Re: nettime-l Digest, Vol 173, Issue 13

2022-02-15 Thread David Garcia
Brian Holmes wrote:

Thanks for this - I am totally curious about Chinese society and haven't been 
there for a long time. 

Actually, more recommendations would be cool.



I like this regular journal/digest


Also the political economist Helen Thompson has deep historical understanding 
of China’s evolving place in the wider 

geo-political sphere which I am sure will be fleshed out in her imminent tome, 
Disorder: Hard Times in the 21st Century, 

which will guarantee you many a sleepless night in all the best and worst 


David Garcia 

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Re: nettime-l Digest, Vol 173, Issue 13

2022-02-15 Thread J Drew
>>> Cheers all the same , and happy week-end 
>>> On 02/11/2022 9:17 PM Brian Holmes  wrote: 
>>> David, your second paragraph sums up a really complex situation in a few 
>>> words, thank you. 
>>> It's fairly easy to understand how right-wing populists raise the anger of 
>>> the people. They do it with fear, born largely of their own mismanagement. 
>>> Fear of the pandemic, of economic disruption, of war, of climate change - 
>>> and maybe most of all, fear of the "return of the state" that's 
>>> more-or-less required by all that. But you put your finger on something 
>>> else, which is that these populist (and yet usually upper class) 
>>> politicians have to go on *pretending* to believe in their old conservative 
>>> lines about lowering taxes and shrinking government. Where will the 
>>> pretence lead them? Right now BoJo is trying to save his political ass by 
>>> exploiting the fear of war, and more, the nationalist pride of militarism - 
>>> which would be the logical supplement to the old conservative lines. In 
>>> fact he's pretty much openly claiming a military role for post-Brexit 
>>> "Global Britain." 
>>> How do you see this latest development? Is it going to work? Could 
>>> warmongering nationalism be the new rhetorical resource of the right, 
>>> beyond Johnson? Or is this just his last desperate gambit on the way out? 
>>>> From my viewpoint it is sickening to see this kind of political theater 
>>>> played in the face of genuinely dangerous situations. 
>>> best, Brian 
>>> Rory Stuart, one of the old-style Tories purged by Johnson and Cummings has 
>>> created a fabulous taxonomy to illustrate Johnson?s gifts ?as the most 
>>> accomplished liar in British public life ?perhaps the best liar ever to 
>>> serve as prime minister,?  
>>> ?He has? according to Stuart ?mastered the use of error, omission, 
>>> exaggeration, diminution, equivocation and flat denial. He has perfected 
>>> casuistry, circumlocution, false equivalence and false analogy. He is 
>>> equally adept at the ironic jest, the fib and the grand lie; the weasel 
>>> word and the half-truth; the hyperbolic lie, the obvious lie, and the 
>>> bullshit lie ? which may inadvertently be true.? 
>>> But despite all of this it is just about possible to argue that Johnson has 
>>> read the runes better than many other Tories and that much of the weirdness 
>>> of UK politics is to some extent froth. His administration is perhaps less 
>>> of an outlier than it appears. He is a man of few fixed ideological beliefs 
>>> which is how (like Merkle) he has held together a coalition with 
>>> contradictory ideologies.. The ?greased piglet? is hard to pin down. 
>>> Like many countries and regions, Johnson has had to respond to the biggest 
>>> change brought about by the pandemic which has been to accelerate a shift 
>>> in favour of a greater role for the state. Including the nation state in 
>>> part because of the pandemic pressure to close boarders. Unlike other 
>>> Tories Johnson is at ease with this along with other aspects of an 
>>> interventionist state, despite frequently pretending otherwise.. The return 
>>> of the nation state is part of what is becoming a more geo-politically 
>>> charged world which includes a new awareness of the entanglement of supply 
>>> chain pressures with questions of security and risk (e.g. Russian 
>>> pipeline). The newly empowered state is also a consequence of the 
>>> eye-watering amount of borrowing required to keep our economies from 
>>> flat-lining. So even for Tories on the right of the party any return to the 
>>> old fiscal narrative will be pretty much impossible. And Johnson has been 
>>> quicker to recognise this than other Tories. Despite Thatcherite n
>>> ostalgia there can be no going back to the Cameron Osbourne response to the 
>>> 2008 crisis.  Johnson?s conservatism recognises that there can be no return 
>>> to small state with low taxes conservatism. His claims to NetZero ambitions 
>>> means that world has gone..(But of course he often has to pretend 
>>> otherwise) The post-covid mad Johnsonian UK has the appearance of a 
>>> hyper-weird outlier. But wipe the froth of the Johnson Cappuccino and he 
>>> maybe less of an outlier than it first appears. 
>>> David Garcia 
>>> -- next part --
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Re: nettime-l Digest, Vol 173, Issue 13

2022-02-15 Thread Brian Holmes
 by Johnson and Cummings
> has created a fabulous taxonomy to illustrate Johnson?s gifts ?as the most
> accomplished liar in British public life ?perhaps the best liar ever to
> serve as prime minister,?
> ?He has? according to Stuart ?mastered the use of error, omission,
> exaggeration, diminution, equivocation and flat denial. He has perfected
> casuistry, circumlocution, false equivalence and false analogy. He is
> equally adept at the ironic jest, the fib and the grand lie; the weasel
> word and the half-truth; the hyperbolic lie, the obvious lie, and the
> bullshit lie ? which may inadvertently be true.?
> But despite all of this it is just about possible to argue that Johnson
> has read the runes better than many other Tories and that much of the
> weirdness of UK politics is to some extent froth. His administration is
> perhaps less of an outlier than it appears. He is a man of few fixed
> ideological beliefs which is how (like Merkle) he has held together a
> coalition with contradictory ideologies.. The ?greased piglet? is hard to
> pin down.
> Like many countries and regions, Johnson has had to respond to the biggest
> change brought about by the pandemic which has been to accelerate a shift
> in favour of a greater role for the state. Including the nation state in
> part because of the pandemic pressure to close boarders. Unlike other
> Tories Johnson is at ease with this along with other aspects of an
> interventionist state, despite frequently pretending otherwise.. The return
> of the nation state is part of what is becoming a more geo-politically
> charged world which includes a new awareness of the entanglement of supply
> chain pressures with questions of security and risk (e.g. Russian
> pipeline). The newly empowered state is also a consequence of the
> eye-watering amount of borrowing required to keep our economies from
> flat-lining. So even for Tories on the right of the party any return to the
> old fiscal narrative will be pretty much impossible. And Johnson has been
> quicker to recognise this than other Tories. Despite Thatcherite n
> ostalgia there can be no going back to the Cameron Osbourne response to
> the 2008 crisis.  Johnson?s conservatism recognises that there can be no
> return to small state with low taxes conservatism. His claims to NetZero
> ambitions means that world has gone..(But of course he often has to pretend
> otherwise) The post-covid mad Johnsonian UK has the appearance of a
> hyper-weird outlier. But wipe the froth of the Johnson Cappuccino and he
> maybe less of an outlier than it first appears.
> David Garcia
> -- next part --
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Re: nettime-l Digest, Vol 173, Issue 13

2022-02-12 Thread J Drew
his along with other aspects of an interventionist 
> state, despite frequently pretending otherwise.. The return of the nation 
> state is part of what is becoming a more geo-politically charged world which 
> includes a new awareness of the entanglement of supply chain pressures with 
> questions of security and risk (e.g. Russian pipeline). The newly empowered 
> state is also a consequence of the eye-watering amount of borrowing required 
> to keep our economies from flat-lining. So even for Tories on the right of 
> the party any return to the old fiscal narrative will be pretty much 
> impossible. And Johnson has been quicker to recognise this than other Tories. 
> Despite Thatcherite n
> ostalgia there can be no going back to the Cameron Osbourne response to the 
> 2008 crisis.  Johnson?s conservatism recognises that there can be no return 
> to small state with low taxes conservatism. His claims to NetZero ambitions 
> means that world has gone..(But of course he often has to pretend otherwise) 
> The post-covid mad Johnsonian UK has the appearance of a hyper-weird outlier. 
> But wipe the froth of the Johnson Cappuccino and he maybe less of an outlier 
> than it first appears. 
> David Garcia 
> -- next part --
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