[newbie] List Adminstration question

2001-03-18 Thread aifusionextreme

Can somebody please tell me how to get off this 
list ? I have been trying for weeks and its starting to really bug me. 

Since the list mailer doesnt change any of the mail 
headers, I do not know what address it is sending to and so cant cancel it since 
it only works by FULL email address. I get all mail to the domain 
aifusionextreme.netscapeonline.co.uk and could have used 

Please end my subscription to thsi list now. 

[newbie] List help: email address and halt command ?

2001-01-24 Thread aifusionextreme


I am going on holiday and would like to suspend the 
emails, I recall something like this is possible, but cant recall how. Can 
anybody fill me in ? 

I also need to know how I can find out with what 
email address I registered, since my ISP gives me whole domain my email address 
can be anything @sub-domain.co.uk and I cant remeber what I used. The forwarded 
amils dont seem to include a to address to me, at least in outlook anyway. 


[newbie] FYI - Reason for boot hang 7.1 7.1

2001-01-04 Thread aifusionextreme

Aftermonths of hassles trying to get 7.1 and 
7.2 to run on my system (Kernel locks in bootup)I have tracked it down to 
one of two things: 

It doesnt like my Canapus Spectra 2500 or my 2x 
Diamond Monster 3D II in Sli mode, both of which were fairly main stream cards a 
year or two ago. So much for increased hardware support and 

Re: [newbie] Boot disk for Kernel 2.4

2000-12-25 Thread aifusionextreme

Problem is that the boot disk uses the same ro similiar kernel and so locks
up at the exact same place. Even if I run linux in single user or maintaince
mode, it locks up at the same point every time.

So what I need is a boot disk/image for 2.4. I can get he source from
kernel.org, but cant compile it, I cant get the RPM from mandrake, but cant
extract the compiled kernel from the RPM in windows ( at least to my
knowledge there isnt a windows RPM package ), so I am stuck.

My only hope for linux seems to be wait, yet again, for a further release of
mandrake which includes the 2.4 kernel.

A question for all you linux folk, but first let me say I am very keen on
linux, hence my efforst to get it running over the last year. My question is
how can linux be expected to complete with other operating systems if it
just hangs and locks every time there is something it doesnt like ? Even
windows, which I freely admit has been the bane of alsmost all my troubles,
does not just hang on unknown hardware. It might be take extreme sweat and
frustration to get it to recnigse a peice of hardware, but the lack of a
driver does not disrupt the rest of the OS ( assuming its not somethiugn
essential like a CPU ) Similiar comments for Beos etc..., only linux seems
unfriendly to my system to the determent of the enitre OS.

Thanks for the response.

- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2000 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Boot disk for Kernel 2.4

 On Sunday 24 December 2000 13:49, you wrote:

  I have been unable to  get any of the 2.2 kernels to work, they just
  on boot-up. I want to try some of the beta 2.4 kernels, but since I cant
  get into linux, I cant install them,. Is there any way to make a boot
  with the 2.4 kernel, which will boot into the current install of 7.2 ?

 Do you still have the boot disk you made when you installed Mandrake to
 with? Use that one to get in and then do what you have to do to make a
 disk for the newer kernel.


 "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being
 "Sharing is what makes them powerful."

 Linus Torvalds

[newbie] Boot disk for Kernel 2.4

2000-12-24 Thread aifusionextreme


I have been unable to get any of the 2.2 
kernels to work, they just hang on boot-up. I want to try some of the beta 2.4 
kernels, but since I cant get into linux, I cant install them,. Is there any way 
to make a boot disk with the 2.4 kernel, which will boot into the current 
install of 7.2 ?



[newbie] Boot-up Issue 7.1 7.2

2000-12-02 Thread aifusionextreme


Can anybody tell me how to go about troubleshooting 
this issue. My install of 7.2 goes fine, I do not istall networking. But when 
the system is rebooted it locks up. I had the same issue with 7.1, and was 
hoping 7.2 would fix it. 

I have included a screen shot from the digital 
camera so you can see where it jams. 

Thank in advance


[newbie] 7.1 Boot-up Woes

2000-08-08 Thread aifusionextreme

I installed 7.1 without a hitch, it rebooted and 
 Hung! Rather anoying.

I am a newbie so I no idea how to go about 
fixing it, so here are a few questions: 

1) My first issue is grub, how do I change 
runlevels from grub ? With lilo you could run "linux 1" and "linux 3", 
grub doesnt seem offer this in an obvious way. 

2) It jams ( even cntrl-alt-delete doesnt work ) 
after reporting the last ide information where it mentions the modes etc... So 
one option is that the HD optimizations are causing a problem. I assume that 7.1 
uses HDPARM like 7.0, but I recall that you can turn hd optimzations on/off from 
a config file. Can anybody point to this file so that when 1 above is solved I 
can turn them off. 

3) I have a PCI PCMCIA Adapter which could be 
causing this issue as it caused major headaches even in windows. How can I 
diable it from hardware confiuration ? 

4) What logs can I look at ( assuming I can get in 
) to work out what is causing the issue ? 

Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated/ 

My system ( in case it helps ): 

TMC TI5-VGF 2MB Motherboard
AMD k6-III 400
Promise ATA-66 PCI controller
MAxtor 40GB ATA-66
Canapus Spectra 2500 16MB
Diamond Monster 3D II x2 
HP CD Writer 8100i
Encore 6x DVD DXr3 
Texas Instruments PCI PCMCIA 
PCMCIA Wavelan Silver 11Mbs Ethernet 
SB Live!

Thanks in adance


[newbie] Install problems with both 7.0 and 7.1

2000-06-24 Thread aifusionextreme

While trying to install 7.0, it jams on the second 
stage install ( when the message is written on the screen). Complete lockout, 
even the off switch doesnt function which means the bios is jamed as well. 

With 7.1, this isnt an issue, but when it reaches 
the new "find PCMCIA devices" screen, it jams wen a I say yes and it jams when I 
say no. 

On 7.0, using the pcmcia image during the beggining 
of the installtion worked fine. I got a beep and everything ( which I assumed 
meant it detected the PCMCIA card and adapter). 

I have a PCMCIA ethernet card which I would like 
installed in the install. But am willing to leave it out and do it later if 
needed, but as mentioned even if I say no to the PCMCIA detection it jams. 

So basically I cant install 7.0 or 7.1 on that box. 
Any ideas ?

Details of box:

MB: HOT565
CPU: AMD-K6-2 233
Memory: 168MB
CD: unknown
Grpahics card: S3

The Only other card is the Lucent PCI - PCMCIA 

[newbie] LILO Boot Magic install ?

2000-06-22 Thread aifusionextreme


I jave succesfully installed mandrake 7.0 before 
but on smaller dirves. When trying to install it on a 14 GB with only 1 
partition, everything appears fine, but once we reboot, instead of lilo I get a 
screen full of '01010101010101 ..' for ever or until reboot. 

So I thought I would give Bootmagic a try ( comes 
with the macmillian release ), but it says something about not liking a 
partition that is greater than 1023 cylenders or something.

Can anybody help me ascertain what restrictions 
there are for these boot managers, what can be done to correct it, and are there 
alternatives ( free ones ) that dont have these retricitons ? 


[newbie] Fw: LILO Boot Magic install ?

2000-06-22 Thread aifusionextreme

I have just caught up with the latest emails, seems 
a lot of poeple are experiencing the same thing. 

A lot of the suggestions have been that the mbr is 
messed up. This is not the case! I have fdisk it hundreds of time since getting 
this error and each time lilo installs the same happens. Windows boots fine, dos 
boots fine ( after a fdisk /mbr ) and the relavnt system install, it is just 
lilo and boot magic. One said he thought it was his HD, let me tell it has 
nothing to do with you r HD. I think it has to do with the size of the primary 
partition. At present I am not willing to play with the data on my HD as it is 
too critical to test this thoery, which is why I am trying to find out from 
those who know what the limitations on these two boot managers is. 

The only Clue is the size: 

Boot magic actually gives an error message which 
says that the primary partition must be in the first 1023 cylnders. Why is cares 
about the rest of the HD and not just the mbr I cant farthom. But there you have 
it. Since boot magic wont install and lilo does but fails I assume they both 
cant handle larger drives. When I installed before I had nice neat partitions 
around the 2-4 GB mark. I assume this didnt exceed the 1023 cylders option, 
assuming that this is the cause. Currently I have a 14GB and a 40GB. Both 
exitbite the same behavoiur. 

if any body with the no-how can help in confirming 
this theory or indictae what limitations the software might have the Please 
Help. It is not just me as you acan see from the posting. 

If there is a cyclionder limitation can you explain 
why a boot manager needs to know about anythning but the mbr ? 

More importantly how can go about fixing this 
bug ?

Thanks in advance


- Original Message - 
From: aifusionextreme 
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 8:31 PM
Subject: LILO  Boot Magic install ? 


I jave succesfully installed mandrake 7.0 before 
but on smaller dirves. When trying to install it on a 14 GB with only 1 
partition, everything appears fine, but once we reboot, instead of lilo I get a 
screen full of '01010101010101 ..' for ever or until reboot. 

So I thought I would give Bootmagic a try ( comes 
with the macmillian release ), but it says something about not liking a 
partition that is greater than 1023 cylenders or something.

Can anybody help me ascertain what restrictions 
there are for these boot managers, what can be done to correct it, and are there 
alternatives ( free ones ) that dont have these retricitons ? 


Re: [newbie] Fw: LILO Boot Magic install ?

2000-06-22 Thread aifusionextreme

Yes, I ahve 2, a 14GB and a 40GB. I use teh 14GB as my primary and win98se
machine and linux is installed onto the 40GB, but the boot manager will ggo
onto the 14GB which only has a primary partition. This means (i think ) that
it somehow gets more than 1023 cyclinders, which boot magic doesnt like and
assume lilo doesnt either.

Is bootman free ? I will give that a try.

- Original Message -
From: "Jeff Lee" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Fw: LILO  Boot Magic install ?

 I'm not very straight on the cylinder limitations...do you have more than
 one hard drive? but here's my setup, and hopefully, it might help you

 hdc1(8.4G total): linux swap
 hdc2: linux

 I've had LILO installed on hdc2, but have since moved it to hdc1.  For my
 boot manger, I use BeOS's (the free edition) bootman, which is installed
 hda1.  Setup is a breeze...just type bootman in the BeOS terminal, and
 it point to the boot partitions.

 At 08:42 PM 6/21/2000 +0100, you wrote:
 I have just caught up with the latest emails, seems a lot of poeple are
 experiencing the same thing.
 A lot of the suggestions have been that the mbr is messed up. This is not
 the case! I have fdisk it hundreds of time since getting this error and
 each time lilo installs the same happens. Windows boots fine, dos boots
 fine ( after a fdisk /mbr ) and the relavnt system install, it is just
 lilo and boot magic. One said he thought it was his HD, let me tell it
 nothing to do with you r HD. I think it has to do with the size of the
 primary partition. At present I am not willing to play with the data on
 HD as it is too critical to test this thoery, which is why I am trying to
 find out from those who know what the limitations on these two boot
 managers is.
 The only Clue is the size:
 Boot magic actually gives an error message which says that the primary
 partition must be in the first 1023 cylnders. Why is cares about the rest
 of the HD and not just the mbr I cant farthom. But there you have it.
 Since boot magic wont install and lilo does but fails I assume they both
 cant handle larger drives. When I installed before I had nice neat
 partitions around the 2-4 GB mark. I assume this didnt exceed the 1023
 cylders option, assuming that this is the cause. Currently I have a 14GB
 and a 40GB. Both exitbite the same behavoiur.
 if any body with the no-how can help in confirming this theory or
 what limitations the software might have the Please Help. It is not just
 me as you acan see from the posting.
 If there is a cyclionder limitation can you explain why a boot manager
 needs to know about anythning but the mbr ?
 More importantly how can go about fixing this bug  ?
 Thanks in advance
 - Original Message -
 From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]aifusionextreme
 Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 8:31 PM
 Subject: LILO  Boot Magic install ?
 I jave succesfully installed mandrake 7.0 before but on smaller dirves.
 When trying to install it on a 14 GB with only 1 partition, everything
 appears fine, but once we reboot, instead of lilo I get a screen full of
 '01010101010101 ..' for ever or until reboot.
 So I thought I would give Bootmagic a try ( comes with the macmillian
 release ), but it says something about not liking a partition that is
 greater than 1023 cylenders or something.
 Can anybody help me ascertain what restrictions there are for these boot
 managers, what can be done to correct it, and are there alternatives

 free ones ) that dont have these retricitons ?

Re: [newbie] Serial Mouse Hell - VICTORY - I defeated the machine

2000-05-22 Thread aifusionextreme

Seems a padded cell wont be needed (close one though :-D ) .

I did the below and still nothing, then after about 1.5 hours I discovered
that the mouse was actually on ttyS3-com4 (hmmm ), but it didnt work
properly, very unresponsive and blocky. So began the proticol hunt.

Murphy helped me out by making sure the last one I tried was the one needed.

I have never heard of "Mouse systems" but it and my genius mouse 3 get along
just great, and so it was that I won the battle between machine and wits
 Hope - mans greatest asset, and mans greatest curse ).

Thanks for the help.

Until the next battle, may linus be with you 

- Original Message -
From: "Christopher Molnar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2000 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Serial Mouse Hell

 Skip the padded cell but check you BIOS setting first. Is the serial
 ports set up to AUTO ASSIGN IRQ's and port address? If yes, change it to a
 set irq/port address. Linux doesn't do well with the auto-assign on ports
 in bios. (talking from experience).

 Please let me know if that helps.


 On Sun, 21 May 2000, Raptor wrote:

  I have just installed Mandrake 7.0 air on a k6-2 233. I installed it
fine on my k6-III 400 with a PS/2 mouse.
  the 233 has no ps/2 port. So I use a serial mouse. I have both a genius
( mouse model : 3 ) and time computers mouse ( whatever that is in reality I
dont know ) and I cant get either to work.
  I have tried wiht mouseconfig all sorts of mouses (I told its not mice
when refering to computers ) on both ttyS0  1. It should be on com2
(ttyS1). But whenever I boot up the x-cursor is there, but it doesnt respond
to movement or clicks.
  I have spend over 3 hours on this know and think I am loosing my sanity.
  If anybody out there knows of any tricks etc.. to check or get these
mice workign I would be greatfull ( you may save me from a padded cell ) .

[newbie] named service and mandrake 7 ????

2000-05-12 Thread aifusionextreme


I have been trying toget on the inet, and got hold 
of some docs to do it and confiure the DNS etc.., but they all seem to assume 
that named is a standard service, which I am sure it is, but I dont seem to have 

I tried the linuxconf startup and its not there, 
also did a search on the HD and found nothing. Why isnt it included in 
mandrake ? 

More importantly where can I get it, and how does 
one install a new servcie.
