Howdy, sorry about the delay, over run with work & education at the moment

----- Original Message -----
From: Andy Goth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 1999 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] LILO question

> > specify in a .pif file (program properties), so taht when the game is
> > it reboots to dos mode, specifcy a custom autoexec/config.sys, with
> > in them, and voila - no need for a dos partion for your situation ...
> Even with a stripped-down config.sys, Windows seems to have its icy grip
> on memory.  I had more conventional memory with DOS 6 and Windows 3.1
> than I do now with DOS 7/Windows 95.

have you had a look at the shutdown to dos mode? with a specified
config/autoexec, you can actually reclaim a fair chunk of memory, with about
40k being used for, and without EMM386/IFSHLP.SYS and HIMEM.SYS,
you've probably got the best you're going to get with as little effort as

> > (even though we're technically off-topic) =]
> We're talking about a use for LILO, aren't we?

*grin* you wouldn't have a closet interest in politics or law would you???


(again, sorry about the delay in posting)

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