The default is 1500/1500.  These are high values that
will give you optimal throughput with minimal
overhead, assuming your ISP supports them.  If you
are getting reasonable throughput with the defaults,
don't change them.  Many ISPs, however, don't support
the high linux mtu default value.  I've heard this is
because a certain widely used less capable OS uses a
lower value. If your connection seems extraordinarily
slow, try setting your mtu value to 572.  I got this
number from a usenet post, and it worked to speed up
my abysmally slow Mindspring connection immensely.

--Ian Crosby

---Hugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi I wonder if anyone has taking time to adjust there
> mru or mtu settings? If you have what were the
settings you used? I have
> been told not to adjust them by my provider. But I
read somewhere that
> they need to be adjusted to get the best speed
possible from my modem
> Thanks
> Hugh

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