Unable to connect Huawei E173 usb modem

2011-10-31 Thread Alfredo C. Harvey
Hello, list.
Some day ago I posted this issue.
Would deeply appreciate some guidance -a lot of it. :-))

Huawei E173 USB módem for mobile broad band connection.
Fedora 15 Linux.
usb_modeswitch 1.1.7 -came with the system; yum say it is up to date.

lsusb says IDs are: Vendor 12d1, Product 1c24 before switching, 1c23
after doing so.
Switching works. At plugging in, led is green; after some seconds it
turns blue.

Network Manager detects the modem.
It shows the Mobile Broadband option and the Predetermined Movistar
However, when clicked, it tries to connect but does not.

Modem works.
I connected through wvdial.
This was the connection configuration used:
[Dialer Defaults]
Modem Type = Analog Modem
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB2
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1
ISDN = 0
Phone = *99#
Username = movistar
Password = movistar
Baud = 9600

This was the output:
-bash-4.2# wvdial
-- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.61
-- Initializing modem.
-- Sending: ATZ
-- Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1
ATQ0 V1 E1
-- Modem initialized.
-- Sending: ATDT*99#
-- Waiting for carrier.
-- Carrier detected. Waiting for prompt.
-- Don't know what to do! Starting pppd and hoping for the best.
-- Starting pppd at Wed Oct 19 23:48:13 2011
-- Pid of pppd: 6174
-- Using interface ppp0
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- local IP address
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- remote IP address
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- primary DNS address
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- secondary DNS address
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08] #here led in modem lighted up
^CCaught signal 2: Attempting to exit gracefully...
-- Terminating on signal 15
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]

LED in mode was bright blue while connecting; then it steadily stayed
light blue.
I didn't know how to use the connection.
Firefox said it was out of connection, aswell as Evolution.
However, I could ping from a 2nd terminal.

Just for information purposes, the following.
/etc/usb_modeswitch.d/12d1:1c24 is the configuration file
## ##
# Huawei E173

DefaultVendor= 0x12d1

TargetVendor= 0x12d1
TargetProduct= 0x1c23



/lib/udev/rules.d/40-usb_modeswitch.rules has the following rule
# Huawei E173 (product 1c24)
ATTRS{idVendor}==12d1, ATTRS{idProduct}==1c24, RUN
+=usb_modeswitch '%b/%k'

As there are 4 ttyUSB* ports created after usb_modeswitching this forum
suggested to create another rule. So
/etc/udev/rules.d/50-myrules.rules has this rule
KERNEL==ttyUSB2, RUN+=/bin/ln -sf /dev/ttyUSB2 /dev/ttyUSB0

This is the whole thread at fedoraforum.

Well, as you see, I have searched and studied a lot.
But here is where I'm stuck now. :-/
And my client, a friend of mine, is starting to hate me. X-(

Best regards
Alfredo C. Harvey :-)

attachment: face-smile.pngattachment: face-angry.pngattachment: face-uncertain.pngattachment: face-laugh.png___
networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: Unable to connect Huawei E173 usb modem

2011-10-31 Thread Alfredo C. Harvey
If forgot to link to the forum I took the main information from.
This is it.
(In Spanish, sorry. It is a blog. Have to go down to the Huawei E173
networkmanager-list mailing list

Huawei E173 on Fedora 15

2011-10-19 Thread Alfredo C. Harvey
After a long journey looking for the solution I have come to you.
I hope the supportive information doesn't come too long but I want to be
show enough details so the issue can be solved.

A Huawei E173 USB modem was plugged onto a laptop with Fedora 15 32 bit
version Linux.
CD would be recognized as CD-ROM.
But Network Manager wouldn't allow to create the broad band connection.
Device woudn't be shown as alternative.
After googleing around I found about idVendor, idProduct, usb_modeswitch
and rules.
This modem is assigned to Movistar México.

Found a lot of information to digest.
In the end I followed this blog (in Spanish):
which proved to be understandable.

It told to:
a) lsusb to detect ids. 12d1:1c24
b) create modem configurations at /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/12d1:1c24 with
following content

# Huawei E173

DefaultVendor= 0x12d1

TargetVendor=  0x12d1
TargetProduct= 0x1c23



c) Blog mentioned swap of idProduct from 1c24 to 1c23 which I also had
lsusb would give one value or the other at different plugging in.

Furthermore, asking 
/usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -c /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/12d1:1c24
would find and switch at some times and wouldn't at others, depending on
the value given by lsusb.
So, i decided to create /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/12d1:1c23 with following

# Huawei E173

DefaultVendor= 0x12d1

TargetVendor=  0x12d1
TargetProduct= 0x1c23



Curiously, in the beginning of my search, 1c23 would not appear.
It did after messing around some time.

d) That being done, rule to recognize modem was created at
Again, I thought it would be wise to create 2:

# Huawei E173 (product 1c23)
ATTRS{idVendor}==12d1, ATTRS{idProduct}==1c23, RUN
+=usb_modeswitch '%b/%k'


# Huawei E173 (product 1c24)
ATTRS{idVendor}==12d1, ATTRS{idProduct}==1c24, RUN
+=usb_modeswitch '%b/%k'

e) Blogger then instructed to download driver from here
and install it.

After this, Network Manager would recognize the device when plugged in.
But it would not operate as modem still.

I found out three ttyUSB ports were created -0, 1 and 2.
ls /dev/ttyUSB* -- /dev/ttyUSB0   /dev/ttyUSB1   /dev/ttyUSB2
Blog says another rule should be created in
which says
KERNEL==ttyUSB2, RUN+=/bin/ln -sf /dev/ttyUSB2 /dev/ttyUSB0
(I wondered if it should go to /lib/udev/rules.d/; anyway).

After all that, Network Manager would show the Broad Band option.
But when clicked to connect, it would try about three times
... connecting ... connecting ... connecting
But no connection would be established.

However, Huawei E173 modem works.
I tested it with wvdial and minicom

To do this I linked ttyUSB* to /dev/modem to run minicom.
Tried with all ports.
ln -s /dev/ttyUSB2 /dev/modem
allowed connection.

This was the wvdial output
-bash-4.2# wvdial
-- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.61
-- Initializing modem.
-- Sending: ATZ
-- Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1
ATQ0 V1 E1
-- Modem initialized.
-- Sending: ATDT*99#
-- Waiting for carrier.
-- Carrier detected.  Waiting for prompt.
-- Don't know what to do!  Starting pppd and hoping for the best.
-- Starting pppd at Wed Oct 19 23:48:13 2011
-- Pid of pppd: 6174
-- Using interface ppp0
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- local  IP address
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- remote IP address
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- primary   DNS address
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]
-- secondary DNS address
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]   #here led
in modem lighted up
^CCaught signal 2:  Attempting to exit gracefully...
-- Terminating on signal 15
-- pppd: �J�[08]�J�[08]

My knowlegde of minicom is not that good so I didn't know what to do
after connection was established.
But output was enough to prove modem could connect.

All this makes me think inability to connect resides within Network
Huawei E173 wouldn't be listed as supported device here
Only these GSM/UMTS/HSPA models
  * Huawei E160G
  * Huawei E220 (firmware versions older than (Vodafone
only) are known to be problematic; make sure you have