Re: [newbie] Reasons for Linux

2003-06-07 Thread Scott Thayer
On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 19:44:49 -0500
The Other [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 07 June 2003 05:07 pm, Cody Harris wrote:
  Can someone come up with a few good reasons to switch from XP to
  Linux? Someone wants to know the pros and cons and why he should
  -Cody Harris
 1.  My current system was designed from components I selected in the 
 Spring of 1998.  At that time Win98 wasn't out yet, or if it was I 
 didn't have the $100+ to upgrade to it.  I did get a copy of Windows 
 NT 4.0 for the ability to run programs in their own space, so that 
 one crashing app wouldn't take down the entire machine.
 How many flavors of Windows have been released since 1998?  Take that 
 number and multiply by $100+ to keep your Operating System current.
 I spent $80 for Mandrake 9.1 Power Pack, and I've already got it set 
 up to keep the Operating System current from free downloads on the 
 Internet.  How much will that save me over the next 5 years if I had 
 stayed with Windows?
 2.  I have no hard evidence to support this theory, but my gut tells 
 me that the hardware drivers in Linux are tighter code than in 
 Windows.  Linux drivers seem to offer better performance than the 
 comparable Windows driver.
 I speculate this might be because Linux is not a profit driven 
 Operating System.   This is significant.  The driver writers are not 
 faced with production deadlines.  This allows them to take their 
 time, test extensively, and tweak the code to the ninth degree.  As a 
 result the code is smaller and more efficient with less logic errors 
 (bugs).  I also speculate the Linux driver coders are doing it out of 
 a labor of love.  They have the hardware and they want Linux to be 
 able to talk to it.
 3.  From my very brief look into the Linux world and the Open ?Source? 
 concept, the documentation for the kernel and the drivers are made 
 public to everyone.  This allows talented programmers from around the 
 world to develop code that will integrate with another's code.  It's 
 a worldwide community of programmers all following the same 
 development guidelines.  The final code versions should be very 
 stable given the thousands of users/testers.  Windows will never have 
 the ability to have this amount of extensive testing.
 Summarizing my main selling points are:  1) Linux code is better, and 
 2) the Linux price is better.
 However, if you are dealing with computer illiterate people, a version 
 of Windows is probably better since Windows development has evolved 
 to make a desktop that is as human proof as possible.
 The Other
Except to virus-writers.

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Re: [newbie] cdwriter

2003-03-19 Thread Scott Thayer
On Wed, 19 Mar 2003 19:43:19 +0100
Jan Verstuyft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My cdwriter doesn't do what I asked him to do.
 Most of the time, he starts writing, and after a 20 Mb, he stops.  And,
 the funny part is that de leds of capslock and scrollock starts going
 on/off all the time.  For the rest, my machine crashed.  I couldn't do
 anything any more.
 The command that I use is
 cdrecord speed=1 dev=0,3,0 -isosize -data cdimage.raw
 I also tried it without de isosize flag, but it didn't work either.  
 I must be honest, it worked one time.  But that's it.
 Can you help me
 Kind regards
 Jan Verstuyft
 What output do you get from cdrecord -scanbus?

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Re: [newbie] xfce in beta 3

2003-02-11 Thread Scott Thayer
   Following up on civileme's post. I kept being really impressed w/ how well the 9.1 
beta 3 installer looked and worked and was pleased to see that the MCC network setup 
had been fixed for those of us w/ out DNS or default gateways, *but*  xfce is so 
borked in b3 - right mouse-button window-listing and selecting useless - that, with 
regret, I dropped back to 9.0, whre xfce works. 
   This reminds me that everybody on the list who's a Mandrake Club member should 
remember to use their two weekly votes for the apps they want to see working in 9.1.

   But if you have used 9.1 Beta3, you may have already discovered that
   bleeding edge can send a wind from your terminal screen to blow your hair
   back.  I wish releases were as nice as that beta.
 I have no idea what 9.1 final will be like, but if it is refined from the 
 Beta3 it is going to be great.  I have seen fewer problems with that beta 
 than with most of the regular distro releases (except 7.1).  One item of 
 annoyance on it is that STILL no one has taken the trouble to adapt Xfce to 
 Mandrake, and it functions poorly with taskbar items that make no sense and 
 no inherent ability to change itself.
 NO what I am saying is this Beta is the best I have seen among betas and 
 better than a lot of final releases.

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Re: [newbie] SBC Yahoo DSL Problem

2003-02-08 Thread Scott Thayer
I have been running SBC DSL on Mandrake for a couple of years, although I can't 
speak to what effect the recent upgrade to yahoo-DSL may have. (For once I'm 
planning not to fix something that isn't broken.)
I have had very good luck w/ Roaring Penguin's RP-PPPoE with and without the gui. 
The rpms are on the distro.  
The distro uses rp-pppoe to install adsl pppoe networking, but I have always had 
better luck explicitly installing it. Once installed, execute tkpppoe (or 
adsl-setup from CLI) as root and it will walk you through setting up your ADSL 
connection. Since you're installing from the mdk rpms, it will even show up on the 
Mandrake 9.0 menu under Networking Remote Acess.
On Sat, 08 Feb 2003 15:47:07 -0800

 Has anyone on this list been successful getting Mandrake 9.0  or RH8.0 
 to work on SBC Yahoo DSL?  I had been using DirectvInternet DSL for over 
 a year on my AMD 500 system so I know there is no hardware problem. If 
 you had luck using SBC DSL, pleae let me know what you did to get it to 
 work... I've tried auto and manual approaches, but so far have not had 
 any luck.  I have the primary and secondary DNS nos. and IP address, but 
 manually configuring does not seem to work...
 Thanks, Mick

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