Re: [newbie] no CD audio

2004-03-14 Thread J. Kelley Jernigan
On Sun, 2004-03-14 at 15:51, Margot wrote:
 I hope Totem works for you - it works fine for me on 9.2, but I 
 could never get Xmms or Kscd to work at all.
Same here. 
I have a new Dell 8300. I have found out that they are optimized for
the new Windows Media Players which play audio through the IDE cables.
I'll have to buy and install the audio cable before I can get anything
but Totem to work.

J. Kelley Jernigan
The Hovercrafters Resource
Registered Linux User # 282143
Mandrake 9.2
There is never enough time and money to do it right
 but there is enough time and money to do it over.

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Re: [newbie] Copying Files from CDROM

2004-03-13 Thread J. Kelley Jernigan
On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 07:15, Glenn wrote:
 On Wednesday 10 March 2004 05:44, Marco Verheul wrote:
  I assume you use KDE:
  Menu - Applications - File tools - File manager - Super User Mode
  This will open Konqueror as root. Fill in your root password and off you
 ... and I'll assume you're running 9.1 or earlier, since that was dropped in 

I was wondering what happened to it since I upgraded.
Any idea why it was dropped?

J. Kelley Jernigan
The Hovercrafters Resource
Registered Linux User # 282143
Mandrake 9.2
There is never enough time and money to do it right
 but there is enough time and money to do it over.

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[newbie] Mozilla 1.5 Fonts

2004-01-12 Thread J. Kelley Jernigan

To All,

I've upgraded to Mozilla 1.5 and now my fonts are crap on to many web
For those of you who use 1.5 what fonts do you use? 


J. Kelley Jernigan

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2004-01-12 Thread J. Kelley Jernigan
I was wondering why all my newbie messages just stopped, while I was
still getting messages from the expert list.
I've resubscribed so hopefully I will get messages again.


Hello all,

Sympa has all of a sudden decided that i do indeed need to see all
email bounced back to newbie.

Of the over 1500 subscribers, ~ 400 of them were bad addys.

Anyway, i have been unsubbing all these bad addresses.

I deeply apologize if i nuke anyone by accident.  If i do, please
let me know, and i'll resub you if you haven't beat me to it.
(I did accidentily nab a couple of you, but resubbed immediately, so
just ignore the bounce email if you are still getting list email).

Many of the bounces are from accounts that are over quota.
Please, make sure your email address can handle the load of this
list, and if you go on vacation, please set your mail to nomail.
See 8.2 on
for instructions.

Now back to your regularly scheduled insanity,

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[newbie] Any Messages getting through?

2004-01-12 Thread J. Kelley Jernigan
To All,

I stopped receiving any messages from this group for the past several
days. The Expert group works find.

Could someone reply to me directly if my messages are getting through?



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[newbie] Re: Messages to Newbie Linux Group

2004-01-12 Thread J. Kelley Jernigan

How to get the messages to go through though is an odd thing.
For every message I send I get an email from
SYMPA [EMAIL PROTECTED] asking me to approve my own messages.
After I have approved them via reply then they go through to the list.

J. Kelley Jernigan

On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 17:51, Jeff Gojkovich wrote:
 Messages are coming through.  Are you sure they are not getting caught in
 an e-mail filter somewhere.  The sending IP is to whitelist.

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[newbie] Mandrake Mirrors Down?

2003-03-04 Thread J. Kelley Jernigan
Are the mirrors down? All of them fail when I try to do Mandrake Update.
They worked yesterday.

J. kelley Jernigan

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[newbie] Mandrake Mirrors Down?

2003-03-04 Thread J. Kelley Jernigan

Are the mirrors down? All of them fail when I try to do Mandrake Update.
They worked yesterday.

J. Kelley Jernigan


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-16 Thread Kelley Jernigan
Well I plan on using MDK until they close the door and throw away the key.

J. Kelley Jernigan
Registered Linux User # 282143

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Re: [newbie] Its official.... :-(

2003-01-15 Thread Kelley Jernigan
More info

On Wednesday 15 January 2003 4:30 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Mandrake has filed for bankruptcy...

 Follow this link... :-(

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Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-10 Thread Kelley Jernigan
What a lot of nonsence. If it were about oil the Best thing the USA could do 
is lift all of the sanctions. Then the US could have all the Iraqi oil it 
wanted to buy.


On Monday 06 January 2003 8:22 pm, Todd Franklin wrote:
 What gets me is that the whole Iraq thing is over the oil.  There's
 still no conclusive proof that they have weapons of mass destruction,
 but we know for sure they have vast amounts of oil.  In fact, the Bush
 administration has already divided it up amongst the oil companies.
  (primarily american I'm sure)  It makes me want to puke.  We know North
 Korea is making weapons-grade plutonium right now, but since there's no
 oil there, the Bush administration has decided  to use diplomacy
 instead of bombing them.  Hmm double standard?  And what ever happened
 to Bin Laden anyway?  Why haven't they gotten him?  Most advanced
 military in the world can't find one guy?  We've got sattelites that can
 find oil miles deep, but can't find one terrorist in a cave!  GR!
 Sorry about the rant, but here I sit in the midwestern US, I was layed
 off in April 02 and I can't find a job, my unemployment has been cut
 off, the economy is going to hell, and this f***ing moronic
 administration is slowly taking away our rights.  Pretty soon the only
 US constitutional right left will be to own a gun so we can blow our own
 heads off.


 Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Sunday 05 January 2003 05:28 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 05 Jan 2003 6:38 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 What I can't figure out is who here in the US wants a world empire and
 why they think it's a good idea.
 Ain't that true the world over?  How many people really do?
 I raised 5 kids and that is all the squabling
 I care to endure.  I also don't feel threatened by anyone else, other
 than terrorists and they can be homegrown just as easily as from
 somewhere else. We all need to just chill, kick back with a Bud or
 Guiness or what ever your taste may be and watch Gilligan's Island for
 60 hours straight. That would cure a lot of world funk. :  )
 Unfortunately two or three idiots can turn a world upside down.
 ...and 60 hours of Gilligan is certain to reduce anyone to a babbling
 (I think we've set a new list record for simultaneous OT threads -- three
  by my count. Oh well, it's the weekend. Damn glad I don't pay by the
  minute, though.)
 -- cmg
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J. Kelley Jernigan

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Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-10 Thread Kelley Jernigan
Why is it that people miss that the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty was 
made with a country that no longer exists?
Any treaties that are made with any country that ceases to exist are null and 
void automatically.


On Thursday 09 January 2003 10:53 pm, bones wrote:
 Hell, everybody has strong feelings about this subject. I have resisted
 long but this post is really way beyond.


 There are two countries, X and Y.

 - X has made war to two other countries (to one of them with strong support
 by Y) and shot rockets against a third, it is _suspected_ to have weapons
 of mass destruction.

 (Todays news tell me though that it is _not_ likely they do, or even did -
 is the news in america different?)

 - Y is proven to _have_ weapons of mass destruction, is the only country
 that has actually used it and is willing to do so again. (see below: [1]).
 Has recently one-sidedly _broken_ the ABM treaty with russia to reduce
 nuclear weapons on both sides (Y is now stronger so the treaty is
 obsolete). [2] Y possess biological/chemical weapons and has recently
 ignored another international treaty they signed in 1972 that bans b+c
 weapons [4] . They have repeatedly attacked and invaded other
 (democratically elected) countries. [3]

 --- Which one is more dangerous? ---

 Do you sometimes question yourself and your position? How comes your are so

 You are with us or against us what a shit! I am against Bush _and_
 Fundamentalists, because they are basically the same to me.

 Some people may have hurt your feelings - well that's sad. But your country
 is going to _kill_ people - not just hurt their feelings.

 Is it better to kill than to cope with opposing views and maybe discover
 that you are wrong?


 But well it _is_ true that this is the place to discuss opposing views
 about KDE and Gnome  I just couldn't let it stand like this.
 The Pentagon's newly revised, secret-but-leaked nuclear posture review
 lists not just one or two, but at least seven nations that may conceivably
 qualify as targets for nuclear attack by the United States. The potential
 bull's-eyes include not only the usual axis of evil-also known as Iran,
 Iraq and North Korea-but Libya and Syria, as well as our friends in China
 and Russia.
 government site: (and)
 bbc :

 The United States has given Russia formal notice that it will withdraw
 from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in six months, President Bush
 said December 13.
 links: same as above

 IRAN 1953
 CIA directs overthrow of elected left-leaning government, installs Shah.

 Army coup assisted to an unknown degree by CIA; left-leaning elected
 government toppled; between 250,000 to 1,000,000 lives lost.

 CHILE 1973
 CIA-backed coup ousts elected leftist president; rightist dictator

 By means of repetitive coups the US-backed army has ousted the
 democratically elected parties for several times.

 The Bush administration has found another international agreement to
 spurn. This time it's a draft agreement to enforce a 1972 treaty banning
 biological weapons, an agreement backed by Britain and other European

J. Kelley Jernigan

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[newbie] Konsole Help

2002-11-02 Thread Kelley Jernigan

For some reason Konsole has stop working. Both the regular and SU terminals.
I get the following message:
Could not fine service 'Terminals/knonsole.desktop'.
I'm using MDK 9.0 and I did check under hidden files to see if the konsoles 
were still there, and they are.
J. Kelley Jernigan
The Hovercrafters Resource

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Re: [newbie] .bin

2002-10-27 Thread J. Kelley Jernigan
I tried that for Limewire as Root and it told me I didn't have permission.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] .bin

 It's like an .exe file in Winsux--just run it:

   ./whatever.bin Enter

 You may have to be root.


  On Wednesday 23 October 2002 03:18 pm, andy wrote:
   How do you install .bin files?

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