Re: settings daemon D-Bus interface proposal

2007-02-28 Thread Tambet Ingo
On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 16:44 -0500, Dan Williams wrote:
 The more I think about it, the more I believe we should stick with my
 proposal for 0.7 and then move in the direction you've advocated for the
 next major release.  The reason being that we want to do 0.7 fairly
 quickly, and we don't want to take on more than we've already got.  Does
 that sound OK?

Yeah, I agree. We should get 0.7 out as soon as possible. There are
simple workarounds for the issues (vpn connections from other users,
etc) David pointed out.


NetworkManager-list mailing list

Re: settings daemon D-Bus interface proposal

2007-02-26 Thread Dan Williams
On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 20:51 -0500, David Zeuthen wrote:
 So I have one beef with this proposal and that is that it builds upon
 the same idea of a NetworkManagerInfo-ish service. As you might know,
 one of the features we're doing for Fedora 7 is fast user switching;
 it's basically done with what we have in Rawhide. There's one slight
 problem with NetworkManager though - consider this screenshot where Tom
 Ripley is a user I just created
 In the background (on another VT) I have my normal desktop running as
 user davidz and since this one was the first to start, the nm-applet
 instance running for davidz gets to tell the system-wide NetworkManager
 daemon what connections to use. This is somewhat broken (but still
 probably good enough for Fedora 7).
 So wouldn't it be a lot nicer to do this the traditional way where only
 NetworkManager is the server / mechanism (doesn't specify any policy
 whatsoever) and each client doesn't need to own any services? 
 Notably, you wouldn't need NM to keep state like these are the VPN
 connections I can connect to (or keep these for N users all logged in
 at the same time); that would solely be in the client.
 For things like secrets NM would emit signals whenever it need more
 secrets when doing a transaction on behalf of a client. So it would look
 like this
client (e.g. nm-applet)   server (NetworkManager)
 Decides to connect to a network
 -- method: TransactionBegin (details) --
 -- return: transaction id, transaction cookie --
   does stuff; ugh need
   some secret. Looks up
   in system-wide secret
   store (/var/blah);
   if there continues;
-- signal: NeedInfo(id, details) -
   Looks up gconf
   for stuff; asks
 -- method: ProvideInfo (id, cookie, details) --
  --- return: void ---
-- signal: TransactionComplete(id, success) -
 and so forth. NetworkManager would still maintain state such as what
 interfaces are available, what state they are in and so forth. But it
 wouldn't know *anything* about user settings such as what VPN
 connections some user have or how he wants to obtain IP adresses. It
 would be a pure mechanism. All the logic would be in the client (aka
 policy manager, e.g. nm-applet and friends).

Ok, nothing against this approach, but there are still problems not

1) How would NM know to deny a particular transaction if that connection
is not allowed by system policy?

2) What provides that system policy and how would NM interact with it?

Basically, if we don't run a system-level trusted policy/info daemon
all the time, we cannot deny user-level requests because there's nothing
to base that denial off of unless NM starts parsing random files, which
I don't really want to do in NM.

If we do run a system-level policy/info daemon that stores administrator
approved settings, would NM pass transaction requests off to it for
approval?  If not, then NM still has to pull information from the
system-level daemon to be able to allow/deny requests from user-level
daemons, leading to policy in NetworkManager.

There's nothing wrong with having some random user-level process push
info or make arbitrary connection requests of NetworkManager, but we
have to have allow/deny those requests based on administrator policy (if
any).  We also need something to push system-wide settings down to,
because we cannot trust a user-level client to reliably report those to

There fundamentally needs to be a two-level hierarchy.  There are
user-level bits on top that can make requests to activate/deactivate
particular connections, and there is a system-level policy thing beneath
that allows/denies those requests, and can also impose policy of its

However, for the near-term (ie, 0.7) we need to get something off the
ground fast, which means not redoing the whole infrastructure right now.
I agree in principle that we should be going in the less-policy-in-NM

The more I think about it, the more I believe we should stick with my
proposal for 0.7 and then move in the direction you've advocated for the
next major release.  The reason being that we want to do 0.7 fairly
quickly, and we don't want to take on more than we've already got.  Does
that sound OK?


 On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 08:49 -0500, Dan Williams wrote:
  The system settings service (what we were calling NMI) will run either
  as 'nobody' or 'root' (I'm not sure yet, thoughts?).  Something will
  have to start it, either NM or the startup 

Re: settings daemon D-Bus interface proposal

2007-02-23 Thread Dan Williams
On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 20:51 -0500, David Zeuthen wrote:
 So I have one beef with this proposal and that is that it builds upon
 the same idea of a NetworkManagerInfo-ish service. As you might know,
 one of the features we're doing for Fedora 7 is fast user switching;
 it's basically done with what we have in Rawhide. There's one slight
 problem with NetworkManager though - consider this screenshot where Tom
 Ripley is a user I just created
 In the background (on another VT) I have my normal desktop running as
 user davidz and since this one was the first to start, the nm-applet
 instance running for davidz gets to tell the system-wide NetworkManager
 daemon what connections to use. This is somewhat broken (but still
 probably good enough for Fedora 7).
 So wouldn't it be a lot nicer to do this the traditional way where only
 NetworkManager is the server / mechanism (doesn't specify any policy
 whatsoever) and each client doesn't need to own any services? 
 Notably, you wouldn't need NM to keep state like these are the VPN
 connections I can connect to (or keep these for N users all logged in
 at the same time); that would solely be in the client.
 For things like secrets NM would emit signals whenever it need more
 secrets when doing a transaction on behalf of a client. So it would look
 like this

I don't really like this, because then there's _no_ continuity between
the NM key request and the reply; NM has no way of tracking whether a
reply is for a specific key request.  It also means that any program can
tell NM what key it should use, not just nm-applet.  At least D-Bus
guarantees that only one copy of nm-applet can be active at any time, so
only one process can send secrets back to NM.

client (e.g. nm-applet)   server (NetworkManager)
 Decides to connect to a network
 -- method: TransactionBegin (details) --
 -- return: transaction id, transaction cookie --
   does stuff; ugh need
   some secret. Looks up
   in system-wide secret
   store (/var/blah);
   if there continues;
-- signal: NeedInfo(id, details) -
   Looks up gconf
   for stuff; asks
 -- method: ProvideInfo (id, cookie, details) --
  --- return: void ---
-- signal: TransactionComplete(id, success) -
 and so forth. NetworkManager would still maintain state such as what
 interfaces are available, what state they are in and so forth. But it
 wouldn't know *anything* about user settings such as what VPN
 connections some user have or how he wants to obtain IP adresses. It
 would be a pure mechanism. All the logic would be in the client (aka
 policy manager, e.g. nm-applet and friends).
 On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 08:49 -0500, Dan Williams wrote:
  The system settings service (what we were calling NMI) will run either
  as 'nobody' or 'root' (I'm not sure yet, thoughts?).  Something will
  have to start it, either NM or the startup scripts.  It provides the
  default/mandatory settings that users have published system-wide or that
  the sysadmin has set.  I'm somewhat afraid that if we run it as 'nobody'
  that we'll not be able to trust the information we get out of it because
  it's not root.
  If we run the system settings service as 'root', then it can access the
  system-wide published secrets and then NM doesn't have to contain code
  to read the secrets in some lookaside directory.  If it's run as
  'nobody' then NM would have to store them.  Your thoughts David?
 I think NM should consult system-wide secrets somewhere in,
 say, /var/lib/NetworkManager/secrets.d. These would be in a textual
 format so it's easy for administrators to create RPM's or whatever for
 distribution of e.g. corporate WEP/WAP keys or whatever.
 In particular I don't see why it's useful to have this come from the
 daemon since at least nm-applet will use gnome-keyring (or some other
 store for secrets) exclusively to get these and this, by definition,
 requires user interaction e.g. someone needs to unlock the keyring and
 that will require human intervention e.g. password entry.
  This Gnome system settings daemon will be a copy of nm-applet and will
  be run with the '--system' argument, which tells the applet to present
  _no_ UI, not init GTK, and acquire the system settings service name
  rather than the user-level settings service name.
 Right, I think recycling the policy manager is a good idea as we do need
 some policy manager running when no-one is logged in / server use. 
 Note that with ConsoleKit, 

Re: settings daemon D-Bus interface proposal

2007-02-23 Thread David Zeuthen
On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 12:03 -0500, David Zeuthen wrote:
 So, the ID is about identifying the connection and is a hint that a
 client should or should not reply to NeedInfo. The cookie (bad name
 probably) is a way to make sure they can't.

s/connection/transaction/ fwiw.

Perhaps it would be nicer to call them


as the word cookie is super overloaded as is.


NetworkManager-list mailing list

Re: settings daemon D-Bus interface proposal

2007-02-23 Thread David Zeuthen
On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 11:38 -0500, Dan Williams wrote:
 Tambet had proposed a system where the client would push all its config
 info to NM when it started up.  I assume it would then push updates to
 NM when GConf changes (or whatever KDE uses) occurred, and would fetch
 and return secrets on request.  How then would NM tell the client to
 store the correct network info when a new successful connection
 occurred?  The secret _does_ get passed back to the client using a
 method call, and is not broadcast on the bus.  We would need some
 non-broadcasting way to communicate the successful secret back to the
 client, otherwise the client has to keep a ton of state information
 around.  The transaction idea you proposed could solve that I guess.

Yes, I'm inherently wary about proposals that makes the mechanism
(NetworkManager daemon) know a lot of stuff about session settings
(nm-applet NMInfo) because it has a chance of leaking into other
sessions. That's a security issue and exactly what we're seeing in
Fedora 7 today after enabling f-u-s by default.

(well, it's a mild security issue so I think we're fine with shipping
with the current NM in a few months)

From a practical point of view it also seems like a lot of extra
bookkeeping in the NM daemon if you let it keep settings from clients;
NM really should only be a mechanism and as such

 - advertise the current state - this of course depends on the
   abstraction model you want. This probably needs to be richer
   than what UNIX/Linux gives you - e.g. it's way more than just a
   a list of interfaces with associated meta data {(eth0, is_up,
   type, carried_detected), ...} if you want to do rich stuff
   like ICS and so forth. 

   That's the *tough* problem, but once you have an abstraction model
   that works, NM should only advertise it's current state and changes
   to it.

 - provide mechanisms to change current state - these are the
   transactions I talked about

 - policy should belong entirely in the client, even things
   like deciding to connect to a wired network if that's all
   you got. Depending on your abstraction model, reauthing e.g.
   wireless networks may also be initiated by the client. But
   probably not. Really depends on your abstraction model and
   where you make the cut.

 - would probably be useful with a helper library for the clients
   so nm-applet, KDE client, system-wide client basically just becomes
   the UI frontend (I think you've proposed this too)

Anyway, these are just some thoughts - hope it's useful!


NetworkManager-list mailing list

settings daemon D-Bus interface proposal

2007-02-20 Thread Dan Williams

The system settings service (what we were calling NMI) will run either
as 'nobody' or 'root' (I'm not sure yet, thoughts?).  Something will
have to start it, either NM or the startup scripts.  It provides the
default/mandatory settings that users have published system-wide or that
the sysadmin has set.  I'm somewhat afraid that if we run it as 'nobody'
that we'll not be able to trust the information we get out of it because
it's not root.

If we run the system settings service as 'root', then it can access the
system-wide published secrets and then NM doesn't have to contain code
to read the secrets in some lookaside directory.  If it's run as
'nobody' then NM would have to store them.  Your thoughts David?

This Gnome system settings daemon will be a copy of nm-applet and will
be run with the '--system' argument, which tells the applet to present
_no_ UI, not init GTK, and acquire the system settings service name
rather than the user-level settings service name.

We can use the same D-Bus interfaces between the normal user-level
settings service (i.e., nm-applet) and the system settings service,
since the data they are passing is actually the same format.

Service: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.System

And for the user-level settings service run from the login session:

Service: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.User

One problem is that .Settings overlaps with the 'settings' object
described below, but using .Config or .Preferences just doesn't
sound right.  I think .Settings is probably best.  Thoughts?

m = method, s = signal

Base Object

interface: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings
 m  ListConnections(out connections 'ao')
  - Returns the object paths of known connections

 s  NewConnection(out connections 'o')
  - Signals that a new connection object has been created

Connection Object

interface: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.Connection
path:  /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/Connection/id
 (path can be arbitrarily defined by the settings daemon)

 m  GetID(out id 's')
  - returns the connection id.  If NM doesn't store the secrets
then we won't need this, but if NM does store the secrets,
NM will need some unique identifier for each connection that
it can use to find the secrets on the filesystem

 m  GetSettings(out settings 'a{sa{sv}}')
  - returns a dict of settings dictionaries in the format
sort of described here:

Note that the Conceptual Diagram shown there is not how
the data will actually be represented in the dict of dicts.
Each settings object will have a well-known name which
is used as its key in the outer dict, and the key names and
value types of each member of the settings object will also
be well-known.  We will spec these well-known things out.

 m  GetSecret(in setting-name 's', out secret 'ay')
  - NM calls this method to request the secret for a specific
settings dict from the settings daemon (either system or user)
Replaces getKeyForNetwork().  Different settings objects may
require different secrets, so we need the ability to request
settings from each secret individually as necessary.

 s  Updated(settings 'a{sa{sv}}')
  - Signals that the connection object's settings have changed,
and passes the entire dict of settings dicts.  It is NM's
responsibility to determine what's changed and take appropriate
action as necessary.

 s  Removed()
  - Signals that the connection object has been deleted by the
settings daemon and that it is no longer valid.  NM should
dispose of the connection object and associated memory
and no longer call any method of it.  NM may also need to
disconnect if this connection is currently in-use.

NetworkManager-list mailing list

Re: settings daemon D-Bus interface proposal

2007-02-20 Thread Tambet Ingo
On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 08:49 -0500, Dan Williams wrote:
 The system settings service (what we were calling NMI) will run either
 as 'nobody' or 'root' (I'm not sure yet, thoughts?).  Something will
 have to start it, either NM or the startup scripts.  It provides the
 default/mandatory settings that users have published system-wide or that
 the sysadmin has set.  I'm somewhat afraid that if we run it as 'nobody'
 that we'll not be able to trust the information we get out of it because
 it's not root.
 If we run the system settings service as 'root', then it can access the
 system-wide published secrets and then NM doesn't have to contain code
 to read the secrets in some lookaside directory.  If it's run as
 'nobody' then NM would have to store them.  Your thoughts David?

It would be very nice if it weren't root. If nobody isn't trusted
enough, maybe some other dedicated user, something that could be shared
with hal policy daemon etc (which I know nothing about). Would make a
lot of security-(paranoid-)people happy.

 This Gnome system settings daemon will be a copy of nm-applet and will
 be run with the '--system' argument, which tells the applet to present
 _no_ UI, not init GTK, and acquire the system settings service name
 rather than the user-level settings service name.

Why do we want to do this? Because of the GConf dependency? In my
opinion the settings daemon belongs much more to the core NM than
NM-gnome, there's no desktop specific bits in it at all (it doesn't even
have any UI or regular user who'd ever log in).

I'd suggest using a simple GKeyFile-based configuration mechanism for
the daemon for now. There are a lot of people interested in moving GConf
down the stack, either below glib or maybe into glib, so it will happen
sooner or later.

Does this new settings code mean that most of the backends (more
precisely, the information reading from /etc/sysconfig part) is now
deprecated? If no, which information does the NM prefer, the new daemon
or the distro specific?

The API itself looks good to me.


NetworkManager-list mailing list

Re: settings daemon D-Bus interface proposal

2007-02-20 Thread David Zeuthen


So I have one beef with this proposal and that is that it builds upon
the same idea of a NetworkManagerInfo-ish service. As you might know,
one of the features we're doing for Fedora 7 is fast user switching;
it's basically done with what we have in Rawhide. There's one slight
problem with NetworkManager though - consider this screenshot where Tom
Ripley is a user I just created

In the background (on another VT) I have my normal desktop running as
user davidz and since this one was the first to start, the nm-applet
instance running for davidz gets to tell the system-wide NetworkManager
daemon what connections to use. This is somewhat broken (but still
probably good enough for Fedora 7).

So wouldn't it be a lot nicer to do this the traditional way where only
NetworkManager is the server / mechanism (doesn't specify any policy
whatsoever) and each client doesn't need to own any services? 

Notably, you wouldn't need NM to keep state like these are the VPN
connections I can connect to (or keep these for N users all logged in
at the same time); that would solely be in the client.

For things like secrets NM would emit signals whenever it need more
secrets when doing a transaction on behalf of a client. So it would look
like this

   client (e.g. nm-applet)   server (NetworkManager)

Decides to connect to a network

-- method: TransactionBegin (details) --
-- return: transaction id, transaction cookie --

  does stuff; ugh need
  some secret. Looks up
  in system-wide secret
  store (/var/blah);
  if there continues;

   -- signal: NeedInfo(id, details) -

  Looks up gconf
  for stuff; asks

-- method: ProvideInfo (id, cookie, details) --
 --- return: void ---

   -- signal: TransactionComplete(id, success) -

and so forth. NetworkManager would still maintain state such as what
interfaces are available, what state they are in and so forth. But it
wouldn't know *anything* about user settings such as what VPN
connections some user have or how he wants to obtain IP adresses. It
would be a pure mechanism. All the logic would be in the client (aka
policy manager, e.g. nm-applet and friends).

On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 08:49 -0500, Dan Williams wrote:
 The system settings service (what we were calling NMI) will run either
 as 'nobody' or 'root' (I'm not sure yet, thoughts?).  Something will
 have to start it, either NM or the startup scripts.  It provides the
 default/mandatory settings that users have published system-wide or that
 the sysadmin has set.  I'm somewhat afraid that if we run it as 'nobody'
 that we'll not be able to trust the information we get out of it because
 it's not root.
 If we run the system settings service as 'root', then it can access the
 system-wide published secrets and then NM doesn't have to contain code
 to read the secrets in some lookaside directory.  If it's run as
 'nobody' then NM would have to store them.  Your thoughts David?

I think NM should consult system-wide secrets somewhere in,
say, /var/lib/NetworkManager/secrets.d. These would be in a textual
format so it's easy for administrators to create RPM's or whatever for
distribution of e.g. corporate WEP/WAP keys or whatever.

In particular I don't see why it's useful to have this come from the
daemon since at least nm-applet will use gnome-keyring (or some other
store for secrets) exclusively to get these and this, by definition,
requires user interaction e.g. someone needs to unlock the keyring and
that will require human intervention e.g. password entry.

 This Gnome system settings daemon will be a copy of nm-applet and will
 be run with the '--system' argument, which tells the applet to present
 _no_ UI, not init GTK, and acquire the system settings service name
 rather than the user-level settings service name.

Right, I think recycling the policy manager is a good idea as we do need
some policy manager running when no-one is logged in / server use. 

Note that with ConsoleKit, NM can now identify the seat, session,
session_is_active [1] a call from a client originates from. Hence, doing
this is easy. When no-one is logged in we accept input from the system
policy manager; when there are sessions logged in NM can reject method
calls from policy managers in inactive sessions.

So all in all I think that NM needs this architectural change to cope
with f-u-s and other things. It might be a bit more work but I think a
much clearer separation between *mechanism* and *policy* is worth it in
the long run. In particular, to