Re: The Cryptopticon

2019-01-07 Thread jeremy bentham
On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 02:00:18PM +0100, Felix Stalder wrote:
> In 2014, a protestor at an anti-fascist rally in Vienna was sentenced to
> 12 months of jail, for alleged participation in violent action.

> Among the evidence that was held against him was using an non-registered
> prepaid card. Even though that was entirely legal at the time, it was
> held against him as evidence that we was actively engaged in obfuscating
> his tracks, which meant, obviously, that he had planned to commit
> crimes. To add to the absurdity of this case, this was before the EU
> eliminated roaming charges, so lots of people bought disposable sim
> cards when traveling aboard (as he did, coming from Germany) for the
> simple reasons of saving telco charges.

> Felix

> [1]

> On 07.01.19 10:07, Patrice Riemens wrote:

> > People have chosen for convenience, even at the cost of all-round
> > surveillance. But somewhere in their mind they know it's not 100% okay.
> > So no wonder they stigmatize 'you'. Nothing like freedom to engender
> > jealousy.
> -- 
>  |Open PGP

I suspect a misunderstanding.

Vaidhyanathan is playing with _cryptic_, as in obscure, not

"Unlike Bentham's Panopticon, the Cryptopticon is not supposed to
be obvious.  Its scale, its ubiquity, and even its very existence
are supposed to be hidden from clear view."  _Antisocial Media_
p. 67

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The Cryptopticon

2019-01-06 Thread jeremy bentham
Why haven't this list's mavens de-, re-, pre- and otherwise-
constructed Siva Vaidhyanathan's Cryptopticon?

If for no other reason than it is such a lovely neologism?

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Re: Algorithmic / Biometric Governmentality

2017-10-29 Thread jeremy bentham
On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 05:21:18PM -0400, Ian Alan Paul wrote:

> This very digestible short talk (22:00) on the emerging threat of
> algorithmic/biometric governmentality from Zeynep Tufekci may be of
> interest to those who research control societies, etc..:

> The transcript is below:


> (Laughter)


> (Applause)

> So to go back to that Hollywood paraphrase, we do want the prodigious
> potential of artificial intelligence and digital technology to blossom, but
> for that, we must face this prodigious menace, open-eyed and now.

The panopticon:  what a quaint, crude concept!

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