Re: Stormy weather?

2023-02-16 Thread Vesna Manojlovic

To reply to the Stormy Weather, both as a forecast and as allegory ...

Brian wrote:

"Today, under the pressure of climate change, broader fronts are 
emerging, which include not only peasant and indigenous struggles, but 
also metropolitan minorities and, crucially I think, elements of the 
middle classes who see the looming dead-end of industrial modernism - 
something that has not been very perceptible to the old working 
classes. These emergent alliances from below are threatened, not only 
by the police, but even more, by the paralyzing power of psychic distress

... this reminds me of the 2023 book "Deluge" [1] by Stephen Markley [2] 
(available @ libgen .rs)

Highly recommended!

I am still reading it, so no spoilers if you've finished it already!

It's a child of "The Road" & "Ministry of the future"... thicker than 
both, dark & dystopian & full of love stories...

And here are a few select quotes:

> “We are not at a crossroads,” Pietrus writes in his introduction. “We 
long ago took the wrong fork. Now we must do everything in our power, 
including sacrificing our comfort, our livelihoods, our economy, and 
partial, carefully excised pieces of our democracy, to save our species 
and all species.”

> “the biosphere doesn’t give a shit about the craven vicissitudes of 
the American political system”

> We are committed to taking capital, and therefore political power, 
out of the hands of a fossil-fuel oligarchy. That is the global recipe 
to attack a primary source of misogyny, racism, and endemic inequality. 
Distributed systems of energy will redistribute political and economic 
power faster and more decisively than any other action, period.

... (including Ecofeminism)...

> The history of capital accumulation has also been a history of 
women’s subordination and environmental degradation. Those three things 
are so intimately connected that you can’t unwind them. We are a 
colonized gender. we are in the process of achieving the dream of all 
oppressed peoples: we’re moving into the Master’s house, when really 
what we should be doing is burning the house down. Instead, we’re 
clamoring to be a part of the patriarchal, phallocentric political, 
economic, and social ecology: (...) capitalist patriarchy. But there has 
to be an “other” for that system to maintain because it sees a world of 
scarcity and the only solution is an inequitable hoarding of resources. 
Part of that “other” will always be women, and bitches are kidding 
ourselves if we think otherwise. If a system views everything in the 
biosphere as a resource, whether it’s buffalo, maize, fresh water, a gas 
deposit, or our internet data, it’s going to view women as extractive 
resources as well”

On 16/02/2023 11:50, mp wrote:

Always. Things come and go, civilizations come and go. As one falls 
the next is already in the making. One can throw oneself in there 
where one thinks it will matter in the next world, in the next meantime.

... another (un)civilization quote, therefore cross-posting:

> "I could name all the events that have destroyed families and lives 
and homes over the past ten or twenty years, but what’s the point? All 
of this is only the beginning. That’s what breaks my heart so much. 
We’re not here to prevent that future anymore—because we can’t. All we 
have left to fight is our own oblivion. Our civilization devouring 
itself as we run from storms and fires, as we die starving and thirsty 
and fearful and alone."

I also recommend his previous book, "Ohio" -> specially in light of the 
recent poison cloud...

Sharing our pains, sharing our joys,




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Re: Extinction Internet

2022-11-29 Thread Vesna Manojlovic

Dear Geert, all,

On 24/11/2022 17:39, Geert Lovink wrote:

> We need tools that decolonize, redistribute value, conspire and 

I admire your work on this, and will study it later, for in-detail response.

Right now, quick contributions, that I think resonate with the 
"Extinction Internet" :

* my "paper" submitted for the upcoming workshop by Internet 
Architecture Board on “Environmental Impact of Internet Applications and 
Systems": , calling 
for implementing Solidarity, Limitations, Reparations as 3 principles 
for (technical) Internet Governance:

* my article "Towards Climate Justice in Tech", practically a report 
from four events related to "Sustainable Web", "green tech" and "social 
responsibility" , and at the same time a call for moving away from 
endless growth, fossil fuels, extractivism and techno-solutions :

        (& an image: )

* a video recording of my talk at Bits & Bäume:

Let's work on this together!


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Re: made for TV, made for social media (hall of shame)

2021-01-10 Thread Vesna Manojlovic


On Sat, 9 Jan 2021, McLaughlin, Lisa wrote:

That would be Aaron Mostofsky, son of Brooklyn Supreme Court judge Shlomo 
Mostofsky. He stole Pelosi's lectern (if
you've seen that pic) while looting. His family claims that he did "nothing 
illegal." I surmise that he had more
involvement than stealing Pelosi's lectern.?
He is a QAnon supporter who likes?to be called "the Q Shaman." He's actually a 
nut-job Trump supporter who shares the
usual QAnon deranged perspective.

those are 3 different guys

plus 3 more


Lisa McLaughlin, Ph.D. (she, her, hers)
Associate Professor, Department of Media, Journalism & Film?(Media and Culture 
Program)?and Department of Global and
Intercultural Studies (Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Program)
Miami University-Ohio

On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 11:53 PM  wrote:
  ? Yes, there were people like the guy in the fur hat who apparently is 
the son of a judge, but I'm following
  up on that claim.

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Re: made for TV, made for social media

2021-01-07 Thread Vesna Manojlovic

Brian, all,

On Thu, 7 Jan 2021, Brian Holmes wrote:

In my view, far from being a harbinger of possibly worse threats to come, 
yesterday's events were the most positive thing that could have

As someone from an (ex) country who went through "this", let me tell you:
it can be both/and.

Here are some takes from twitter that say the same as Brian, thou:

Solitaire Townsend:
& the whole thread:

" 'death flowering': it happens when an old tree is diseased
and rotting from the inside.

Trump, Cruz and the GOP in the US and other 'strongmen' attempts
around the world - they are death flowers
White supremacists - death flowers
INCEL misogynists  - death flowers

The chaotic growth, bursting energy with no direction, the urgency against 
losing entitlements, they are dying and know it, deep down. This isn't 
their world anymore.

Epicormic growth isn't sustainable. It's desperation.

But, here's the kicker. You can't wait for a death flowering tree to just 
fall. Foresters will get their axe when they spot them,
because these trees can infect and damage the forest itself. They are 
dangerous and their rot might pass to other trees.

You gotta chop them down.
Those death flowers are destructive and need felling."

& Bill McKibben

"I can't quite figure out how to say this, but 24 hours later it feels 
like there's something potentially healthy about what happened yesterday. 
The festering wound is out in the open now. The pus reeks, but at least 
it's open to the air. It's harder to gaslight people in daytime."

Your tweeting correspondent,

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Re: Rebecca Solnit: Call it what it was: a coup attempt (The Guardian)

2021-01-07 Thread Vesna Manojlovic

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Log Out! The Platform Economy and Worker Resistance, by Alessandro Delfanti, Sarah Sharma

2019-06-20 Thread Vesna Manojlovic

Log Out! The Platform Economy and Worker Resistance, by Alessandro Delfanti, 
Sarah Sharma

& more at "inquiry :: Platform Capitalism"

From the computer to the streets

by Julian Posada / June 8, 2019

On the conditions of possibility for worker organizing in platform-based gig 
by Niels van Doorn / June 8, 2019

The end of the beginning
by Callum Cant, Jamie Woodcock / June 8, 2019

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Re: less (net time) is more

2019-06-13 Thread Vesna Manojlovic


I too have a desire for more "real life" contact & more "down to earth" 
activities - and, paradoxically, I express that in an email ;-)

On Tue, 11 Jun 2019, panayotis antoniadis wrote:

So, for me a possible future for mailing lists would be to simply make
face-to-face contact an integral part of their main "communication

as a follow-up to my first nettime-live meetup, that happened at HIP97 
(hacking in progress, 1997, dutch hackers camping festival / conference), 
I suggest we take a dip in the lakes at CCC Camp 2019:

I'll be there, in a quiet "village" dedicated to community-care, radical 
honesty, empathic resolution of conflicts & companionship:

If you are willing to connect, contact me off list...



i seem to post to nettime every two years ;-)

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{gaia} Call for Papers - Internet Consolidation (fwd)

2019-03-12 Thread Vesna Manojlovic


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2019 15:52:13 +
From: Jane Coffin 
To: gaia 

Hi All ?

Please see this call for papers put out by Chatham House and the Internet 
Society on Internet Consolidation.


Internet Society |

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Long Read: Internet Economics by Geoff Huston, on RIPE Labs

2019-02-01 Thread Vesna Manojlovic

Dear nettimers,

I'd like to bring to your attention to one of the articles on the
platform called "RIPE Labs" - mainly used for the publications of
interest to the network operators, developers, researchers...

This specific article is about the Internet Economics, consolidations,
measurements, content providers, security, regulators, markets... by
Geoff Huston, the Chief Scientist at APNIC, where he undertakes research
on topics associated with Internet infrastructure:

The article is very long, and I would love to hear your comments &
opinions - so here are some quotes to "wet your appetites":

"the dominant issue at present is all about the roles of the unabashed
titans in our midst (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Alphabet).

Are they now so big that they are essentially answerable to no
nation-state at all?  Or can we create a regulatory framework that
places the interests of these technology behemoths into a more even
balance with various national public policy objectives?"

"When is an enterprise so big that failure is untenable in terms of
social stability?"

"Like DoH, QUIC drags the end-to-end protocol into a darkened state
within the browser.
Both of these are examples of a deeper and perhaps more insidious form
of consolidation in the Internet than we?ve seen to date with various
corporate mergers and acquisitions. Here it?s not the individual actors
that are consolidating and exercising larger market power, but the
components within the environment that are consolidating. Much of this
is well out of normal regulatory oversight, but the results are not
dissimilar to the outcomes of corporate consolidation. The result in
these two cases of application consolidation is that the browser
provider attains significant gains in market power."

"Measuring consolidation is a difficult problem. As an example, Staples,
an office supplies retailer in the US, attempted to merge with Office
Depot in their efforts to counter their collective revenue loss to
Amazon. Such horizontal mergers have a difficult time with the
Department of Justice in the US, and the merger proposal was not
cleared. The result is, of course, inevitable, as neither enterprise has
the volume to effectively compete with Amazon and both are now in
challenging circumstances because of Amazon?s overarching presence.

On the other hand, it could be argued that the acquisition of WhatsApp
by Facebook should not have been approved, as the combination of social
media and messaging further consolidates Facebook?s position with its
user base and makes it a must-use platform for digital advertisers. The
arguments for regulatory decisions to allow or block mergers depends on
forecasted outcomes, and to conduct usable forecasts we need accurate

"But to have an informed, relevant and effective public policy process
we need to understand this changing world. It seems to me that open
measurement platforms and open data sets are more important than ever
before. We need public measurements that are impartial, accurate,
comprehensive and of course unbiased as an essential precondition for
the fair and effective operation of markets."

Have a good weekend,

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"Challenging the Tech Companies from Within" via LibrarianShipwreck

2018-06-29 Thread Vesna Manojlovic

Interesting article, about ethics in technology:

Some quotes:

"who bears responsibility for creating the technologies that carry clear
dystopian potential?"

"A wave of recent activism from tech company workers has demonstrated
that some of the individuals working for these companies are wary about
what they are being asked to create"

"the message that these activists broadcast loud and clear is: we care.

This is a message which is hard for tech CEOs to make these days,
because they've spent years demonstrating by their *actions* that they
really don't care."

"we are in the present situation because these companies have repeatedly
demonstrated that they aren't particularly concerned with ethics or the
negative implications of their actions."

"the risk posed by these well publicized campaigns is that they distract
from just how bad and problematic these companies truly are by holding
up a handful of employee reformers as the solution"

"these companies can easily take this moment to bow to the pressure from
concerned employees in order to gain some positive progressive PR. ...

but what they're really trying to head off is the mounting public
frustration that could culminate in a genuine push for these companies
to be broken up."

"These stories make these companies seem rebellious and cool again, and
they make it seem like these companies can hold themselves accountable.

But ... it is horridly obvious that these companies are not particularly
interested in being held to account by themselves or anyone else."

"just because it looks like there are a few employees at these companies
who could be our friends, it still doesn't mean these companies are our

"too many still act as if they do not know that this is where we are
going. This is what happens when complex technologies, and those who
create them, are untethered from a concern with 'collective ends' and
allowed to see themselves as the end that matters. "

"... a larger point that prompts us to consider which people benefit and
which people [and squirrels!] lose out."

*that just isn't good enough*

"if tech workers are serious, they need to refuse to build these things

They need to begin the slow and careful work of dismantling these systems"

some things simply should not be built.

"In the present moment those who work to design and create new
technologies need to be seriously considering the repressive potential
of the things they are making."


I am happy to have discovered Ellul though this article!

pps it reminds me of that other paper: "Do Artifacts Have Politics", by
Langdon Winner, cited in my "ethics in tech" presentations:

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Re: Critical literature on big tech corps?

2017-11-25 Thread Vesna Manojlovic

Hi Kasper,

0. "I Hate the Internet" = a novel by Jarett Kobek

1. Who Owns the Internet by Elizabeth Kolbert

2. Geoff Huston: "The Internet's Gilded Age" (March 2017)

3. Heather Marsh: "IT industry is a dictatorship" :

4. Tim Wu, The Master Switch

5. Laura De Nardis : Opening Standards: The Global Politics of 
Interoperability (MIT Press 2011)

6. Sebastian Olma

7. Francesca Musing: Network architecture as internet governance, MINES ParisTech 2013

8. "Robber barons and silicon sultans"

9. Primavera De Filippi (2015). Wireless Community Networks: Towards a 
Public Policy for the Network Commons,

10. Fuck Off Google -- The Invisible Committee

 & more:

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Re: The Copenhagen Letter

2017-09-15 Thread Vesna Manojlovic

quick UnCivilized reply:

On Thu, 14 Sep 2017, nettime's avid pamphleteer wrote:

To everyone who shapes technology today

We live in a world where technology is consuming society, ethics, and
our core existence.

.. by way of killing the planet: living systems (rivers, forests), animal 
& plant species, not as useful to "our existance", but as them-selves.

"bitcoin = Death Processors"

"Against His-Story, Against Leviathan", Fredy Perlman

"The Myth of Human Supremacy", Derrick Jense

It is time to take responsibility for the world we are creating. Time to
put humans before business.

Why "humans"? That's so anthropocentric!

Squirrels too!

"Donna Haraway: Tentacular Thinking: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene"

Time to replace the empty rhetoric of
“building a better world” with a commitment to real action. It is time
to organize, and to hold each other accountable.

How? Read "To Our Friends", by The Incisible Committee

Plus, there is mention of the leading ideology that has lead to this step 
in the techological development: capitalism / neoliberalism:

The rest of the letter is empty rhetoric...


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Re: Skynet or rebranded Janissaries?

2016-08-27 Thread Vesna Manojlovic
Thanks for the connection with "Janissaries" - in Yugoslavia we still have 
cultural & visceral memory of those times...

I find the Daily Beast article itself too much American-centric thou...

I wanted to point out to earlier writings:

Monthly Review  2011 › Volume 62, Issue 10 (March) ›
The Internet’s Unholy Marriage to Capitalism,
by John Bellamy Foster and Robert W. McChesney


(Economist) Jan 3rd 2015 - Robber barons and silicon sultans

Today’s tech billionaires have a lot in common with a previous generation 
of capitalist titans—perhaps too much for their own good

& more

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Re: The 'Jake' Appelbaum case, or the rise and fall of

2016-06-11 Thread Vesna Manojlovic

Dear Frank,

thank you for speaking out. I choose to consider your words both as a 
personal opinion, and as of a representative of CCC as a whole, althou I 
know that there is no such thing as a "collective opinion", specially 
within such an anti-authoritatian (& "chaotic" by design) organisation.

I will respond only to one of the points you raise:

On Fri, 10 Jun 2016, Frank Rieger wrote:

[the question] is rather how we can develop an
shared equivalent of what is known as "due process" for conflicts and
violations of our values that are (by nature or choice) not subject to
the realm of normal law enforcement. I don?t have concrete ideas, but
I see the need to research and develop this field.

There is a wealth of resources about non-violent conflict resolution, from 
anarchist to feminist movements and groups; mediation, ombudsmans, ethics, 
social responsibility, and also on how to deal with harassment. For example:

The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work?, Phillip Rogaway December 2015
(cryptography  ethics  mass surveillance  privacy  Snowden  social 


There is no lack of information, but there seem to be lack of awareness 
among "technical experts" that there exist social and communication 
problems that require different kind of skills and expertese, those coming 
from "soft" sciences and even from looking into emotions of people 
involved in our communities. These issues do NOT require technical solutions.

Since you mention concrete ideas, here are a few of mine: 

- encourage talks about ethics and social responsibility at the 33c3
- invite teachers of Non-Violent Communication to give workshops
- invite workshops & talks about consent
- introduce trained abuse-mediators into CERT teams
- create an "ombudsman" team to enable anonymous reporting of incidents
- be serious about "we do not tolerate verbal or physical harrassment"


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nottime: skinny dipping again at "long hot summer of the net"

2015-04-04 Thread Vesna Manojlovic

to bare all, symbolically and literally, is what the nettime means to me.

at hip97 (hacking in progress) in almere buiten, holland there was a 
"nudist nettime meeting" in the canal, where i met some of the people from 
the nettime-l for the first time irl, after virtually-knowing them already...

this year there is a chaos comuper club camp, near the lake, near berlin!

so let's meet there, instead of bucharest... 13-17. august.



hippies & hackers
old & young
theorists & hands-on/diy
americans & the rest of us
on-line & of-the-grid

to the next 20 years!


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Re: Hackers can't solve Surveillance

2015-01-06 Thread Vesna Manojlovic
Reply to "Hackers can't solve Surveillance"

Original at:

Dmitry Kleiner wrote that hackers *alone* can not solve surveillance:

I would go further, and say that hackers *alone* can not solve
other IT-industry problems either:
- inequality / digital divide
- extraction of natural resources used to build the gadgets
- pollution caused by waste of discarded gadgets
- enormous energy consumption used to run IT infrastructure
- constantly pursuing unlimited growth

In order to solve any of those, I agree with the end of that text:

"we need more hackers and hackerspaces to embrace the broader
political challenges of building a more equal society."

Recently there were quite a few writings that, for me, resonate with
the same message:

"we are in this together ??? let???s join forces and combine our strengths"

For example: beyond whistleblowers, beyond sysadmins, beyond programmers - 
beyond hackers:

"sysadmins cannot create a solution by themselves. "

"The rapidly increasing numbers of the marginalized, unemployed, and 
oppressed must figure at the center of any strategy for change alongside 
defectors from the programming caste.

If programmers conceptualize their interests as distinct from the rest of 
humanity, and organize to defend those interests rather than to 
participate in a struggle much greater than themselves, they will be 
doomed, along with the rest of the species.

Programmers should not organize themselves as a class ??? they should switch 
sides in the class war."

Or, as the guy from Tarnac9 at #31c3 points out:

"The time has come for taking sides."

Already at #30c3 Elenore Saita & Quinn Norton said

"The world is on fire, and there is nowhere to hide and no way to stay 

To some external observers, it looks like most of the "IT industry" has 
taken a _wrong_ side:

* Heather Marsh calls the whole IT industry a dictatorship & a ponzy 

(excerpts at )

* From the (USA) socialist point of view:  &

* The "ICT for development dark side" & failure models:

Fellow hackers keep pointing to the ethical considerations:

>From the front lines: by Eleanor Saitta (Dymaxion) at OHM2013:

Walter van Holst about ethics in hacker communities:

However, some hackers still don???t want to be "aligned" with one or the 
other political side. As if that would be possible! What it boils down to: 
technical *is* political, technical *is* ethical -- no technology is 
"neutral", not morally neutral, not politically neutral. We all are taking 
sides every day, with every decision we make. We might not like it when 
other point this out to us, and we might not agree, and we might say that 
it was not a conscious choice -- but it is a choice nevertheless, and it 
has consequences - for ourselves, for out community/society, and for the 

Again, quoting form the text that accompanied the talk about Cybernetics 
at #31c3:

"Being free and having ties was one and the same thing. I am free because 
I have ties, because I am linked to a reality greater than me.

Which goes to show how ridiculous and what a scam the individual freedom 
of "I do what I feel like doing" is.

If they truly want to fight the government, the hackers have to give up 
this fetish. The cause of individual freedom is what prevents them from 
forming strong groups capable of laying down a real strategy, beyond a 
series of attacks; it???s also what explains their inability to form ties 
beyond themselves, their incapacity for becoming a historical force."

If we as hackers don't want to be a historical force, fine. Other 
historical forces will determine our future. If we want to take part in 
determining our own future, we will be aligned with - or used by - one of 
the sides in the "class war".

Going even further, beyond techno-fix and techno-utopism (while not 
falling into technophobia) : how can hackers ethics contribute to for the 
world after planetary collapse:

"For all of us to lear

Re: algorithmic regulation

2014-08-16 Thread Vesna Manojlovic

a tong-in-cheek response:

Human Resistance by PWP
Assembly Summer 2011 Oldskool demo competition entry, 2nd place.
Platform: PC/DOS (386+, VGA, SB/GUS)

"... imagination! intuition! wisdom! common sense! 
with these weapons

we will raise above the algorhitms tha enslave us,
and create a new future!"

as seen at tonight in Amsterdam

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is
our inability to understand the exponential function."

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Net-neutrality public consultation

2014-03-31 Thread Vesna Manojlovic


BEREC net neutrality working group is focusing on quality monitoring 
of Internet access services - in the context of net neutrality.

The public consultation of the latest report is launched: and please feel 
free to read and comment:

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WO#D: WorldOpenHashDesign

2014-03-30 Thread Vesna Manojlovic
WorldOpenHashDesign: WO#D


. Our biosphere is an open thermodynamic system and any energy 
transformation is a non-reversible process that affects the whole system.

. Rational man is part of the complex, interrelated, dynamic eco-system, 
hence any force he will impose on the system will eventually be reacted on 

. Human society has to stop growing indiscriminately and consciously 
integrate with the Earth???s life-system and reach a new open equilibrium.

Human people have to transcend the old-world regional ethnic and cultural 
inertia that interfere with the now critical, global decision-making 
processes?and raise together as one to safeguard the future of life 
on the common planet.

We could call it a Neo-Ethic Revolution, because we need to evolve a new 
Cultural Ethic Paradigm designed on whole planetary participation instead of 
domination, and we need it to be Open-source both on the global and local 

Those of us who have the ability to take action, have the responsibility to 
take action.

Everybody should contribute if only spreading the message. Let???s use our 
courage and our technology and make our common dream come true:

A global, decentralized, integrated, sustainable Open Society of freely 
self-organizing people.

It???s humanity???s only hope, and that???s why it???s going to happen.


WO#D?WorldOpenHashDesign is a World Wide Hashtag Campaign for the 
crowdsourcing of a WorldOpen #MeshNetwork via Hashtag-Design partecipation 
process starting on existing Social Media to unify the efforts of the Human 
People and Organizations dedicated to the WO #Transition.

To focus and direct a global collective #Transition Agenda.
To share human connections, knowledge and resources freely and safely and 
start a New Life supported by the WorldOpen #Transition Community.
To unite us, to empower us.


"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is
our inability to understand the exponential function."

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#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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NTIA Announces Intent to Transition Key Internet Domain Name Functions

2014-03-15 Thread Vesna Manojlovic

NTIA Announces Intent to Transition Key Internet Domain Name Functions
March 14, 2014

WASHINGTON ??? To support and enhance the multistakeholder model of Internet 
policymaking and governance, the U.S. Commerce Department???s National 
Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) today announces 
its intent to transition key Internet domain name functions to the global 
multistakeholder community.  As the first step, NTIA is asking the 
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to convene 
global stakeholders to develop a proposal to transition the current role 
played by NTIA in the coordination of the Internet???s domain name system 

NTIA???s responsibility includes the procedural role of administering 
changes to the authoritative root zone file ??? the database containing the 
lists of names and addresses of all top-level domains ??? as well as serving 
as the historic steward of the DNS.  NTIA currently contracts with ICANN 
to carry out the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions and 
has a Cooperative Agreement with Verisign under which it performs related 
root zone management functions.  Transitioning NTIA out of its role marks 
the final phase of the privatization of the DNS as outlined by the U.S. 
Government in 1997.

???The timing is right to start the transition process,??? said Assistant 
Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information Lawrence E. 
Strickling.  ???We look forward to ICANN convening stakeholders across the 
global Internet community to craft an appropriate transition plan.???

ICANN is uniquely positioned, as both the current IANA functions 
contractor and the global coordinator for the DNS, as the appropriate 
party to convene the multistakeholder process to develop the transition 
plan.  NTIA has informed ICANN that it expects that in the development of 
the proposal, ICANN will work collaboratively with the directly affected 
parties, including the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the 
Internet Architecture Board (IAB), the Internet Society (ISOC), the 
Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), top level domain name operators, 
VeriSign, and other interested global stakeholders.

NTIA has communicated to ICANN that the transition proposal must have 
broad community support and address the following four principles:

Support and enhance the multistakeholder model;
Maintain the security, stability, and resiliency of the Internet DNS;
Meet the needs and expectation of the global customers and partners of the 
IANA services; and,
Maintain the openness of the Internet.
Consistent with the clear policy expressed in bipartisan resolutions of 
the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives (S.Con.Res.50 and 
H.Con.Res.127), which affirmed the United States support for the 
multistakeholder model of Internet governance, NTIA will not accept a 
proposal that replaces the NTIA role with a government-led or an 
inter-governmental organization solution.

>From the inception of ICANN, the U.S. Government and Internet stakeholders 
envisioned that the U.S. role in the IANA functions would be temporary. 
The Commerce Department???s June 10, 1998 Statement of Policy stated that 
the U.S. Government ???is committed to a transition that will allow the 
private sector to take leadership for DNS management.???  ICANN as an 
organization has matured and taken steps in recent years to improve its 
accountability and transparency and its technical competence.  At the same 
time, international support continues to grow for the multistakeholder 
model of Internet governance as evidenced by the continued success of the 
Internet Governance Forum and the resilient stewardship of the various 
Internet institutions.

While stakeholders work through the ICANN-convened process to develop a 
transition proposal, NTIA???s current role will remain unchanged.  The 
current IANA functions contract expires September 30, 2015.

For further information see: IANA Functions and Related Root Zone 
Management Transition Questions and Answers

About NTIA

NTIA is the Executive Branch agency that advises the President on 
telecommunications and information policy issues. NTIA???s programs and 
policymaking focus largely on expanding broadband Internet access and 
adoption in America, expanding the use of spectrum by all users, and 
ensuring that the Internet remains an engine for continued innovation and 
economic growth. To find out more about NTIA, visit

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is
our inability to understand the exponential function."

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Re: The Californian Reality (from: New Geography)

2014-01-22 Thread Vesna Manojlovic


On Wed, 22 Jan 2014, allan siegel wrote:

Thanks Brian for the snapshot history lesson;


Precisely,and exactly what kind of planning/organizing/conceptualizing 
is necessary (or possible)

I'd like to pint to two sources of possibility and/or hope:



"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is
our inability to understand the exponential function."

#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
#  archive: contact:

Hackers ethics for the world after collapse, essay

2014-01-01 Thread Vesna Manojlovic


I would like to share with you the essay I published on "Nature Bats Last" blog
"Hackers ethics for the world after collapse"

Or here, the original:

At #30c3, I had related comments on the talk about history and culture:

.. and if you liked that, there is much much more here:

I would like to start a project with like-minded people,
to come up with something to show&tell on the #31c3.
If you are interested, get in touch.


"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is
our inability to understand the exponential function."

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#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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