Re: Armin Medosch (1962-2017)

2017-02-25 Thread czegledy
Many thanks Felix. I my mind' eye I recall all those
occasions when we talked, laughed, argued Armin
is already missed

nina czegledy

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Re: nottime: the end of nettime

2015-04-06 Thread czegledy
Sincere thanks to Ted and Felix for keeping
the  often intriguing  nettime exchange alive
for all these years.  I joined in the late nineties,
and while seldom posting kept up with the
discussions faithfully.

nina czegledy

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Re: crowd-funding on nettime

2012-08-28 Thread czegledy
Fully agree with Andreas


>I agree.
>On Mon, August 27, 2012 8:59 am, Keith Sanborn wrote:
>>  I would prefer not to have them on Nettime. I believe they abuse the
>>  function of the list, which has been a reasonably civil exchange of ideas,
>>  insights, intuitions, fads and nonsense. Solicitations for funding shd go
>>  elsewhere; they are attempts to persuade people to part with their money.
>>  I frankly consider them unwanted spam, however worthy their intentions or
>>  projects or participants otherwise might be.

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