[newbie] alternative browser?

1999-11-09 Thread Karen M. Heiby

Does anyone have any suggestions for an alternative browser for Linux?  
I don't like Netscape's, KFM, or Star Office's very much.  I won't dare
go into all the problems, though ;-)

Re: [newbie] AOL

1999-11-09 Thread Karen M. Heiby

Sean Armstrong wrote:
 Does anyone know how to run AOL from linux, or if it's even possible?

You may want to search the newbie list archives at linux-mandrake.com. 
I remember someone somewhere posting this either to this list, or to the
Mandrake newsgroup on Usenet.

I *think* someone said AOL was used with "wine" (Windows emulator)
successfully but I have a hard time believing that!  ;-)

In any case, I think AOL is set up so that you don't have to use their
software to simply use them for an internet connection.


[newbie] Netscape error

1999-11-09 Thread Karen M. Heiby

I keep getting a Netscape popup in the middle of my email/browsing (it
doesn't matter which) that "Bookmarks have changed on disk and are being
reloaded".  I have to stop everything and tell it "OK".  This is the
first day I have had this problem.

I'm running Netscape 4.7 .


Re: [newbie] alternative browser?

1999-11-09 Thread Karen M. Heiby

"Brian K. Garel" wrote:
 "Karen M. Heiby" wrote:
  Does anyone have any suggestions for an alternative browser for Linux?
  I don't like Netscape's, KFM, or Star Office's very much.  I won't dare
  go into all the problems, though ;-)
 netscape was crashing on me every 10 min it seemed and then I upgraded
 to communicator 4.7 and it is just great...the difference between night
 and day...I was noticing crashes when I was entering work sites that
 required passwords.  You would enter the password and kaboom!  That was
 with 4.61 but I haven't had any problems today with 4.7
 Hope that helps!  ;-)
 Brian K. Garel  ICQ #1598357
 "Seize the time...Live now; make now always
 the most precious time. Now will never come
 again" -- Picard (The Inner Light)

I do have Netscape 4.7 and it crashes a lot less.  But I am still
getting this weird bookmark error.  "Bookmarks have changed on disk and
are being reloaded".  I have to click "OK" to make it go away. It pops
up about every 5 minutes, in a window.  Very annoying.  But no crashes,
and yes, I have 4.7.

The error happens when I'm reading mail as well as browsing, and I
haven't made any bookmark changes.


[newbie] Environment Variables

1999-11-09 Thread Karen M. Heiby


I have three Linux books and none of them really explain what it is I'm
doing when I set an environment variable.  I gather that I'm telling my
kernel where to find things, but that's a foggy concept.  

My main concern is java libraries.  I downloaded jdk117_v1a and
jdk117_v3 and have those installed, besides a directory that is already
in my /usr/local/bin directory called "java", and whatever java stuff
Netscape puts on here.

WHen I export a JAVA_HOME, am I appending to a file somewhere for a new
place to include when looking for java files?  Or am I overwriting the
path (therefore making my other java homes not work anymore?)  If
there's a file I'm writing to, what is it?  

I ask because I have a few programs that call for different java
versions (Netscape seems to come with its own package) and I don't want
one program to screw the other over if possible.  For example, I don't
want to overwrite paths that Netscape needs when I install jdk117 for
ICQJava and in doing so, export a JAVA_HOME path to jdk117.  But is this
what I am in fact doing?

If someone can explain this to me, or point me to literature that will
answer my question, I would appreciate it.  Right now I have "Running
Linux" by O'Reilly and I have "Redhat Unleashed" and then "The Complete
Idiot's Guide to Linux" and they really don't answer my question.  I
don't see any HOW TO's about this topic, or any docs.  Thanks!!


[newbie] Enlightenment Clean theme--better speed/stability?

1999-11-09 Thread Karen M. Heiby


I noticed that Gnome's speed and stability just about tripled when I
started using the "Clean" theme.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Before, it would take as much time to open a program as Windows 98 does
on a 233 MHz Pentium.  I guess I was using the default theme for
Enlightenment before, whatever that was.

Now things open really quickly and seem to freeze up less.

If anyone can replicate this, please let me know.  I'm curious about


[newbie] modem

1999-11-07 Thread Karen M. Heiby

I read the HOW-TO for modems and I'm lost as all get out.  I would
appreciate if someone could help me troubleshoot what is wrong by asking
me some questions.

I have a generic (Wisecom) 33.6kbps modem.  It is not PnP, and it is not
a winmodem.

Here's all I can tell you so far:  the setserial -g command appears to
be configured correctly.  My modem is on /dev/ttyS1 and it is linked to
/dev/modem.  I thought everything must be set correctly but still I
can't get any fax/phone programs to work.

/proc/ioports has me confused though because I don't know how to
interpret what I see there.  Next to the "3" it has eth0, so I don't
know if that means "eth0" is using my modem's IRQ or what.  I ran
minicom and looked in /proc/ioports to see what it was using and minicom
wasn't there.

None of my fax or dialing programs work.  Minicom thinks it's
initializing the modem, but it won't dial anything.  I don't know what
else to say, so if you have any good probing questions for me, I'd be
happy to answer them for the help.

Not that I want to use minicom, but I heard it was a good program to
check if your modem was working.  I'd rather use the faxing programs
such as efax, and learn how kppp works.  Kppp says my modem is busy
(I just rebooted though). Efax has a lot of I/O errors.

Also, how do I set permissions for a modem?  I get "permission denied"
when I'm someone other than root, and I type "efax" in a terminal.



[newbie] GAIM

1999-11-07 Thread Karen M. Heiby

Is anyone else noticing GAIM (AOL Instant Messenger) is freezing upon
connecting?  I wonder if AOL might have anyone not using their version
of AOL IM for Windows blocked from their system?  Like they're doing to
MSN Messenger?

My other concern is that I had a friend here trying to get my modem to
work.  Is there a remote chance something he did could be causing
GAIM to not connect?  I didn't think so, because my ICQ-clone programs
are still working fine.

I have been deleting and reinstalling GAIM and this is the first time
ever that it's freezing up on me, after using it for a month.  When
I use Windows 98, my AOL IM in that is working fine.


Re: [newbie] Star Java -- Is it worth it?

1999-11-06 Thread Karen M. Heiby

Would you be able to tell me where the newsgroup is?  The only one I found on
Deja is German.  My local news server doesn't have a StarOffice newsgroup


Jeanette Russo wrote:

 I got the Star Office Java working with help from the Star Office newsgroup.
 Wish I could find the post I used to do it.  But the Star Office browser is
 slower than Netscape and really not much more stable.  I think all in all
 Netscape is still the only reasonable browser on Linux and I have tried
 almost all of them


 - Original Message -
 From: Benjamin Sher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 9:44 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Star Java -- Is it worth it?

  Dear friends:
  Perhaps this should have been my first question concerning Java in
  StarOffice 51a:
  Is it worth it?
  Is it any better, any more stable than Netscape 4.7's? And is it any
  more global in its reach?
  I may have put the cart before the horse. If Java in StarOffice is no
  better than Java in Netscape, then why bother? Might as well cut my
  losses and forget the whole thing.
  First, it would be nice to hear from some people who have actually
  succeeded in installing Java in StarOffice and have used it. And can you
  both hear and view Java applets on the Web? All of them or some of them?
  What's been your experience?
  Thank you so much.
  Benjamin and Anna Sher
  Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Clean uninstall

1999-11-01 Thread Karen M. Heiby

Hi, answers to the questions follow within the text:  

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Karen M. Heiby wrote:
  I would like to know how to cleanly uninstall Linux.  I'm having peculiar
  problems that I think can only be fixed with a clean install.
  Here's what I've tried *several times over* but still does not work:
  1.)  Deleting the Linux partition from Windows
  a.) (In Windows 98) filling up my hard drive with junk--totally, then
  deleting the junk (just to make sure anything of Linux that might still
  be there is overwritten) 
  b.) scandisk (Windows 98) and defrag (Windows 98)
  c.) formatting the entire hard drive (with DOS "fdisk") and reinstalling
  Windows 98, repartitioning it for Linux (Partition Magic) and then
  reinstalling Linux
  2.)  Going into Linux as root, going to /, and typing the rm -fr /* command,
  a.) gets stuck even if I wait a couple hours, I don't see anything
  3.)  Going into runlevel 3 as root, going to /, and deleting each directory
  individually with "rm -fr nameofdirectory"
  a.)  (However:  I can't delete /proc
  b.)  and I can't delete /lib)
  c.)  I boot to DOS with a disk and using "fdisk \mbr" to delete LILO
  d.)  I reinstall Linux
 Ok first off, if you allow it to format the drive during install it's
 gone, not sorta gone but gone, it would cost big money to retieve even a
 small piece...

I tell it to format my Linux native partition but I swear it's keeping stuff.

  All three methods fail to get rid of my problems.  For ex., KDE freezes when I
  use KFM to browse the /mnt directory.  No other file managers (Gnome, KDE file
  manager, or any terminal) freeze, and it is not a permissions problem.  It's
  just KFM/KDE!  When I click the /dev directory in KFM and look at its
  permissions properties, the text (User, Group, Other) is grayed out but the
  checkboxes are nonfunctional but the proper permissions are assigned.  Same goes
  for everything else in /dev.  I can use chmod or any other file manager to
  modify permissions and have done so.
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/amd status 
 says what? If automount is trying to mount something it can't it's gonna
 take awhile to time out.
 gmc has a feature (pretty sure this is in KFM also) that will
 show "the size" of the directories, if this is on and you have a recent
 harddrive (eg, BIG) it's going to take awhile

It isn't trying to mount anything, I unmounted everything I could before I
issued the command.

 Do the gears spin, does the mouse (or anything "freeze"), which viewmode..
 html, long, text..?

The "gears" spin just a little at first.  It freezes with a black screen, shows
the terminal a couple times, then just black screen again for about a couple of
hours with just a blip or so of hard drive activity every couple minutes.  I
mean a blip, like a fraction of a second.

 Are you root when trying to change /dev/* file permissions?

Yes, I am root.  I *can* change the permissions in everything *but* KFM.

  GAIM (AOL Instant Messenger clone) is retaining my contact list, when that
  should never happen if it were a clean install.  This is not a problem, per se,
  but just an indicator that I still have old information from previous
  installations haunting which are likely the cause of my persistent
 Knowing AOL they don't trust you to keep track of your Buddies, so they
 store it on the server..

No, this can't be the case.  I also have Windows 98 and every time I reinstall
AOL IM, I have to re-add buddies.

  Gnome's "Settings" on the panel is kaput.  I can click Gnome Control Center and
  get it running, but if I click anything else on the Panel under
  Settings, (Multimedia, Peripherals, etc. ) nothing happens.  That's just a
  minor annoyance since I can use these from Gnome Control Center anyway, but
  annoying nonetheless.
 Any output on the terminal you started Xwindows on?

No output, just nothing happens.
  During installation, I am never asked certain questions that I vaguely remember
  being asked the very first time I installed Linux, such as how much RAM do I
  have, etc.  It seems to install as if it knows or thinks it's installing on top
  of another installation of itself.

 You were in expert mode, or it was an older version that didn't detect
 your video card so it had to ask.

No, I installed it the first time in regular mode; since then I have been using
expert mode.  I have always been using the same version of Mandrake (6.1 which
I got on October 4).
  What gets me is that after I tried Route #1(above), by filling up my hard drive, 
  I should have written over anything hard drive clusters that had Linux in them
  at one time, right?  Even the boot record was re-made with a new LILO.  How come
  old Linux glitches a

Re: [newbie] Clean uninstall

1999-11-01 Thread Karen M. Heiby

I have had someone else email me from the newsgroup, saying that the Mandrake
installation's re-formatting process also did not work... Any insight into
this?  Here's what he wrote:

 I have had the same thing happen several months ago. The regular

 format did not clean the partition. To make sure it is clean, do
 "check for errors" when formatting. This will take a longer

 It was the strangest thing. I had got past the format and had
 packages to be installed, when the computer seized up. I was
 about one ext2 partition that I had not formatted to make sure
it was
 still ok. I ran tomsrbt and found my entire linux still intact.
 three partitions I asked to be partitioned (I even watched the
 and drive lights working) were still there.

 I also was able to view them from Windows with "explore2fs"

Just wondering, because I tried this in addition to everything else I mentioned
before, and it did not work (during installation, checking the option to format
hda2, my Linux native partition).

Thanks for the help,

Bero wrote:

 On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Karen M. Heiby wrote:

   Ok first off, if you allow it to format the drive during install it's
   gone, not sorta gone but gone, it would cost big money to retieve even a
   small piece...
  I tell it to format my Linux native partition but I swear it's keeping stuff.

 Can't happen. Unless of course you're using several partitions and
 formatting only one of them.

GAIM (AOL Instant Messenger clone) is retaining my contact list
   Knowing AOL they don't trust you to keep track of your Buddies, so they
   store it on the server..
  No, this can't be the case.

 It is the case. Try installing gaim on another machine and you'll see you
 have the contact list there too.

  I also have Windows 98 and every time I reinstall
  AOL IM, I have to re-add buddies.

 That's because their own implementation of their protocol is quite broken.


Re: [newbie] Clean uninstall

1999-11-01 Thread Karen M. Heiby

All righty!  :-)  Thanks for finding out for me.  I had thought in the beginning, AOL's
server might keep my buddy list, and thought "nahhh"!  I guess they do!!


Alan Shoemaker wrote:

 KarenAxalon is doing a good job here so I won't interfere, but you
 need to know this so you'll let go of it as a reason that you must not
 be getting a clean install.  The following is from the QA section of
 the GAIM home page:

 Q. Where the heck is my buddy list stored? It gets erased sometimes.

 A. Currently, your buddy list is stored on AOL's servers. Zilding is
 considering an option of storing buddy lists locally and will more than
 likely implement something fairly soon.


 "Karen M. Heiby" wrote:
  Hi, answers to the questions follow within the text:
  On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
   On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Karen M. Heiby wrote:
I would like to know how to cleanly uninstall Linux.  I'm having peculiar
problems that I think can only be fixed with a clean install.
Here's what I've tried *several times over* but still does not work:
1.)  Deleting the Linux partition from Windows
a.) (In Windows 98) filling up my hard drive with junk--totally, then
deleting the junk (just to make sure anything of Linux that might still
be there is overwritten)
b.) scandisk (Windows 98) and defrag (Windows 98)
c.) formatting the entire hard drive (with DOS "fdisk") and reinstalling
Windows 98, repartitioning it for Linux (Partition Magic) and then
reinstalling Linux
2.)  Going into Linux as root, going to /, and typing the rm -fr /* command,
a.) gets stuck even if I wait a couple hours, I don't see anything
3.)  Going into runlevel 3 as root, going to /, and deleting each directory
individually with "rm -fr nameofdirectory"
a.)  (However:  I can't delete /proc
b.)  and I can't delete /lib)
c.)  I boot to DOS with a disk and using "fdisk \mbr" to delete LILO
d.)  I reinstall Linux
   Ok first off, if you allow it to format the drive during install it's
   gone, not sorta gone but gone, it would cost big money to retieve even a
   small piece...
  I tell it to format my Linux native partition but I swear it's keeping stuff.
All three methods fail to get rid of my problems.  For ex., KDE freezes when I
use KFM to browse the /mnt directory.  No other file managers (Gnome, KDE file
manager, or any terminal) freeze, and it is not a permissions problem.  It's
just KFM/KDE!  When I click the /dev directory in KFM and look at its
permissions properties, the text (User, Group, Other) is grayed out but the
checkboxes are nonfunctional but the proper permissions are assigned.  Same 
for everything else in /dev.  I can use chmod or any other file manager to
modify permissions and have done so.
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/amd status
   says what? If automount is trying to mount something it can't it's gonna
   take awhile to time out.
   gmc has a feature (pretty sure this is in KFM also) that will
   show "the size" of the directories, if this is on and you have a recent
   harddrive (eg, BIG) it's going to take awhile
  It isn't trying to mount anything, I unmounted everything I could before I
  issued the command.
   Do the gears spin, does the mouse (or anything "freeze"), which viewmode..
   html, long, text..?
  The "gears" spin just a little at first.  It freezes with a black screen, shows
  the terminal a couple times, then just black screen again for about a couple of
  hours with just a blip or so of hard drive activity every couple minutes.  I
  mean a blip, like a fraction of a second.
   Are you root when trying to change /dev/* file permissions?
  Yes, I am root.  I *can* change the permissions in everything *but* KFM.
GAIM (AOL Instant Messenger clone) is retaining my contact list, when that
should never happen if it were a clean install.  This is not a problem, per se,
but just an indicator that I still have old information from previous
installations haunting which are likely the cause of my persistent
   Knowing AOL they don't trust you to keep track of your Buddies, so they
   store it on the server..
  No, this can't be the case.  I also have Windows 98 and every time I reinstall
  AOL IM, I have to re-add buddies.
Gnome's "Settings" on the panel is kaput.  I can click Gnome Control Center and
get it running, but if I click anything else on the Panel under
Settings, (Multimedia, Peripherals, etc. ) nothing happens.  That's just a
minor annoyance since I can use these from Gnome Control Center anyway, but
annoying nonetheless.
   Any output on the terminal you started Xwindows on

[newbie] Mandrake Update not working

1999-11-01 Thread Karen M. Heiby

I select all of the updates and click "GO".  I get the explanations for each
update, click "OK".  I enter my root password and click "OK".

I get the "Please wait..." dialog box for a split second, then it disappears. 
It isn't updating anything.

Any help would be appreciated.


[newbie] packages

1999-11-01 Thread Karen M. Heiby


I uninstalled Mandrake Update because of the problem I had.  I'd like to
reinstall it--can someone give me the name of the package on my first CD?

Here's another question:

When I use Kpackage to find a file, I get two errors:

Kprocess error:  Can't start dpkg

Kprocess error:  Cann't start kiss


Re: [newbie] Want to create more than one Linux partition with Disk Druid

1999-11-01 Thread Karen M. Heiby

 What about swap space? Also, you need to leave a bit of
 room for "overhead." Linux reserves a few k of each meg for
 "bad spots" which may crop up later and uses that to fix
 itself as needed. I'm *guessing* you didn't tell Linux to
 make the /home on an "extended" partition, did you???

Of course, I know about having to have a swap partition and I'm not having a
problem with that.  It's only 128Mb.

I deleted a 5GB partition and tried to make one 2 GB and
one 1.5 GB partition which only totals 3.5GB.  That would leave 1.5GB for Linux
to use to reserve space for the bad spots you mention, wouldn't it?

I don't think the Disk Druid (used during Mandrake installation) asked me
whether i wanted the partitions to be extended or primary.  It just asks if I
want "native", "swap" "DOS" etc.  But then I'm all confused anyway.  I know
fdisk (Linux) asks that, but I didn't use that.  



 On Mon, 01 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  I followed the Ebooks instructions for partitioning in Disk Druid so I
  could make a separate partition for /home.
  I chose my native partition which was 5GB and deleted it, and tried
  adding two partitions--one 2GB, one 1.5GB (allowing for lots of extra
  room, even) one "native" mounting at / and one "native" mounting at
  /home.  But as soon as I add the second partition it tells me it was not
  allocated, not enough room.  I figure I must be doing something wrong.
  Any advice?

Re: [newbie] packages

1999-11-01 Thread Karen M. Heiby

On Mon, 01 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 "Karen M. Heiby" wrote:
  I uninstalled Mandrake Update because of the problem I had.  I'd like to
  reinstall it--can someone give me the name of the package on my first CD?
  Here's another question:
  When I use Kpackage to find a file, I get two errors:
  Kprocess error:  Can't start dpkg
  Kprocess error:  Cann't start kiss
 If you wait a few seconds a box asking for root password will come up.
 After putting it in the blank space and clicking the appropriate button
 kpackage will install the RPM. Confused me the first few times also, but
 that's how it works

I'm sorry, I'm not sure my question is understood.  I can already get into
kpackage.  I am already to the point where I am in there with root privileges. 
When I click Find File and type in a file I want it to find, that's when I get
the error.  Was this what you are referring to?


 James Mellema, CRNA MA
 The idea that an arbitrary naive human should be able to properly use a
 given tool without training or understanding is even more wrong for
 computing than it is for other tools (e.g. automobiles, airplanes, guns
 or power saws).
 (Thanks to Mike Marion - Unix SysAdmin/Engineer, Qualcomm Inc.)

Re: [newbie] packages

1999-11-01 Thread Karen M. Heiby

On Mon, 01 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 "Karen M. Heiby" wrote:
  I uninstalled Mandrake Update because of the problem I had.  I'd like to
  reinstall it--can someone give me the name of the package on my first CD?
 Strangely enough, you'll find it as MandrakeUpdate  :)

I looked for it on my CD and couldn't find it--after looking in the RPMS
directory for ages!  I found it on the Mandrake website, though, thanks anyway.


 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation

[newbie] boot floppy w/ forced cdrom

1999-01-04 Thread Karen M. Heiby

Hi all,

I'm happy to say I was finally able to append = "hdc=cdrom" to my
lilo.conf and my CD-ROM drive is detected more often than not.

1.) I wondered if someone could tell me how to do the equivalent when
using a boot disk, just in case I need to use one someday.  It'd be
great to boot with a boot disk and know I was getting CD-ROM support
(otherwise I won't).

2.)  It doesn't seem like a big deal, but also I have this happen when
booting with my forced CD-ROM setup.  It says that the IRQ probe failed
(0).  Is there maybe a line I can put in my lilo.conf to help it
out?  Right now it takes my word for it that I have a CD-ROM but you
know, well some of us are a little bit anal about it all ;-)


[newbie] virtual consoles can't start x-server

1999-01-03 Thread Karen M. Heiby


What do I need to do to open another virtual console, and get it to run for ex.

I log in with password, and type KDE and get a bunch of messages about it not
being able to log into the x-server.
