Call for Submissions: Pervasive Labour Union #13

2018-12-08 Thread Lídia Pereira
After three years of (semi) regular existence, wherein we have touched on
topics ranging from Terms of Service, Smart Cities and Immateriality, it is
now high-time that the Pervasive Labour Union zine 
takes a very close and serious look at the universe of the alternatives.
Alternatives to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube: you name it.

What do these alternatives look like? Sure, plenty of services advertise
themselves as "The alternative", but are they really all they claim to be?
What are the requirements of a 'true' alternative?
The Pervasive Labour Union zine already broached some of these topics on
its Special Issue with the Homebrewserver Club on XMPP - "Have you
considered the alternative?" . To follow
the HBSC’s strategy,  a premium should be put on alternative approaches,
not on any specific alternative apps.
We need federated social networking solutions based on open standards that
are able to communicate among themselves, regardless of the platform being

Looking forward, what the new issue intends to achieve is a broader, more
in-depth look at the field of The Free Network, which, according to Sean
Tilley's article on the topic

includes both The Fediverse and The Federation networks. These networks are
comprised of projects such as Diaspora, Mastodon, GNU Social, etc. Which
protocols can and are being developed to achieve interoperability between
the different alternatives? How do scale and trust influence the field?
What are the forces at play within this realm and how to engage with them?
With this issue, we propose not only to collect a field guide of sorts, but
also to open up the discussion on the alternatives and how to tackle the
challenges posed by network effects, scalability and financial viability.
As always, we welcome:

- Texts (max. 1000 words). Texts can range from satire, theory, poetry,
propaganda, educational etc. to personal rants;
- Images (illustration, photo montage, photography, etc.);
- Any other creative interventions that you might consider fit with the

DEADLINE: February 5th

You can submit your contribution to, or
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#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
#  archive: contact:
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Re: Call for Submissions: Pervasive Labour Union #13

2019-02-09 Thread Lídia Pereira

Due to some server complications + unforeseen obligation the deadline has
been extended. As before, contributions can be submitted to, or

On Sat, Dec 8, 2018 at 2:30 PM Lídia Pereira  wrote:

> After three years of (semi) regular existence, wherein we have touched on
> topics ranging from Terms of Service, Smart Cities and Immateriality, it is
> now high-time that the Pervasive Labour Union zine 
> takes a very close and serious look at the universe of the alternatives.
> Alternatives to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube: you name it.
> What do these alternatives look like? Sure, plenty of services advertise
> themselves as "The alternative", but are they really all they claim to be?
> What are the requirements of a 'true' alternative?
> The Pervasive Labour Union zine already broached some of these topics on
> its Special Issue with the Homebrewserver Club on XMPP - "Have you
> considered the alternative?" . To
> follow the HBSC’s strategy,  a premium should be put on alternative
> approaches, not on any specific alternative apps.
> We need federated social networking solutions based on open standards that
> are able to communicate among themselves, regardless of the platform being
> used.
> Looking forward, what the new issue intends to achieve is a broader, more
> in-depth look at the field of The Free Network, which, according to Sean
> Tilley's article on the topic
> [
> includes both The Fediverse and The Federation networks. These networks are
> comprised of projects such as Diaspora, Mastodon, GNU Social, etc. Which
> protocols can and are being developed to achieve interoperability between
> the different alternatives? How do scale and trust influence the field?
> What are the forces at play within this realm and how to engage with them?
> With this issue, we propose not only to collect a field guide of sorts,
> but also to open up the discussion on the alternatives and how to tackle
> the challenges posed by network effects, scalability and financial
> viability.
> As always, we welcome:
> - Texts (max. 1000 words). Texts can range from satire, theory, poetry,
> propaganda, educational etc. to personal rants;
> - Images (illustration, photo montage, photography, etc.);
> - Any other creative interventions that you might consider fit with the
> theme.
> DEADLINE: February 5th
> You can submit your contribution to,
> or
#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
#  archive: contact:
#  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject: