Re: Fwd: Neoliberalism & alt-rght trolls

2017-05-28 Thread Kevin Flanagan
It seems the recent murder of two people in Portland by a white nationalist
is being celebrated by some on 4Chan.

On 28 May 2017 at 10:33, Karin Spaink  wrote:

> On May 26, 2017, at 12:20 , Patrice Riemens  wrote:
> [About Baudet]

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Re: Fwd: Neoliberalism & alt-rght trolls

2017-05-28 Thread Karin Spaink
On May 26, 2017, at 12:20 , Patrice Riemens  wrote:

[About Baudet]

> On his blog ( - in Dutch) nettimer Walter
> van der Cruijsen is a regular and perceptive analyst of Baudet's
> not-so-subliminal messages. Maybe he could be persuaded to go a bit
> more into this weird UTO ...

This blog post -which is updated regularly- lists Baudet’s far-right ideas and 
associations. Mind you, it’s in Dutch:

- K -

Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.
  - Milton Friedman

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Re: Fwd: Neoliberalism & alt-rght trolls

2017-05-28 Thread Florian Cramer
According to Ancilla Van der Leest, those board members haven't been
accepted into Baudet's party. However. this doesn't change the overall
picture. It seems to be a good example of cyberlibertarianism and
Internet rights activism (whether in the Pirate Party or in hacker
movements) having attracted people from opposite political camps while
been misperceived as "left-wing" at large.

In Germany, the extreme-right Identitarian movement (Europe's
equivalent of the "Alt-Right") is now at the forefront of activism
against a new anti-hate speech law for social media. It consciously
reenacts the rhetoric and performances used in the "Stasi 2.0"
protests against proposed net filtering legislation in 2009 (back
then, supposedly against child pornography) which gave birth to the
German Pirate Party.

> The results will be enhanced attention for both parties, which will
> help the Forum a little bit — just about enough, I’d say, to steal
> some votes from VNL so that both end at 0 seats and leave Wilders sole
> ruler on the right.

This part of the analysis was incorrect. During the election campaign,
the so-called "Alt-Right" (which first had drummed up support for
Wilders on a "TheWilders" SubReddit modelled after TheDonald) defected
to Baudet and massively promoted him with a meme campaign. Baudet's
party won two seats and is in a good position to eventually take over
the extreme right from a worn-out Wilders, who increasingly sounds
like a broken record.


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Re: Fwd: Neoliberalism & alt-rght trolls

2017-05-28 Thread Felix Stalder

On 2017-05-26 20:15, Karin Spaink wrote:

> Really? Top brass of the Piratenpartij moved on to Thierry Baudet?
> That’s quite some news, actually! Is there any public information
> available about that?

I'm no connoisseur of Dutch politics, but this you can find online,
from September last year and it's quite strange. As it turned out,
the prediction Wilders would crush Baudet turned out to be incorrect.
Don't know about the rest of the article. F.

Dutch Pirates defect to intellectual right-wing party

This is just in: the full board of the Dutch Pirate Party defected to
a brand-new intellectual extreme right-wing party in protest against
their own fetish-model-turned-privacy-activist party leader. And no,
I’m not making this up.

I still owe you a measured piece on last week’s opening of the
parliamentary year, but this news is too good to pass up on.

The right wing

Geert Wilders and his PVV own the extreme right wing of Dutch
politics, but there are always people who are on the extreme right
but don’t want to serve under Wilders. Besides, Wilders is a lousy
manager, and he lost three MPs in his 2014 meltdown.

Two of those founded a new party, VNL (Voor Nederland; For the
Netherlands). I didn’t think they’d get into parliament with
Wilders sucking the oxygen out of any hard right competitors, but
their election of Jan Roos, shock-jock journalist and co-leader of
the anti-Ukraine camp in last year’s referendum, seems to turn the
electoral tide for them: they’re now at 1 or 2 seats in four out of
five polls.

The anti-Ukraine camp had two leaders, however, the other one being
high-brow intellectual Thierry Baudet. It now turns out Baudet also
wants to go into politics, but does not want to serve under either
Wilders or Roos. So he founded his own party, Forum for Democracy,
and intends to run in the elections. Fat chance; one does not win
right-wing voters’ hearts with Latin quotations.

Folklore, so far. This happens with disturbing regularity, and all
parties involved (except for Wilders) will fail.

Pirates to the right

However, today’s move by the Pirate Party board is not a regular
part of Dutch political folklore.

Back in June, the Pirates, sensing they might make the jump into
parliament, elected Ancilla van der Leest party leader. She’s a
former “fetish model” (did not know that existed, but then I’m
not much into fetishes) and, more importantly, a privacy activitst.
Although I’ve never heard of her, plenty people have, so her
elevation seemed a canny move on the part of the Pirates, and factored
into my estimate that they’d make it this time.

De Volkskrant gives some details (see also NOS): there have been
tensions between Van der Leest, the majority of the party and two
board members on the one hand, and the three others on the other,
for quite a while. Van der Leest seems to want to run the campaign
with her own set of advisors — a “coterie,” as one of the board
members said. Translation: she doesn’t feel the board is up to
running a national campaing and decided to take matters into her own
hands. I can’t say if she’s right or wrong, but I do know hurt
egos when I see them, and that fits the Pirate board members right

Two board members resigned earlier, and it was widely expected that
the party members would depose the three remaining ones later today.
They pre-empted that by announcing their defection to Baudet’s
right-wing Forum for Democracy. Since the Pirates are generally placed
on the left of the political spectrum this is widely considered a
surprise move.

The results will be enhanced attention for both parties, which will
help the Forum a little bit — just about enough, I’d say, to steal
some votes from VNL so that both end at 0 seats and leave Wilders sole
ruler on the right.

As to the Pirates, they have a potential shitstorm on their hands.
Educated leftist people who considered voting for them will think
twice now that the old party board has shown where their political
heart lies.

On the other hand, Van der Leest is moving quickly to contain the
damage, and her story is that the three board members had problems
with the professionalisation a rapidly-growing party is bound to go
through. That’s a nice way of putting it, and it shows Van der Leest
may have more political acumen than her opponents.

The damage to the Pirates could be severe, but this affair could end
well, too. No way of knowing for sure at this point.

Anyway, one more day full of surprises in Dutch politics. I pity
the poor Americans and Brits who have to do without these fun small


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Re: Fwd: Neoliberalism & alt-rght trolls

2017-05-28 Thread Karin Spaink
On May 26, 2017, at 24:00 , Florian Cramer  wrote:
> (Coincidentally or not, the leaders of the Dutch Pirate Party defected
> to this party in late 2016, as I just recently learned from friends
> who are more in the loop.)

Really? Top brass of the Piratenpartij moved on to Thierry Baudet? That’s quite 
some news, actually!
Is there any public information available about that?

- K -

“You’re a monster.”
“Thanks. Does this mean I get a raise?”
  - Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game

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Re: Fwd: Neoliberalism & alt-rght trolls

2017-05-28 Thread Patrice Riemens
On 2017-05-26 00:00, Florian Cramer wrote:
> On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 3:30 PM, Gabriella "Biella" Coleman <
>> wrote:
>> I hope people did not actually think I am claiming the right and new
>> (and Internet-enabled) manifestations of it don't exist out of the
>> United States. That was not my point about the chans/alt-right. And 
>> sure
>> it can take off and kick off in those parts, though it has not done so
>> yet and it's just a bit harder compared to Anonymous which was begging
>> for adoption due to its early activist configuration.
> It has done so in the Netherlands, with the full package of chan
> culture, Pepe memes and a politician of the extreme right rising
> in the elections literally wearing Pepe on his shoulder - no, not
> Wilders but the still-less-known Thierry Baudet and his new FvD party.
> (Coincidentally or not, the leaders of the Dutch Pirate Party defected
> to this party in late 2016, as I just recently learned from friends
> who are more in the loop.)
> -F

All true (and put more rationally than my usual NL-bashing - no
apology, though ;-)

Thanks God, NL is a small country, because, with Thierry Baudet, and
the attraction he exercises in the country, one reaches the depths in
terms of dark intellectual and political matter.

Baudet is a young, dynamic, and highly certified intellectual/academic
'political pundit' (OK, if very thin, Wikipedia entry : - and check out pics,
they tell 1000 words)

His alleged assertion to the effect that he is "the most important
intellectual of his generation in the Netherlands" might,
unfortunately, be justified. He is surely the most famous one. With
him, we have a kind of belated, Dutch version of the French 'nouveaux
philosophes' (Glucksmann, BHL, etq) - with a vengeance.

Thierry Baudet is very careful to 'tactically' keep his distance
towards Geert Wilders' demagogic approach (Wilders is another case of
not being really what he appears - continuing a method launched by Pim
Fortuyn - who had more panache). But he panders to exactly the same
constituencies' retrograde sentiments.

His well-known opinions against the EU, non-Western immigration,
and in favor of a return to a nationalist nation state, are in
my view not as frightening as is less publicised ones: a craving
for an elected dictatorship, which in NL would not be a 'strong
man' a la Theresa May ;-) but a collective of regents, as there
were so many when the 'VOC Mentality' (yet another Dutch wannabee
intellectual aberation) reigned supreme in the Low Countries (as in:

- and, just as in our 'Golden Era', the reinstitution of the death

On his blog ( - in Dutch) nettimer Walter
van der Cruijsen is a regular and perceptive analyst of Baudet's
not-so-subliminal messages. Maybe he could be persuaded to go a bit
more into this weird UTO ...

cheers from Bruksel, now vacated, together with his 'Beast', by 'the 
Donald' (pity Sicily ...)

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Fwd: Neoliberalism & alt-rght trolls

2017-05-26 Thread Florian Cramer
On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 3:30 PM, Gabriella "Biella" Coleman <> wrote:

> I hope people did not actually think I am claiming the right and new
> (and Internet-enabled) manifestations of it don't exist out of the
> United States. That was not my point about the chans/alt-right. And sure
> it can take off and kick off in those parts, though it has not done so
> yet and it's just a bit harder compared to Anonymous which was begging
> for adoption due to its early activist configuration.

It has done so in the Netherlands, with the full package of chan
culture, Pepe memes and a politician of the extreme right rising
in the elections literally wearing Pepe on his shoulder - no, not
Wilders but the still-less-known Thierry Baudet and his new FvD party.
(Coincidentally or not, the leaders of the Dutch Pirate Party defected
to this party in late 2016, as I just recently learned from friends
who are more in the loop.)


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