Re: [spectre] the EU's first rogue state

2017-08-13 Thread heath bunting
when falling, the safest place to be is on the ground as soon as possible

a non resistant state of mind will limit the amount of broken bones, but 
there will be some injuries

the eu is already broken in reality ie not a union anymore eg greece, so 
there is no chance to remain

brexit was a diversion organised and run by the tories to take the 
anti-war/ nato/ empire narrative way from corbyn and replace it with
a meaningless distraction - it didn't matter which side won

the real story is the collapse of the usa empire and its desperate 
attempts (nuclear war) to hold on to power

i support any nation state that attempts to dis-engage from use empire eg 
hungary, as the empire is the greatest law breaker and threat to global 

On Thu, 10 Aug 2017, David Garcia wrote:

> So Patrice… shouldn't the anti-democratic neo-liberal structures of the
> EU, that actually forbid radical socialist restructuring and are able
> to enforce these strictures by means of what Varoufakis called “fiscal
> waterboarding” give us some pause for thought?

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Re: [spectre] the EU's first rogue state

2017-08-09 Thread heath bunting
nothing compared to uk

On Wed, 2 Aug 2017, János Sugár wrote:

>Is Hungary the EU's first rogue state?
>SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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Re: [spectre] Lex CEU

2017-04-05 Thread heath bunting
dear janos

from your perspective of hungary suffering from fragmenting ethinicism, 
could parallels be drawn with situations in north africa where nation 
states are purposely being divided along ethnic lines by outside powers to 
enable access to former nationally controlled resources eg: libya, syria, 
iraq ?

if so, is it in the interest of international powers for hungary to be 
ethnicised or is this a local madness ?

hope all is well with you


pgp fingerprint

F6AC B54E E18A 97C1 D8F7 66F4 C18E 6B72 DCA7 4FD8

On Wed, 5 Apr 2017, János Sugár wrote:

> folks,
>   what in hungary is going on is not nationalism, but ethinicism,
> big difference.

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Re: [spectre] Lex CEU

2017-04-04 Thread heath bunting
dear janos

long time no see

it appears to me that like many other countries, hungary is disengaging 
from imperial vassal statehood and returning to nationalism

this is potentially a good thing, as the rule of international law is 
incompatible with imperialism and nationalism at least has the option to 
be compatible with international law

the nationalist option for compliance with international law is contingent
upon followers of the rule of law embracing the new reality of thinking 
and acting on a national scope

if the left continues to adhere to the discredited and failed ideology of 
globalism, it will be unable to formulate a coherent policy and course of 

whether soros is a good or bad guy doesn't matter anymore, there is not 
enough energy to sustain a global imperium thus making global designs 

as civilisation collapses over the coming decade, when must continuously 
reduce the scale and scope of our ambitions and do so in advance of people 
of already reduced scale and scope

as good people, we must become smaller and dumber faster than the bad 
smaller and dumber people

we must occupy the survival slot in the remaining eco system that is 
reserved for slugs before the slugs themselves, otherwise we will find no 
comfort in the anthropocene extinction

hope all is well with you


pgp fingerprint

F6AC B54E E18A 97C1 D8F7 66F4 C18E 6B72 DCA7 4FD8

On Tue, 4 Apr 2017, János Sugár wrote:

>SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
>Info, archive and help:

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