Re: Alternative way to set static ip for Ubuntu

2012-11-29 Thread Uwe Geuder
On 29 November 2012 13:03, Pavel Simerda psimerda redhat com wrote:

>> From: "footkeong Chien" 
>> I would like to know whether there is any alternative way to set
>> static ip for Ubuntu using command lines without affecting the
>> etc/network/interfaces.
> Is this a NetworkManager question? 

I guess it is. Ubuntu uses NetworkManager and at least I would not try
to fiddle with a interface managed by NetworkManager with some basic
commands, because you never know what NetworkManager will override
(well "you" as in average user, not "you" as those on this list
who really know all NM internals)

Unfortunately the original poster did not write to what (working?)
approach he was looking for an alternative, why he wanted to use the
command line, does he want the static IP on eth0 or some other
interface, and does he want the assignment to survive a reboot.

Earlier this week I had the issue that I wanted to assign a permanent
static IP to my eth0 on a Kubuntu Lucid system. Intuitively I would
have done that by setting a static address on the "auto eth0"
connection in the KDE connections control module. However, that does
not work because at least in Kubuntu Lucid "auto eth0" is somehow
automagically hidden from the UI. I have the feeling that I might have
seen it in Ubuntu systems (using gnome connection manager), but I
cannot check at the moment. Yes, I also tried to create a new
connection, but that connected only manually on the first attempt and
caused a crash (in knetworkmanager I believe) in the second one, so I
did not pursue that approach any further.

On the net I found the same question many times, but no really good
answers, which seems to support the impression that people are
struggling with the issue. I found e.g. these instructions too
complicated for my purpose.

So I just edited /etc/network/interfaces instead and defined eth0 as
auto and static. That leads to desired functionality. NetworkManager
regards the interface as unmanaged. However the knetworkmanager user
experience is non-intuitive in this case. It shows me a disconnected
Ethernet cable. Somewhat irritating at least the first week, but I can
live with it.

Still from the "naive" end user standpoint it is a bit weird that
NetworkManager cannot handle such simple use case. (Yes, technically
the limit might not be in NetworkManager proper but in KDE connection
editor. And static addresses is not the main reason why NetworkManager
exists.) But regardless of the reason, there is still a bit to go
until Linux Networking is made really easy... Or have things changed
completely since then? Lucid is of course 2.5 years old.


networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: Increased RAM usage with nm-applet 0.8.0 to 0.8.1

2011-12-12 Thread Uwe Geuder
On 12 December 2011 09:29, Jeff Hoogland  wrote:

> Attached are the two outputs you requested, digging through them now to see
> if I can pinpoint the issue.

Did you find out anything? 

I converted the outputs to csv, loaded them into an OpenOffice
spreadsheet, summed up each category of memory and compared your 2
versions.  The differences are really marginal, depending on the memory
category sometimes in favor of the old and sometimes in favor of the new
version. In terms of resident memory, which should be the most important
measure (no swapping has occured) the new version is even 792 KiB (~ 7 %)
smaller than the old one.

Unless my conversion script really screwed up something and by accident
the bug just happened to level out your obvserved 110 MiB difference 
such difference does not exist.

If anybody wants my script and my spreadsheets to double check I can send 
them by personal mail. I don't want the flood the mailing list with big
attachments, which are probably not of big interest for most
readers. (There are also other tools to read smaps files on the net, I
have never tried them.)

Memory consumption in Linux is a tricky thing. There are many different
categories to measure (that's why smaps was added some time ago to show
them all or at least many of them). There is no single correct number.
If the tool you used to compute the 110 MiB delta shows only a single
number, are you sure the way the number is calculated has not changed
between your old and your new system? I assume you used the same tool in
the old and the new system, otherwise it's even more likely that you
ended up comparing apples and oranges.

110 MB difference looks huge by any measure. According to to my results
the mapped address space of the new version is "only" around 46 MiB. I don't
think any reasonable measure can be bigger than the mapped space. (The
old one is around 45 MiB, the difference 712 KiB)


networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: Increased RAM usage with nm-applet 0.8.0 to 0.8.1

2011-12-11 Thread Uwe Geuder

On 12 December 2011 06:33, Jeff Hoogland  

> but the issue I am having is that this newer version is using nearly
> 110megs more RAM than version 0.8.0 does - any ideas why this might
> be?

Technical progress...

Seriously, have you checked where the difference comes from?

Can you run the command

cat /proc/$(pgrep nm-applet)/smaps

on both your old and your new system and post the results here?

I'm not an nm-applet hacker, but that's how would I start to look at it.


networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: Nokia 3G USB Modem CS-17 very unreliable

2011-12-06 Thread Uwe Geuder
On 17 November 2011 21:08, Dan Williams  wrote:

> Based on our IRC debugging yesterday, I've gone ahead and pushed a fix
> to ModemManager that uses only USB interface 0 for PPP on these devices
> since that's what the Windows driver indicates.  The driver didn't have
> a section for your variant of the CS-17 (0x0623) but I added that USB ID
> anyway.

Thanks for the fix.

I backported the fix to Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS (modem-manager 0.3 +
patches) and OpenSUSE 11.4 (modem-manager 0.4 + patches).
The patch did not apply cleanly, but I think it was still very

On Lucid the first test failed, but after that it has been in use ~10
times without problems. On OpenSUSE I have used it maybe 5 times and
everything was fine. (Luckily I don't depend on 3G most of the time
so I don't come up to big numbers of usage occasions)

However, 2 days ago it suddenly stopped working again. I added a g_debug
to see what port type is recognized, and they were indeed both 
MM_PORT_TYPE_UNKNOWN. So did all the successful usage after applying the
fix just result from pure luck??? Sounds weird, because before the patch
the probability of successful usage was not very high.

I have never looked at udev functionality before, but with a bit of
guessing and running "/sbin/udevadm info --query=all --name ttyACM0"
I came to the conclusion that ttyACM0 is on USB interface 1 and 
ttyACM1 is on interface 3. (Your patch expects ttyACM0 on interface 0)

I know basically nothing about USB. Not sure whether USB interface
numbers could possible change randomly (well, depend on some timing or
other environment issue)??? So that in the beginning the patch did
happen to work, but when the interface number changed of course it could
not work anymore???

Anyway, I changed the udev rule now that USB interface 1 has the port of 
type MM_PORT_TYPE_PRIMARY. Based on my limited testing today I can say
that it works.

My OpenSUSE patches are at

(and the rpms can also be downlaoded from there, click on "overview" and
"standard" to get to the repo)

On Ubuntu Lucid the behaviour was exacatly the same. The patches and
Debian packages are not online at the moment, but I could certainly make
them available if anybody is interested.



P.S. Even if the correct port has be selected now reliably there are
still a couple of bugs left that make this USB stick somewhat unreliable
to use (following observations are from OpenSUSE 11.4 just from today)

- sometimes an assertion is hit in modem-manager
- NetworkManager has died on SIGSEGV
- the network plasmoid of KDE dies and/or gets unresponsive (yes, I know
  network manager is a GNOME project...)
- The kernel has crashed after trying to dereference a null pointer, 
  probably in USB driver when removing the stick

This is just FYI. Probably this should first be tested in OpenSUSE 12.1
or even with the newest network manager. Not sure when I will get there.

P.P.S. Again FYI: In OpenSUSE 11.4 the packaging of modem-manager is not
very good.  autotools have been run with some obsolete version (older
than what is in 11.4) and the generated files have been included in the
source tar.  As you see from the version history I patched that also,
otherwise the new udev rules get never installed.  I have not checked
whether this has already been fixed in 12.1
networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: Wrong SIM-Pin not detected by MM?

2011-11-15 Thread Uwe Geuder
On 15 November 2011 10:45, Joseph Gunn  wrote:

> On Tue, 15 Nov 2011 10:19:13 +0200
> Uwe Geuder  wrote:
>> Probably the implementers of the N900 reasoned a bit like me: Because
>> entering the PIN is not relevant at the AT modem interface of the phone
>> at all, they just return ERROR instead of implementing anything real.
> Is it possible that the phone/computer link is bluetooth? Depending 
> on the setup that may require a PIN?

No, I absolutely don't think so. 

Any potential bluetooth PIN is handled at a completely different
protocol level inside the bluetooth stack, not with AT commands at modem
level. In the first posting there was an ERROR reponse to an AT command.



networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: Wrong SIM-Pin not detected by MM?

2011-11-15 Thread Uwe Geuder
On 15 November 2011 09:55, Thomas Bechtold  wrote:

> MM can handle different modems. Not only modems included in phones. eg.
> usb-umts-modems aks for the sim pin.

Absolutely. But in your first message you had a example for MM PIN handling
from an N900. Because N900 is a phone I did not understand how the
example could be relevant. 

Probably the implementers of the N900 reasoned a bit like me: Because
entering the PIN is not relevant at the AT modem interface of the phone
at all, they just return ERROR instead of implementing anything real.

If you have an issue with PIN handling you would need to demonstrate it
with a 3G USB modem, which really requires PIN handling by MM.



networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: Subject: Wrong SIM-Pin not detected by MM?

2011-11-14 Thread Uwe Geuder
On 15 November 2011 09:12, Thomas Bechtold  wrote:

> i just tested with a N900.It's more a general question and not a specific
> problem with the N900.

Ok. Then my general remark would be: Aren't all phones used like that,
that they are first powered on and registered to the network? So the
PIN is entered using the UI of the phone before MM gets involved.

I don't understand why a PIN would be used in any way when opening a
modem connection on a phone.

To my understanding (which is not very detailed) MM asks the PIN state
from the modem. In the case of a phone the answer should never be PIN
required. At least Nokia phones don't require the PIN to make a modem
connection. (I have not tried what happens if the phone is in offline


networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: Subject: Wrong SIM-Pin not detected by MM?

2011-11-14 Thread Uwe Geuder
On 13 November 2011 19:49, Thomas Bechtold  wrote:

> i tried NM 0.9 (latest from git) with MM 0.5 (from ubuntu 11.10) and
> recognized that MM does not detect a wrong SIM-Pin (with a Nokia N900).
> i used a wrong Pin (1234) and got the attached NM logs when i tried to
> activate the connection with "nmcli con up id simyo".

I have used N900 with NM many times before. Only with 0.8.x though and
only with the graphical applets (both GNOME and KDE). 

I don't understand what you (or the software) want to do with the PIN
code at all.

For a USB modem the device is turned on in the computer (power comes
from USB) and there is no UI in the modem. So indeed, MM has to provide
the PIN code.

However, N900 is a phone. It is powered on and in the network before the
USB cable is even connected. The PIN is provided by the user via the
phone UI.  Once the modem connection is started there is no need to
provide the PIN a second time. Everyhting should work fine without it.

Or am I missing something here?


networkmanager-list mailing list

Nokia 3G USB Modem CS-17 very unreliable

2011-11-12 Thread Uwe Geuder

I have a Nokia 3G USB Modem CS-17. Unfortunately it works very
unreliable under Linux. If used it with Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS,
OpenSUSE 11.3, OpenSUSE 11.4, and Windows XP.

Under Linux the failure rate is some 60%-80% and retrying repeatedly
does not help. Under XP the failure rate is some 10% and if the first
attempt fails retrying helps.

If the connection succeeds it is typically very good. I have used it
about 1 hour on a running train and I have reached connection speeds
up to 5 Mbit/s (not on a running train though...)

The attached logs are from Lucid, which uses NetworkManager 0.8-0ubuntu3.2
and modem-manager 0.3-0ubuntu2.2.

The typical error case is no responses from LCP (see attached logs). In some
rarer occasions the LCP responses are invalid. 

Not sure how this is related to network manager. But Linux PPP seems to be
stable (in the meaning of no changes) for a long time. And it should not be
a network issue, with XP I don't experience the same problem.

Can you spot anything helpful from the attached logs?

Does it make any sense to investigate with nm 0.8? If necessary I can
build the newest version. But I vaguely remember from some earlier
postings on this list that it's not completely trivial with all the
interdependencies of NetworkManager, modem-manager, D-Bus,
configuration in /etc, knetworkmanager[1], and what else might needed
to be taken into account. So a pointer to instructions would be



[1] I typically use KDE. But I have at least tried it once on a GNOME
system and the connection problems were the same ones. I cannot
imagine that the applet is the culprit.

Description: Binary data
networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: Additional network interfaces in OpenSUSE?

2011-09-07 Thread Uwe Geuder
>> However, no it looks in OpenSUSE I cannot even run "ifup br0"
>> when network manager is running.

Thanks for your answer.

On 6 September 2011 06:59, Bin Li wrote:

>The best way is to use ifup mode in openSUSE,

Yes, I've already managed to use my WLAN connections with ifup. However,
I could not find out how to use my USB 3G stick with ifup/netconfig. I tried
to configure it as a modem in yast, but there wasn't even a UI to enter
the PIN code. Probably I could put extra AT commands to some config
file, but I didn't want to back that far. It's year 2011 ;) Is there
real support for USB 3G modems in the the traditonal OpenSUSE
networking? (sorry, that might be a bit off topic to ask on the
network-manager list how not to use nm...)
> and if you wanna use the NM,
> you could try to use 'unmanaged-devices=mac:;" in NetworkManager.
> conf. you can find more with 'man NetworkManager.conf

Ahh, good point. I had read that before, but I erroneosly assumed that
the plugin in question is not in use in OpenSUSE. But it is. So from
network manager part this should be OK.

But ifup script does still not work. I've just tested it, and no
surprise, the piece of code I copied in my original posting decides that
network manager is running so ifup exits immediately.

Yes, I could patch the ifup script so it does not exit, but is that really
the way to go?


networkmanager-list mailing list

Additional network interfaces in OpenSUSE?

2011-09-04 Thread Uwe Geuder
If I understood it correctly in Debian/Ubuntu network manager will leave
additional interfaces defined in /etc/interfaces unmanaged. 

So you can combine your "main" internet access managed by networkmanager
(eth0, wlan0, ppp0 depending on where you are) with "additional" manual
network setting you might need insided you machine (e.g. for various
virtual machines you might be running)

Did I understand that corrcectly?

However, in OpenSUSE I cannot see how to achieve anything similar. As
soon as network manager is enabled, ifup does not work any longer.

>From what I see in the source code this is pretty unconditional:

from /usr/src/packages/BUILD/sysconfig-0.74.5/scripts/ifup: (OpenSUSE 11.4)


# Check if NetworkManager is running, inform the user and exit
if [ "$NETWORKMANAGER" = yes ] && ! netcontrol_running ; then
if [ "$SCRIPTNAME" != ifdown -a "$INTERFACE" != lo ] ; then
mesg "Network interface is managed by the NetworkManager -> 
elif nm_running && [ "$INTERFACE" != lo ] ; then
mesg "Network interface is managed by the NetworkManager -> skipping"

--- clip ---

Hopefully I'm just missing something here.

Often it helps to know what one really wants to achieve, so here it

I need a bridge device for Xen. I let network manager take care of the
internet access (this is a laptop) The straight forward approach putting
the current "internet" interface chosen by network manager on the bridge
would require to set the network address & routing to the bridge device
instead of eth0/wlan0/ppp0. I don't think network manager can handle

So my idea was to leave the bridge unmanaged from network manager, give
it a static internal IP address and use ipforward together with NAT to
connect the bridge with network manager's current "internet"
interface. However, no it looks in OpenSUSE I cannot even run "ifup br0"
when network manager is running.



networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: How to debug 3G USB modem problems?

2011-05-04 Thread Uwe Geuder
Thanks Dan for your quick reply. It's too late here for taking more
logs so let me just reply quickly on your other questions.

> Huh, because they are $120 on eBay which isn't cheap at all :)
> Otherwise I'd buy one.

This operator gives you one "for free" even you
just shop for a cheap fixed-line ADSL. Sounds unlikely that they pay
very much for them, because their prices are on the cheaper side
compared to the competitors even if you don't count the 3G modem at
all. Might not be an option for you though :( Maybe they get cheaper
on when many people end up with one without intending to use it.

> What does the PPP debugging say when this happens?  NM wont' terminate
> the connection unless PPP says it's down.

I would have included the log if I had it :( I have seen it when using
command line, but I did not store it. My point and main question was
how to get the logging to work when network-manager runs as a
service. Because I can only test occasionally, the real user is not
familiar with the command line and she has no root access.

Hmm, actually I just find a copy on another machine.  (And weird enough the
pppd logging I was complaining about *IS* in that syslog)

May  4 14:11:39 geuder-u10 pppd[1783]: Using interface ppp0
May  4 14:11:39 geuder-u10 pppd[1783]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyACM1
May  4 14:11:39 geuder-u10 pppd[1783]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1  
May  4 14:11:59 geuder-u10 pppd[1783]: last message repeated 6 times
May  4 14:11:59 geuder-u10 NetworkManager:   pppd_timed_out(): Looks like 
pppd didn't initialize our dbus module
May  4 14:11:59 geuder-u10 NetworkManager:   (ttyACM1): device state 
change: 7 -> 9 (reason 14)
May  4 14:11:59 geuder-u10 NetworkManager:   Marking connection 
'Saunalahti Postpaid (contract) 1' invalid.
May  4 14:11:59 geuder-u10 pppd[1783]: Terminating on signal 15
May  4 14:11:59 geuder-u10 pppd[1783]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 "User request"]

To me it looks that pppd does not get or not recognize any responses
(rcvd lines) although it sends its first message uplink 7 times
altogether. So NetworkManager decides to kill it after 20 seconds.

I'll try to capture full logs including modem-manager later.



networkmanager-list mailing list

How to debug 3G USB modem problems?

2011-05-04 Thread Uwe Geuder
I understand that this a upstream list and most readers are interested
in the bleeding edge. However, I have to support some systems for
"naive" users and I prefer to use a plain vanilla distribution as long
as possible. So please bear with my question regarding versions
straight from the museum...

On Ubuntu 10.04 (long time support) they have nm version 0.8-0ubuntu3

The USB modem in use is a Nokia CS-17. (I know that if you search for
trouble, you select a 3G USB modem. Unfortunately this variant is
really by orders of magnitude cheaper in this case than anything more

The good news is that the CS-17 works even with that old software.

The bad news is that it's completely unreliable. Some 30%-50% of the
connection attempts just fail. Unfortunately the failures seem to come
in waves. If it fails the first time, it will also fail the 2nd, 3rd
etc. Removing the modem does not help. But 1 or 2 hours later it might
just work again. Alternatively if I want to repeat the problem, I can
make 15 connections in a row without any failure. 

The other problem is that while the connection typically stays open
for hours during normal web browsing, it will disconnect with quite
high probability when downloading bigger files. Today I needed 4 attempts
to download a 20 MB file.

I would exclude network-side problems or weak signal, because I use 3G
data on the same network nearly all day long on my smartphone without
such problems. Additionlly, when the USB modem fails to connect I can use
my phone as the modem using the data cable and everything works. 

So how could I debug this? Is it a Linux-side problem or a firmware problem
in the CS-17? (Haven't had a chance to test it with M$ yet)

>From searching in the mailing list archives I found 2 debugging hints:

1. starting nm from command line as

# NM_SERIAL_DEBUG=1 NM_PPP_DEBUG=1 NetworkManager --no-daemon | tee log.txt

That works nicely. When the connection attempt fails I see how PPP
negotiation starts, but it doesn't seem to get any reply. 

sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1]

After 5 repetitions pppd seems to give up and nm complains that the
connection failed.

(Not sure whether NM_SERIAL_DEBUG has any effect, I don't think I see that
variable in the source code of my version)

The problem is that using the command line (and root) is OK for me on
my test machine, but not for the user in question on the real target
machine. So I'd like to configure the "real" service such that logging is
always on.

I tried to do so by adding the 2 environment variables to
/etc/init/network-manager.conf (Ubuntu uses upstart)

exec NetworkManager

Unfortunately that seems to have no effect to the pppd logging. The
pppd stuff that I can see when running with --no-daemon does just not
appear in syslog, neither in successful nor in failing cases. (I have
checked from /proc/nnn/environ that the environment variables really
end up in the network-manager process)

Also the debug parameter appears on the pppd command line as shown in syslog.

How can I get pppd logging when running as a daemon?

2. The other hint I found in the mailing archive was a config file entry


I changed that to level=DEBUG, but I don't think it made a
difference. Could not find such parameter in my source code. Has it
possibly been added only in a later version?

Yesterday I read in some forum that killing modem-manager after a
failed connection attempt helps. Today I had only very few failed
attempts in my testing and killing modem-manager helped each time. Not
yet sure whether this is really a reliable work-around. If yes, I
could of course script it.

Does the problem description ring any bells? If you remember specific fixes
that solve these issues, I might try to backport them to my
version. Or just install a newer version manually.



P.S. Yes, I am aware of the modeswitching. I left that out from the
description above, I'm sure that the modem was always in the right
networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: dnsmasq integration?

2011-01-07 Thread Uwe Geuder

> Hm.  I'm looking through lots of NetworkManager pages/docs and the GIT
> repositories, and I see that there has been something titled "Local
> caching nameserver support using dnsmasq" added in 0.8.2.

Interesting. I'm using Ubuntu LTS so I'm not at the leading edge with
nm, I guess it's 0.8.

However, I have been running dnsmasq for a while (mainly to act as
DHCP and DNS server for virtual machines I'm hosting on local network

On Ubuntu Lucid I solved the dnsmasq - nm integration as follows:

- dnsmasq is configured to read upstream DNS servers from /etc/resolv.conf1

- nm is patched to write to /etc/resolv.conf1 instead of /etc/resolv.conf
  (I'm willing to share the patch if anybody is interested. I haven't
  done so, because it's not 100% perfect, see below) 

- /etc/resolve.conf is manually edited to contain It will never
  be changed (*)

(*) actually this is not true: pppd overwrites it every time. But this is
an office machine and I use pppd only 1-2 times a year when the network is
down, so I have not thought about fixing this. But it means that my solution
is not suitable for people using dial-up regularly.

On OpenSUSE 11.3 (I guess nm 0.8, too) this approach did not work,
because network manager does not write /etc/resolv.conf. I'm not so
familiar with OpenSUSE netconfig, but I have dnsmasq working together
with nm without any patches. Maybe I needed a one time configuration
change or netconfig did it for me, I don't recall. It works very
reliably. It's actually a laptop and I use it regularly on very
different networks (cable, WiFi and cellular), but dnsmasq - nm has
never caused any trouble.

In /etc/resolv.conf the first one is, i.e. dnsmasq, but
dnsmasq knows to ignore that one. Additional ones are put there
by nm / netconfig each time a new connection is established and dnsmasq
uses them as upstream servers.


networkmanager-list mailing list

Using 2 interfaces with network manager

2010-09-22 Thread Uwe Geuder

I've never understood how network manager works if more than
1 network interface is in use. Is it designed for such usage at all?

What I want to do:

- use wlan0 to connect to the internet using network manager. Access
  points might change from time to time, e.g. when travelling.

- use eth0 for internet connection sharing (ICS). (using a cross connected
  Ethernet cable to provide an Internet connection to another device)
  I don't think network manager can do it, but I'm comfortable to do
  it manually (interface definition, IP forwarding and NAT)

So I configure eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces as

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
  netmask ...

The other parts are not relevant for the discussion here.

Ideally I want to leave this definition there, whether I use the ICS
at the moment or not. (I don't think I have the need or even
possibility to connect to a wired network)

This works without problems in Kubuntu Lucid (nm 0.8.0) with 

However, in Ubuntu Lucid and Xubuntu Lucid (same nm version), which
both use nm-applet instead of knetworkmanager there is a nasty
problem. It works as long a previously defined WLAN is in
range. But whenever no previously defined WLAN is in range,
nm-applet is completely invisible. The "not connected" icon is just
not there. And without having nm-applet visible I cannot really use
any network.

Well, I could scan for WLANs from the commandline, start
nm-connection-editor from the command line and define the network. But
then I have still to log out (or even reboot?) What i currently do is
to edit /etc/network/interfaces each time I want to connect to a new
WLAN.  I remove eth0 from there and reboot (at least I have not found
any way without rebooting. Just shutting eth0 down does not help.)
After having defined the new WLAN using nm-applet I can revert the
changes in /etc/network/interfaces.

Needless to say, that's not really pain free networking.

Is there any better solution? Is it a bug or feature that nm-applet
gets completely invisible?



P.S. Please bear with me that I have not yet tried nm 0.8.1. I just
didn't dare to possibly screw everything up by rpelacing Ubuntu's nm
with another version.
networkmanager-list mailing list