Re: [newbie] establishing a ppp connection

1999-06-05 Thread Donald J. Taylor

"Birchall, Richard" wrote:

 s3x [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

 i seemed to have my modem (isdn bri t/a external) configured
 properly under kppp and the account info is correct but it never
 finishes logging in.  when i watch the log window all i get is
 garbage characters. i've tried every setting i saw ( CHAP, PAP,
 Script and Terminal) to no avail. i've filled in expected
 arguements and all. does anyone have a clue where i should start
 to fix this.

 Your first step is probably to delete the kppprc file and start fresh.
$ (HOMEDIR)/.kde/share/config/kppprc

 Each user (including root) has a separate home directory.  The .kde
 directory is hidden, so you have to enable "view hidden files" in the KDE
 file browser.

 Garbage characters usually means you are already in PPP mode, and do not use
 a text-based login.   So that means use PAP or CHAP (not Script or

 It sounds like you are using kppp, so you should just enter your username 
 password in the very first screen, and kppp will pass that info to pppd.

 To view the debugging messages:

 Edit /etc/syslog.conf.  Change where it says:

 (Don't forget to switch this back after you get your ppp connection

 Then stop  restart the syslogd daemon.
 killall -HUP syslogd

 Add the following line to /etc/ppp/options:

 While you are trying your ppp connection, open another console window, then
 tail -f /var/log/messages

 You can include those last few lines of ppp debug info, in future


[newbie] sometimes it works...L-M 6.0 upgrade

1999-06-05 Thread Donald J. Taylor

This will be a long post, so be warned.  Reason?  Because it feels so
good to have something work the way it should, and I have to tell you
about what happened.

I sampled linux about a month ago.  Bought a new hard drive w/8gig's and
decided to dedicate the old one (3.9) to a trial of linux.  Installed
L-M 5.3 with little problem.  Got the sound to work.  Got the printer to
work.  Had a lot of trouble with getting on the internet with my
ISP, but finally worked my way on with control-panel, network
configuration and interface ppp0 using activate/inactivate.  Got
Netscape 4.5 to work OK.

I llke the linux system and the philosophy and am learning as I go.  I
agree we could sure use a little more help on the way the system works
and how the file systems are set up, but we'll eventually learn all

So, along comes L-M 6.0, and of course everyone has to have the latest
version, right?  Right, ... and when it came in the mail I took a long
look at the configuration of my current system and decided it would be
worth a try to upgrade from 5.3.

First try.  Made the boot floppy in linux from the CD.  Added several
programs to the default load on the CD and away we went.  About an hour
into the installation, the CD is thrashing around and nothing much is
going on.  The timer said another 8 hours.  Time to dump the upgrade, so
we got out.

Next, we decide to abandon the current configuration and do a complete
new install.  Started the process and about 4 pages in, it quit and told
me it was unable to continue.

OK, one last try.  Back to the upgrade path once more.  Did the upgrade
with NO changes to the default programs and the installation went
tickety-boo.  Saved all my old configuration files and even upgraded the
kernel to 2.2.9-19 and netscape to 4.6.  Needless to say, I am
ecstatic.  Everything works great and is very fast now that I told
lilo.conf  "append = mem=128"

We are not totally problem free... the modem will not hang up out of the
interface ppp0, but we will eventually get KPPP (or something else) to
work and solve that problem.  The sound still works, the printer still
works and I can still get on the net, which is how you are learning more
than you really care about this project.

My apologies.  It just feels good when something works right for a
change.   I think Linux-Mandrake has done a hell of a good job on the
change to 6.0.  I would hope everyone else has as good an experience.
Thanks, Guys and Gals.

[newbie] kernel update configure

1999-05-17 Thread Donald J. Taylor

OK, here goes...I'm jumping into Linux.  Looks like an interesting
operating system and besides, I think MS is at least arrogant and
perhaps monopolistic, so we need to find something better.

I am not an administrator and never will be, but I would like to use and
learn the system as I believe the future may belong to an open system.

I bought a copy of Redhat 5.2 at my local CompUSA.  I ordered a copy of
Linux-Mandrake from cheap bytes.   No manuals from cheap bytes, living
up to their name.

I tried (on a 3.1 gig, freshly formatted hard drive with nothing else on
it) to install Redhat.  I could only get as far as the grey screen.  I
re-installed twice.  Same deal.  No one could help me get a windows
interface running.  So, I tried Mandrake and lo and behold, I got
xwindows running right away.   Three cheers for Mandrake and BOO to you,
redhat!  Wouldn't even answer my e-mail after I paid for their system.

The screen works (well, almost.  It is shrunken at 1024 X 768 but it
works), the sound card talks to me and makes all of the .wav noises.
With the help of some paid support, I was able to get on, my
ISP.  Still can't get kppp to get me on the internet, but I'll figure
that out someday.  Now I have a redhat manual and a mandrake system.
Nothing seems to match up, although Mandrake is supposed to be
compatible with redhat.  Sure...

So now, I think I would like to upgrade my kernel (now that I know what
one is) and have been studying all the information available at several
locations.  I downloaded and printed out the detailed instructions.  I
then check to find my kernel and guess what?  It is not where it is
supposed to be, at least not according to the documentation.  Mine is
in  /proc/sys/kernel  not /usr/src/linux.  So much for the directions.

I suppose that is where it is normally found under Mandrake 5.3, which
is (I now know) running on my computer.  It would really be nice if
there was some information somewhere that would make some of these
things available.  I am not lazy and would gladly look up the proper
information, but it sure is frustrating to try and find something; when
everyone that is already using linux assumes that anyone just starting
must already know all of this stuff!  I have news for you.  We DON'T!
But we want to support the concept and would like to learn.  Please be
patient with our ignorance.  Most of us are not stupid, just ignorant.
I happen to have an airline transport type rating in the 747-400.  If
you came up in the cockpit with me, I could make you look pretty stupid
if I wanted to, but that wouldn't make me any smarter, so I would not do
that.  enough said...

How, please, does one upgrade from 2.0.36 to the new 2.2 kernel under
mandrake 5.3?  If I do this, will I destroy my cofiguration for getting
on the internet through control panel, network,  interfaces and
highlighting and clickin on my ppp0 interface?

Thanks for any help