Venny Ala-Siurua, Executive Director of Women on Web:
Google’s algorithm is endangering access to Women on Web’s online abortion 
At least three times a year, Women on Web is forced to go through a stressful 
process that shapes our online strategy and work activities for months 
afterwards and has the power to paralyze or enhance our online abortion 
service. This process has nothing to do with the dedication of our staff nor 
with the number of individuals that we support in accessing safe abortions. 
Instead, it is an exercise powered by Google. It is called the Google Core 
Update, which is an update to Google’s algorithm that is rolled out several 
times a year to improve the quality and relevance of its search engine’s 
The impact of Google Core Updates
Women on Web has been operating for over 15 years and our website has been 
re-evaluated numerous times by Google. However, it wasn’t until May 2020 that 
we fully grasped the power that these updates have over our service and the 
viability of our organization. During the May 2020 update, Women on Web lost 
80% of its website traffic and as an abortion service that almost exclusively 
operates online, this update had a devastating impact on our operations. As a 
result, fewer people have been finding us on the Internet and we’ve seen a 
sharp decline in help requests to our service.
On November 17th 2021, Google’s most recent update started and once again it 
felt like the rug was pulled out from under us. Right away we started to see a 
sharp decline in our traffic, while we know very well that the demand for 
remote services and abortions didn’t decline; individuals needed our service on 
November 18th as much as they did the day before. The only thing that changed 
was the algorithm.
The thousands of women and pregnant people who access our service every year 
should be a sufficient testament of our expertise, trustworthiness and 
authority that should not be debated by the algorithm several times a year. 
Still, Google has the power to determine whether we operate a relevant service 
for people needing abortions, even in countries where our telemedicine abortion 
service remains the only safe and affordable way to end unwanted pregnancies.
Google’s algorithm does not represent the needs of women seeking abortions
To be clear, we understand why these updates exist and we are not protesting 
against strategies to ensure that search results correspond to the search 
intentions of people browsing the Internet. Instead, we are arguing that 
Google, through these updates, is not improving its search results or 
delivering relevant content for its users because people looking for safe 
abortions can no longer find our service. When Google de-ranks our website, the 
tech giant is not able to offer other more relevant websites on top of its 
search results simply because they don’t exist. Is the algorithm able to 
interpret the search intent of someone with an unwanted pregnancy living in a 
country with no access to abortions? Can the algorithm read the preferences of 
people looking for not just abortion care, but an online abortion service? We 
don’t think it can.
Women on Web’s online abortion service is unique and reaches some of the most 
remote regions in the world. The service has provided over 100,000 medical 
abortion services since 2005 and published over 20 scientific papers on the 
positive outcomes of the service. Access to our service and safe abortions 
should not be decided by algorithms and instead a vital service like ours 
should be protected from these updates. Google needs to become accountable for 
the damage these updates cause and acknowledge that its algorithms are not 
neutral. They are built and trained by humans with specific backgrounds, 
intentions and blind spots. These are people who are disconnected from the 
global realities of abortion rights and access, and are therefore incapable of 
making accurate and unbiased decisions for women and pregnant people needing 
abortion services.
Help us counter the Google Core Update
Our service is vital and needs to be visible. Please share our website and 
service within your networks and advocate for holding big tech responsible for 
protecting online access to essential services.​

Jo van der Spek, M2M Amsterdam
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