imagined in our present.

Especially where there is a bulk of data, one could slip in easy say 5% of fake 
documents... which would really hurt someone who is publicly exposed as part of 
a data set that for 95% is true.

This is in itself an example how of why I do not agree with your 
"unquestionable" leak idea.

For the rest of the point... I like them.



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Re: nettime a graceful exit

2015-05-08 Thread Imaginary Museum projects Tjebbe van Tijen via UPC
involved over one thousand of police troops with all kinds of gear)... 
militancy had been on the order of the day... and once the main confrontation 
was over we felt it was necessary to liquidate the structures that had grown in 
what in teh end was a real 'battle' (though Amsterdam style, nobody died in it).

Nettime is of course an entity that I do not want to compare directly with what 
is described before... still the circumstances of it coming into existence do 
have changed and waht was 'tactical media' for a cause that felt to be 
worthwhile at that time - twenty years ago - has long be recuperated by now.

Nettime needs to move from 'the actual' to 'the historical'.

When we compare one of the triggering events in 1990 - the amateur video 
captured of a police beat-up of a black man, Rodney King in Los Angeles, that 
reached a national and international audience through distribution over the 
internet and mirrored in main stream media as well - with the interplay of 
'social media' and 'mainstream media' like recently in Baltimore building up 
into a revolt against another police aggression against blacks, the idea of 
'tactical media' as expressed during a series of conferences under the name 
Next 5 Minutes, do no longer apply. 

[see my rendering of the Baltimore revolt: iPHONE AGE  iSTONE AGE phone  
stone as tactical media from 1965 Watts to Baltimore Rebellion 2015 ]

In my view the 'old style' newsgroup format of nettime that has been kept 
strictly over twenty years, banning all direct use of images and other media to 
be included in messages and debates, have been both a power of simplicity and a 
weakness that gave too much value to textual arguments (fitting very well in 
the academia exercise to write about images without showing them]. 

There was  is a limit to ekphrasis (from the Greek description of a work of 
art, possibly imaginary, produced as a rhetorical exercise).

As for the future of a well appreciated circle of communicators, please do make 
several archives, that rest a several digital deposit sites.

It is because of the diaspora of information carrier and not because of their 
centralisation that the information they carry has survived. This is even more 
so for the versatile but most fragile form of information carriers that reside 
only on digital carriers.

How could we thank Ted Byfield and Felix Stadler for their dedication during so 
many years?

To keep it available for all of use who engaged in it and for next generation 
who might be willing at some odd moment in time to peruse the stream of 
tactical nettime messages left behind.

If I can be of service to make that real... please feel free and contact me

Tjebbe van Tijen


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nettime From Deng Thatcher 1984 to the Hong Kong 2014 OCCUPY CENTRAL movement: winning something by loosing

2014-10-04 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
From Deng  Thatcher 1984 to the Hong Kong 2014 OCCUPY CENTRAL movement: 
winning something by loosing

the illustrated version can be found on my Flickr web page:


...that was and will remain the basic recipe of the People's Republic of China, 
since the rise of Deng XiaoPing in the mid seventies did put China on a two 
rail track: combining market economy with state socialism. It was Deng who 
ceremonially struck the deal with Margaret Thatcher in 1984 to be given back in 
1997 what had grown over a century into a colonial crown jewel: Hong Kong. (1) 
Another 'double dealing' was agreed upon then: 'one country two systems', 
promising Hong Kong population something - in the future - their British 
overlords had not been able to provide them with in all the years they could 
have done so: 'universal suffrage'. 

It comes as no surprise that a state - formally - unified under a one party 
system failed to supply the citizens of Hong Kong was an undiluted suffrage 
system for Hong Kong. Hence the 2017 proposed election system for a 
city-adminstration-leader, from appointed candidates by the PRC only.

What the Brits left behind in 1997, though, was a juridical system that - 
compared to that of the PRC - was reasonably independent, one could say that 
the successful 'freedom of trade' of Hong Kong was very much dependent on such 
a 'rule of law' system, as capitalist big business needs the assurance of a set 
of rules independent from a single party power government to prosper. 

'Rule of law' did not only benefit big business, but also functioned as social 
leveller for the less affluent citizens of Hong Kong, because a successful 
economy is only hampered by too blatant social unequally in its direct realm. 

After a week or so of large demonstrations by Hong Kong citizens against the 
paternalistic system of voting for a new chief-city-administrator in 2017, the 
voice of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Peoples Republic 
of China has uttered a commentary, which should be read as 'a decree': Firmly 
safeguard the rule of law in Hong Kong. The article launches a warning to he 
peaceful HK demonstrators: 

These acts will undoubtedly end up with the rule of law violated, severely 
disrupted social orders, huge economic losses and possible casualties.


'Possible casualties' is a way of saying that a hard hand will come down on 
demonstrators who dare to go any further. The article is cleverly formulated by 
schooled party ideologues and so it turns the main argument of HK democracy 
demonstrators against them, as it is not the Chinese state that violates rule 
of law promise of universal suffrage made to Hong Kong, it is the Hong Kong 
demonstrators who are violating it.

The defamation campaign in local newspapers (readers comments often anonymous) 
(2) and the pro China counter-demonstrations and delivered bruisings to young 
students (3), was the overture for the Chinese Opera that will be put on stage 
in the coming days. The demonstrators are declared a minority and thus the 
ground is prepared to get them out of the way: 

A democratic society should respect the opinions of the minorities, but it 
doesn't mean those minorities have the right to resort to illegal means. 

There are 7 million Hong Kong inhabitants, and even when there were one million 
protesters out in the streets, the far way rulers in Beijing can declare them 
'a minority'.

It seems an easy game for the Chinese rulers, as the state is always 'legal' 
and using force against 'illegal actions' is what a state is supposed to do. 
This is formulated in the opening of the Peoples Daily article: 

Democracy and the rule of law are interdependent, and a democracy without the 
rule of law will only bring havoc.

There is of course a deep oddity in the demands of the movement for democracy 
in Hong Kong, as its main aim was the right to choose their own leader. One can 
distinguish between a social movement and its own inner dynamics from the 
formal demands it makes. The show of ability for self-organisation of the 
people that have massed the streets of Hong Kong these last days, is an 
achievement in itself and does even overshadow the somewhat meek demand to be 
able to vote for someone who will then have a mandate to rule you.

This is a simplified argument, but necessary to get some understanding of what 
is won and may be lost in the Occupy Central movement. A real choice of a new 
'leader/administrator' for Hong Kong, necessitates a platform or party with a 
set of principles and practical proposals and the figure head to be voted for 
is supposed to attempt to put these into practice. 

Anybody living in a parliamentary democracy knows the limits and shortcomings 
of this social construction. Less so - 

Re: nettime meanwhile in Hungary

2014-06-14 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Janos that is an awful lot of detailed information on the electoral system 
changes  practices in HUngary 
in these two simple links.

The details - necessary as they are - swallow up an outsider without enough 
focus on the Magyar Dystopia of the 21st century.

Did I miss your own comment on all this?

Or would you be able to formulate it with this detailed information just as a 

I do have odd memories of the political landscape of Hungary in the mid 
eighties of last century and the dismay of seeing people I licked at that time 
drifting into ultra-right/nationalistic directions (Inconnu group among 

In a way all those numbers and the concept of a super majority made me think 
back to  a book of Miklos Haraztsy Opposition = 0,1 pour-cent. Extraits du 
samizdat hongrois présentés par Miklós Haraszti. Traduit du Hongrois et préf. 
par Georges Aranyossy (Edition du Seuil 1979). I have it at home. Remember 
meeting him in Budpaest and being introduced to the circle of dissidents around 
Krasó György by Haraszti. Krasso having house-arrest at that time. Now the 
cynical opposition 0,1 % in the title of that book seems to come into view of 
what is a parliamentary democracy (however manipulative it's functioning, and 
politics without manipulation do not exist).

Orbán and the Fidesz party have been watched over in their cradle by Haraszti 
Miklos and looking around I spotted an article by Haraszti The real Viktor 
Orbán published in OpenDemocracy in 200, where he hails the elections of that 
year that did send Orbán back to a role of opposition and wonder (also) how the 
actual state of affairs is seen by him.

As for the Hungarian diaspora of 1956 and their part in the recent voting... 
that seems logic when one looks into  the forces that were revolting against 
party communist rule in 1956. One sees there a whole spectre of ideologies and 
practices under the banner of freedom (as there was a common enemy to be 
fought), with several rooting in a not so far away reactionary past of the 
Horthy regime. 

In the year 2005/2006 I did a study of many of the Hungarian exile communities 
and it was often hard to stomach their racist and ultra nationalist viewpoints.

Is it not so that in Hungary the process of coming to grip with its own past 
has been neglected?

The simplifications as expressed in the representation of history as in the 
House of Terror are an expression of the dichotomy of freedom versus communist 

It suffices to reas some documents on the 'white terror' of the Horthy regime 
already published in the twenties of last century and his actual rehabiliation, 
to know what is to be done.

Tjebbe van Tijen


 On 13 Jun 2014, at 12:11, Janos Sugar wrote:

  Hungary and the End of Politics
  Kim Lane Scheppele

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
dramatising historical information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger
Flickr: Swift News Tableaus by Tjebbe van Tijen

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Re: nettime To-morrow the Minitel! (!)

2014-06-10 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Thank you Robert Adrian for your remarks,

you focus on art-projects using telecom... which was not my intend.

Also  we have forgotten here to mention the FIDO (dial-up network) which was 
fully alive and had some kind of a global span at that time. The bottom up node 
system may be an inspiration for independent data-communication in our times, 
by combining it with short wave radio.

You may like to check out this article: AIRLIFT YOUR DATA: alternatives for a 
blockaded internet
January 26, 2012 by Tjebbe van Tijen

You say Who, in the early 80s, could have predicted the coming Internet 
One can say that even at the end of the 19th century there were plenty of 
phantasies about instant world wide data communication, inspired by the early 
telephone like in the famous book/drawings of Le Vingtième siècle. La vie 
électrique (1890) by Albert Robida... which even shows a videophone projection 
of a gentleman in Europe watching a reportage - live cast - of the Boxer 
rebellion in China from his feauteuil. 

I would say 'prediction' of future technology has been with us, human kind, 
from the beginning.

My favourite book on this is:

Wilkins, John, and Brigitte Asbach-Schnitker. 1984. (first published in 1641) 
Mercury, or, The secret and swift messenger shewing how a man may with privacy 
and speed communicate his thoughts to a friend at any distance ; together with 
An abstract of Dr. Wilkins's essays towards a real character and a 
philosophical language. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins Pub. Co.

Which is now even available as an ebook...  (not yet pirated as far as I can 
see) but there is a digital facsimile at based on a microfilm... 
enjoyable media-history!

Here ideas for the future are based on on references to a past as understood 
from what by then had already been established as a canon of references, the 
'classical past'.

The book is more often noted for cryptography and artificial languages, but it 
serves a study of media-history/tele-communications as well. 

Ideas about the relation between 'medium' and 'message' have also been 
understood way before the popularity of Marshall McLuhan.

Like in the book of Comenius Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart 
dated 1631 in which there is a humorous description of the way the carriers of 
the latest news should be understood:

XXII The Pilgrim Finds Himself among the Newsmongers

I know these are derivations, but they serve a purpose as it is a pledge to 
have a wider view on communication technology beyond the specifics of technical 


On 10 Jun 2014, at 02:58, rax wrote:

 Since we are in old-timer mode, here are a few additional remarks
 about the pre-historic media world of the 80s 

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
dramatising historical information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger
Flickr: Swift News Tableaus by Tjebbe van Tijen

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nettime / BEYOND SIMULATION a post Flight MH370 no more pilots passenger application

2014-04-08 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen / BEYOND SIMULATION
when passengers pass from the virtual into the real
a safety .app for when the pilots are not anymore in control
this is a text belonging to a tableau picture that can be found at

It seems 'a bad joke' but one can also think it as an airplane safety option in 
the future. Think back art all those airplane disaster movies, whereby a 
non-pilot, or someone who knows a tiny bit about airplanes is guided over the 
radio to land a plane full of panicking passengers, hard but safe in the end.

With the sophisticated interactive software of our time and many people using 
it just for fun in gaming or dedicated simulation systems, one could imagine 
such a contraption as a last resort solution.

The mere thought also makes us ponder over how 'the real'  the so called 
'virtual' relate in our times which we wrongly perceive as an area of 'absolute 

Though... we can not even think such an option, as immediately one imagines any 
terrorist breaking into such a system. Still with the 'precise attacks' by 
remote controlled airplanes, drones, being a daily reality one keeps thinking 
if such switching from the 'virtual' to the 'real' could be thought in a 
positive way also.

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nettime NUCLEAR SECURITY SUMMIT 2014: Don't feed the doves as long as the eagles of war still have their nuclear nests in the Netherlands

2014-03-24 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
 Palace in 1913, 
the First World War broke out.

(3) See my news-tableaus on the subject:
- 18/9/2013: 2013 Dutch JSF Decision? It is just an old secret deal! After 
decades Parliament outmaneuvered by Spin Doctors  Lobbyists
- 17/9/2013: STRAALJAGER POLITIEK: Nederland Sterker  Socialer door het 
breken van verkiezingsbeloften  steun aan de oorlogsindustrie en 
NAVO-koloniale Atoomwapen-avonturen

(4) Netherlands and weapons of mass destruction

(5) One constant good source on European involvement in American nuclear 
weapons is Hans M. Kristens:
After a US Air Force Blue Ribbon Review in 2008 discovered that ?most? U.S. 
nuclear weapons sites in Europe did not meet U.S. security requirements, the 
Dutch government denied there were security problems. Yet more than $63 million 
of the over $80 million spent on improving security since 2000 were spent in 
2011-2012 ? apparently in response to the Blue Ribbon Review findings and other 
issues. The additional $154 million suggests that the upgrades in 2011-2012 did 
not fix all the security issues at the European nuclear bases.

(6) Nuclear sharing

(7) On the tower of the Congress Building in The Hague a huge banner has been 
hung with a pure decorative euphemistic design, as can be seen in this 
photograph on Flickr:

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
dramatising historical information

Flickr: Swift News Tableaus by Tjebbe van Tijen

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nettime ARTIST WITH BALLS ON RED SQUARE: an attempt at understanding the self-mutilation protest of Pyotr Pavlensky

2013-11-15 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
) but good version of a video registration, 
without initial advertisement and so on. One has to click first to agree not to 
be younger than 18 years. This is the caption:

Guy nails his scrotum to the ground as protest against police brutality Artist 
Peter Pavlensky nailed his testicles to a nail on the cobblestones of Red 
Square, the correspondent of Fringe.The action is timed to the Day of Police, 
which is celebrated on November 10. The action began at 13:00. Around 14:30 the 
artist was taken by ambulance to the First City Hospital. After going to the 
hospital to deliver him to the police station, China Town. In a statement 
about the artist's action, called Freeze, it is noted that it can be regarded 
as a metaphor of apathy and political indifference and fatalism of the modern 
Russian society. Pavlensky known for other high-profile protests. May 3 this 
year, he went to the building of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg 
naked and wrapped with barbed wire. Campaign Carcass symbolized man's 
existence in a repressive legal system, where any movement causes severe 
reaction of the law, bites into the body of an individual. In July last year 
Pavlensky held a rally in support of prisoners participating Pussy Riot. He 
sewed his mouth and stood at the Kazan Cathedral with a placard Speech Pussy 
Riot has been famous action replay of Jesus Christ (mf.21 

(2) Anne Applebaum cites Anatoly Marchenko's book MY Testimony (trad. Michael 
Scammel, London, 1969). I see that the eBook edition (what a shame does have 
neither page numbers nor foot- or end notes, so I can not give here the right 
page number.) Let me give at least a link to, as many libraries in 
the world do stock this book in one of the many editions that 

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
dramatising historical information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger
Flickr: Swift News Tableaus by Tjebbe van Tijen

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nettime BILDERBERG 2013: 100% privacy 100% security 100% convenience YES SOME CAN HAVE IT

2013-06-10 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen

Apart from the regular conspiracy reactions to the Bilderberg Conferences (a 
tradition that exists even longer in the Netherlands because the 
Prince/business-man of the House of Orange, Bernard has been its founder) there 
is the aspect of the difference between privacy, security and convenience for 
the elites and the masses. That is what this picture alludes to first of all...

Tjebbe van TIjen

No snooping on the 134 Bilderberg participants in the neatly sealed of premises 
of the Grove Hotel - former home of the Earls of Clarendon - near the British 
village of Watford, not far from London. Three days of seclusion from June 7th 
onward a forum for informal, off-the-record discussions about megatrends and 
the major issues facing the world. No intrusive cameras. No journalists. No 
declarations afterward. No demonstrators, as the hotel area and it's 
surroundings are placed under a restricted access order.

100% privacy, 100% security and 100% convenience, yes it can be done (*) for 
some who are not part of the suspected masses that are put under constant 
automated surveillance by their states.

(*) Paraphrase of the Obama speech of June 7th 2013 on the scandal of USA 
intelligence agency NSA mass snooping of citizens data communication and the 
sharing of this surveillance data with their British counterparts: “I think 
it’s important to recognize that you can’t have 100 per cent security and also 
then have 100 per cent privacy and zero inconvenience.”  

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
dramatising historical information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger
Flickr: Swift News Tableaus by Tjebbe van Tijen

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nettime LEADERS DIE - the past does not last - ultimos momentos del librador from Bolivar to Chavez the process of beatification has begun

2013-03-06 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
, that obsservers: After the scientist heading the 3D image project 
explained on Tuesday how it had been created using multiple scans and the 
latest forensic facial reconstruction methods, Chavez said Venezuelans were 
jubilant to see Bolivar's “real face” at last.

(4) Chavez unveils Simon Bolivar's reconstructed 3-D face Bolivar is the hero 
of independence in Venezuela and five other countries Venezuelan President Hugo 
Chavez has unveiled a 3-D reconstruction of the face of Simon Bolivar, who died 
in 1830 after leading the fight against Spanish colonial rule in the region. 
The computer-generated image was created by artists studying Bolivar's remains. 
It looks remarkably like known portraits of the South American liberation hero. 
Two years ago Mr Chavez ordered that the remains should be exhumed. Bolivar was 
widely thought to have died from tuberculosis aged 47. But the Venezuelan 
president had a theory that Bolivar had been poisoned in revenge for his fight 
against the Spanish empire. Forensic tests were inconclusive. 
a href=;

(5) Simón Bolívar's new tomb is monument to Hugo Chávez, say critics (...) 
More than 180 years after his death, the independence hero Simón Bolívar will 
be given an ostentatious and controversial new resting place in Venezuela 
thanks to his most famous modern-day follower, Hugo Chávez. The Venezuelan 
president has commissioned a £90m, white-tiled and domed mausoleum in Caracas 
to pay homage to his political inspiration, the nation's founding father.
a href=;


Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
dramatising historical information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger
Flickr: Swift News Tableaus by Tjebbe van Tijen

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nettime Hurricane Sandy and Human Encroachment on the Waterfront as a real estate crime

2012-11-06 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen

News Tableau posted today on my Flickr page

Hurricane Sandy and Human Encroachment on the Waterfront as a real estate crime

HURRICANE SANDY AND HUMAN ENCROACHMENT on the water front of rivers and 
oceans... The text below (*) is from a real estate agency selling off the last 
meters of a what was once a stretch of beach and dunes, centuries ago a place 
for hunters and whalers. Multi million dollar mansions are now crowding within 
the direct reach of what is a vast ocean with powers beyond any property deal 
and counter measures with heaping up a bit of sand with a few bulldozers.

The richer class urge for closeness to beach and sea, swallowing up most of the 
beach in the process, should be critically viewed when there is moaning about 
human suffering and damage because of a hurricane.

The picture explains the actual urbanised ocean front situation.

There is no shortage of reasons for why Long Beach Island is one of the most 
prestigious and desirable areas to live in along the northeast shore of the US. 
This beach front community  family vacation spot is just a short drive from 
Manhattan, and has ocean front properties, gorgeous beaches and outstanding 
shopping for residents to enjoy all year long. This 18 mile long island is 
located on an island off of the coast of Ocean County NJ yet is close enough to 
Philadelphia (1 hour) and New York City (1.5 Hours) that commuting to either 
city is a breeze.

(*) Source of this example of real estate vision is taken from:

All 168 News Tableaus (as on 5/11/2012) can be found at this address
Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime CATALAN INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT is a belated form of nationalism and a denial of what the economic crisis is about

2012-09-13 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
CATALAN INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT is a state of denial of what produced
the economic crisis. Eager nationalist who will ride on the social
discontent to just impose yet another exploitative class... as if
Catalan banks and eager speculators and so on were not involved
... it will bring turmoil and has - historical speaking - a lot of
reactionary effects that could lead to an Iberian Civil War, as
ugly as the Yugoslavian one. When Catalonia breaks off, you may
imagine what the Basques will do and what violence they have in
stock. Sheer mass-stupidty in my opinion. There is plenty of regional
autonomy in the Spanish federal like monarchy. They better get rid of
the institution of the Franco imposed king and make finally a real
(confederate) Spanish Republic. Belated 21st century nationalism has
nothing good in stock for any future. Let 'nationality' be first of
all and last of all 'a cultural identity' ...

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime Rodney King the Dutch way... PURE DENIAL

2012-06-27 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen

Rodney King the Dutch way... PURE DENIAL ... or in other words
believe the police and not what has been filmed by a passerby through
the yes of his phone camera. A video witness movie put on the Internet
about two Rotterdam police functionaries doing an arrest of what
had now come to be knows as a non-aggressive drunken man from
Letland, was shown last week on television. People trusting their own
experienced eyes of knowing how the arrest of a non-agressive drunk
should look like, felt this to be the non-professional way of doing
such a thing. Also the trained eyes - we assume - of the editorial
board of Dutch National television (NOS Journaal) thought so and they
did broadcast theYouTube witness movie, A Rodney King incident in
the style of the 3 March 1991 beating up of a black man beaten up by
Los Angelus police, an event by chance captured on video by someone
with an amateur video camera, and subsequently broadcasted on public

The video can be watched at this URL:

The Dutch way is that the whole affair is in process to be smoldered
and extinguished by Dutch police and justice authorities, who do carry
such a strong feeling, that anything they do must be right, and even
more so because it concerns a non-Dutch so called East European and
on top of that 'a drunken man', that they simply close their eyes to
what can be seen on the video and state that the whole procedure was

In de doofpot stoppen we call that in Dutch, it translates formerly
as hush up a thing but the Dutch metaphor is more material and
points back to the time of the use of small pieces of coal for heating
contraptions that would keep your feet warm in winter. As coal does
not 'switch off; when you do not need it any more, there was the
invention of an extinguisher of burning coal: a metal pot with a lit
that fitted so well that no fresh oxygen would reach the piece of
burning coal, resulting in it being extinguished.

In - now - historical cartoons one sees often a depiction of the
'doofpot' to illustrate a political 'cover-up'. The authoritarian
nature of Dutch society - often not recognised as such - with a press
that does little counter-play when it comes to such blunt denials of
given facts, has once more been proven.

Recently the formal head of the local police of Amsterdam, the mayor
of the town Van der Laan, had the courage to comment on a series of
mobile phone movies, showing a group of policemen (and women) beating
along into a non-resistant trained group of squatters, had the courage
and wits to say on television this does not look good and adding
that he would have had the case researched. It was an exception that
proves the rule, I have to say with regret.

Police, Rotterdam mayor and a Justice spokes-woman have tried to throw
lots of sand in our eyes, speaking about an incomplete documentation
and that without what happened before one could not judge what can
be seen on the video. Another bystander, the girlfriend of the man
who was taking the video was quoted by them as having said that the
man before the violent arrest was behaving aggressive. In a later
reaction that same lady said that the authorities had twisted her
words and she also has taken contact with newspapers to have her words
corrected in that way.

See this link (in Dutch) about her views:

A nice example of the Dutch 'doofpot' metaphor can be
found on this independent critical media web site:

Tjebbe van Tijen 26/6/2012

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nettime Rodney King died, the man whose beating up in 1991 triggered this mailing list: Nettime

2012-06-17 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Rodney King died today under still unclear circumstances

The man whose beating up by LA police was documented - by chance - by an 
amateur video camera user, which footage reached within a short time span, a 
local, national and international audience. It heralded the moment in which 
main stream media became a channel for local activist material. 

His case not only triggered a local and national uproar, but also a new 
ideology of what was soon to be called 'tactical media'. Grass root activism 
explained away by post-modern media theorists. It became a social movement with 
often more high brow theories than down to earth actions, with its first 
conference in Amsterdamin 1993: Next 5 Minutes. 

The - yet - unclear death of Rodney King, is a marker in time that challenges 
us to look back and see the same events with other eyes, now, almost twenty 
years later.

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and an unseen participant of the Thames flotilla

2012-06-04 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and an unseen participant of the Thames flotilla

June 3, 2012 by Tjebbe van Tijen

The illustrated version with links is available at:

[tableau of the swimmer activist in front of the big ship Queen Elizabeth]

The unseen participant is Trenton Oldfiled who swam into the line of rowing 
boats during the yearly Oxford/Cambridge rowing competition on April the 7th 
this year and caused quiet a stir with his non-violent direct action. The 
Diamond Jubilee Flotilla of today would have been yet another excellent 
occasion for his daring protest swimming, but I failed to spot him in the live 
coverage by the BBC, yet in my mind’s eye I saw him courageously crossing the 
path of the ‘ship of state of the United Kingdom’… I am sure that Trenton 
Oldfiled has been put under special surveillance during this River Thames event 
preventing him from participating. Apart from waving and cheering, the audience 
at such events is supposed to be not involved in the action.

[front page of Oxford Student magazine of the swimming activist intervention on 
April the 7th 2012 and their comment; they called him “a crazed Marxist”…]

I had made – in the beginning of April thus year – a note of his personal web 
pages with his extensive somehow confused ‘manifesto’ “Elitism Leads To 
Tyranny”   on the server of squarespace with the URL ,  but his site had disappeared. 
If this is because of his own will or that of others, I can not tell. So, 
because I had neatly documented his ‘manifesto’ web blog (posted before his 
action on April the 7th 2012), I can reproduce the full text hereby for 
posterity. It does not mean that I do fully agree with his way of arguing, but 
as someone who has studied and documented ‘social movements and direct action’ 
for decades, I try to understand how someone choses a ‘social issue’, reasons 
his or her intervention, and what are the reactions. Trenton Oldfiled, worked 
in the tradition of the British ‘suffragette’ movement. The use of his own bare 
body as a weapon during an elite sport event, links to an historic action back 
in the year 1913 by the British suffragette Emily Wilding Davison, who threw 
herself during a Derby attended by the King before the king’s horse, an action 
that toppled the horse and the jockey and hurt herself so much that she died of 
the wounds. “DEEDS NOT WORDS” was the slogan of that time of the militant 
fighters for equal rights of women.

Trenton Oldfiled does make a direct reference to the historical – catastrophic 
– action by Emily Wilding Davidson, he fails – though – to make a good analysis 
of the different meanings of that action at that time (*) and links it in too 
few words with the practice of what he calls “anti-imperialism activists and 
guerrillas” and the sabotage survival tactics of  ”trans-Atlantic slaves.” 
Nevertheless Trenton Oldfiled was on my mind today and others may have had 
similar associations seeing the royal pomp of the Brits and thinking about what 
social realities are hidden by such spectacles and how someone swimming in the 
pathway of a Royal Flotilla would have been a refreshing addition. That is why 
I choose this day to republish his somehow clumsy manifesto to honour the River 
Thames Swimmer Activist of the year 2012.

[screen shot with sorry elitismleasdstotyranny blog is not available]

--- start of quoted manifesto ---




 This part of the River Thames is very well known to me having previously 
worked in the area. I have continued to visit it as often as possible as it is 
one of the London reaches I became most fond of, mostly because of its 
unregulated Wooded Tow Path, the expansive foreshore at low tides and the 
wildlife habitats in the adjacent Leg of Mutton Reservoir. It is a beautiful 
place, one of the more serene spots in London. Best to visit when it has been 
dry for a few days as the path can be very muddy and puddled.  

 Setting aside the compelling natural environment for a moment, this reach is 
also the site of a number of past and present elitist establishments; Fulham 
Palace, Chiswick House and St Paul’s Schools and a large collection of other 
‘independent/public/free schools’. It is also where Nick Clegg, leader of the 
Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minster of the Government lives with his 
family, despite his constituents living hundreds

nettime JORGE ZORREQUIETA and the DISPOSICIÓN FINAL: when will he show any remorse?

2012-05-22 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
JORGE ZORREQUIETA and the DISPOSICIÓN FINAL: when will he show any remorse?

May 22, 2012 by Tjebbe van Tijen

For the full illustrated and documented article will links go to:

This is old news about a book by the Argentinian author Ceferino Reato who 
managed to interview the former Argentinian dictator Jorge Rafaela Videla in 
prison and for the first time having Videla speak about the real numbers of 
people killed by his regime in his vision (7 to 8 thousand persons). The book 
was published in Argentina a few months ago, but it merits special attention in 
the Netherlands because the Dutch Royal House has a family relation with one 
participant in the Videla regime. This relationship has been constantly half 
denied and underplayed. The policy of the Dutch Royal House and Dutch 
governments is one of low profile on this issue, in the hope it will be 

When I checked today  the Dutch library system I did not yet find a single copy 
in any Dutch public library (available or on order), including the Royal 
Library of the Netherlands. I will certainly write the last institution  about 
this omission! (*) “Disposición Final”(final disposal)  is the military jargon 
– of the Argentinian generals and government – for the murder of those that 
were seen as a danger to Argentinian society.


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2012-05-05 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen

May 5, 2012 by Tjebbe van Tijen

The illustrated version with links is avialbale at:

[tableau with scissor cut paper puppets and one paper puppter on a string held 
by a manipulating hand]

I was reading yet another article about the case of the Chinese dissident Chen 
Guang Cheng (陈光诚) in Le Monde today which mentioned that his case may be head 
lines in the world, but not so in China itself (it almost sounds like a 
definition of what ‘a dissident’ actually is). Chinese media if mentioning the 
case at all are referring to him as “a marionette of the USA.”

The article brought some emblematic pictures to my mind and so I did an image 
search on Google on marionettes and ‘puppets on a string’ and the last one 
brought me the image that opens this small note. Paper puppets that when they 
act become puppets on a string. It is a typical ready-made image to be sold to 
web sites for may different uses. So I will put the allegory of the picture to 
my own use here….

[screen shot of puppets on a string Google Image search]

With the Chinese dissident case in the head lines of the “free world” we seem 
to be back all the way in the Cold War and its definition and use of 
‘dissidents’ who would raise issues felt  as a danger to the existing rule in 
their own countries. There are always many more dissents around in far away 
countries than we will ever hear about, protesting paper puppets hidden from 
our view. The ones that manage to come on stage are the ones that will get 
strings attached to them, if they want it or not. The hand of the puppet player 
may change during the performance.

Smart and lucky dissidents would manage at one moment or another to get their 
message across their state  borders and raise enough attention elsewhere to 
create – at some moment in time – an opportunity to be shuffled into what is 
supposed to be a heroic exile.

The same kind of dissident criticism at home can also be applied to similar 
circumstances in any of the dissident hosting countries, but as courtesy and 
realism makes an exiled dissident cautious, exiled dissidents tend to be silent 
about their host. This is the sad fate of who – in order to safe his own life – 
is forced to become a hero-dissident, who will nevertheless have a hard time to 
defend her/himself against accusations of being just a marionette of a foreign 
power. The possible hosting country of Chen Guang Chen – the United States of 
America – does have a long long history of schizophrenic political morality and 
changing interpretations of the the word ‘freedom’. It is unavoidable that the 
shadow side of a rescuing power will reflect on a rescued dissident.

The manipulating hand of state power with the people as multiplied paper puppet 
marionettes in the picture is reflecting in the floor space and so the position 
of the expelled dissident elsewhere becomes a mere mirror image.

Chen Guang Chen – when he manages to get out safely – is said to get the 
opportunity to study law in the United States. He is not the first and 
certainly not the last getting such a chance. Imagine when all the world 
dissidents would gather in the United States and study, discuss and further 
their insight by exchanging experiences. Then, the mere quantity of dissidence 
could create a new quality and such a combined insight in world political 
matters could reflect back onto the United States itself. The marionettes would 
come alive and become players without strings.

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime The Limping Messenger: Warrior President Sarkozy proves it: “A friendship bought will be betrayed.”

2012-04-29 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Warrior President Sarkozy proves it: “A friendship bought will be betrayed.”

April 29, 2012 by Tjebbe van Tijen

A sitting president of any nation at the end of his term always has stains on 
his/her presidential uniform and the frequency with which the presidential suit 
has to be brought to the state-media-dry-cleaning-services may increase when 
she or he is so bold to want a second term. Sarkozy is no exception to this 
rule and indeed his stains are numerous, some are hard to remove older stains 
on the shirts he was wearing during earlier stages of his career: Karachi-gate 
(1994)  Bettencourt (2007), La Garde-Tapie (1993-2007), and several stains by 
‘the always well documented slander’ of Le Canard Enchainé (like the October 
2011 article on how a death sentence of Gaddafi has been instrumented by French 
Military Intelligence). Last stain thrown at him was by Dominique Strauss Kahn 
saying his sexual misconduct in New York was manipulated by the French 
government to keep him from running for President . Yes, the same DSK who is 
like Sarkozy a master of doing things and than saying he has not done them.

There is a method to remove such scandalous stains  in one go from the 
president uniform and that is an old governmental recipe: WAGE WAR!

War is is something as glorious as it is dirty and a president that leads a 
nation into  war – even when it is just a small one – will not be judged 
anymore for his civil stains. A president in the double role of a warrior wears 
the military stains that come with that exercise like medals of honour on his 

This understanding of the manipulation of the mood of a nation made me write 
several weeks ago this small article which may have still some informative 
relevance today, only one week from the final decisive presidential elections 
in France.

The rest of this fully illustrated and documented article can be found here

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime IRON BRAINS keep playing their war games over Israel and Gaza: everybody loses, except war-industry.

2012-03-12 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
IRON BRAINS keep playing their war games over Israel and Gaza: everybody loses, 
except war-industry.

March 12, 2012 by Tjebbe van Tijen

The fully illustrated and documented version can be found at:

[tableau showing launching of rockets by Islamic Jihad from the outskirts of 
Gaza City and Iron Shield system launching a rocket that captures these rockets 
mid air. In the background a photograph of a dog in the field and a thin white 
stripe in the sky of a Jihad rocket being destroyed]

I have a hard time understanding the aerial combat over Israel and Gaza. What 
is the idea of the Palestinian brigades to fire their low tech rockets to 
penetrate the Iron Shield protected area of Israel?90% of such rockets – it is 
said – are now destroyed in mid air by the the Israeli defence system, whereas 
the people in Gaza have no defence whatsoever against incoming retaliation 
bombardments from the endless military arsenal of Israel. The picture with the 
dog in the foreground and the smoke trail of the Israeli anti-rocket system 
intercepting a Gaza-strip fired rocket, was taken on Saturday the 9th of April 
2011 in the field near Ashkelon in Israel with the following command: “Nicole 
was out walking her dogs when she heard the distant siren and the booms. In the 
fields there is nowhere to hide, so she just watched the Iron Dome shooting the 
rocket out of the sky, leaving a puff and white smoke trail.” (3)

I need two arms and two fingers to point at all those despicable missile 
launchers. The only ones gaining from this ‘iron brains game’ is the weapon 
industry that uses the territories of Israel and Gaza as a testing grounds for 
the most advanced military products as is summarised in these visuals from 
trade brochures…

[visuals of trade brochures: Israel's Innovative Homeland Security Solutions]

More than one hundred rockets fired from Gaza at Israeli territory, 6 
Israelis’s wounded, retaliation attacks on Gaza 21 dead (March 12, 2012). There 
must be an immense hatred for all those ‘iron brains’ launching their explosive 
devices, from whatever side, for whatever ideological or security claim. But, 
who can earnestly express such a view, either in Israel or Gaza?

[tableau showing buildings on fire and wounded children in Gaza as a result of 
Israeli retaliation attacks]

notes with all three tableau picture elements in full original format and with 
their original captions. Also link to YoiuTube movie showing The Iron Shield 
System operating from a field.

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime Stimulating ‘PowerPoint’ presentation of Dominique Strauss Kahn at The Cambridge Union Society

2012-03-10 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Stimulating ‘PowerPoint’ presentation of Dominique Strauss Kahn at The 
Cambridge Union Society

to see the documented news tableau published on March 10, 2012 by Tjebbe van 
Tijen check out the latest Limping Messenger:

or short link

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime Historical handshakes confirming Oil Ententes of the Elysée with Libya and Syria 2007 – 2009

2012-03-01 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Historical handshakes confirming Oil Ententes of the Elys?e with Libya and 
Syria 2007 ? 2009

March 1, 2012 by Tjebbe van Tijen

The full illustrated and documented version with web links can be found at:

[tableau with Sarkozy shaking hands with Gaddafi (2007) and Assad (2009) on the 
steps of the Elys?e]

[visual statistics on oil production and oil export of Libya and Syria, with 
the caption: The backdrop of the policy for Libya and Syria by European Union 
and associated NATO countries is always painted with oil. (1) British/Dutch 
Royal Dutch Shell, French Total, CNPC from China and ONGC of India are main 
investors in Syrian crude oil and gas. (2)
13 November 2009 humanitarian oil diplomacy by Assad, the other way around: ?I 
asked President Sarkozy to interfere as to stop the daily killing of the 
Palestinians by the Israel Army,? said H.E. President Al-Assad citing today?s 
killing of a Palestinian citizen. (3) ]

[news photograph of Al-Assad delevring a speech at the Elys? in Paris in 2009, 
with this caption: His Excellency President Al-Assad described his talks with 
President Sarkozy as 'very successful'', 'constructive'' ''transparent'' and as 
''bolstering the confidence built between Syria and France'', ''dealing with 
many international as well as regional issues, bilateral relations, the Iranian 
nuclear file, the recent positive developments in Lebanon, particularly 
following the formation of the Lebanese Government, which we expect to be an 
important step for the stability in Lebanon.'' (...) ''The talks, further, 
dealt with the situation in Gaza from a human perspective; I asked President 
Sarkozy to interfere as to stop the daily killing of the Palestinians by the 
Israel Army,'' said H.E. President Al-Assad citing today's killing of a 
Palestinian citizen.]

 ?? discovery of treasure, a huge oil and gas in the basin of the Mediterranean 
is estimated reserves to 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 107 billion 
barrels of oil.?

[map of oil concessions in Syria with this caption: SYRIAN OIL AND GAS NEWS: 
Announcement for International Offshore Bid Round 2011 Category: Oil Ministry 
Decisions  Declarations | Posted on: 30-03-2011 The Ministry of Petroleum and 
Mineral Resources and General Petroleum Corporation (GPC) invite international 
petroleum companies for an International Bid Round to explore, develop and 
produce petroleum from three offshore blocks in some areas of the territorial 
waters and the exclusive economic zone of the Syrian Arab Republic in the 
Mediterranean Sea according to the production sharing contract.The announcment 
contains three marine areas ( block I, block II, blockIII) with covarage area 
estemated by 3000 cubic kilometers per one block. the annoncement date starts 
in 24/3/2011 for six monthes and closed on 5/10/2011.The modern American 
studies recently confirmed the discovery of treasure, a huge oil and gas in the 
basin of the Mediterranean is estimated reserves to 122 trilli
 on cubic feet of natural gas and 107 billion barrels of oil. (4)]

(1) 14/4/2011: ?Oil Production Figures in Areas of Unrest (Middle 
East  North Africa)?

(2) 3/12/2011: ?E.U. sanctions force Shell to leave 

(3) Presidents Al-Assad/ Frnace visit statements 

(4)  Syrian Oil and Gas News; 8/2/2010:International announcement for 
developing 7 oil field in Arraqah

Posted in European politics, Africa, Middle East, news-tableau | Tagged Bashar 
al-Assad, human rights, Nicolas Sarkozy, Colonel Gaddafi (1942-2011), Oil 
Entente, State visit Al Assad to France 2009, State visit Colonel Gaddafi to 
France 2007, oil export Libya, oil export Syria

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2012-02-16 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen

News-Tableau on The Limping Messenger

GDP statistic 1961-2009 and 2 coup d'état

link =

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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nettime MOE-landers: statistical category as a basis for discrimination by Dutch PVV VVD political parties

2012-02-10 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
MOE-landers: statistical category as a basis for discrimination by Dutch PVV  
VVD political parties

February 9, 2012 by Tjebbe van Tijen

The fully illustrated (including videos) and documented version can be found as 
always on:

[tableau/détournement: Meldpunt MOE-landers, with elements of PVV web site]

A ‘détournement‘ for the latest campaign of PVV/Wilders group targeting Middle 
 East European workers… what I see when I check out the Complain Web Site of 
the PVV.

The word ‘MOE-Landers’ is a post Cold War invention, before there was  the 
monolithic term  ’Oostblok (East-block from the East germany/DDR all the way to 
Vladivostok in Siberia ). MOE is an ‘acronym’ of Midden Oost Europees (Middle 
East European), which is then glued to the word ‘lander’ (someone from a 
certain land or country).

The word ‘MOE’ in Dutch means being tired. This is an interesting association 
as the MOE-landers may be coming to the Netherlands because the Ducth lower 
paid classes are tired (moe) of working for too low wages and in too bad 
circumstances. The Dutch entrepeneurs are of course the last to complain about 
willing Middle-East-Europe employees.

Wilders and his PVV movement specialise in using generalised ‘statistic group 
names  for humans’ as a basis for their pointing-a-finger-to-others politics. 
It is not just those belonging to a religious entity like Islam that are 
targeted by the PVV. The party of Wilders also points to other groupings of 
people, often groups that have been defined as a specific statistical category 
by the State Statistical Bureau (CBS). Autochtoon (Old-Greek: αὐτος; autos = 
“self” and χθων chthoon = “land/earth”)  and Allochtoon (ἄλλος (allos) = other; 
+ land/earth) are important ‘catchwords’ to be found in the ‘policy nets’ of 
the PVV. ‘Native’ and ‘alien’ to use other dividing terms, or simply ‘us and 

Sub-categories – all neatly defined by the Dutch State Statistic Bureau – are 
singled out by PVV strategists for their populist campaigns, like the seemingly 
geographic notion of ‘Niet Westerse Allochtoon’ (non Western Allochtones). 
NWAers would be an acronym for this group, proposed to us as a non-adaptive 
foreign element in the mythically national entity of ‘echte Nederlanders’ (real 
Netherlanders) originating from ‘non Western countries. The last thing is such 
an general absurd notion that it will take a separate article (in the making) 
to explain it by showing tis category in maps. For the rest I need not detail 
here the fact that all nations exist only by the grace of migration. The 
ethnographer searching for a real aboriginal Dutch will have a hard time 
finding one.

[Statistic of Middle and East Europeans in the Netheralnds 2007-2011: Middle 
and East Europeans in the Netherlands: (blue) not registered employee in the 
GBA (Gemeentelijke Basis Administratie Persoonsgegevens/Municipal Basic 
Administration of Persons Information); (brown) idem registered. Source CBS .]

The singling out of MOE-landers as a target is not a new PVV policy. It fits in 
their long term structural policy of ‘the Netherlands for the Netherlanders’ 
(Nederland voor de Nederlanders). The definition of what a real Netherlander is 
according to the PVV remains kind of vague. I do not see a ‘jus sanguinis‘ (the 
fact of being born in a country) approach by the PVV as a basis for 
citizenship, as Dutch citizenship is something in the opinion of the PVV that 
can be taken away from first, second – who knows where it ends – generations of 
migrants, that in their view do misbehave. “Send them back to their homeland” 
is the adage.

It is certainly not only the PVV who is campaigning against former 
East-blockers, East-Europeans or MOE-landers. The Liberal Party for Freedom 
(VVD) – the main power in government now – is in fact the main motor behind the 
PVV action against MOE-landers. The VVD minister of Social Affairs and 
Employment, Henk Kamp, proposed already a year ago to expel unemployed Polish 
workers, not withstanding European accords on free movement of employees. The 
number of problem cases of such economic migrants, as suggested by the minister 
last year, have been criticised and relativized by informed sources and members 
of parliament, accusing the minister of a party-politic election show over the 
backs of EU migrant workers.

What we see is an orchestrated campaign whereby the PVV takes an extremist  
stand by actions like the call to complain on a web site about MOE-landers 
(anonymous and without check on double entries if wanted), while the VVD plays 
it more subtle and indirect. Minister Kamp has a personal campaign, often 
televised by the NOS TelevisionJournal, whereby he draws his double sided 
sword: threatening to scrap the welfare benefit of Dutch unemployed workers, if 
they refuse to do the jobs now done

nettime SOPA, PIPA, ACTA what is all the fuss about?

2012-01-27 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
This is a visual object, so you can see it at:

Posted in Consumerism | Tagged ACTA, PIPA, planned obsolescence of media 
industry, SOPA

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nettime AIRLIFT YOUR DATA: alternatives for a blockaded internet

2012-01-26 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
AIRLIFT YOUR DATA: alternatives for a blockaded internet

January 26, 2012 by Tjebbe van Tijen

The illustrated version  with many documented links can be found at my blog: 
The Limping Messenger

Below is the text-only version:


[tableau Berlin Airlift with airplane/Berlin Wall 1948 + copyright symbol: 

Newspaper heading these last days on the Dutch Stichting Brein (Foundation 
Brain) forces providers to effect an INTERNET BLOCKADE against Pirate Bay web 
sites“. The Foundation Brein received on January the 11, 2012 a court order 
that forces some of the big internet providers in the Netherlands (Xs4all and 
Ziggo at first, T-Mobile and UPC are on the list) to block internet services 
that Brein claims to be infringements of copyright and intellectual property. 
The blockade is aimed at  sites of, and related to, ‘Pirate Bay’.  The court 
order (1) mentions 24 internet addresses to be blocked. Already  at court, 
Stichting Brein did make some changes in this blockade-list by taking off 4 
addresses, that would take off-line web services that had little or no relation 
with Pirate Bay activities seen as infringements  (one of them was a web site 
with educational movies for young people). It is in the same week that Dutch 
internet service providers  (and 20 search warrants in eight other countries) 
have been forced to take the domain MegaUpload off line. The Dutch firm 
LeaseWeb – working for MegaUpload – saw 690 computer servers sealed (storing 15 
of the total 25 ‘petabyte’ of data used by MegaUpload) by the Dutch Tax 
Authority (FIOD), executing an order of the American FBI. This series of events 
prompted a Green Left member of parliament (Arjen El Fassed) to ask questions 
to the Dutch government about  this whole sale anti-piracy operations, whereby 
illegal and legal forms of data-traffic are not properly separated:

“Operations like this cause huge damage to the freedom and openness of the 

I see as much Right as Wrong with CopyRight as it is practiced by the actual 
Media Content Industry – and Stichting Brein is – first of all – a tool of 
those corporate interests, though they like to pose as defenders of creative 

There is much to debate about copyright: what it once was, what it became and 
how to rethink the idea of claiming ownership on things reproducible for the 
future. As our media have changed dramatically, the idea and practical 
application of ownership of content should also be open to change. The same 
firms that invent and produce – endless and more and more quickly outdated – 
hardware devices, are producing and monopolising the content to be displayed on 
them, making profits on both software and hardware. There are many creative 
alternatives for intellectual property of content and distribution of “profits” 
in the making, that go beyond the singular ‘big players only’ approach, where 
content creators have little to no say and the content consumers are only seen 
as cattle to be exploited. ‘Creative Commons‘, ‘The Future of Music Coalition‘, 
and many more… When analysing how profits are made and revenues are distributed 
fairness for those who actually do the  ’creative work’, is hard to find.

[Two piecharts: on the divide of the videogame industry (consoles, games, 
accessories for playing/gaming, rentals) and The Great Divide of the music 
industry with a band ending up with 13% of the revenues] 

Two recent examples that show how media industry both pushes and earns from 
selling hardware and software (content) and what the practice of sharing is 
when it comes to those actually producing 'intellectual property'. For sources 
see note (2)
We are all aware of  the ‘digital gluttony’ that has been wakened in us by 
constant propagated consumerism. One’s personal economy to get unlimited access 
to content may deprive others from income, but to what extent ‘personal piracy’ 
hurts ‘corporate business’ is up to debate. The history of piracy in publishing 
and distribution  tells another story than what the lawyers of content business 
want us to believe. The title of  cultural historian and media scholar Siva 
Vaidhyanathan’s book published in 2003 says it all: “Copyrights and copywrongs 
: the rise of intellectual property and how it threatens creativity.” In the 
chapter “the digital moment” he sketches the impact:

The digital moment has also collapsed the distinction among three formerly 
distinct processes: gaining access to a work; using (we used to call it 
‘reading’) a work; and copying a work. (…) Copyright was designed to regulate 
only copying. It was not supposed to regulate one’s right to read or share. But 
now that the distinctions among accessing, using and copying have collapsed, 
copyright policymakers have found themselves faced with what seems to be a 
difficult choice: either relinquish some

nettime Cohn Bendit teaches Orban: “information must derange politics”

2012-01-19 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Cohn Bendit teaches Orban: “information must derange politics”

January 19, 2012 by Tjebbe van Tijen in the Limping Messenger

the illustrated and annotated version can be found here:

[tableau: l'information doit déranger la politique]

Daniel Cohn Bendit is an old style orator who loves to be on stage and debate, 
from the university back rooms of Nanterre in the mid sixties as a ‘young 
European anarchist’ and explicit anti-parlementarist, to the the front room of 
the European parliament in Strasbourg and Bruxelles as an elected deputé of the 
Green Party. Yesterday I saw on French television TV5 a snippet of his 
discourse against Viktor Orban, Hungarian President, comparing Orban’s position 
with that of Chavez and Fidel Castro.

To me his way of arguing on television  seemed to be a fallacy, as Orban is a 
member of a neo-liberal right wing party – Fidesz – that came to the fore 
because of its fierce anti-communism.

When I tried to find a more complete registration of that yesterday debate, I 
failed to do so, but I did stumble upon a similar oration of Cohn Bendit versus 
Orban exactly one year ago on January 19. 2011.

Here Cohn Bendit’s discourse is less crude and more to the point when he 
attacks the new press laws of Hungary, which lets a (Fidesz) committee decide 
on the objectivity and balance of news reporting. State censorship in short in 
the name of “balanced information” (l’information équilibrée). It is the 
European Parliament meeting where the EEC presidency of Hungary for that year 
is inaugurated.

“L’information équilibrée n’existe pas” (balanced information does not exist) 
declaimed the Green tribune, facing and pointing to Hungarian President Orban 
and sums – apostrophic and repetitive in the form of rhetorical questions – 
cases from history where state authority has been challenged by news media: 
from the Watergate scandal of burglary in the offices of the Democratic Party 
under Nixon to the Abu Ghraib prison abuse under George Bush.

“L’information doit déranger la politique..” (information must derange 
politics). With a grim face and fierce gestures Cohn Bendit finishes his 
display of exemplum by adding after a short pause  ”et ça fait mal quelquefois: 
(sometimes that hurts).

Cohn Bendit is fully equipped to propose this dictum, as he has been fiercely 
attacked personally several times in his life – often unjustly – by news media 
that had to fear no state control in his favour. From the right wing news 
papers in 1968 calling him ”un juif allemand” (a German Jew) (*) to the more 
recent attacks on him linking his sexual mores of  the sixties and seventies to 
pedophilia (**).

[link to Youtube video]

When one sees this Youtube version of the Cohn Bendit debate in the European 
Parliament not embedded here but on the Youtube page, scandalous racist hate 
viewer comments are on public display, as well as the moderate and supportive 
ones. All this seems ‘unmoderated’. This is not “information équilibré” and one 
must have a harnessed soul to read many of the comments. The relative anonymity 
 of the internet produces such reactions and its is up to any internet 
community to keep excesses under control.

We remain with the question whether the dictum ‘information must derange 
politics’ should also be applied to the public realm of digital social media.

[screen shot of insulting comments to Cohn Bendit on youtube]


(*) 2 mai 1968 extreme right wing journal Minute writes: “Ce Cohn-Bendit, parce 
qu’il est juif et allemand, se prend pour un nouveau Karl Marx.” (this Cohn 
benit, because he is a jew and a German, takes himself for a new Karl Marx)
(**)   ”German MEP open about his paedophilia” is just one of the many 
descriptions (British Democracy Forum) of the belated reactions to a passage in 
his book “Le Grand Bazar” published in the year 1975 in which sexual tinted 
activities between him and some children are described. It took 26 years before 
a political opponent (German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel of the FDP/Free 
Democratic Party) grabbed the opportunity to confront Cohn Bendit with his 
escapades in the early seventies of last century. In January 2001 Cohn Bendit 
answered by way of an interview in The Observer: “I admit that what I wrote is 
unacceptable nowadays.”

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime Centennial of Aerial Bombing 1911/11/11 – 2011/11/11 Primordial Air Power

2011-11-11 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Full article with illustration and links can be found at:

 ‎11 November 2011 ~ 11 November 1911, today is the centennial of one hundred 
 years of aerial bombing, the first example being the bombing of Turkish 
 troops by Italian airplanes during the Italo-Turkish War in Libya in 1911. 
 Some grenades hand held, dropped onto troops below. Aerial bombing is in fact 
 incorrect as the launching of airborne missiles date back much further in 
 time. Balloons have for instance been used by the Austrians when they 
 beleaguered Venice in 1849 using unmanned balloons filled with explosives 
 that could be triggered by electro-contacts using long wires (the idea of 
 drones which are used in a more advanced way nowadays is born here). So today 
 it is the centenary of airborne attacks by humans launching explosives from 
 flying contraptions. The idea of airborne attack goes back into mythical 
 times, though.


 We are one century from the moment that a grenade was dropped by hand from an 
 Italian airplane circling over an oasis in the Libyan desert onto the heads 
 of a few Ottoman soldiers. The Italian colonization of Libya that followed 
 the break down of the Ottoman empire – at that time – created the 
 circumstances that lead one century later to renewed usage of air force. We 
 may have progressed in technical sense a lot, but politically speaking we 
 have not yet freed ourselves of crude imposture of imperial power.

written on the aerial bombardment centennial day in Phnom Penh

Tjebbe van Tijen

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nettime Who will be responsible for the ‘de-gaddafization’ of Libya?

2011-10-27 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Who will be responsible for the ‘de-gaddafization’ of Libya?

October 22, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen, the illustrated version of this text with 
a few links has appeared in the Limping Messenger:

How anybody can protect civilians by throwing bombs from the air? When we find 
the sight of the mutilated body of Gaddafi on show in a freezer of a butcher 
store appalling, what about the multiplication of the principle – now in Libya 
– on the backstage of global news? Which accounts are settled in the shadow? 
Who gets hold of whom for what, in a situation without rule of law? What has 
been the example given by the Alliance forces dropping explosives from the air, 
not bringing members of the contested regime to justice, but to punish them on 
the spot by attempted annihilation?

When it is true that a fleeing or escaping convoy of Gaddafi has been attacked 
by NATO airplanes with their deadly load just outside of Sirte, why to muddle 
about the subsequent lynching that seems to have taken place? NATO tried to 
lynch from the air, long distance and  ’high tech’, opposition forces finished 
the job by hand on the ground.

Who will hold out her or his phone camera to document the revenge between 
civilians triggered by such examples, raging now in Libya?

It is sufficient to have read the recent report of Amnesty International 
on September 13. 2011, to know that the perpetration of violence was/is not 
only a monopoly of the Gaddafi regime in Libya, but has entered the veins and 
bloodstream of this society.

[photograph showing many people with phone camera's stooped over the dead bopdy 
of Gaddafi in a freezer with the orginal caption:Muammar Gaddafi's 'trophy' 
body on show in Misrata meat store Libyans queue to see dictator's body as 
wounds appear to confirm he was killed in cold blood (The Guardian October 22, 

These are the days of the ‘little axes’, in so many hands, falling down on so 
many heads… How dare heads of state – like Sarkozy – speak through broadcasts 
to the Libyan people, “Its time now for reconciliation” , whereas those that 
need to be reconciled have been left behind with a collapsed state and hardly 
any governmental or citizen’s networks to undertake such a huge task of 
building a civil society and reconcile?

The nazi regime lasted a mere twelve years and ‘de-nazification’ several 
decades. We Europeans have not been able to stop the wild enforced regime 
change by an outsider high technology military force. NATO has been send in, 
paid by our tax money. What has been sold to us by Aljazeera and the like as a 
‘people’s revolution’ may in the end well have been mutated into a ‘coup 
d’état’ where the top have been toppled, but the echelons just below it remain 
in control.

Who will be responsible for the ‘de-gaddafization’ of Libya?

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime Nijntje het copyright konijntje/ Miffy the little copyright rabbit

2011-09-13 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
An illustrated and documented version can be found at

[tableau with two Nijntjes and the hand of the designer]

Nijntje/Miffy may sniff cocaine and be a terrorist has said a Dutch judge today 
in a courtcase where the creator of ‘Nijntje het copyright konijntje’ (Miffy 
the copyright rabbit) Dick Bruna (1927 -) had asked the court to forbid several 
Nijntje impersonations on the web. Dirk Bruna – for decades – is the Dutch 
champion and pioneer of licensing and royalties, censoring whatever urban 
culture derivation of his creation. Thus he has for long become the censor of 
the offspring of his own drawing board creation, or was it the late designer 
and founder of the merciless copyright exploitation bureau Mercis, Pieter 
Brattinga (1931 – 2004) that has aborted and killed most of the unwanted 
progeny of this imaginary rabbit? Pencil and eraser in one hand.

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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2011-09-11 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen

September 11, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen

This is mainly a pictorial comment which can be seen at:


let their names be written on water and float across all rivers and oceans…

[photograph of hand writing on water]

[photograph of 9/1/ monument in New York] 

* the first photograp is by 艺 术 家:火风(Huo Feng); the second by the ‘National 
September 11 Memorial’ organisation.

Tagged: 9/11, commemoration of victims of mass violence, ephemeral monuments, 
retaliation victims of 9/11, writing on water 

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime What will be the last view of Gaddafi of this world?

2011-08-21 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
What will be the last view of Gaddafi of this world?

August 21, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen 

For the version with two tableau pictures and links see The Limping Messenger:

[tableau: which way up?]

What will be the last view of Gaddafi of this world?

which way up?

which way down?

what will be our last view of him?

the anti-colonial guerilla fighter hero he associated with Omar al Mukhtar ? 
Lion of the Desert ? hung in 1931 by the Italian fascist colonial regime under 
Benito Mussolini
(Gaddafi wore the last photograph of Mukhtar alive just before his execution as 
a badge on his military uniformwhen visiting Berlusconi in Italy in 2009)


the ruthless dictator Benito Mussolini, as captured by Italian Partisans in 
1945, when he tried to flee to Switzerland and executed on the spot, hung by 
his feet

the flag of his copy cat green revolution waved four decades

the regime he helped create repressed as many people as it did bind, to its 
peculiar form of common wealth

despised and embraced at the same time, by other leaders from other countries
who drew their plans for his removal while celebrating their meetings with him

those from his own camp, who now leave him to face up to his last days
will trample on his face to hide their own past

will his court be in the streets or in The Hague?

there will be no singular view of Gaddafi

as with all dictators both his face
and the way we see it
are split.

[tableau: which way down?]


Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime Gay Pride Canal Parade 2012: who is next to come out?

2011-08-08 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Gay Pride Canal Parade 2012: who is next to come out?

August 8, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen

A fully documented version with web-links and a 'tableau' illustration can be 
found at:

Gay Pride 2012, who is next to come out?  The Dutch army and the National Bank 
(DNB) are only a few official institutions that participate with a boat of 
their own in the yearly Canal Parade of Gay Pride Amsterdam. Themuseum and 
cultural sector is presented with their own boat (Amsterdam Museum | Bijbels 
Museum | De Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam | EYE/Filmmuseum | FOAM | Hermitage Amsterdam 
| Het Concertgebouw | Het Nationale Ballet | Joods Historisch Museum | 
Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest | Museum Van Loon | Nationaal Historisch Museum 
| Nederlands Bureau voor Toerisme en Congressen | Nederlands Philharmonisch 
Orkest | Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder | Rijksmuseum | Scheepvaartmuseum | 
Stedelijk Museum | Tassenmuseum Hendrikje | Tropenmuseum | Van Gogh Museum) a 
never ending list. Even the government has their own (contested) boat - though 
the prime minister Rutte choose to profile himself at a more straight mass 
party around the corner on the same day as the Canal Parade: ‘Dance Valley’ . A 
Dutch Hindu boat was a newcomer this year following the trend of Christian, 
Islam and Jewish gay representation, during an event that seems to aim at 
embracing ‘the whole’ of Dutch society. But certain key sectors of the 
Netherlands keep ‘missing the emancipation boat’, fail the institutionalised 
‘coming out’: Dutch football business, the Dutch Royal House of Orange (and 
they have several nice boats ready to take part) and a boat of a section of 
this society that is thought to consist mainly of macho heteros, the Dutch 
Mafia. Here is an underworld that should be targeted, stimulated to ‘come out 
of their closets’. One can already enjoy the vision of a ‘parade of sails’ of 
hash and cocaine boats chaperoned by armoured speedboats, with the crew dressed 
in proper t-shirts and sunglassed criminals with their water-pistols doing 
‘bang, bang, bang’.

[tableau with a movie poster, a pink t-shirt and pink water-pistol]

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime Emblem for the International Criminal Court: Iustitiae Languor

2011-08-02 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Emblem for the International Criminal Court: Iustitiae Languor

August 2, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen

The illustrated version with a link to the emblem source can be found at

[tableau with 17th century emblem and picture of the International criminal 
Court in The Hague]

Iustitiae Languor/Justice Falls Down:

Indictment for Gaddafi but not (yet) for Assad makes one wonder and the symbol 
of Justitia as an impartial being came to mind and it made me  search in one of 
the emblemata databases for the word ‘justice’, this one popped up and though 
made in the 17th century it is still fitting four centuries later, where the 
geo-political situation in the world often gets out of control, like an 
unbridled horse.

The emblem book (*) has the old German text on the facing page and it reads:

motto (de)
Gerechtigkeit gehet zu Grundt.
subscriptio (de)

GLeich wie ein wildes/ freches Pferdt
Stelt sich die Welt jetzundt auff Erdt/
Das wildt Pferdt leydet kein Gebiß/
Die welt die leydet kein Verdrieß/
Doch haßts vnd scheucht insonderheit/
Der Gesetz Recht vnd Gerechtigkeit.

A quick rendering of the somewhat obscure German – with an eye to the Latin – 
could read in English:

Like an untamed horse
The world puts itself on earth
A wild horse not bridled by a bit
A world not guided by remorse
But hating and dossing off especially
Law, righteousness and judiciary.


(*) Proscenium vitæ humanæ siue Emblematvm Secvlarivm, Ivcvndissima,  
artificiosissima varietate Vitæ Hvmanæ  seculi huius deprauati mores, ac 
studia peruersissima. Versibvs Latinis, Germanicis, Gallicis  Belgicis ita 
adumbrantium … (1627, Frankfurt)

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime Geo-politics come before human rights: the case of Syria and the legacy of the city of Hama

2011-07-31 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Geo-politics come before human rights: the case of Syria and the legacy of the 
city of Hama

July 31, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen

The illustrated version with embedded video and links can be found at:

[tableau of International Criminal Court logo with the balance of justice swung 
one way and tanks advancing on Hama and demonstrations in that town of these 
last days]

‎”Syrian tanks storm the city of Hama” I read today and the mere name of that 
haunted town makes me shiver, as tens of thousands of people were massacred 
there in the year 1982 on orders of Assad Senior, the death toll ranges between 
20 and 40 thousands. A genocide forgotten – some say – a political mass-murder 
would be a more apt classification. The movie below commemorates the 1982 
ordeal of Hama in Syria.

[embedded Youtube movie]

The well documented Syrian Human Rights Committee has this report on the 1982 
Hama Massacre:​spx/d5/2535.aspx

Infringements on human rights in Syria have been documented for decades by 
organisations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. This has not 
led the ‘international community’ to take any serious action against the Assad 
regime. The Assad dynasty is a stabilising power in the region, as was the 
Egypt of Mubarak. The fate of Syrian citizens is judged as being less important 
than the Middle East Entente.

Also the International Criminal Court in The Hague – sadly enough – is more 
lead by the geo-politics of its constituent states, than by the rule of 
international law. Whereas the UN Security Council asked the ICC to research 
whether the Libyan government should be indicted for its threats to the 
civilian population. No such actions have been taken against the Syrian 
government of Assad Junior. The balance of power in the Middle East is more 
important than the balance of international justice. Or will the attack of 
tanks on demonstrating citizens of the town of Hama make the bascule of justice 
move to its proper position?

Of the 139 states that have signed the Rome Statute of the International 
Criminal Court, 34 have not ratified the treaty, Syria is one of them.

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime Dutch police training Afghan colleagues without knowing local reality

2011-07-23 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Dutch police training Afghan colleagues without knowing local reality

July 21, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen 

De geïllustreerde versie staat op

‎”Kennis Nederlandse trainers over Kunduz lijkt beperkt” (knowledge of the 
Dutch trainers about Kunduz seems limited) is the headline of De Volkskrant 
daily this morning and I imagine how an ignorant Royal Dutch Marechaussee 
(military police) officer instructs the local Afghan police force: “Look that 
is how we do it in Holland!”

[tableau showing a Dutch military policeman training an Afghan police class]

At the same time I imagine the improbable reversed situation of an Afghan 
military or police functionary training Dutch police officers at the Dutch 
Police Academy in Apeldoorn: “Do you understand?  That’s how we do it in 
Afghanistan!” Should it be rather the Dutch politicians who need such a 
training before deciding to send a police training mission to Afghanistan? An 
impossible proposition almost for sure, because who would determine who would 
be the Afghan trainers for such a mission in the Netherlands, which fraction of 
Afghan society would such an instructor represent? Now we are ready to reverse 
this question and think about who has been selected in the Netherlands to train 
Afghan policemen. Or can policing be made in something blank and objective non 
dependant on local standards and social complexities? I doubt it.

[tableau showing Afghan policeman teaching a Dutch police class]

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime Octave Mirbeau and the turpitudes of Dominique Strauss-Kahn

2011-07-03 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen

Octave Mirbeau and the turpitudes of Dominique Strauss-Kahn

July 3, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen

For the illustrated version see

[détournement of a film scene of the 1964 Bunuel movie 'Diary of a chambermaid']

My morning association reading the news of the release of DSK: Strauss-Kahn and 
Octave Mirbeau who wrote in the year 1900 the novel ‘Diary of a chambermaid’ 
(Le Journal d’une femme de chambre) giving voice to a maidservant: “Through her 
eyes, which perceive the world through keyholes, he shows us the foul-smelling 
hidden sides of high society, the ‘moral bumps’ of the dominating classes, and 
the turpitudes of the bourgeois society that he assails. Mirbeau’s story 
undresses the members of high society of their superficial probity, revealing 
them in the undergarments of their moral flaws: their hypocrisy and 
perversions.” (1)

Here we see Strauss-Kang enacting a scene of the novel for filmmaker Bunuel 
together with Jeanne Moreau, if only DSK had limited himself to 

(1) citation from Wikipedia:

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime Libya: I have always had a suspicion when ‘civilians’ are protected and 'soldiers' are open for lawful slaughter.

2011-05-19 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen

a show of force to help topple the tank based Assad family from power in Syria, 
in the near future. Political leaders must by now have received the message of 
the international legal community, that only in China it is allowed to use 
tanks against demonstrators. Both politics and justice in Africa and the Middle 
East seem to be in the hands of  NATO generals, they take the initiative while 
parliaments have lost all control over this theatre of war. Happily the 
International Criminal Court in The Hague – that has no own police force to 
arrest indicted war criminals – still has a telephone line, to prove things can 
be done differently. Or, one musty believe that the members of Gaddafi’s claque 
and clique needed some bombs to rain next to their front doors before they 
would call The Hague, as if the downfall of the Gaddafi reign had not been 
imminent for many months already, without NATO airplanes. Why diplomatic forms 
of subversion have failed to be used to oust the regime of Gaddafi? Who does 
the body count in Libya irrespective on which side death occurs? Who are those 
Libyan army soldiers that are legitimate targets now?  I read the army consists 
of 25.000 volunteers and 25.000 conscripts and that their equipment is rather 
outdated. So what chance they have against the ultra up to date NATO forces? 
NATO does not have smart bombs that can decide who to kill and who not, bombs 
that can distinguish between a conscript, a volunteer, a Gaddafi guard or an 
insurgent. Too many unanswered questions. I have always had a suspicion when 
‘civilians’ are protected and soldiers are open for lawful slaughter. We need 
to widen our vision on such conflicts and develop new tactics for more peaceful 
methods of transition of power.

Full text and image at:

NB this is an extended version of an earlier post

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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nettime Muammar Gaddafi 1942- …. Looking from the past to the future

2011-05-12 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Muammar Gaddafi 1942- ?. Looking from the past to the future
May 12, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen 

This is most of all a tiny story told through two pictures... which can be seen 
at the following address

[tableau Gaddafi 1969/2011]

Wednesday May 11th 2011 Gaddafi comes to one of the most safe places for him 
now-a-days the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli where most of the international 
journalists accredited by the Libyan Government are staying, though they are 
having dinner elsewhere in the hotel and know nothing about this meeting of 
Gaddafi and a whole parade of Libyan tribal leaders that come to him one by one 
and shake his hand, all the while being photographed as loyal chiefs. On a 
screen in the room a program of Libyan state television is projected in the 
background so the date and time of the meeting is documented. The video of this 
broadcast by Libyan State Television can be seen at YouTube under the title: 
?Gaddafi Live on Libya State TV May 11 ? NATO Assassination Attempt Fails Again 
!? The video is not subtitled and not translated. It leaves the non Arabic 
speaking with only the body language of those acting out this scene.

It looks to me very much like a farewell meeting with someone who is going to 
die soon, knowing his day are counted.

I look in some old archives with different spellings of his name: Khadaffi, 
Qadhafi and see a young man right after having taken power in 1969: with 
sparkling open eyes and a smile, looking ahead. Gaddafi has been born ? it says 
? in a Berber tent in 1942, where will he die and how, nobody can look into his 
eyes anymore to find the answer?

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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