Hi Charles,

Yes, my provider helpdesk says they do use PAP. Pls excuse unclear wording 
in my letter. As for trying each and any setting in all their 
combinations... well, I would prefer to know what I am doing and why, and 
my time is somehow limited... That's why I paid for "official" Mandrake 
hoping I would get some E-mail support.  Oh yes.

Besides, IMHO default configuration should work or at least be not too far 
from working one. And - yes, I do know about help button ;)  in more than 
just one or two different systems... Didn't find right answer there but 
sure tried before asking Support (which didn't answer) and now asking this 
group. As well as did several web searches and found lot's of questions 
about the same problem but quite few real answers... My guess is that lot's 
of potential Linux users might be scared away and not asking/trying anymore 
after being unable even do this simple thing - connect to their Internet 
providers using default (or close to default) configuration and methods.

Thanks for trying to help, anyway.


At 09:42 00.07.09.e -0400, you wrote:
>   I might also help us to know what ISP you use.
>   You can not simply take the word of the person you spoke to at your ISP
>that PAP is "acceptable". They either use the PAP protocol or they don't. 5
>will get you 10 that if you tried each of the other settings as well as
>increasing the time-out value you Would find one that worked and from your
>log that is your problem.
>    As for FAQ, when you were setting up your connection did you happen to
>notice a button in the bottom corner of the window labled Help and if you
>did, did you bother to use it.?
>    Charles   :-)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Harry Bush" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2000 8:34 AM
>Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem Problems
> > At 12:48 00.07.09.. +0200, Paul wrote:
> >
> > >On Sun, 9 Jul 2000, Dariusz S Stochmal wrote:
> > > >I have installed Mandrake Linux 7.1 for the first time. [...]
> > > >During connection process, there is a brief handshaking going on,
> > > >and then my connection will drop and error appears
> > > >PPPD Demon Died Unexpectedly.
> > >
> > >This has come up before on the list. Set your timeout value (or something
> > >like that) higher, from 60 to 400 seconds or so. That apparently is
> > >helping many people
> >
> > I have absolutely the same problem, and unfortunately increasing timeout
> > value to 400 doesn't help. Connection seems to start normally, then it
> > pauses for a while and brokes telling daemon has died suddenly. Kppp's
> > diagnosis is just "Sorry. Can't help you here" (how clear, isn't
> > it...)  PPP Logfile tells something also not fully understandable for me:
> >
> > Jul  8 14:14:18 linu2 pppd[4560]: By default the remote system is required
> > to authenticate itself
> > Jul  8 14:14:18 linu2 pppd[4560]: (because this system has a default route
> > to the internet)
> > Jul  8 14:14:18 linu2 pppd[4560]: but I couldn't find any suitable secret
> > (password) for it to use to do so.
> > Jul  8 14:14:18 linu2 pppd[4560]: (None of the available passwords would
> > let it use an IP address.)
> >
> > Username and password is definitely OK, I have repeatedly tested them.
> > Installation now is US English to avoid possible locale problems (there
> > plenty of them in other parts of Mandrake). I haven't changed any other
> > kppp parameters besides Account name, Provider phone No., two DNS server
> > addresses given by provider, my username and password.  Now temporarily
> > also timeout value which didn't help. All other parameters set by Mandrake
> > installation seem to be OK. Dialing and modem handshake is OK. I use DHCP.
> > Provider confirms that PAP is allowed, however they don't have any Linux
> > specialists to help me. Modem is decent external USRobotics. All hardware
> > works OK on the same machine with Windows NT 4.0.  Besides, I can easily
> > connect same provider using same username and password in WinNT
> > on the same machine.
> >
> > Unfortunately Mandrake support is very slow to respond - if ever, don't
> > know, haven't received yet any reaction from them, being registered
> > Mandrake Essential 7.1 and Powerpack 7.0 user. Two questions, one for each
> > system, both are still unanswered. (so folks CD's from Cheapbytes are
> > absolutely as valuable as "official" box...) There is no FAQ on Mandrake
> > website either, even for 7.0 not to speak about 7.1 . Seems that
> > is playing bad scaling games with Mandrake...  So hopefully somebody who
> > has already solved this dialup problem will please explain what to do.
> >
> > One thing is sure - there definitely _is_ nasty Dialup problem in Mandrake
> > with default installation and it is more complex than just modem or
> > settings. I have seen more then few people asking in networks about this
> > "suddenly dying" pppd but no working answers beyond "man pppd" - which
> > might be good way but not for the very first steps of newbie being cut off
> > from main info source, Internet, unable to connect his provider. I had to
> > re-install WinNT <sigh>.
> >
> > Harry
> >
> >
> >

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