[newbie] Word Perfect for Linux

2001-04-20 Thread cedric

I've used WP 8 with RH 6.2 now for over a year.
Now that I switched to Mandrake 7.2, WP will not install.
During installation, I get an:
'can't load library libm.so.5' error message.

Went to Corel.com to see about another version of WP.
There are none.

Went to rpmfind.net to see about 'libm.so.5,' no such file listed under 'l.'

Any ideas on what to do?
No, i'd prefer not to go back to RH.


[newbie] Screen resolution - Update

2001-04-19 Thread cedric

The resolution is correct when a photo is opened in the file manager or The 
Gimp and other viewers. It is not correct when used as background.

Also, there is a line running perpendicular right in the middle of the 
screen. When I move a dialog box, this line leaves tracks.

I accepted the defaults given at installation, then had to change monitors 
even though the default was correct. The video card was ok.

I changed settings in DrakConf, Screen Resolution, many times.
I've used every setting in xf86config that is even close to my set up.

I'm sure xf86conifig configures /etc/X11/XF86Config.
Which file does 'DrakConf, Screen Resolution,' configure?

Any ideas welcome.

[newbie] screen resolution

2001-04-18 Thread cedric

Installed MDK 7.2 -- love it.
Can't get screen resolution right.
Tried to change with, DrakConf, Screen Resolution, with no luck.
Also, xf86config, no luck.

Which file is 'startkde' located in?
I should be able to do:
startkde -- -bpp -16.

Any help appreciated.

[newbie] gnumeric problem !!!

2001-04-18 Thread cedric

Saved a file in gnumeric.
This file was built and maintained for six months in gnumeric.
I was able to open, close, read, write and all that.
Now, that I have installed MDK 7.2,
the file shows as being zipped and gnumeric will not open it.
When I try to unzip it, the sys says it's already unzipped.

This file has very important data in it.
Yes, it's backed up in three different places but all three now show as being 
zipped. I can not open any of the three.
The file permission tab is blacked out.

Any ideas?

[newbie] Que de probs et jamais de réponses

1999-02-07 Thread Cedric GODART

a chaque fois que j'envoie un 
j'ai jamais de réponse et sur les 
c'est pas plus brillant
Mon cas est le suivant
Je travaille sous Mand. 5.2 
et j'aimerais passer sous KDE 1.2 machin
or faut être ingénieur pour s'y 
parmi tous ces paquetages à la con
qui donnent toujours des erreurs 
je n'ai pas la bibliothèque machin...
Faudrait un peu penser que si Linux
veut sortir du carcan des infromaticiens
faudra un peu simplifier les procédures
Moi je suis pas débutant (du moins en Win)
mais je dois avouer qu'en Linux c'est vraiment
très compliqué
Un truc tout bête : je viens de réinstaller 5.2 

et mon clavier est en QWERTY dans KDE
à n'y rien comprendre
et sous l'invite normale AZERTY j'ai changé 
en azerty machin dans le setup mais rien n'y 
Please Simplifiez un peu vos procédures d'installation 

Y a t il quelqu'un qui me comprend ?