Title: Military colonel appointed to University of Theatre and Fi
Col. Gábor Szarka, former Chief of Staff to the Minister of Defense in the second Orbán government, was appointed chancellor of the arts university by a board of directors recently installed by the government.

Following his appointment, the students blocked Szarka from entering the campus, a continuation of the month-long occupation and blockade of the university in response to an intensifying conflict between students/professors and the new board of directors. Students maintained that they consider the board illegitimate, and vowed to continue the blockade against all new leadership until their demands for autonomy are met.

On Wednesday night, one month after occupying a campus building on Vas Street in Budapest, students placed another building under blockade. A student forum voted Wednesday night to occupy the film faculty building on Szentkirályi Street after the university's previous leadership -  including the acting rector, deputy rector, and the heads of each of the university's faculties - joined a student demonstration as their mandates expired following their resignations in August. 
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