Re: [newbie] Gramofile

2003-10-26 Thread Paul Clyne
At 03:14 PM 27/10/2003, you wrote:

On Sunday 26 October 2003 06:41 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

 Looks like your correct ,

 see image file,

 I 'm not used to thinking chinese.

Yea - I've always wondered whose idea it was to make red mean go... :-)
Red is often used on Industrial processes for Dangerous.

Device turns red when it is moving.

The same thinking applied to traffic lights means

Green = safe to enter intersection.
Red = Dangerous to enter intersection.

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.530 / Virus Database: 325 - Release Date: 22/10/2003
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RE: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-02 Thread Paul Clyne

Your going about it all wrong (as is everyone else on the list..  {myself included

He's your b/f.  Use some of that patended Microsoft FUD...

Some choice phrases along the lines of..

Well I dont think our interface is compatible anymore...

I don't want to catch any virus's (viri ?) from an infected system.  We can
no-longer (insert word of choice here)

Sorry, I no longer cook/wash/converse with closed systems.

Your certification has expired, you will have to sit the exam again. (ie :
woo me again, particulary helpfull if you subscribe to the valentins day theory)

If you dont use our (linux) product then the world will end..

Basically, the same sort of BS that MS have been using for years, just applied
to on a personal level.

If MS can use strongarm tactics then why not you !!

Hope it helps !!


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Re: [newbie] CivilEme petition.

2002-07-31 Thread Paul Clyne

 Well, I'm sure 90% of us will sign a petition anyway :-)! As everyone else

 mentioned, you're a great asset to Mandrake and all it's users. And so we

 should help you back, right?

I have only caught some of this thread, and it disturbs me deeply.  

Did I miss it or has no-one thought to as civilme what _he_ would like us to
do ?.

Possibly that would be a good starting point ..


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[newbie] Help with internet connection -SOLVED THANKS

2002-02-21 Thread Paul Clyne

A bit thanks to all who replied.  I have successfully got my connection 

Jeff Madore, I think yours was the final straw that broke the monsters 
back.  Thought I will admit that I'm ot 100% certain.

Erylon, the line you mentioned in /etc/sysconfig/network didn't actually 
seem to exist.

To all the others that said put DNS address in /etc/resolv.conf I did and 
that by itself didn't seem to work.  Additionally when I successfully did 
get on line kppp (?) had appended the DNS addresses to resolv.conf (thus I 
ended up havving the same DNS IP's appear twice in this file).

Thanks for all your help.


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Re: [newbie] Help with internet connection.

2002-02-18 Thread Paul Clyne

At 01:57 PM 18/02/02 +0530, Mario Michael da Costa wrote:

you can ping to your ISP ip i.e. but cannot open a
page like ?

Maybe I didn't make myself clear in my original email.  I can ping both the 
local and remote IP address as reported by Kppp but thats it.  I can not 
ping 'other' adresses (not even the DNS's as reported in the messages file)

if this is the case, then simply edit your /etc/resolv.conf and add
the entry of your ISP DNS resolver.

nameserverip_of_your_isp_secondary_dns_if available

 From my reading (which could be _very_ wrong) doesn't Kppp automatgically 
do this when the connection is established ?.  Just a question, not trying 
to show off...


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[newbie] Help with internet connection.

2002-02-17 Thread Paul Clyne

Hi all,

You help would be VERY appreciated..

I'm running MDK8.1 and for the life of me can not get my Internet 
connection to work properly.

I can dial, connect (all seems ok upto here) but can not connect to any 
named services.

I can ping the remote address given in kppp but I can not ping anything 
else.  More than a simple problem with DNS settings I think.

I've tailed the messages file and it reports nothing (that I consider) 
wierd, it even tells me that I have two nameservers assigned.

I've been through most of the 'network related' files in /etc can not see 
anything wrong (but remember I'm a newbie).

I've read various how-tos, pocket guides and done numerous searches on the 
web but It's beyond me.  Some documentation even seems to contradict other 
documentation so I'm getting more confused and frustrated.

Kppp (2.0.9), pppd (2.4.1), kernel (2.4.8-26mdk), what other information 
would be helpful ?

HELP. !!!

PS : please also directly reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (so as I don't miss 
any messages)

Thanks heaps in advance.

Paul Clyne

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Re: [newbie] manage command-line scroll

2001-09-02 Thread Paul Clyne

At 01:09 PM 9/2/01 -0700, you wrote:
Isn't there some way to control the way that
information is spewed out (more than a screenfull) in
Linux? I find the locate command so much better than

 ls | more

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Re: [newbie] manage command-line scroll

2001-09-02 Thread Paul Clyne

At 01:09 PM 9/2/01 -0700, you wrote:
Isn't there some way to control the way that
information is spewed out (more than a screenfull) in
Linux? I find the locate command so much better than

 Oopsie, my bad

 That should read

 locate file | more

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Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.

2001-07-18 Thread Paul Clyne

At 02:32 AM 7/16/01 +1000, you wrote:

This is about a *charity* that is giving computers to *poor* people. Chances
are that these people have hardly ever touched a computer, leave alone owning
one (no insensitivity intended). Do you think they can afford a copy of

Gotta add to this as this is a subject dear to my heart.

I recall reading/hearing somewhere that these _donated_ computers come from 
the donors (typically large companies) with Windblows already 
installed.  Now I'm not sure of the fine print but haven't the donor 
companies _already_ paid for the licence ?

Thus MS is effectively asking for payment twice for the same piece of 
software.  Most business I know realise that once you have paid for an item 
_once_ you own it (case in point : when you buy pavers for your house and 
then you sell your house, Boral doesn't expect the new owner to pay for the 
pavers a second time).

Couldn't the donor companies just sign a bit of paper saying donated - one 
old computer complete with windows   installed ?

Or is M$ a special case ??

Once again M$ have led the field in the ever increasing race to screw 
everyone.  Starting with the people who can _least_ afford it.

It's a bloody charity  M$ need to give a little and just say 
naughty.  We won't take it any further, if you just stop doing 
it.  Alternatively they could get a heart and allow the charity to install 
win95 on machines that _dont_ come pre-loaded (remember these are old 
machines so they probably won't run 2000/XP) subject to a 'cap' of {say} 
200 a year.

Alternatively, the charity could be innundated with offers of support from 
the linux community asking if they have considered linux / open 
office.  And pointing out that the support offered by mailing lists is very 

Possibly even the local linux users could come and offer to hand hold 
through the first couple of installs.

Now where was this charity located again ??

[newbie] Why does mouse go skitzo ?

2001-06-03 Thread Paul Clyne


Got a problem in MDK7.2.

When I start X all _begins_ fine.  After a while (I am unable to put a 
exact time here as it doesn't seem to be time based, more like _extreme_ 
hard disk activity (?)) the mouse goes mad.

Freezes, or disappears up into the top right corner.  Windows pushed to 
the rear will suddenly pop forward.  Menu items will get selected 'magically'.

As for hardware:- Trekker Wheel Mouse (PS2 standard), Nvidia TNT2 video, 
Sound Blaster 16 {thought I haven't got sound working yet}, Realteck 
RLT8029PCI network card, AMD 600 on GX-7IEX4 Motherboard, 128M Ram.

These problems do not manifest themselves in Win98 (dual boot, Linux on 
second Hard drive)

I'm out of ideas.  I've reinstalled (several times),looked for conflicts 
  but I've obviously missed something..

HELP !!!


Thanks in advance
