I installed Mandrake Linux 8.1 on th D drive of a compaq deskpro 2000 Pentium 166 with a standard Compaq P50 monitor, and in doing so my Windows 98 installation on the C drive suffered quite a bit.  However I got Linux running,  it worked just fine, and at Boot up Lilo would give me the choice of Linux or Windows. Fine for a while, but then, after an accidental disconnection of the machine, Lilo disappeared, and I could not get in to Linux. At boot up Windows 98 appears as if the D drive does not exist.  I had to tweak Windows a bit to get it back to complete working form, as I need it for work and study, but I don't have access to my D: drive or to Linux.
I took a look at rebooting Linux from the CD, but gave this up as the setup pretends that I have a bigger monitor than I actually have, and does not give me access to some crucial parts of the setup screens, and I did not want to risk screwing up my machine any further.
Can anyone help me either to rescue Linux without further risk to my Windows 98 setup, or to get access to my D: drive from within Windows again??

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