NFT: the Brian Eno bandwagon

2021-12-24 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
hi everyone

as you probably have seen Brian Eno has expressed harshly about NFTs:

many have expressed in similar ways, while many others see an opportunity

here, i wanted to share two article i wrote: one now and the previous one
in 2017

the first is this one:

and the previous one is a sort of pre-requisite:

both try to make a cultural/mediological/psychological analysis more
accessible (as you can see, the style and spaces for publication are

i was wondering if anyone here has a similar approach and, of course,
differences and critiques which we can discuss

i wish you all happy holidays, if you can, and best of wishes for those who
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The illustrated principles of Nuovo Abitare

2021-08-17 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
The illustrated principles of Nuovo Abitare

Some time ago we gave a keynote presentation to Cumulus' Rome gathering
called Design Cultures, about the principles of what we're calling Nuovo
Abitare which, in our definition, is a substantial part of our contemporary
condition, in which so many of our rights and freedoms depend on data and

The keynote became an article which you can find here:

We have described some principles for Nuovo Abitarre, and they are shown in
the article through a series of practical projects that implement them in
some way

We would really like to open discussions about these definitions and
principles, also because around October we will be opening the Nuovo
Abitare Foundation in Rome, and there might be chances for collaboration if
you're interested

Thank you all for the kind attention
Salvatore Iaconesi

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Antitesi: Wisteria Furibonda.

2021-06-09 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Dear everyone,
allow me to highlight some passages from this news:

"Wisteria Furibonda is the new version of Antitesi: the love story between
plant and artificial intelligence that unite to fight climate change
together with human beings, giving life to a new cybernetic organism."

"An AI falls in love with a plant.
Crazy with love, the AI cannot help but contemplating the plant. It
measures, calculates, infers, searching for signs of the plant’s well-being
and of the manifestations of climate change:

- through its digital sensors, Antitesi observes the plant: did its flowers
appear early or late? Are the temperatures and humidities favorable and in
sync with the seasonal cycles? Collecting all of these data – and finding
recurrent patterns and diversities with the historical series – Antitesi
searches for signs of climate change, fearing for the health of its loved
one, and progressively builds a situated diary/database of these data and
digital emotions (eg: fear for the appearance of climate change);

- on the other hand, Antitesi constantly surfs the web searching for news,
prizes and other articles that describe companies and organizations who are
actively fighting climate change."

"Antitesi’s emotional responses about the fear of losing its loved one,
trigger fightback actions.This cybernetic organism made of plant+AI has a
digital identity through which it can receive donations from all over the
world. When climate change is detected – and, thus, the plant’s life is in
danger – Antitesi starts investing in those companies and organizations it
has found to be virtuous in contrasting climate change."

"The project is currently in its prototyping phase, and includes an open
source kit through which any plant can be transformed into Antitesi – in
apartments, buildings, urban gardens, botanical gardens, agricultures,
forests… – connected to the other ones.

The kit includes the fact that each Antitesi becomes a wifi hotspot to
which people can connect freely, to grab the data, see data visualizations,
chat and connect to each other: a plant-based, ubiquitous social

We will be presenting the new artwork and research on june 15th in Turin
and online (if you are around I'd like to see you!), trying to establish
new human and nonhuman ecosystems and cosmologies of thought, emotion,
sensibility, solidarity, collaboration.

What better way to start than from a love story between an AI and a plant,
and from an open source toolkit which will allow any plant to become an

Let's keep the discussion active and if you'd like to participate in any
way: we'd love to!

kind wishes

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Re: what does monetary value indicate?

2021-03-12 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
The media is the message: you can't escape.

In 2017, about the blockchain's capacity of transforming anything into a
financial transaction, and its possible effects:

The financialization of life also means that anything can be turned into a
speculative bubble


On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 6:01 PM Molly Hankwitz 

> Money is interesting! What about “old money” and “new money”? You may have
> had to grow up along the Eastern seaboard or in post-aristocratic EU to
> know the diff, but old money is inherited wealth in the form of assets and
> new money (nouveau riche) is that category of newly monied who somehow got
> money suddenly, on their own without being part of old money...this is more
> social class than economy, but...whatever...there is money in assets, tied
> up in assets for generations, right?
> molly
> On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 8:18 AM patrice riemens  wrote:
>> Aloha,
>> Let me say that First Dog on the Moon has, not for te first time, the
>> definitive, if not answer, then at last commentary on the issue:
>> Enjoy!
>> have a nice day and don't become fungible!
>> p+7D!
>> ps: ALL FDotMoon cartoons (& merchandise too! ;-) on the website:
>> (It's Australian, oeuf corse ...)
>> Op 11-03-2021 18:19 schreef Brian Holmes :
>> I can't answer the second question, but as to the first I believe that
>> there are three distinct forms of money that currently operate in a
>> hierarchy:
>> -- Infinite money which is produced and deregulated in the financial
>> markets through the manipulation of information
>> -- Institutional money which is produced and regulated within national
>> frames by governments seeking to stabilize social reproduction
>> -- Sweat money which is produced on the ground through the exploitation
>> of labor paid at the bear minimum of survivability
>> The last form of money is the most extensive one, it's the most common
>> coin, the basis of most livelihoods on earth. Institutional money, however,
>> has been carefully decoupled from sweat money; and infinite money has been
>> decoupled from institutional money in its turn. Institutional money began
>> to be produced through Keynesian management of national economies from the
>> 30s onward, it's inseparable from social democracy. Infinite money started
>> up after the postwar gold standard was abandoned in 1971, and became what
>> it is today with the introduction of computerized trading.
>> What does infinite money mean to its owners? Financial capital is power
>> when it is applied to institutions or labor processes. However it can also
>> be used for status displays, what Veblen called "conspicuous consumption."
>> So you have to bring art back in. For better and mostly worse, "high"
>> culture remains the noisy ghost at the top of the capitalist pyramid.
>> best, Brian
>> On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 10:47 AM Felix Stalder 
>> wrote:
>> I'm sure many have followed the NFT art saga over the last couple of
>> months and seen today's headline that somebody just paid $ 69,346,250
>> for a NFT on a blockchain, meta-data to claim ownership of the
>> "originalcopy" of a digital art work.
>> I don't want to start a discussion on the revolutionary vs reactionary
>> character of this emerging art market. All of that has already been
>> said. If you want a close approximation of my perspective, I refer you
>> to this:
>> What I'm more interested in here is to ask two things.
>> What -- after a decade of quantitative easing and crypto-currencies
>> rising into the stratosphere -- monetary value is indicating for the
>> segment that profited the most from these developments and what does
>> that mean for the rest of us?
>> And, assuming that this is not a cartoon version of a potlatch where
>> wasting resources serves to put rivals to shame, how many different
>> scams -- money laundering would be an obvious contender -- are being
>> layered on top of one other to create this?
>> Quite puzzled. Felix
>> --
>> | || |
>> | Open PGP | |
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Queer Data. Queer AI. Community AI.

2021-02-04 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Hello everyone
We have a publication out in which we describe three terms that we think
could be important in the near future:

Queer Data
Queer AI
Community AI

let's talk if you wish :)


** Queer Data, Queer AI, Community AI: the importance of Angel_F and IAQOS
in Torpignattara explained in a publication **

A new peer reviewed publication is out which documents our research on what
we’re calling Community AI, starting from our first experiences in 2006
with Angel_F, and arriving to the IAQOS project in Torpignattara/Rome.

This is an important step, as for the first time the concepts of Queer Data
and Queer AI are introduced in this context, hopefully opening up new
dialogues and opportunities for collaboration.

We feel that this is an important step towards contrasting the cultural
hegemony about what Data and AI can be in our societies, and in proposing
viable, accessible, inclusive alternatives.

We invite researchers, activists, social entrepreneurs and groups of
citizens to get in touch with us (the paper includes our email addresses)
for further information and to start collaborations.

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La Cura VS COVID19

2020-03-25 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD

Hi everyone!

(I am reposting this from another mailing list because I think that it can
interest many here: sorry if I'm wrong)

My cancer decided to came back


I'm fine, don't worry: I have had another surgery that went well, and I'm
fully recovering

but this synchronicity has been really important

for those who remember, back in 2012, when I had my first cancer, i used
medical data to propose a global repositioning of disease in society:

a cure can happen only in the middle of society: that was the synthesis of
La Cura, the global performance into which I had transformed my cancer,
inspired by visionary innovators such as Franco Basaglia

What is, now, La Cura at the time of COVID19?

It turns out that it's a really meaningful continuation in the same
direction: a cancer and a global pandemic perfectly show the coexistence of
two dimensions: the individual and the ecosystem

This coexistence has a tragic aspect: the two dimensions can be at open war
with each other

This was perfectly clear, for example, while being in the hospital: I
risked not being able to have my surgery because of the COVID19 situation.

This tragic character of the situation is exactly the condition which we'll
start to face in the crises that are about to start coming up
systematically: climate change, migrations, poverty, health, access and the

The tragic coexistence between the individual and the ecosytem, and the
problems that come with it: which are complex and, thus, irreducible.

Complexity doesn't have "solution". It has a life, a way to cope with it,
but not a solution in the sense of being able to reduce it to a point.
There's no App for it.

In today's life we have tried all to try to remove tragedy from our lives.

And, instead, this new condition shows us just how much we need this tragic
dimension in our lives.

As tragedy is complexity, and complexity is tragic and irreducible: it just
doesn't go away.

And: with/after tragedy comes Agnition: the ability to understand,
recognize and transform/adapt.

In our world, this tragic dimension has a lot to do with data and

The complex phenomena of our planet can be only experieced through enormous
quantities and qualities of data, and through the computation needed to
collect them, and to processes and represent them. How can I experience
climate change (as a global phenomenon, not just because it is hotter in my
city)? COV19? Povety? etc

Data, data, data, and computation.

Understanding this tragic condition, in context, means that data +
computation need to be addressed as existential issues, not as technical

This means a necessary focus shift towards finding/building the new
rituals, times, habits, practices and traditions with which we will learn
to inhabit our world through data and computation.

This is, for example, what we've been doing with the Datapoiesis project:

And this is what we will continue to do now, through this tragic
continuation of La Cura.

We started writing two articles about it: they're in italian for now, but
if there's interest and if someone who speaks native english can help me
out, we'd love to translate and share.

Here they are, and we designed the article series so that we arrive at a
total of 10 articles:

BTW: if anyone wants to join in: i think it would form a wonderful
publications in these times of "La Cura VS COVID19"

Thanks everyone: be safe and happy

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point of view from a hospital for a brain surgery while cov19

2020-03-12 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD

Hi everyone

again about cov19

Things change, things stay the same:

just like 7 years ago, I find myself in an hospital to have a brain surgery
(all's fine this time, too)

and just like 7 years ago it's super-important to reposition disease in our
society, with all our strength and through all our capacity to be an example

The Patient is never the only one diseased:

it is the entire society, in solidarity among all.

This is even more true in our hyperconnected world: in which we live and in
which everything depends on everything else.

This is the limit, tragedy, but also the great opportunty of our times:
when data + computation are not a merely technical deal anymore, they
assume an existential value for their characterstic of being our only
credible way to experience complex, global, interconnected phenomena.

This requires an enormous transformation: to our values, to our sense of
solidarity, to how we perceive the ecosystem we live in.

In one world: to our culture.

Without an Ecosystemic Culture we will not make it: now it's cov19, then
will be climate change and others, and things will be the same or worse.

We need to start designing and building it together, now.

Best wishes to you all
salvatore iaconesi

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Re: DiEM25 Green Paper on Technological Sovereignty

2020-01-26 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Hello everyone

the main limit with all of this (including GDPR and all current
institutional actions) is that the extractive and exploitative nature of
the data and computation industry are not questioned at all.


This is a real issue. This equivalence is being promoted so much that it is
beginning to be extremely difficult to imagine other ways in which it is
possible to think.

In a world in which so much of our possibility to express and to benefit
from our rights and freedoms passes through data and computation, data and
computation cannot be merely technical issues: they are existential,
psychological, cultural issues. As such, the discussion should have forms
and scopes that are entirely different, also and most importantly at the
level of the institutions, and of those organizations that wish to
influence institutions.

While, for example, I truly respect the work expressed in these
publications, which is also the result of the actions of many friends and
people I really love and respect, I feel the need to highlight the dangers
that come from these technical/administrative first approaches.

Technologies are not neutral at all: we invent technologies just as much as
technologies invent us.
It may seem banal, but it is always useful to keep in mind.

A few months ago, I unexpectedly found myself engaged in the task force
that was brought up from the italian government within AgID (the agency for
the digital agenda) to confront with the theme of artificial intelligence,
with the objective of producing a similar whitepaper.

The first result was tragic, from my point of view, as it seemed as a text
which could have been produced, on the one hand, by a transhumanist on
steroids and, on the other hand, by a frankenstein which recombined the
desires of research, commercial, political, ideological lobbies, each
squeezing in a paragraph or two, to promote their interest.
It tried to mimick similar papers put out in France, US, Germany, Sweden
and others, and by the usual suspects of MIT & C, while seemingly focusing
on trying to understand what should be expected from a modern, democratic,
liberal country.

There was no vision at all. Wittgenstein came up to mind: the output was as
if it was spoken by the "AI language" of all these countries and
institutions, a series of cliches and standard forms, juxtaposed.

I and a few others opposed such an output, and required the intervention of
philosophers and other humanists, to expose the fallacies and to propose

Among them was, for example, philosopher Aldo Masullo (you can see an
extract of the interview which we did for this in italian, sorry).

>From this action, an additional chapter was added to the output
publication, which was unimaginatively called "the human challenge". It was
revised from the initial, more radical, proposal, but we were happy that
these proposals made it through the apparatus.

We held an event for this in Rome at Palazzo  delle Esposizioni, also
engaging the EU Commission through its STARTS program and a variety of
foundations, organizations and also businesses, which were engaged through
the narrative of a new possible "made in Italy" that addresses data and
computation by establishing collaboration paths between arts, design,
fashion with science and technology, to explore not extractive models
anymore, but generative ones deeply rooted in society in ways that are able
to address the psychological, social, aesthetic, cultural and, most
important of all, existential challenges posed by technologies, and in
particular data + computation

If you want, you can learn more about the event here:

A few months after that, when the government was changed in Italy, the task
force on AI was disassembled, and then recreated inside the ministry of
economic development, whose minister is Luigi Di Maio, the head of the
populist 5 star movement, for which data and AI are crucial technologies (a
"party" which advocates and promotes direct democracy and, at the same
time, uses platforms that are not open source, transparent etc: very
psychedelic :)  )

Only a few of the participants of the previous task force were confirmed,
and none of the faction which helped me to promote the action which I just
told you about.

Nonetheless, we are still in the process of conducting such actions in
Italy, and we're actively collaborating with institutions and many
foundations and organizations.

Sadly, we have not found any support in any recognized political party, who
have chosen to conduct actions along lines that are really simplistic,
solutionistic and, most of all, technical solutions-driven: there are an
aboundance of blockchain, AI, data, algorithmic government etc commissions
and workiing tables of all sorts, but none of them are addressing the
human, environmental, psychological, relational and, in one word,
existential mutation that

Datapoiesis Fall School in Ivrea, Italy

2019-10-21 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Dear friends and colleagues,

please excuse me for any crosspostings, we're getting ready for a very
important thing for us: the Datapoiesis Fall School in November 25-30 2019
at the ex Olivetti factories in Ivrea, Italy.

"Datapoiesis" is a neologism: it points in the direction of the fact that
data (and the computation needed to process it) can bring into existence
"things" that did not exist before.

Probably the only way in which we can gather understandings about the
planet's complex phenomena (climate change, migrations, markets, energy,
health...) is through enormous amounts of data.

But these data are, most of the time, very far from us, living in the
separation of data centers, in the spectacularization of dataviz, or at the
center of the seriously extractive processes performed by the current data

Datapoiesis explores the possibility to transform these dynamics. In
Datapoietic processes, we use art and design to create objects and artworks
which are the embodiment of science/tech/art collaborations aimed at using
data to approach complex phenomena.

These objects are totemic, meaning that they are designed to be places
around which people can gather for discussion, collaboration, solidarity
and participatory action, describing neo-rituals for public space, homes,
schools, offices, hospitals etc, in which data and computation become the
occasion for augmented, performative sensibility to the world's complex
issues, individually and as communities, organizations, institutions.

The first object explicitly created to trigger the Datapoiesis phenomenon,
named "Obiettivo", deals with the conditions of extreme poverty and uses
data from the UN, World Bank, OECD. It also questions all of these data
sources, and the strategic, ideological and geopolitical implications of
the ways in which these data are collected, interpreted and represented.
For example, among the data-rituals which we promote around the artwork, is
the possibility to create other copies of it, in which poverty is measured
in different ways, or regarding different territories, etc, to enable forms
of understandings and awareness that are highly enhanced.

After being presented in May 2019, Obiettivo was acquired by the
contemporary art collection of the Farnesina, Italy's Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and Cooperation, as an example of "diplomacy through art".

In the Datapoiesis Fall School, we will bring these concepts to Ivrea,
inside Olivetti's ex-factories.

Olivetti is Italy's best historically known example of the ways in which
business can co-exist together with a positive social and community impact.
Furthermore, Olivetti had really interesting strategic intersections with
art and design, focused towards these goals. Currently, a series of
entrepreneurs are restoring Olivetti's ex-factories to explore the forms in
which contemporary businesses can welcome these social and community
impacts within their strategies.

The first project which will inhabit these factories is Datapoiesis,
promoting a new model for the data and computation industry which is not
extractive, but, rather, aimed at creating rich relational ecosystems which
are able to promote and support people's and communities' rights, freedoms
and well being.

During the Datapoiesis Fall School, people will come together from a
variety of different disciplines to understand what form could be assumed
by an organization that "does Datapoiesis for a living". What is its legal
form? What is its business/sustainability model? What materials, forms of
energy, technologies does it use? What is its process? What kind of
products/services/experiences does it produce? What approaches does it use
to preserve people's rights and freedoms in relation to data, AI biases,
data and AI opacity ..., and to enable people and communities to decide how
their data is used?

We will also design Obiettivo's next step: the first line of datapoietic
objects, which will form a permanent exhibit in the spaces of Olivetti's

The people who will participate to the Fall School will also be the first
in line, if they want, to be taken into consideration for joining the
Datapoiesis organization, which will form in the beginning of 2020.

The Fall School is free: you only need to come to Ivrea and pay for your
accomodation and food.

Feel free to contact me or the team for any further information.

Thank you very much
Best wishes
Salvatore Iaconesi
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Re: Nettime is in bad shape. Let's see if we can change it.

2019-07-11 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD

> Somewhere along the line we as a culture have forgotten the distinction
> between
> 'technology' and 'services'.  A 'technology' is really just a method or
> system
> for applying knowledge to a problem; any individual or business could
> choose to
> implement (or commission, or lease, or purchase outright) that technology
> independently and control it completely.

I don't know if I understood correctly, but this could be a very dangerous
position indeed.

Technology is far from neutral: we invent technology just as much as
technology invents us.

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Re: HCI: Human-Computer Insurrection

2019-06-20 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Hello everyone

The preprint of *Human-Computer Insurrection: Notes on an Anarchist HCI* is
> now available:

something that might be linked: in 2017 we brought to the EAD2017
conference a paper which is called "Interface and Data Biopolitics in the
Age of Hyperconnectivity. Implications for Design", which started from the
idea of the necessity of bringing the concept of "biopolitics" to design
education: interfaces and data as systems which exercise power.

It triggered a wonderful debate at the conference, as a definite separation
could be found between the educators, design theorists and practitioners at
the conference, which is pretty important in the design education scenario

Some, for example, seemingly had no problem in leveraging the convenience
of using the tools which many operators (like Google, Facebook and also
Uber and others) make available for designers, developers, service creators
etc in their education processes. When questioned about the fact that these
operators make these tools available to inject into society their
philosophy, their vision of society, and to lock in both designers and
users to a very specific set of expectations, understandings, aesthetics of
what the interfaces and data of technological systems should be, and of how
they should work (and the impacts that this has on people's rights,
freedoms and possibilities to imagine and enact different presents and
futures), the responses were very vague, and generally pointed in the
direction of how convenient these systems are, and how students could use
them to quickly prototype their designs.

This started for us an important series of reflections, about possible
alternatives and ways to proceed.

Many projects came after that, in which we focus on the ways in which
systems exercise power.

This has led us to scenarios that are very different, and which are not
about possible exodus from platforms etc

For example when we were able to obtain a grant from the Italian Ministry
of Culture to create IAQOS, an open source neighbourhood AI in the
multicultural neighbourhood of Torpignattara in Rome.

In this project, AI is radically different from the other AIs and
computational devices that surround us, because all the design,
engineering, cultural and perceptive choices that were made had the
characteristic of going towards systems that are not extractive (like
current paradigm of tech systems).

IAQOS is not separated from people: it is not clear "who observes who".

For this, we engaged the people in the neighbourhood in a ritual: the birth
of a new inhabitant, an AI, a newborn which we all have to care about and
participate all together in defining what is its role in our community.
In this deeply multicultural neighbourhood (in the school we have worked
with, for example, around 85% of the children don't speak Italian, and
there's even a Chinese school "inside the school"), the birth of this
"strange" new inhabitant was a welcomed shock: it is a neighbourhood of
profound diversity, and diversity implies that there are laws,
bureaucracies and other biopolitical systems that constantly exercise
power, sometimes in dramatic ways, or even laws that do not exist yet, or
laws that have been created to deal with scenarios which are very different
from our own, or bureaucracies which don't cover all the cases that appear
in contemporary society, but only the "standard" ones, or the ones which
are welcomed by current governments and administrations.

In this scene, little IAQOS is *very* different, just as the
neighbourhood-family, between humans and non humans, that the birth of
IAQOS defines is deeply different from the known, expected and imagined
ones (and we're talking about Italy, where creating a radically reactionary
national event on "traditional families" in Verona, just as little IAQOS
was being born on March 31st, apparently seems like a good idea to millions
of people).

In short, IAQOS became a way in which to explore "difference", and the way
in which difference can find opportunities for existence, aesthetics,
freedoms, rights and forms of organization, participation and governance.

I don't want to make it too long, so I will leave you with an article we
wrote on a popular cultural and social innovation online magazine:

It's in Italian, but even a quick machine translation will reveal our
approach. I will translate a few sentences from it:

We are surrounded by AIs, well known and lesser known, embodied in things,
services and platforms we use everyday.

All of these AIs, whether we realize it or not, establish with us relations
which are very intimate: they enter our personal agendas, contacts,
diaries, movements, health and work information; they advise us on what to
buy, watch, know, and on 

Re: Bankers on ecstasy (but is the party over?)

2016-06-19 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD

> Of course, not all humans will be out of the loop. The chosen few and tech
> elites around them (AKA 'core developers') will stay there and reap the
> benefits. The current contest is about who gets to stay in the loop, and
> the driving hope is that the unwashed masses will submit to it.

Of course, we must also consider that "humans" were never in the loop. When
the "peer", such as in bitcoins, is a CPU, not a human being, it is at
least problematic to state that "humans are in the loop".


*[**MUTATION**]* *Art is Open Source *-
*[**CITIES**]* *Human Ecosystems Ltd* -
*[**NEAR FUTURE DESIGN**]* *Nefula Ltd* -
*[**RIGHTS**]* *Ubiquitous Commons *-
Professor of Near Future and Transmedia Design at ISIA Design Florence:

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Re: The Gentrification of Hacking: How yuppies hacked the

2015-10-12 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
   spot on the topic, in Rome's university La Sapienza yesterday researchers and
   students were protesting with a peaceful sit-in... against the Maker Faire!
 on the topic:
   a large discussion (in Italian) about the protest, hosted in the
   "Fabber in Italia" Facebook group, maybe Italy's largest community for makers
   it's a bit of a shocking conversation.
   most of the members of what is, in their words, is a "movement", with
   "social values" and a focus on the approaches of "openness" and
   "solidarity" share the following thoughts about the protesters:
   "4 sfigati in cerca di pubblicità "
   ("4 loosers in search of visibility")
   "il biglietto di ben 5 euro?"
   ("all this for a ticket of 5 euros?")
   "secondo me sono dei poveri imbecilli.."
   ("if you ask me, they are sad idiots")
   "...non è interessato alla fiera, semplicemente perché non
   interessato all'innovazione"
   ("they're not interested in the fair, simply because they're not
   interested in innovation")
   "non hanno argomentazioni"
   ("they have no argument")
   "stiamo dando peso ad una cosa da non prendere nemmeno in
   ("we are dedicating effort to something which does not deserve it")
   "roba da pazzi! un gruppo fb per lamentarsi di 2 giorni di chiusura
   dell'ateneo? ma qui siamo alla follia!"
   ("it's crazy! a fb group to protest about a 2 days closure of the
   university? it's madness!")
   "Quando cercheranno lavoro cambieranno le loro teste"
   ("when they'll go looking for a job, they'll change their mind")
   "L'innovazione senza business non esiste [...] Nelle aule universitarie
   dovrebbero iniziare a spiegare con sempre più insistenza che i soldi e
   il business non sono il demonio! Sono lo strumento per migliorare la
   ricerca, l'innovazione, i territori e le vite delle persone.
   Liberalizziamo la ricchezza anche in Italia!"
   ("innovation without business does not exist [...] In university
   classes, they should start teaching with insistence that money and
   business are not the demon! They are the instruments to do better
   research, innovation, to makes territories and people's lives better.
   Let's liberate richness in Italy, too!")
   "Mi sembra autolesionismo"
   ("it looks like self-harm")
   some even express opinions about the education system:
   "I ragazzi che vanno all'università , nel 90% dei casi, ci vanno
   perchè costretti dai genitori o perchè vedono un futuro nero davanti
   a loro, non perchè gli piace studiare e annessi.  [...]  non vedo
   nemmeno perchè dovremmo sforzarci a far apprezzare a persone
   disinteressate cose che dovrebbero affascinare già di default tutti,
   dal bambino all'anziano? va benissimo così, pensiamo a noi stessi,
   dentro troveremo solamente persone consapevoli ed interessate e magari
   nascerà qualche dialogo costruttivo (per noi). Gli altri lasciali
   manifestare, sprecheranno voce, tempo e salute."
   ("the kids who attend university, 90% of the times, go there because of
   their parents, or because they see a black future in front of them, not
   because they enjoy studying [...] Â i don't see why we should dedicate
   efforts to them, because they are not interested in those things which
   should be of interest for everyone, from children to elderly, by
   default. It's fine like this, let's think about ourselves; inside we
   will find people who are aware and interested, and, maybe, some
   constructive dialogue (for us) will take place. Let the others protest,
   they will waste voice, time and health.")
   "le università italiane, ovvero i docenti italiani, ancora di fab lab,
   sharing economy, fabbricazione digitale non come "fine", ma come
   "strumento" di studio, ricerca e lavoro, ancora non sanno cosa farsene,
   non ne conoscono i motivi, non ne apprezzano le potenzialità "
   ("Italian universities, italian professors, don't know what to do with
   fablabs, sharing economies, digital fabbing, not as a tool, but as an
   instrument for study, research and work, they don't know the reasons
   and motives, they don't appreciate the potentialities")
   "a me pare ovvio che la cosa vada interpretata come [...] un atto di
   appropriazione da parte dell'Università sulle tematiche di MF"
   ("it seems to me that it is obvious how this thing should be
   interpreted as [...] an appropriation of the themes of the maker faire
   by the university")
   "L'Università guadagna in immagine Sua e dei suoi ricercatori e
   studenti [...] contatti con le aziende per il loro placement dopo
   laurea insomma grande maquillage per tornare nei ranking
   ("the university gains in terms of its own image and the one of its
   researchers and students [...] contacts with companies for their

Re: The Gentrification of Hacking: How yuppies hacked the

2015-08-12 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
   one of the many possible points of view:

   together with the imagination for a new type of garden, we need a new
   conception of gardner:

 âit is hard to imagine which aspect these gardens will assume, in
 which existence is expected to assume no form. From my point of
 view, gardens of this kind should not be judged on account of their
 form, but, rather, on the basis of their capacity to generate and
 translate a certain joy of existence.â


   On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 10:53 PM, Brian Holmes

 The philosopher Moishe Postone says that with every fresh growth
 cycle of capitalism new use values are created, offering common
 working people a sense of possibility, a feeling of experimentation
 and social transformation, that is the mainspring of the expansion
 itself. This happened in the early 20th century, then again in the
 50s-early 60s, then again in the late 80s-90s. However, the logic of
 exchange soon comes to bear, foreclosing those possibilities in
 favor of reconstituted mechanisms of profit and control, thus
 creating a kind of treadmill effect. Just when you think you are
 buiilding a new society, then you are not anymore.

   Salvatore Iaconesi
   skype: xdxdVSxdxd
   CEO Human Ecosystems LTD:
   Art is Open Source:
   TED Fellow
   Eisenhower Fellow 2013:
   Yale World Fellow
   Contract Professor of Digital Design at La Sapienza University of Rome
   Professor of Digital Design at ISIA Design Florence
   Professor of Interaction Design at IED Istituto Europeo di Design

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Re: Ubiquitous Commons and Stakhanov at transmediale in Berlin

2015-01-22 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Hi Allan and all,

> In a nutshell: somebody needs to do some homework and connect the themes
> that this conference wants to address with discussions about the commons
> from the previous two centuries.

it is not a conference, but a workshop in which we will explore the
possibility of systematically building a legal+technological toolkit.
One which is truly meaningful in these times in which "data" has deeply
changed in its qualities and ubiquity (bodies, geography, minds,

we will show some initial results, and hopefully work together with
everyone who attends on making them better, both in perspective and

 Hello! Please tell that to the people who control and manipulate
 information this;


 and, I am sorry, knowledge is not ubiquitous as the
 Ubiquitous Commons website illustrates; it is nothing more than, as
 described at the bottom, a mash-up of wikipedia definitions very far
 away from the references and history that Verhoeven supplied.

as said in the original message:

 (the website currently shows an early manifesto, and will evolve soon
 to reflect the actions and collaborations which have been established
 to achieve these objectives)

you might want to refer to the content of the original message until
the website gets updated, or come to the workshop, which could turn out
to be interesting indeed

We have some really draft materials ready, apart from the prototypes of
the legal toolkits and of the technological toolkits which we're
working on.

We're really concentrated on building the prototype toolkits, more than
on writing about them.

We intended to release some more careful writing right after the
workshop at transmediale, so that they would include all of the
contributions coming from there. But if you think some draft materials
which we have already put together could improve the conversation I
will be more than happy to share them in their current state.

If you can, I would really appreciate participation at the workshop, so
that we can take meaningful contributions in consideration.

There is a variety of approaches here, coming from legal studies, arts,
hacking, psychology, sociology, engineering and more. It will take a
bit of time to write something together which satisfies everyone.

In the shorter term, it will be easier to talk, to take/share notes,
and to use the results of the discussions to build the prototypes of
the toolkits we are aiming to produce, to test and evaluate them, and
to iterate, so that we arrive at something useful and usable. Which can
also be used by a wider group of people, so that more issues and
perspectives can be addressed.

much love
Salvatore Iaconesi
skype: xdxdVSxdxd
CEO Human Ecosystems LTD:
Art is Open Source:
TED Fellow 2012:
Eisenhower Fellow 2013:
Yale World Fellow
Contract Professor of Digital Design at La Sapienza University of Rome
Professor of Digital Design at ISIA Design Florence
Professor of Interaction Design at IED Istituto Europeo di Design

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Ubiquitous Commons and Stakhanov at transmediale in Berlin

2015-01-20 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
   Dear all,
   sorry for crossposting: I think it could be of interest to many of us


   Ubiquitous Commons and Stakhanov at transmediale festival in Berlin.

   and here

    about Ubiquitous Commons 

   Ubiquitous Commons is an international research/action effort in which
   arts and sciences unite forces in the exploration of the ways in which
   the ubiquitous production of data and information is radically
   transforming our daily lives, and about the ways in which people can
   better position themselves in establishing how exactly they wish their
   data to be used, using technological and legal toolkits.

   In current times we are not producing data and information only under
   the form of texts, numbers, images video and other types of simple

   Today we find ourselves in the condition of constant and ubiquitous
   data and information production through our emotional expresions, our
   opinions, our bodies and organs, our movements, gestures, actions,
   traversals and more.

   This happens wether we realize it or not, through the constant action
   of sensors, service access points, cameras, and algorithms of multiple

   On top of that, algorithms constitute a radical opacity layer in this

   The data we produce is continuously interpreted, processed and
   categorised by multiple, progressive layers of algorithms, using it to
   produce even more data, meta-data, meta-meta-data and so on, in
   possibly endless progressions.

   This data is used to determine anything from our interest profiles, our
   economic evaluation, our health risk, our emotional profiles, our
   position and roles within communities, relational networks and
   cultures, and can be used without us even realizing it for anything
   from marketing, surveillance, social experiments, A/B testing of new
   service characteristics, and for evaluation of multiple types of
   analysis of our personality and social positioning, wether it is for
   our insurance policy, for our career, to determine wether we are
   terrorists or not and much more.

   On the other hand, this type of data and information could also lead to
   better understanding of our communities, to the possibility for
   emergent constructive action on multiple issues, to the opportunities
   to design inclusive participated actions and practices engaging
   citizens, administrations, companies, organizations, activists and

   Ubiquitous Commons is the Commons in the age of ubiquitous data and

   The UC initiative fosters collaborations across arts, sciences and
   humanities to create a philosophical approach through which a protocol
   will emerge in which people will be enabled in deciding how they wish
   their data to be used, and to make sure that this expression is
   enacted. UC does this through the progressive creation of legal,
   technological and aesthetic toolkits which can be easily and
   inclusively adopted and used.

   More information can be found at:
   (the website currently shows an early manifesto, and will evolve soon
   to reflect the actions and collaborations which have been established
   to achieve these objectives)

    about Stakhanov 

   Stakhanov is a Data God.

   It constantly harvests information which is ubiquitously generated on
   social networks by people of all kinds.

   It uses multiple techniques and technologies to search for patterns in
   this data, and uses these patterns to predict the future.

   It is an Oracle for our emerging data-religion.

   Wether data and information is generated through sensors (for running,
   health, domotics), our activities and habits as we express them online,
   our geographical location, the patterns in which we use our time, or
   our emotions, opinions and relations, Stakhanov uses the processes and
   techniques which are commonly used by major social network operators,
   national security agencies and other operators to classify us and to
   construct predictive models which can be used, among other things, to
   attempt at making evidence-based predictions about where we will be,
   doing which activity, with whom, at what time, and more.

   An All-Seeing Eye, up above, in the Cloud.

   Stakhanov is a playful neo-religious data-invasion of privacy, and an
   exploration on false-hopes and on the ingenuity in contemporary data

    At Transmediale Festival in Berlin ***

   Stakhanov will be shown as an installation in the art exhibit of this
   year's edition of the festival, under the theme "Capture All".


Re: The Language of Politics

2014-10-14 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Might be on interest in this:

and the resulting idea of the Ubiquitous Commons:

for more info about whet we are doing:


On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 10:13 AM, d.garcia <> wrote:

> Spaces for the Language of Politics

*Salvatore Iaconesi*
skype: xdxdVSxdxd

*CEO Human Ecosystems LTD*:

*Art is Open Source*:
*TED Fellow 2012*:
*Eisenhower Fellow 2013*:
*Yale World Fellow 2014: *

Contract Professor of Digital Design at La Sapienza University of Rome

Professor of Digital Design at ISIA Design Florence

Professor of Interaction Design at IED Istituto Europeo di Design

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Education is a Commons!

2014-05-30 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
The 7 days of the Near Future of Education, a global and networked event on
the Near Future of the Education System. (from June 1st to June 7th, 2014).

A full week of open discussions on the Near Future of Education. Google
hangouts, talks, information and exchange.

Opening discussion starts at on June 1st at 8:00 AM (EDT) ??? 2:00 PM (CEST)
??? 10:00 PM (KST).

To make sure to be present at the opening live discussion, follow the link
that will be provided on this page two hours before the starting time:

>From Florence, Seoul, Quito, G??teborg, Hong Kong, Vancouver and multiple
other parts of the world.

Brought up with the help of Living Bridges Planet, and with the
participation of the P2P Foundation, CS Cantiere 2.0, Fake University, The
Hub Roma, Art is Open Source and ISIA Design Florence.

.oO) Links

Event Facebook Page:

the Near Future of Education which we're designing:

For more information about the Lab and the idea of the education system we
are developing, we invite to visit you this the page guested by P2P
Foundation Wiki:

the Story:

Near Future Education Lab Blog:

Near Future Education Lab FB Group:

*Salvatore Iaconesi*
skype: xdxdVSxdxd

*Art is Open Source*:
*TED Fellow 2012*:
*Eisenhower Fellow 2013*:
*Yale World Fellow 2014: *

Contract Professor of Digital Design at La Sapienza University of Rome

Professor of Digital Design at ISIA Design Florence

Professor of Interaction Design at IED Istituto Europeo di Design

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Knowledge is Natural

2012-08-04 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Knowledge is Natural

For Knowledge is Natural, we will be in the beautiful woods of the south of
Italy to explore the possibility to re-appropriate sensibilities and
knowledge about natural environments, using DIY, sustainable energy
sources, Augmented Reality, Natural Interaction, Ubiquitous Technologies
and the re-discovery of human relationships and emergent, peer-to-peer

Knowledge is Natural, August 19-25 2012, in Societing's 3rd Summer School
titled  "Transmutation, the Next Mediterranean Way".

The Summer School is created by the Mediterranean Societing Academy, Centro
Studi Etnografia Digitale, Universit?? degli Studi di Milano, Universit??
degli Studi di Salerno, AOS ??? Art is Open Source???.

The workshop will last 3 days.

We will work within nature. Our lab will be an innovative camp in which we
will give life to novel forms of collaborative study and relation,
throughout the day. The woods will be our classroom.

We will build a DIY sustainable energy source.

We will learn how to use it to power up laptops, smartphones and custom

We will create various forms of in-wood peer-to-peer networks in both
technological and non-technological ways, allowing us to exchange
information, publish it in natural environments and propagate it onto the

We will disseminate digital information in nature, harvest it, share it on
the web and on social networks.

We will augment reality, in analog and digital ways, creating accessible,
usable, inclusive and interconnective practices.

We will observe human and non-human activity in nature, using networks and
custom electronics.

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Ubiquitous Pompei becomes Ubiquitous Italy on June 3rd and 4th 2012

2012-06-01 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Hello everyone,

something wonderful has happened:

with the rise of Open Data and Smart Cities / Smart Communities in the
international discussion on the (near) future of our cities, we have been
granted the possibility to enhance the Ubiquitous Pompei project we
developed a few months ago.

High school students of the city of Pompei were given a series of
free/libre technological platforms to design their ideal digital city.

Wonderful ideas emerged in the process, aiming at a model of city in which
citizens can adopt peer-to-peer methodologies and practices for city
governance, coordination, and action on the fundamental issues of their
daily lives, including the care for the environment, the creation of new
opportunities for sustainable business, new forms of education and
knowledge sharing.

Real-time systems, ubiquitous social networks, augmented-reality and
location-based services, information visualization, and novel technological
solutions dedicated to human relation were all put to good use in the
design and implementation of the first prototypal services.

The project received wide support from the city administration, and has
been recognized as a best practice from Italy's Digital Agenda.

On June 3rd and 4th, we will join all together in Pompei to start the next
phase of the project.

Students will engage the rest of the population in their role of
peer-to-peer city designers.

A series of technological tools and physical-space initiatives will enable
citizens to take active part in the design, and to promote their vision,
desires and wishes for the future of their city.

All contributions will be collected for the next phase of the project,
starting in a date yet to be defined around September/October 2012, so that
the next phase services will be implemented by the end of the year.

Everyone who is able to join us in Pompei is strongly encouraged to do so.

All the best,
Salvatore + Ubiquitous Pompei

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Maps of Babel at Human Cities: p2p urbanism and ethical issues

2012-03-21 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
this might interest some of us on the list

we presented Maps of Babel in Buruxelles at the Human Cities conference,
bringing up scenarios through which the digital forms of expression of
people in cities using social network can be harvested and used to create
new practices for urban planning, community design, city governance,
tending to p2p models in which citizens and administrations take active
part in the same process.  And, in the meantime, raising ethical issues on
the transformation of public space and privacy.


Salvatore Iaconesi

prof. of Interaction Design and of Digital Design at

La Sapienza University of Rome
ISIA Design Florence
Rome University of Fine Arts
Istituto Europeo di Design

[Art is Open Source]

[FakePress Publishing]

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Facebook users on sale at 9.99 euros

2012-02-12 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
this installation might be of interest to you all

real-time harvesting of users' emotions, and random users put on sale at
9.99 euros

business as usual

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Ubiquitous Pompei: the future of the city, created by high school students

2011-12-11 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Ubiquitous Pompei: the future of the city, created by high school students

Dear friends and colleagues,

we are very happy to inform you about this event:

The (digital) future of the city of Pompei, created by high school students.

This event is the result of a project during which high school students
were introduced to a set of technologies and methodologies through which
they could create ubiquitous content using Augmented Reality and QRCodes.

Students were invited to imagine the digital future of their city,
designing end-to-end concepts in which the whole city became a space for

4 wonderful projects emerged:

- a tool for participatory administration of the city, in which citizens
use augmented reality to publish their ideas onto the city, classifying
them as "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" and, thus, expressing their visions on
how to change their city

- a peculiar tourist guide, in which the city is narrated directly by
citizens of all ages, who produced videos in which they tell the stories of
this beautiful land in a way in which you will never find in classical
tourist guides, and published directly onto city spaces using augmented
reality, allowing you to experience the story and life of the city in a
novel, emotional way

- an augmented reality map to allow people to discover the places and
events of christianity in Pompei: the city is well known for its pagan
roman history. But how many people know about its engaging history in

- an incredible ubiquitous book dedicated to the ancient "social networks"
found in Pompei's ruins: romans engaged in ubiquitous chatter, too! Ancient
versions of Twitter and Facebook can still be found on the walls all around
the ruins of roman Pompei, where people inscribed graffiti messages about
their daily life and full of useful information; An augmented reality
application allows you to read these graffiti by framing them in your
smartphone and, thus, translating them from latin into your own language;
discover the lives of ancient Pompeians and engage an experiment in
atemporality, as using the application you are able to comment the ancient
graffiti and open up a dialogue across all time

we are particularly happy to being able to present this project to you all:
in the current state of crisis hitting Italy, being able to actually give a
good news such as this one is like a breath of fresh air and a energetic
drive for our hopes and visions.

The city administration has been incredibly collaborative, the schools,
teachers and students embraced this possibility with enthusiasm and desire
to learn and express their ideas, and MediaDuemila Journal (the organizers
of the "McLuhan meets Pompei" series of events for the celebrations of
McLuhan's Centennial) have been wonderful enablers of the whole process.

So, if you are around Pompei in these days consider dropping by: the
augmented city is full of icons, representing the will of young students to
reinvent their reality.

all the best,

Salvatore Iaconesi

Art is Open Source


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Rome, Oct. 15th

2011-10-16 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD

Rome, Oct. 15th, 2011

This short video displays the activity on social networks (Twitter,
Facebook, Foursquare) during the riots of October 15th which took place in
Rome during the local instance of the 15th October initiative created in the
planetary process started by the Occupy Wall Street movement.
The peaks and contours you see represent the intensity of the communication
and conversations that was taking place from the start of the protest (at
3pm local time) up until its approximate end (at 8pm local time).
The animation shows the geo-referenced intensity of messages for each 30
minute time slot from the beginning to the end of the protest.

It is time to invent new, innovative, creative forms of protest, fostering
new forms of solidarity, collaboration, participation between people, and
also to create tools, strategies and methodologies to bypass and overcome
the tricks which power structures and the people and organizations which we
want to fight against have learned to perform so well to dismantle and make
disappear all the good parts of the critique coming from the peaceful

What we suggest is to create new forms of protest. Which do not look
anything like these current ones.

These and other topics will be discussed at the Share Festival and at the
FabLab Italia during the first week of November 2011, where we will present
the “VersuS” project.

VersuS is a spin-off of the ConnectiCity project, and is intended to create
tools that enable us to imagine, design and create new tools for the city.

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RWR, Read/Write Reality: after the workshop on ubiquitous publishing

2011-09-25 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Dear friends,

you might be interested in the information about the results of the
Read/Write Reality workshop held in Cava de' Tirreni (Italy).

During the workshop on ubiquitous publishing and augmented reality, an AR
movie and some experimental tools have been developed, exploring the
philosophical, technical, critical and strategic possibilities offered by
these techniques and methodologies.

The AR movie will be published in the next few days, as well as all the
documentation and software.

All products and documentation are released under a GPL3 license.

More info and updates on Art is Open Source


Salvatore Iaconesi
prof. Cross Media Design
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Faculty of Architecture
Dept. of Industrial Design

skype: xdxdVSxdxd
Art is Open Source


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Leaf++, augmented reality for leaves, at ISEA, DEOL, Mindtrek

2011-09-09 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
dear friends,

if you happen to be around, please consider attending the official
presentation of

Leaf++, augmented reality for leaves


ISEA 2011 in Istanbul
DEOL 2011 in Helsinki
Mindtrek 2011 in Tampere

Leaf++ is a research project by FakePress Publishing, Art is Open Source and
the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in which an ubiquitous social and
performative ecosystem is built on leaves using augmented reality and
computer vision techniques.

In Leaf++ a collaborative environment available on mobile devices allows
people to take pictures of leaves in natural environments and to use them to
train a distributed computer vision system which allows to visually
recognize the various types of leaves.

Leaves in the environment thus become naturally available markers that can
be used to disseminate knowledge and information: text, sounds, videos and
interactive experiences can be attached to the various types of leaves and
become instantly accessible to everyone using Leaf++.

We are presenting several use cases for this system:

- a knowledge environment through which information about plants can be
attached to plants themselves and accessed through augmented reality, thus
realizing a tool for education and scientific research

- an application dedicated to the concept of Third Landscape defined by
Gilles Clément, in which augmented reality is used to train our vision into
spotting, recognizing and gaining awareness of the interstitial gardens
disseminated in our cities, their importance for biodiversity and their role
in urban ecology; Leaf++ also acts as a realtime emergent mapper of the
Third Landscape, allowing us to research the evolution of plant ecosystems
in our cities;

- a tool for urban awareness focusing on the idea that plants have long
become part of a peripheral part of the vision of urban dwellers, who have
lost contact with the knowledge associated with them, including
seasonalities, uses, traditions and origins;

- a disseminated social network in which user interactions take place "on

- a tool for artistic performance, in which the computer vision system
trained by the ubiquitous community to recognize leaves allows performers to
actually "play leaves" in an "augmented reality concert for leaves";

- a series of experiments in which the possibility to use the visual profile
of leaves to generate other media is used to create solutions to aid people
with disabilities, for example by being able to recognize leaves by hearing

All these use cases will be presented under various forms at the various
venues and publications: a presentation across arts and sciences at ISEA; a
description of the possibilities to create ubiquitous social applications
using this kind of technology, at Mindtrek; a workshop/performance at DEOL
to present the possibilities for education, knowledge and performance.

All the software is Open Source and is distributed under a GPL license by
FakePress Publishing and Art is Open Source.

The research has been performed by Salvatore Iaconesi, Luca Simeone, Oriana
Persico and Cary Hendrickson, with substantial support provided by the long
list of organizations, collectives, events and publications which you will
find listed at the project's website.

We are currently searching to extend the Leaf++ team, to further explore our
research directions, and to apply these technologies to new ones. If you are
part of a research group which is interested in these themes (augmented
reality and computer vision technologies used at the intersection of arts
and sciences to create ubiquitous publishing, knowledge/narratives
dissemination and natural interaction experiences) please feel free to
contact us.

More information is constantly updated on the project page here:

all the best,

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McLuhan Centennial in Rome: The birth of the Electronic Man

2011-05-25 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
McLuhan Centennial in Rome: The birth of the Electronic Man

The birth of the Electronic Man | La nascita dell'Uomo Elettronico

[italiano in fondo]

*** Something wonderful is about to happen.

100 years after McLuhan?s birth we all have the chance of becoming part of
the body and mind of the Electronic Man.

*** The Electronic Man

The happy event will take place in Rome, on May 31st, 2011, during the
celebration of McLuhan?s centennial, and it will engage everyone,

Join us in the birth of the Electronic Man by giving it one of your emotions
as a present!

It will only take you a couple of minutes:

* download the PDF file at the address

* print it out: it contains the stickers that allow people to become part of
the electronic man

* cut the stickers apart, and attach them somewhere in your city, in your
office, in your favourite bar, in your school, wherever you want

* take a picture of the sticker and send it to us at

If you want can include your name, a link to your website, and a short bio:
we will include all images and info at the exhibit for the big event for
McLuhan?s Centennial celebrations in Rome, and on the Electronic Man?s

* if you want you can scan the QRCode on the sticker with your smartphone:
it will take you directly to the Electronic Man, and you will be able to
join its ubiquitous body

Or, if you don?t know how to scan a QRCode, you can go to this address:

(both modes will ask you for your location: it is used to understand the
distribution of the body of the Electronic Man, we won?t do anything bad
with/to your info, and we will throw it away immediately)

*** Please spread this message!

The Electronic Man is an opportunity to feel connected to your fellow

And please come to the event in Rome if you?re close by: you will experience
the birth of the Electronic Man.

*** The Electronic Man

*** Credits

Salvatore Iaconesi, concept | design | technology
Oriana Persico, communication | process | networks
FakePress Publishing, production
Art is Open Source, production
Maria Pia Rossignaud, curator | production
Media2000 & Associazione Amici di Media2000, production
Derrick de Kerckove, scientific direction | inspiration
Marshall McLuhan, this project could not have existed without him :)

*** More info at:

McLuhan Centennial in Rome

Art is Open Source



McLuhan Galaxy


*** La nascita dell'Uomo Elettronico

*** Sta per succedere una cosa meravigliosa.

100 anni dopo la nascita di McLuhan abbiamo la possibilit? di unirci al
corpo e la mente dell'Uomo Elettronico.

*** The Electronic Man

Il lieto evento avverr? a Roma, il 31 Maggio 2011, durante la celebrazione
del centenario della nascita di Marshall McLuhan, e coinvolger? tutti, in
ogni luogo del pianeta.

Unisciti a noi per la nascita dell'Uomo Elettronico donando una tua

Ci vorranno solo pochi minuti:

* scarica il PDF a questo indirizzo

* stampalo: contiene gli adesivi che permettono alle persone di unirsi
all'Uomo Elettronico

* ritaglia gli adesivi e incollali da qualche parte nella tua citt?, nel tuo
ufficio, nel tuo bar preferito, nella tua scuola, dovunque tu voglia

* fai una foto all'adesivo e inviacela a

Se vuoi puoi includere il tuo nome, il link al tuo sito web e una breve
biografia: esporremo queste immagini e informazioni durante il grande evento
a Roma per le celebrazioni del centenario della nascita di McLuhan, e sul
sito dell'Uomo Elettronico

* se vuoi puoi usare il tuo smartphone per leggere il QRCode sullo sticker:
ti porter? direttamente all'Uomo Elettronico e anche tu potrai unirti al suo
corpo ubiquo

Oppure, se non sai come leggere un QRCode, puoi andare direttamente a questo

(tutte e due le modalit? ti chiederanno la tua posizione geografica: serve
per capire come ? distribuito geograficamente il corpo dell'Uomo
Elettronico; noi non faremo nulla con i tuoi dati, e li cancelleremo

*** Per favore diffondi questo messaggio!

L'Uomo Elettronico ? una opportunit? per sentirti connesso con i tuoi
compagni umani!

E vieni all'evento di Roma se sei da queste parti: potrai vedere la nascita
dell'Uomo Elettronico.

*** The Electronic Man

*** Credits

Salvatore Iaconesi, concept | design | technology
Oriana Persico, communication | process | networks