(couldn’t hold myself back from this discussion)

Trump represents and is the embodiment of the neo-fascist architype all too 
common in American culture: well defined in Sinclair Lewis' "In Can't Happen 
Here" or in Penn Warren's "All the King's Men" - the proverbial snake oil 
salesman re-groomed as real estate tycoon and TV huckster who promises to turn 
lead into gold. And, in times of great uncertainty, these shill-meisters 
acquire new found legitimacy. They neutralise common-sense and promote an 
absurd agenda of anti-corruption house cleaning as if the inherent problems of 
bloated bureaucracies and globalisation can be fixed with a magic wand. Simply 
put, lest we forget, Trumpism is a phenomenon common to many societies.

The problem becomes acute in the U.S. because political discourse runs along a 
very well-proscribed channel (clearly visible in the electoral map that defines 
Trump's victory) that celebrates bi-coastal liberalism and omits (or falsifies) 
the social realities that exist in between. The problem is magnified because 
progressive forces have never been able to break the political grid-lock of a 
two-party political system. To articulate and mobilise a viable alternative. 
Bernie Sanders suggested some of the possibilities but became folded into 
two-party politics.

While, Trumpism has many political antecedents what becomes frightening (it's 
true, it is frightening) at this moment is that he unleashes a vigilante 
mentality (as in, "lets go kill some - fill in the blanks - undesirables") at a 
time when society is highly militarised and with a minimum of legal checks on 
the kind of rampant police violence that has been sweeping America. Trump 
legitimatizes various forms of mob mentalities that became more apparent during 
his election campaign and that valorised the social base that insured his 
victory. Herbert Marcuse seemed to understand this situation very well. 

Anyway, danger zone, trouble ahead.
“Don’t Follow Leaders, Watch the Parking Meters” B.D.


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