Re: nettime Debtors' of The World Unite! The Initiative to form an International Debtors' Party.

2011-09-30 Thread Dmytri Kleiner

On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 21:13:38 +0200, Matze Schmidt

 Sorry, some last words to it:

Thanks, I appreciate your feedback.

 If you reject the possibility of
 knowing the essence (which is a dynamic thing not just 'static essence')
 behind, under or besides the appearance(s) (Hegel), you just follow
 what's the form of it and see only form (impressionism).

I don't reject the possibility of knowing anything, I've arrived at the
realization that movements are not fueled by theories.

 That is your contradiction: First you state the debtors would feel equal
 know their situation as debtors with power and then you want to
 missionise them. 

Us. Not Them. It is not them I wish to missionise, it is the historic
mission of the proletariate to abolish class, and do this, we must
organize. What is the alternative? Do nothing and lecture the few random
people you encounter on theory?

The proletariate must organize themselves. The Debtors' Party can be a
component of such organization.

 So the only possibilities are Capitalism or Bolshevism?
 Never said that. It's only that one can learn a lot from the
 Bolsheviki-story and from must of a New Economic Policy (NEP) around

Yes, and since we didn't learn that Capitalist provisioning was the only
possible solution, and since we've not talked about, nor should we talk
about, the specifics of how such provisioning would be implemented, how is
this is not yet another random, non-germaine, tangent? You're simply
employing a false dilema; that any non-capitalist provisioning must lead to
same outcome as it did in Bolshevik history.

 You are forgetting that almost no worker has built a care he can not
 afford since most workers in the Western economies are no-longer
 direct producers. As explained in the text.
 Well, that's wrong as we know. 

You seem to be misunderstanding what is meant by direct-producer as
opposed to indirect producer. There are many texts on the subject, perhaps
you would find my description of technologists as non-direct workers more


While the skilled technologists that design the software are increasingly
separated from the location of direct production, where surlus-value is
created, and thus are abstracted from the appropriation of surplus value.

Technologists, often do not see themselves as exploited labour. Since they
do not directly toil in the production of consumer goods or services, they
often feel enabled, not exploited by capital. They produce ideas, designs,
maybe prototypes, but never final products for sale. The Capitalists allow
them to realize their technical visions, they don't directly take anything
from them.


Dmyri Kleiner
Venture Communist

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Re: nettime Debtors' of The World Unite! The Initiative to form an International Debtors' Party.

2011-09-26 Thread Michael Rogers

On 23/09/11 15:37, Dmytri Kleiner wrote:

 You don't need to convince people they are debtors', they know
 that already. We need to convince them instead that non-capitalist
 provision of housing, education and medicine is the solution to
 the problems they have, and this is possible because the solution
 is implied by their felt conditions, and does not require being
 convinced of any complex theoretic or ideological positions to

You don't need to convince people that they're workers, either - but
convincing them that they're members of a working class, with class
interests, is a different matter.

Nevertheless it's possible, even without acquiring significant
theory, to imagine how workers *as workers* could sustain an
imaginary future society, if their productive power could be
unshackled from capitalism. It's not easy to see how debtors *as
debtors* could do the same. What would a society of unshackled debtors
look like? Debt is a negative concept, and its absence is... what?

So a debtors' party seems to have even more obstacles in its path than
a workers' party. First it must convince people that they're members
of a debtor class. Then it must convince them that the debtor class
has the collective power to change the social order. *Then*, unlike
workers' parties, it must convince them that after the social order is
changed, they can become something else. But what? Workers?


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Re: nettime Debtors' of The World Unite! The Initiative to form an International Debtors' Party.

2011-09-24 Thread Dmytri Kleiner

On Fri, 23 Sep 2011 13:09:41 +0200, Matze Schmidt

 Hi Dmytri,
 yes, but the paryt was simply your kind of proposition to the rest of
 the text.

The party was used as an example of a cause based party, which I argue
can not mobilize the masses, and therefore can only remain politically

 It is not in the workplace that the
 appropriation is felt, but rather after work, when they go home to pay
 their bills.

 this is maybe a slightly too simple view on what's called free or
 leisure time.
 There is only free time since there was a working time for wage
 beforehand (a non-free time and a stolen time for surplus work to
 produce the surplus product [overproduction]) and because there was a
 time without working for wage before the working time for wage. What
 seems to be left here is time to voting for parties, if you like via
 liquid democracy technologies -- in its ideologiocal parts a pluralistic
 and anti-proletarian technology -- but it remains voting within a
 sysrtem of representation.
 So important is first and foremost the time-horizon and not the places
 shifted or the drift of places. For with every hour of wage work workers
 (and service providers) pay a sort of bill, the time bill.

Not clear what you are saying here, I didn't discuss free time or leisure
at all. 

The argument is that politics must be based around economic classes and
framed according the felt conditions of those classes, not theory or
opinion, but terms of struggle. Such terms that have shifted in a
financialized, post=industrial society where most are no longer
direct-producers, and thus class politics needs to adapt to that if it is
to have resonance.


Dmyri Kleiner
Venture Communist

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Re: nettime Debtors' of The World Unite! The Initiative to form an International Debtors' Party.

2011-09-24 Thread Dmytri Kleiner

On Fri, 23 Sep 2011 15:19:25 +0200, Matze Schmidt

 Well, you've been telling that the the workplace is not the place where
 appropriation is felt. Feeling and knowing are diffrent types of
 consciousness or awareness. To feel I'm not exploited does not mean
 that your're not.

And I never argue that they are not exploited, quite the oposite. Yet
knowing that they are exploited would require acquiring significant theory,
which the masses will not.

They know they are Debt, so this is the logical place to start. Thus a
Debtors' Party is the logical solution. You don't need to convince people
they are debtors', they know that already. We need to convince them instead
that non-capitalist provision of housing, education and medicine is the
solution to the problems they have, and this is possible because the
solution is implied by their felt conditions, and does not require being
convinced of any complex theoretic or ideological positions to support.


Dmyri Kleiner
Venture Communist

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Re: nettime Debtors' of The World Unite! The Initiative to form an International Debtors' Party.

2011-09-23 Thread Dmytri Kleiner

On Thu, 22 Sep 2011 00:48:34 +0200, Matze Schmidt

 The Pirate Party Germany is just a young liberal party defending
 benefits for and of middle class business or creative people in the so
 called hypermobile city as some belive Berlin may be one.

Hey Matze, the text is not about the pirate party.


Dmyri Kleiner
Venture Communist

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