DHCP interaction

2007-03-16 Thread rozelak
Sorry for multiple postings, I forgot to write subject. I appologize
to all of you

Hallo everybody.

I found network manager which seems to be really interesting piece of
software. I just want to understand several thinks about it, and especially
about the dhcp, which I was not able to find discussion forum (as the
search engine is probably broken).

So, if I understand it, networkmanager talks to (controls) dhcdbd daemon
through dbus, and dhcdbd controls ISP dhcp client (by the means of some
dhcp client's protocol):

dhcp-client ---client's protocol--- dhcdbd ---dbus--- networkmanager

The manager then, by default when ethernet cable is plugged in, instructs
the dhcp-client to obtain address from that interface (or assigns static
address as I think is planned to 0.7 release). When the cable is unplugged
and wireless connection is required by user, the namager instructs dhcp
client to obtain address from wireless-related dhcp server (or optionally
sets static address to wifi interface). Or the dhcp client is instructed
to listen on another interface (e.g. wifi in addition to ethernet cable).

- First question is - does the manager support more wired connections?
Well, I know that not many laptops have several network cards, but I
can imagine the case when users will use it on their desktops serving
as interner routers at home (I did it some time ago).
- Second question is, if the namager removes the address when ethernet
cabel is unplugged, as 'ifplugd' daemon does? 
- Third question, does the manager provide means of starting/stopping
dhcp daemons when there is no network connection required? E.g. when
user disables it, or when no cable is plugged and no wireless is either
in range or required by user? I ask because I guess users may not require
to have unncessarry daemons running when theyr's laptops are running
on bateries (even if dhcp probably does not consume much energy).

I would like to know more about the way of dhcp contol. It is because
I use 'dhcpcd' client, really small daemon default in gentoo distribution.
I was thinking about the extension of this dhcp daemon to be controllable
directly through dbus from the manager (build optionally). But I did
not found any written specification, just the source codes. Is it possible
to find something somewhere? I know that it is definitelly NOT the most
important think to do in the network manager project, it also may not
be neccessary when ISP dhcp client is working, but it would be nice
to have a choice (which linux is about) ;-)

- So, do you plan to establish (or is it established) a dbus 'protocol'
how network manager will control dhcp? Either directly or through some
inter-layer daemon? 
- And what about 'pppd' or other similar daemons? I have notice that
modem connection through pppd is supported, but the pppd could also
be controlled through dbus (which would be really great integration).
They should also not be started before they are required.
- And the last question - do you plan support other interfaces like bluetooth
or irda in a future?

Sorry for such a long mail, I have become very interested in the project,
so I really wanted to ask.

Thank you very much for your aswers, 

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NetworkManager-list mailing list

Ubuntu update request

2007-03-16 Thread houston allen

I'm a total newbie, and I've yet to find complete, lucid instruction on how
to install a tar file.  My Ubuntu 6.10 gave me Network Manager 0.6.3 via its
automatic installation program Update Manager.  Could you please pass the
newer 0.6.4 version to the Ubuntu folks so I can auto-install it.

NetworkManager-list mailing list

Re: Ubuntu update request

2007-03-16 Thread Ryan Novosielski
Hash: SHA1

That is not really how this works. There's no need to pass on 0.6.4 to
the Ubuntu folks since, as you could probably imagine, they can download
it. 0.6.4 is currently present in the next release of Ubuntu which is in
beta. You can either wait, attempt to upgrade now from Feisty's
repository, or compile it yourself -- either way, this is pretty much
outside the scope of this list, I would imagine.


houston allen wrote:
 I'm a total newbie, and I've yet to find complete, lucid instruction on
 how to install a tar file.  My Ubuntu 6.10 gave me Network Manager 0.6.3
 via its automatic installation program Update Manager.  Could you please
 pass the newer 0.6.4 version to the Ubuntu folks so I can auto-install it.
 NetworkManager-list mailing list

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NetworkManager-list mailing list

Re: New OpenVPN interface

2007-03-16 Thread Jon Nettleton
On Thu, 2007-03-15 at 22:48 -0400, Dan Williams wrote:
 On Sat, 2007-02-24 at 19:11 -0500, Jon Nettleton wrote:
  Attached are the patches to the openvpn gui I promised.  I think they
  provide a simplistic default interface with the ability to expose the
  numerous configuration options needed by the vpn clients.
  Some Notes:
  The patch against trunk includes my fixes to make import-export work
  properly as well as the gui changes.
  I read up on the details of the Direction flag for TLS-Auth, and
  apparently it can be any of those options.  Most the how-to's show
  Server as 0 and Client as 1 but really the client just has to be the
  opposite of the server, or both could be none.  So for now I will leave
  those radio buttons in the config.
  The advanced dialog is modal and transient on the nm-vpn-properties
  window.  I couldn't find a quick and easy way to figure out if it was
  launched from a druid or editor window.
 Committed to trunk and stable, thanks.  If you want to take a stab at
 the other two, feel free :)

I already have the VPNC done, I just need to clean up the patch.  I am
working on the PPTP one.  That one is taking some time because I am
trying to organize the multiple options in a more general sense.  I will
post some screenshots to get opinions very soon.

I will also be more than willing to help with the openswan dialogs once
he is at that point.


  If people are generally happy with this approach then give a nod and I
  will work on updating the other vpn clients to match.
  Add other options to the vpn clients.  ( If people could bugzilla these
  I would appreciate it ).
  NetworkManager-list mailing list

NetworkManager-list mailing list

Re: Interface Feedback requested please (Darren Albers)

2007-03-16 Thread steve
I've used openswan to connect to all kinds of IPsec gateways, including
contivity's, sonicwall, foritgate, checkpoint, Juniper Networks, etc...
Most of my clients don't have Cisco equipment, and so I've set them up
for regular IPsec dialin policies with whatever firewall they do have,
and so far openswan works great. 

Before openswan I tried racoon but I never got that to work at all. I've
heard people using Mac OS X have had better luck with racoon (for
whatever reason I'm not aware of).

The only issues I've had are with X-Auth, and I think that's a
limitation of the scripts that ship with openswan. I'm hoping to get the
X-auth working with my plugin, which essentially bypasses those scripts
and talks directly to the service daemon. 

(Thanks for the guidance Dan ;)).


NetworkManager-list mailing list

Re: Ubuntu update request

2007-03-16 Thread Yaakov Nemoy

I use ubuntu, so I can tell you this.  If you can wait one month till
april, and then upgrade ubuntu (using the lucid instructions available
on their website), then you will automatically receive the new
version.  This is probably the easiest path.


On 3/15/07, houston allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm a total newbie, and I've yet to find complete, lucid instruction on how
 to install a tar file.  My Ubuntu 6.10 gave me Network Manager 0.6.3 via its
 automatic installation program Update Manager.  Could you please pass the
 newer 0.6.4 version to the Ubuntu folks so I can auto-install it.

 NetworkManager-list mailing list

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