Re: Fw: Interlude: Heidegger summarizes signal from 2 decades of nettime

2019-10-20 Thread Morlock Elloi
This may sound far off, but there are wider analogies that may hint to 

(some) drugs are sanctioned (illegal, regulated) because they have 
significant effect on human behavior. Air pollution is regulated because 
it adversely affects people. Sex is (more or less) regulated, because it 
has huge influence on human behavior.

There is little difference between bypassing cognition by deluge of 
information piped through mechanized hoses, and displaying porn on 
screens in packed public transport. The latter is regulated, the former 
is not. It's time to ask the question: why?

I know the answer - it's because the former is the most brilliant 
brainwashing technique ever invented.

There is good reason to view humans and technology in context of other
networks I think, networks overall, rather than just focus on "cyber" or
computer/digital/virtual phenomena.  Networks are very boring in this
sense, like networks of cells, networks of roads, networks of bowling
leagues, soil bacteria, protein networks, squirrel communication
networks, networks of printing presses.  Maybe this is the "primordial"
something that ought to be hearkened back to somewhat.  Certainly we are
facing some harsh limit-points of various reality networks (pollution,
temperature, brain chemistry, other resources) where "cyber" isn't an
instant solution.

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Re: Fw: Interlude: Heidegger summarizes signal from 2 decades of nettime

2019-10-20 Thread John Young
Any topic online or off with the word Heidegger in it may help 
terminate neant of the mal mot "existential." 

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Re: Fw: Interlude: Heidegger summarizes signal from 2 decades of nettime

2019-10-20 Thread Morlock Elloi


On 10/20/19, 11:16, Max Herman wrote:

On the first video, I see the danger of making everything instantly
available so to speak online.  It removes the role of doing your own
activities, having one's own life, just getting one online.  Also the

I think that there is another issue: instant (audio-video mediated) 
consumption may actually impair or prevent cognition. It doesn't help 
when it's one of billion items visibly stacked together*. It may have to 
do with mechanics of humans.

In other words, if you want to disarm a concept or an idea, flood 
Internet with videos and tweets about it.

It explains why the quality of discourse on mailing lists surpass any 
shitty GUI/web media. We should be writing letters. One message to 
nettime would be, what ... $2,000 in stamps? Now that would rise the 

* I am not sure that "one web site per video" would help - they are 
still all stacked on the same screen. Books are unruly and can assume 
any position and orientation

idea of bioengineering, which takes this to a new level: you not only
buy a premade product, but you buy a premade humanity with all the
errors of the first behavior but now internalized.  Then he references
"the Event" which I would interpret to mean "that point at which humans
started creating themselves by their actions."  But all life forms do

I laughed at this, because the first thing that came to my mind was 
Great Oxidation Event ( ), which poisoned 
the planet's atmosphere with O2 and killed millions of innocent 
anaerobic species.

millennium reference too makes sense.  Is that possibly related to

I always wondered if nettime was short for "network time" or does "net" 
mean "netto", like in "net weight" ?

For the second video about Marx, I can see the errors in a statement
like "the point is not to interpret the world, but to change it."  This

Marx did say that in 11th thesis on Feuerbach 
"Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; 
the point is to change it."

innovation, on both the left and the right: especially Freud and Marx
but also their "antagonists" (capitalism and the church).  Common sense
replies like family systems theory took a bit longer to find a more
balanced approach and evolve beyond the ideology wars, but have vastly
more scientific longevity and accuracy.

The enduring takeaway from Marx is that shit doesn't happen by itself, 
or because of cosmic rays; there are actors (classes). There were many 
attempts (funded by one of the said actors) to mask this simple fact by 
manufacturing complex "theories", which boil down to cosmic rays. Modern 
economy (including Piketty) is the prime example of this. There is a 
loaded gun at the far end of any social phenomenon.

I forget who it was who asked Freud at one point, "isn't dysfunction
more about the ongoing family system dynamic rather than a single
traumatic event about Oedipus?" and Freud replied, "that is absurd,
because if it were true what use would there be for psychoanalysis?" I
paraphrase here but it is roughly the exchange.  The questioner went on
to establish family systems theory I believe or to help do so, and
systems theory went on to have applications on many levels (like
Bateson) whereas psychoanalysis is now viewed more or less as totally
fake (except, crucially, in literary theory).  Ironically, if you
consider the popularity of psychoanalysis in the USA through the 2nd
half of the 20th c. it is no surprise that we still haven't learned much
about any new ways of talking -- most of the pop culture and leadership
behavior, not to mention academic infrastructure, took Freud (and Marx)
or anti-Freudianism (and anti-Marxism) as gospel.  We still live and
operate in that "built environment" to a great extent and perhaps
getting back to a simpler way of talking wouldn't be wrong.  A lot of
conditions suggest that might be happening.

Exactly. The whole charade just to prevent you from observing the loaded 

Regarding psychoanalysis, it's rent-a-friend (sometimes a pusher) 
masquerading as 'discipline'. It doesn't mean that rent-a-friend itself 
is useless - on the contrary, it totally works in these pulverized 
societies. Its rise may have something to do with the organized 
extermination of prostitution.

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Interlude: Heidegger summarizes signal from 2 decades of nettime

2019-10-19 Thread Morlock Elloi
Heidegger on Being, Technology, & The Task of Thinking:

Heidegger on Marx and World Change:

Not the Nine O'clock News - Marxists:

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