Re: Oliver Leistert: "Blockcian as a Modulator of Existence"

2018-03-21 Thread oli
maybe it takes only five years that blckchain control becomes the
reality i worte about in my text, not ten:

"Within the next five years, cryptographic anchors and blockchain
technology will ensure a product’s authenticity -- from its point of
origin to the hands of the customer."

so the question is: what is fraud and what is authenticity? the kind of
fraud that the western patentological pharmaceutical industry defined,
which are generica produced in india and shipped to sick people
depending on cheap treatment, and which was stopped at rotterdam harbour
by interpol who received some millions in donations from that industry
to fight fraud, while interpol did not look at fake drugs that would
cause serious harm to people depending on the real thing?
or when philip morris fought fraud by paying interpol some millions to
go after third party products but not after the tax fraud products they
produced themselves and which were smuggled over borders?

should i now sell my facebook shares and buy ibm?


On 06.03.2018 17:10, Magnus Boman wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 7:59 PM Morlock Elloi  > wrote:
> In "Borat", there was a scene where a guy wanted to make sure that the
> car he is interested in is a "*ussy magnet".
> Blockchain is * magnet, in the sense that it attracts everything,
> especially *topian discourses. The way out (if one indeed is looking for
> a way out,) is to look at the boring details, and those have been
> discussed on this list ad nauseam.
> This is not to say that being just a magnet it does not influence the
> world. But this influence needs to be dissected under memetics-like
> optic, not technical one. On the technical side, there is little
> relevant, if anything.
> (ps. '*' in regular expressions matches anything, including nothing)
> No, it does not match nothing (a set that contains nothing has
> cardinality 0) but the empty string (cardinality 1), this is Kleene's
> base case for the primitive recursion.
> Leistert displays a recursion-theoretic flaw too, when he says that 
>>The Ethereum network, dubbed to be the first “world computer” by its
> inceptor Vitalik Buterin in late 2013, was the first manifestation of a
> technology that enabled to combine the time-stamping regime of secured
> hashes with a Turing-complete programming language on a distributed
> computing platformiv
> The language is in fact only Turing-complete modulo gas, admitted
> inbetween the lines of reference iv, which has led to all sorts of
> pragmatic challenges to the owners of Ethereum. Including people like
> myself suggesting that verification be done outside the blockchain.
> Here's an analogy:
> When the OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) project was launched, a crank came
> with the computer in case you ran out of 'gas.' I asked jokingly if you
> could install Vista on the OLPC, and one of the founders replied "We
> tried, but the little crank melted." Ethereum and all other platforms
> are still looking for a platinum crank and until they find it,
> Turing-completeness means nothing. (Yes, nothing.)
> M.
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Re: Josh Hall: Blockchain could reshape our world – and the far right is one step ahead (Guardian)

2018-03-03 Thread oli
On 02.03.2018 22:27, Carsten Agger wrote:
> On 03/02/2018 09:17 PM, Morlock Elloi wrote:
>> That article is technical nonsense. 'Blockchain' that has PoW
>> consisting of 1.6 second of handset CPU is trivial to fake. And where
>> is the consensus? Car does the same? Or is car running 500KW GPU
>> cluster doing hash verified by ... who? Cheap PoW ("Proof of Work") is
>> contradiction in terms.
>> This is actually a good illustration of utter bullshit that passes for
>> 'technology'.
>> We need blockchain powered nettime! BLOCKTIME!
> The good thing about the Blockchain-based dystopian visions is that they
> won't ever actually come to pass. Blockchain is impractical and useless
> from a technical point of view. It's pure hype and nothing more.
> On the other hand, the bad thing about the Blockchain-based dystopian
> visions is that everything bad that you could conceivably do with a
> Blockchain you could do better and much more efficiently with an
> ordinary database.
> So there are definitely reasons to worry about the future surveillance
> nightmare, but Blockchain is not one of those reasons, because it won't
> ever make much of a difference in the technological sense. Its hype
> might, but Blockchain itself is useless outside the realm of
> cryptocurrencies. I say that as someone whose background is in
> technology, specifically computer science.
> Best
> Carsten


thanks guys for your opinions on blockchais, But neither pointing to
authority in the matter (apprently we are all experts all the time) nor
polemicizing against a non-mature technology will help me in
understanding the phenomena. let's get back to the subject in ten years.


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Re: Josh Hall: Blockchain could reshape our world – and the far right is one step ahead (Guardian)

2018-03-02 Thread oli

On 01.03.2018 04:32, Morlock Elloi wrote:
> I have hard time understanding how is blockchain special, unique, and
> apart from other technologies, relative to dystopian outlook in the
> article.

Yeah, it is rather dystopian. There is this logical expansion for
commodified societies inherent to blockchain technologies that is the
focus of the article.

> The only difference between blockchain and prior technologies (public
> cryptography, including signatures and certificates, databases, etc.) is
> the verifiable permanence of the previously unknown commitment: once
> something is put there, it is hard to modify later. I want to be very
> specific here: if someone has committed something to blockchain in the
> past, and the verifier knew nothing about that commitment until the
> present, the verifier can verify the commitment once it gets interested
> in it.
> This is the *only* difference. There is nothing else.
> Blockchain is specifically redundant if:
> a - the verifier knew about the commitment at the time of committing
> (just keep the hash);
> b - the verifier wants to check authenticity of the commitment
> transported over untrusted channel, from a trusted authenticated
> committer (use committer's public key);
> There are more, but these two are relevant.
> While the article elaborates on real issues when computing machines
> start to mediate the totality of human interactions, these issues have
> nothing to do with blockchain, that's bs. Using popularity of the
> 'blockchain' meme to prop them up is misleading and will fire back.

the difference is that blockchains are automated verifiers and reference
for verification. i agree that much of the projected ideas around
blockchains may be solved with common techniques. and that blockchains
still need some further development. but once the proof is cheap and the
transactions are fast, it scales well enough. and there will be thousand
blockchains. see for instance Porsche's one blockchain per car:

Or Lenovo's Patent for paper verification:

Of course, this is still R&D.

> Every single of the enumerated mechanisms can be better executed without
> blockchain. Immutability of previously unknown commitments is not a
> factor in any of them. In each of them either (a), (b), or both, hold true.
> This includes smart contracts, which are programs ran on distributed VM
> where the majority of identical results wins. The results mean
> something, but who cares? The only things the results affect are inside
> the VM itself (like transfer of funds of blockchain-based currency
> between accounts.) For anything outside VM we are back to (a) and (b).

There is this automated link between value administration and 'contract'
execution. Imho there has nothing been like this before. And it is scary.

> For example, the smart contract stipulates that you must have sex with
> person X if account Z transfers specific amount to account Y. This
> happens, but you don't feel like it. So X sends the police to force you.
> This is much easier achieved by registering the contract on the sex
> police computer.

Enforcement of contracts is subject to the regime's inherent power's. Of
course. This will never change.

> And so on.
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Re: Josh Hall: Blockchain could reshape our world – and the far right is one step ahead (Guardian)

2018-02-28 Thread oli
Alice Weidel is not listed on the site of the event. Nevertheless, she
was a trader or broker for some hedge fund or so, afair. Her 'expertise'
lies in finance, therefore the guardian article's claim is not totally
out of the blue. Since I am located in Hamburg, I will follow the news
on the event.

On a more general note around blockchains: I guess we all agree that
talking about "the internet" is not very informative, I hope we will
soon establish the same consensus on the topic of blockchains. There are
massive R&D efforts on the way, money flows in on a large scale and I
think it is okay to say that blockchains, open or closed, decentralized
or centralized, will help to further tighten the machine control
paradigm around our societies.

I recently made an effort to speculate a bit about the relation of
private property and the trajectories of blockchains, published on the
moneylab blog

The Blockchain as a Modulator of Existence

By: Oliver Leistert

The advent of the blockchain as a protocological internet layer for
values corresponds to a continuing monetization pressure and ongoing
expansion of identification strategies. Notwithstanding these
trajectories, behind this prospected killer application resides first of
all a sovereign chronological regime that has the capacities to proof
and modulate the existence, identity and administration of data, assets,
goods and services from a distance on micrological scales.

“As far as agency is concerned, the law holds that things and media
are strictly passive.” Cornelia Vismann

Without doubt, one of the most common and important techniques since the
advent of massified networked computing has been the basic computational
operation to copy and paste. To copy the contents of an address space to
another in (networked) computers seems to be the one fundamental
operation a networked society is relying on – on the operational level
of computing itself and on the individual and societal level of swapping
clusters of large files. In the digital realm, scarcity up until today
proved too counter-intuitive and technically non-viable or too expensive
to implement on a general scope. This became manifest in fundamental
attacks endemic and systemic to digital cultures on property regimes,
whose operationability had formerly been intrinsically secured by the
simple fact that consumers did not have the means to copy goods as they
wished. If there is one single capturing method that blockchain
technologies are aiming at it is to limit ubiquitous copy and paste in a
broad sense, to migrate from copy&paste to cut&paste (if at all), to
insert a digital proof of identity for data that may then be linked with
appliances and other machines such as media player or access control via
interfaces. “The business of embedding artificial scarcity into the
digital asset is aligned with what appears to be an inevitable and
continued enclosure of the mythos of online commons within colonial
apparatus.”i The introduction of a time stamped proof of existence in a
presumably tamper-proof distributed ledger yields the late introduction
of scarcity on the protocol level, almost fifty years after the
introduction of TCP/IP.

In the blockchain era, prospected to be in full bloom in ten years,
goods and services – physical or digital, manual or automated – are
bound to a time stamp in the blockchain that is cryptographically
secured. This time stamp marks the beginning of what might be called the
post-digital, signified at its most basic function by remote,
blockchain-based controls of existence. Property regimes in a very
general sense then may be executed automatically by machines through
permissionless (open access), distributed, or permissioned, centralized

This text describes the very real possibility of this new kind of
sovereignty – the sovereignty of the post-digital that modulates
ownership and use of its commodities new from scratch, and as an
extension and update of the bourgeois operating system, designed by the
vectorialist class.ii At its most radical trajectory, control shifts
from external, non-digital, human-centered legal and administrative
procedures, such as contracts, to internal, machine centered and
executable qualities of the commodities, goods and services themselves.
Test cases and applications are already deployed in a variety of fields.
Even if they fail in their first testing phases, the stakes are too high
for fine grained monetization schemes and profits on new frontiers to
emerge to not continue intensive R&D.

‘Smart’ ≈ blind, ‘Contract’ ≈ Code

The originality and limitation by design of blockchain-based distributed
databases is their append-only regime. All past elements are read-only
and only the current block is a write operation. And furthermore, since
the chain is secured in backward direction via hashes, its complete
verification (or falsification) is

Final declaration of the FC⚡MC international medi

2017-12-29 Thread oli
hi nettimers,

in time for the talk at 34c3 [1], the FC⚡MC international media center
during the g20 in hamburg has produced its final declaration:

In the middle of the protest, something new emerged:
Final declaration of the FC⚡MC – International Media Center during G20
in Hamburg

On 4 July 2017 at 18hrs, the time had come. The media center FC⚡MC at
and against the G20 summit in Hamburg started working. Every day, a
press conference of those criticising the summit took place on the South
stand of the FC St. Pauli stadium, by the drone of the helicopters above
as accompaniment. The diverse protests - from demonstrations to
blockades to dance events - were supplimented with online media. In
addition, there was a live stream with FC⚡MC's own content. Journalists
were provided with work spaces.
The FC⚡MC understood itself as a singular media intervention, to sound
out the possibilities of critical reporting during the days of a state
of emergency. In this short contribution we want to convey however
incompletely, what the FC⚡MC as an open, collective experiment achieved,
and what it didn't.
At best, our thoughts can instigate future arguments.

A platform for all

At the daily press conferences, activists spoke about the protest
actions as well as about the G20 summit and the neo-liberal
profit-thinking it promotes. Voices from the global South, especially,
spoke up. It was a conscious decision to keep the platform open ensuring
that the protest movement could not be split into «good», peaceful and
«bad», violent protesters. We are convinced that the FC⚡MC provided an
important contribution to prevent such a split, and that it also
contributed to a better understanding of the authoritarian consequences
of the state of emergency. The idea of a critical pluralism, that
understands how to offer a common platform to different protest
movements is already expressed in the pluriform naming of the media
center: Forget Capitalism, Flowing Communards, Fruitful Collaborations,
Friends of Critic and Future Culture are just a few of the many possible
names that the FC⚡MC bore.

You have the know-how

The media center FC⚡MC was not run by a political group, it developed
before and during the protests out of a temporary, open, social
collaboration of different networks. Computer technicians, artists,
journalists, photographers, but also cooks, they all brought in their
expertise. The slogan was: Federation of Competences. The FC⚡MC did not
know a hierarchy, and up to the end we still didn't know what an
editorial board in the context of the FC⚡MC actually is. It was
impressive for us to see how the knowledge and expertise of the
individuals came together and how a place for diverse reporting evolved.
The FC⚡MC productively used the G20 state of emergency to establish an
improbable singularity, in all the madness around us during the week, it
was formed by collective practices generating different functionalities.
What was planned sometimes didn't happen, and lot of what happened was
unplanned. We did not measure clicks and still don't know what
effectiveness is. Instead, the FC⚡MC as a whole raised the question what
critical reporting in the context of a G20 could be and provided diverse

In good neighboorhoud

Without the support of the FC St. Pauli, the FC⚡MC would not have been
possible in the way it took place. The stadium was a safe place around
the clock. This retreat for journalistic work was used by media makers
in different ways. Hamburg's political and art scene brought their
experiences in trying out new forms of resistance and practical
material. Those arriving were greeted with openness; in the media center
there was an atmosphere of curiosity and trust. We are sure that an
internationally oriented resistance is even more possible when it knows
the respective city maps.

The weapons of the police

Already before the G20 summit, politicians and authorities had put
forward their story of the threat of civil war like situations in the
trade city. During the protests, the police contributed to the
escalation by repeatedly breaking the law and by an unknown number of
deployed forces. We especially want to highlight the close cooperation
of the three branches of the state that are usually described as
separate because also the so-called fourth estate - the press - was
co-opted into this authoritarian exercise. The PR of the authorities was
a strong weapon, for example when it massively inflated the numbers of
injured police in order to discredit the protests, and it was used as a
whole and continuously to influence the press through false reports -
partly quite successful. Looking back, we are angry that we didn't plan
for this obvious dramaturgy into our reporting.

Numerous reports could be sent out in the live stream, documenting the
forms and demands of the protests in their whole breadth. For this,
videos, images and text from the street could be handed in, and the
FC⚡MC also made its own

Final declaration of the FC⚡MC international media center during the g20 in Hamburg

2017-12-28 Thread oli
hi nettimers,

in time for the talk at 34c3 [1], the FC⚡MC international media center
during the g20 in hamburg has produced its final declaration:

In the middle of the protest, something new emerged:
Final declaration of the FC⚡MC – International Media Center during G20
in Hamburg

On 4 July 2017 at 18hrs, the time had come. The media center FC⚡MC at
and against the G20 summit in Hamburg started working. Every day, a
press conference of those criticising the summit took place on the South
stand of the FC St. Pauli stadium, by the drone of the helicopters above
as accompaniment. The diverse protests - from demonstrations to
blockades to dance events - were supplimented with online media. In
addition, there was a live stream with FC⚡MC's own content. Journalists
were provided with work spaces.
The FC⚡MC understood itself as a singular media intervention, to sound
out the possibilities of critical reporting during the days of a state
of emergency. In this short contribution we want to convey however
incompletely, what the FC⚡MC as an open, collective experiment achieved,
and what it didn't.
At best, our thoughts can instigate future arguments.

A platform for all

At the daily press conferences, activists spoke about the protest
actions as well as about the G20 summit and the neo-liberal
profit-thinking it promotes. Voices from the global South, especially,
spoke up. It was a conscious decision to keep the platform open ensuring
that the protest movement could not be split into «good», peaceful and
«bad», violent protesters. We are convinced that the FC⚡MC provided an
important contribution to prevent such a split, and that it also
contributed to a better understanding of the authoritarian consequences
of the state of emergency. The idea of a critical pluralism, that
understands how to offer a common platform to different protest
movements is already expressed in the pluriform naming of the media
center: Forget Capitalism, Flowing Communards, Fruitful Collaborations,
Friends of Critic and Future Culture are just a few of the many possible
names that the FC⚡MC bore.

You have the know-how

The media center FC⚡MC was not run by a political group, it developed
before and during the protests out of a temporary, open, social
collaboration of different networks. Computer technicians, artists,
journalists, photographers, but also cooks, they all brought in their
expertise. The slogan was: Federation of Competences. The FC⚡MC did not
know a hierarchy, and up to the end we still didn't know what an
editorial board in the context of the FC⚡MC actually is. It was
impressive for us to see how the knowledge and expertise of the
individuals came together and how a place for diverse reporting evolved.
The FC⚡MC productively used the G20 state of emergency to establish an
improbable singularity, in all the madness around us during the week, it
was formed by collective practices generating different functionalities.
What was planned sometimes didn't happen, and lot of what happened was
unplanned. We did not measure clicks and still don't know what
effectiveness is. Instead, the FC⚡MC as a whole raised the question what
critical reporting in the context of a G20 could be and provided diverse

In good neighboorhoud

Without the support of the FC St. Pauli, the FC⚡MC would not have been
possible in the way it took place. The stadium was a safe place around
the clock. This retreat for journalistic work was used by media makers
in different ways. Hamburg's political and art scene brought their
experiences in trying out new forms of resistance and practical
material. Those arriving were greeted with openness; in the media center
there was an atmosphere of curiosity and trust. We are sure that an
internationally oriented resistance is even more possible when it knows
the respective city maps.

The weapons of the police

Already before the G20 summit, politicians and authorities had put
forward their story of the threat of civil war like situations in the
trade city. During the protests, the police contributed to the
escalation by repeatedly breaking the law and by an unknown number of
deployed forces. We especially want to highlight the close cooperation
of the three branches of the state that are usually described as
separate because also the so-called fourth estate - the press - was
co-opted into this authoritarian exercise. The PR of the authorities was
a strong weapon, for example when it massively inflated the numbers of
injured police in order to discredit the protests, and it was used as a
whole and continuously to influence the press through false reports -
partly quite successful. Looking back, we are angry that we didn't plan
for this obvious dramaturgy into our reporting.

Numerous reports could be sent out in the live stream, documenting the
forms and demands of the protests in their whole breadth. For this,
videos, images and text from the street could be handed in, and the
FC⚡MC also made its own

2017-05-13 Thread oli
(fyi, just crossed my screen:)

The FC⚡MC is the media center for critical minds and committed hearts
during the G20 summit in Hamburg. From July 4th to 9th you find all
information about the FC⚡MC here. This site will provide access to live
streams, press conferences, information about the protests and an
archive of produced audio and/or video magazines, interviews and essays.

The FC⚡MC is a collective initiative that emerged out of different
networks of people. The media center's programmatic idea is to offer
bloggers and twitterers, editorial collectives and staffs, video
activists, free radios, precarious media workers and established
journalists a media production space that is much cooler than the
official G20 media center and to facilitate from this offering a change
in the media coverage during the G20 summit in Hamburg.

The FC⚡MC will be located in the FC St. Pauli stadium. There it provides
areas for media production and organizes opportunities for interviews
with experts and activists from and on the G20 countries. The media
center offers spacious social corners to discuss and exchange
information about the G20 summit and the protests against it. It will
produce a constant flow of deviant, critical, decentering news via
social media, press conferences and video streams.

The FC⚡MC understands itself as a material-semiotic device to reclaim
journalism for social justice and to free it from the suffocating
embrace by states, corporate PR and commercial interests. As such, the
FC⚡MC is a meta-medium to reinvent critical media, news and reporting.

In the current confusion of meanings and perception, the FC⚡MC uses the
open cracks these confusions provide and rejects one single meaning for
its name. While the MC in FC⚡MC came to unambiguously mean MEDIA CENTER,
the FC part will change its meaning depending on a multitude of
influences, such as the developments during the G20 summit, or the
quality of the coffee served in the media center.

Thus, FC might mean Free Critical, For Context, Free Communication,
Future Commons, Fruitful Collaborations, Friends of Critic, Finalize
Capitalism, Flowing Capacities, Freedom Care, Flowing Communism, or even
Fight Creationism. But remember: these are just suggestions from the
outside. The FC⚡MC itself, in its autonomy and autology, might choose
different ones.

>From the seats of the FC St. Pauli stadium you can partake in its press
conferences, from inside the castle you can produce media items and
distribute them globally via networking and streaming capacities that
the FC⚡MC provides. But beyond technicalities, the FC⚡MC is about a
change of perception. This is why it can be understood as a call for the
production of views that go beyond the g20-problem and to instigate
broadcasted discussions about the worlds we live in, the worlds we want
to live in and how to get there.

In sum, the FC⚡MC contains social spaces to work together, to get to
know colleagues and to exchange latest information about on-going
demonstrations and protests. It will offer space for around one thousand
media workers, artists and performers. In addition, correct coffee and
superior correct food will be served for reasonable prices. The FC⚡MC is
free of charge. No fees have to be paid to join. It might accept
donations, depending on their origins.

Be part of it! Reinvent critical journalism in times of affective
populism! The FC⚡MC is the shared common device to accomplish this!

The FC⚡MC opens its doors on the evening of July 4th and will not close
until July 9th 2017. If you want to use the FC⚡MC as a production
facility, please register ahead at

Access to press conferences is open to all press card holders. Please
subscribe for notifications and see our press release from May 12th 2017
(german version)

The FC⚡MC Crew

Contact: | OpenPGP Key, Fingerprint: E8D5 674D 0471 BFEC
DD66 5370 2F30 4D99 055C D5CE

Social Media: Twitter: @fcmc_tv | Mastodon: (Join
the NoG20 Mastodon at

Visit FC⚡MC website via Tor: http://7ykpmz57ptqg3l6g.onion


FC⚡MC | Imprint/Impressum | Press releases

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Interim report: documenting racist controls with mapping software

2014-10-21 Thread oli

fyi, original to:

Interim report: documenting racist controls with mapping software.

On Monday, 6th of October, we started off with a media-activist action
to counter the EU-wide police actions known as "mos maiorum" [1]. We
published a web-based map on which people can report "racial profiling"
/ racist police controls in their cities. After one week of reporting
police checkpoints, we now want to sum up the project so far. The police
hunt of refugees throughout Schengen-Europe will continue until 26th of
October, and reporting will continue.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we received quite a lot of media attention [2],
especially on Twitter made the news. Reports of
controls came floating in to the website, particularly from central and
southern Europe. Until now we have received over 200 reports from 9 of
the 25 countries participating. Interestingly, the "iron curtain"
remains a reality to some degree, since we got only few reports from
former Warsaw-Pact and now Schengen countries.

In some countries, other activist projects are taking place against "mos
maiorum". Thus,  we did not receive reports from there. This includes
Sweden, because people there operate a twitter-account ([3]) to make
public the racist controls. In Italy, there is a group collecting
reports via facebook ([4] ).

The diversity of languages poses well know problems of exclusion for
this map. Fortunately, some people reacted to our calls for translations
and are now actively supporting us by translating reports and news -
thank you so much for that!

The general media attention, with its addiction to news, declined
shortly after the start of "mos maiorum". Equally, less reports came in
at Hopefully this happened due to a decline of
police operations, but we account this much more to a decrease of interest.
We expect a rise of media attention towards the 26th, when "mos maiorum"
will finish. It is also likely that police operations will increase
within the next days even more, because a lowered media coverage is in
the interest of the police. The effects of past media coverages already
had an effect on the overall PR strategy of "mos maiorum": Frontex tried
to play down its role in "mos maiorum" on monday. A little later, the
Council of the European Union stated that this was an operation by the
Italian government.

The  EU has claimed that one goal of the police operations is to collect
information about migration routes and to acquire a more precise
knowledge where future police interventions would be effective. By
publishing the points of controls and feeding this information back onto
the streets, warning people and therefore possibly rerouting travellers,
we are happy to crisscross this information gathering project. This data
gathered now by police controls has a value for future racist
operations. A secondary power of this map therefore might have long
lasting effects by blurring the precision of the data acquired by the

So far, the map has successfully increased public knowledge about this
unprecedented effort in "racial profiling" by the European Union. And it
makes a difference: it demonstrates a bottom-up application of media
technologies. Whereas (critical) media coverage can not empower you to
take action yourself, the map project changes power relations and
empowers you to make visible what is supposed to be invisible. With that
at hands, the map is not only a (even if incomplete) documentation of a
massive racist operation, but opens the possibility to use the collected
information for localized actions on the grounds. This is what the map
could amount to: racist hot spot recognition system and a tool for
immediate counter-action.

For the first time we have set up such a mapping-software to visualize
and make public racist controls in the EU. It is an experiment which
still has a lot of room for improvement. But already now we can envision
the potential of such a tool, once it becomes a common media practice
for thousands of activists. As vice-magazine put it: if there are enough
reports about the police operation "mos maiorum", it eventually could
lead to the opposite effect, an exact documentation of police tactics
that show how the European police forces try to get hold of migration
movements. While documenting police actions is a brave citizen's normal
duty, we consider the map as a tool to engage with police on the ground,
to disturb this operation with protests that emerge all of a sudden. The
technology and information is now available. Antiracist movements:
please take over from here!

You can support this project in many ways:

- inform your communities about the map - both online and offline.
- submit reports. they are the teeth. ([5] available in En - Fr - Ger)
- help translating reports and news - contact (
) if you want to get connected
- donate money via bitcoin for hosting the website:

Re: map about "mos maiorum" operation

2014-10-18 Thread oli
stupid me.

it is even simpler:


On 10/16/2014 01:32 PM, oli wrote:

> hi,
> a nice media activism project just started:
> if you encounter or observe an action part of the european joint police
> operation "mos maiorum", in effect from 13th to 26th october with the
> target to identify, imprison and finally deport illegalized migrants,
> you are asked to mark it on the map.

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map about "mos maiorum" operation

2014-10-16 Thread oli

a nice media activism project just started:

if you encounter or observe an action part of the european joint police
operation "mos maiorum", in effect from 13th to 26th october with the
target to identify, imprison and finally deport illegalized migrants,
you are asked to mark it on the map.


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#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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(web-)radio from gezipark in istanbul

2013-06-08 Thread oli
hi nettimers,

there is a radio broadcasting from gezipark in istanbul on 101.9 FM
and a radio stream for everyone who could not make it ;)

open this with the mediaplayer of your choice (preferred way):

or visit this website and use the embedded mediaplayer:

please spread this information, especially to turkish speaking friends.

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