Re: UMTS usb stick MC998D (U998D): disconnect after 30-45 seconds

2011-06-15 Thread Dan Williams
On Sun, 2011-06-12 at 15:03 -0400, Christian Jaeger wrote:
 A couple corrections/addons:
 The crash time window is between 20-~35 seconds from the point of the
 connection being up, not 30-45 like I said.
 Upgrading the firmware of the stick (using the firmware upgrade
 utility running on Windows) hasn't changed anything.
 This is in Canada, stick provided by Bell, used with the Bell network.
 Here are the debug logs from a run that crashed:
 Also, there's some discussion going on now in the thread I originally
 initiated a year ago on debian-user (already mentioned above, see:,107067,202298 ).

Looks like the modem does signal NO CARRIER at 20:57:11 around when you
say the connection crashed.  One thing we could do is better handle the
NO CARRIER by disconnecting at exactly that point instead of treating
the NO CARRIER error as a response to the AT+CSQ that gets sent.  That
might have some effect.


networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: UMTS usb stick MC998D (U998D): disconnect after 30-45 seconds

2011-06-15 Thread Christian Jaeger
 Looks like the modem does signal NO CARRIER at 20:57:11 around when you
 say the connection crashed.  One thing we could do is better handle the

That sounds like you think the modem was right in ending the
connection / thinking there is no signal. But this is weird for
several reasons:

- this always happens at around the same point in time after initial connect
- initial connect always works and data exchange works fast and well
till it blows up
- when it survives the magic point in time 20-35 seconds after initial
connect, the connection is stable, also, I can disconnect from nm and
reconnect and it will never blow up then.
- those 'crashes' ('blow ups', disconnects) happen independently of
how strong the signal is
- in my limited testing under Windows, the modem never crashed (I can
do more testing once I've reinstalled Windows somewhere)

So what I'm saying is that I've got no idea why the modem says no
carrier, but it cannot be that there is no signal.

I suspect that either there's a bug in the modem that's only triggered
in some circumstances, or the no carrier answer is somewhat generic
and might mean something like with the parameters that you requested
me to abide to, I cannot proceed, hence it might be an issue with the
configuration that nm sends to the modem.

networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: UMTS usb stick MC998D (U998D): disconnect after 30-45 seconds

2011-06-15 Thread Christian Jaeger
PS. maybe I've misinterpreted and you just wanted to say that nm/mm
could be improved by handling the no carrier error better, so that
subsequently I could use nm to reconnect without having to unplug and
replug the modem (i.e. even if the real problem isn't solved, at least
it would be less hassle to reconnect). Yes I would appreciate that;
tell me if you've got patches for me to try. (I can also code in C,
but I don't have much time.)

PPS. another thing: so far it seems that the modem disconnects exactly
when nm sends 'AT+CSQCR', at least that's the point in time where
the LED goes back to blinking and data transmission stops. Maybe it
would never disconnect if nm didn't send that command (well I realize
that probably this command is just asking for the status, but what do
I know).

networkmanager-list mailing list

Re: UMTS usb stick MC998D (U998D): disconnect after 30-45 seconds

2011-06-12 Thread Christian Jaeger
A couple corrections/addons:

The crash time window is between 20-~35 seconds from the point of the
connection being up, not 30-45 like I said.

Upgrading the firmware of the stick (using the firmware upgrade
utility running on Windows) hasn't changed anything.

This is in Canada, stick provided by Bell, used with the Bell network.

Here are the debug logs from a run that crashed:

Also, there's some discussion going on now in the thread I originally
initiated a year ago on debian-user (already mentioned above, see:,107067,202298 ).

networkmanager-list mailing list

UMTS usb stick MC998D (U998D): disconnect after 30-45 seconds

2011-05-30 Thread Christian Jaeger

I've got a persistent problem with this modem disconnecting in about
50-70% of cases when I plug it in, after about half a minute. This is
after first connecting and delivering data during that half minute.

The process is absolutely consistent:

(1) I plug it in; my udev scripts do the usb mode switching and reload
the kernel modules (a hack, see,107067). (That process is pretty
slow, it takes about 45 seconds; but these are not the 30-45 seconds I
mention above, and this part works reliably, i.e. it's always getting
to step 2.) The stick has an LED that blinks intermittently (about 1/3
Hz, on:off time about 1:10 or so) at this point.

(2) network manager recognizes it; I choose to connect from the applet

(3) network manager brings up the connection (pretty quickly, in about
5 seconds). The LED of the stick lights up constantly at this point. I
can check for new email, surf the web, open ssh connections, then:

(4a) the connection stays up just fine, and does so for hours. I can
even move around in the city in a bus, or walk around, and the
connection can become spotty of course when the signal is getting weak
in places, but when the signal comes back the connection is again
there without any intervention from me (as long as it's not too weak
for too long). Also, I can choose disconnect from the nm applet, and
connect again later and it goes immediately back through 3 - 4a,
never to 4b. I can even put my laptop to sleep, wake it up, connect,
and it goes to 4a. If I unplug and replug the stick, it begins with
(1) and may end up in 4b instead.


(4b) the connection drops after 30-45 seconds. The LED goes back to
blinking mode. Network Manager still shows the connection as
connected. I choose disconnect, but cannot connect again. So the
only thing I can do is unplug the stick and replug it, so as to
restart at (1). There's a +-good chance to land at 4a then. (But it
depends, I've had cases where I went through this cycle 10 times and
haven't been successful.)

So, this can make me spend ~3-10 minutes just connecting to the
network; once I'm successful, I try to just leave the stick plugged in
for as long as possible.

One detail that I thought interesting at some point was that, in that
first phase of 30-45 seconds, nm shows it as being in UMTS mode, and
at about the same time as it can loose connection, it also switches
over to HSPA or HSUPA (or the + versions? Tell me if you need it
exactly). But I'm not sure these are related.

Another detail is that the stick seems to work under the bundled
drivers from Bell in Windows XP without this issue (but I've barely

This is on Debian stable. My laptop is an HP NC2400. (Well I tested
with Windows on another machine, but that shouldn't play a role,
right?.. also, the NC2400 has 2 USB ports and I tested on both with no

Any idea? Do you need more info?

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